"Israel is a Jewish state that isn’t racism"
Technically no since Judaism is a religion and culture. Not a race. Just like to have an Islamic state isn't racist either since Islam is not a race. A person of any race can be Jewish or a Muslim, and there are Jews and Muslims of all races. HOWEVER, it borders on or flat out IS a theocracy to have a religious state. The Israeli government also DOES sometimes treat Jewishness as if it were an ethnicity or race by the way they and their supporters treat non-Jewish Palestinians and Arabs in their territory (some of it illegally acquired). There is evidence of widespread undercurrents of racism from Ashkenazi (white) Jews towards non-white Jews (such as Sephardi, Mizrahi and "Falasha" Jews) in Israel. There is also a good undercurrent of racism against ethnic Jews and blacks in most if not all Middle Eastern and North African countries. Many black and mixed black/Berber people, such as the Haratin, are still slaves in several North African countries.
"It is open season on Whites in South Africa"
While there have been about 5,000 white South African farmers killed by roving gangs over the past couple of decades and the South African govt hasn't done enough to stop or solve it, it's hardly "open season" on white people in South Africa. The number of hate crimes against Muslims, Arabs, blacks and Hispanics in Western countries has spiked since the early 2000s and Neo-Nazi/Skinhead membership is at its highest point since the 1920s-1940. That doesn't mean it's "open season" on non-white people in the West.
"just try immigrating to one of the BRICs nations"
1) Why didn't he capitalize the "S" in BRICS? Was that a slight towards South Africa?
2) Uh, a lot of white people do. In fact, Russia is over 93% white. XD South Africa is ~10% white. Can you name any Western nations other than the US that is 10% or more black?