Napoleon de Geso
My life plans
Plan A: finding cute adorable loli waifu of culture. This is not just breeding, this is religious thing, and sacred quest of enlightenment
Plan B: banging pretty whores. May require SEAmaxxing, if my broken white card could be usefull at all, if no - it could help for next plan then
Plan C: escortmaxxing with pretty whores
Plan D: copemaxxing or heromaxxing
Lowering standards and trying to go after ugly femorloids, or betabuxx for worn-out walhitter roasties is no plan. Why shoud I, when it is disgusting, and shamefull, and better options I have, like going to prostitutres, or using my hand for fapping while looking at cute animu lolis
Tfu again on my former "best friend", who wanted me to include ugly femorloids and walhitters to my plans, let he be squashed by panzer
[anime cheerleader]