Paul M. Dohse #wingnut
Let’s talk about root causes. All political victories start with your base being united and activated. The Democrat party is girded by leftist ideology; without leftist support, the party will collapse. Now, what is the crux of leftism? It’s self-esteem built on being better than others. It’s self-esteem and self-worth based on how many people worship you because you have what they don’t. People in general don’t realize there is a minority of people in the world seeking to be gods in their own right. As much as I like movies, movie stars have a god complex. Obviously. As much as I like many musicians, most have a god complex. As much as I like sports, many have a god complex. Journalists think they are the gatekeepers of truth and justice; that is, according to their own version.
And politicians primarily protect their right to godhood. There is a reason most musicians are politically left. There is a reason most athletes are politically left. There is a reason why most movie stars are politically left. There is a reason why movie stars are called before congress as expert witnesses on a variety of social issues which on its face makes no sense at all. They can act, or sing, and that makes them an expert on climate change?
And regardless of what seems to be the case, you never criticize God because any criticism of God must be based on a misunderstanding because our universal presupposition is that God is love and perfection. I agree with that; but such is hardly true of the press. We must ask ourselves why Trump’s “fake news” mantra is deemed sacrilegious by journalist icons like Chris Wallace despite overt and incessant misrepresentations of truth by the press. Obviously, the press deems itself above being questioned; to do so is a violation of the First Amendment via debate and contrary ideas which has never had anything to do with free speech. The opposite is true.
The essense of sin is a desire to control others. Sin is the basis for caste systems that dominate the world. Another angle on this is self-worth based on comparing yourself to others rather than being the best YOU that you can be.
Please note: leftist ideolgy is predicated on others being less. Self-worth is predicated on where you are located on the caste social ladder. Individualism makes all of that irrelevant. Individualism seeks its purpose in self-assessment that is true, earned, honorable, and pleasing to God; leftist ideology is predicated on being worshiped. It is predicated on being a legend in your own mind. The shortcut to all of that is being a victim; self-pity is not only self-worship, but a way to get worship from others on the cheap.
Trump, as an individualist, has committed the unpardonable sin. He is actually working to enable the little people to be the best they can be. In contrast, according to leftist ideology, the little people are preordained to worship the elite. And the best way to injure an individualist is to destroy his or hers legacy. “You didn’t build that.” Individualists want to be remembered by their truthful accomplishments and the example they set for others after them. They are purpose-driven.
The Democrats must satisfy their base, and we now know why their base was rabid over Trump being impeached. Rather than stating numerous examples such as what the actor Rob Reiner tweeted, I will give the thumbnail:
“Donald Trump will forever be known as the only third President in American history to be impeached.”
Bingo. That’s it; the goal was to inflict the ultimate injury. A political cartoon also shows Trump at the cleaners with mud on his suit labeled, “impeachment” and the clerk telling him, “that isn’t going to come out.” Again, bingo. My reply to the cartoon which appeared on Twitter follows:
“And that was the whole point of why they did it knowing that the stigma of impeachment is WHAT [impeachment, period, the big “P”] and not WHY especially in a low information society. They were going to find a reason to impeach him and when you have the majority it can be for eating a ham sandwich. Sad. Petty. Evil.”
The tweet was pulled down shortly thereafter and I am unable to find the cartoon.
This isn’t about Trump at all: he’s just the lightening rod for the whole issue; the collective rise of individuals leads to elitism and their lust for godhood being diminished. Individualism is the primary nemesis of caste.
And caste must confiscate every pursuit of individual liberty and happiness and demand that it be burned on its alter as a living sacrifice. And at some point, we the people must question our funding of these religions for our own entertainment.
While we celebrate their gifts, what they really want is the surrender of our right to exist other than what our existence contributes to their worship…which is our reasonable service in their eyes.