Judith Rose #transphobia #conspiracy radar.gaysagainstgroomers.com
Whether they choose it or not, today trans-identifying young people are at a higher risk of being sexually trafficked in a situation they cannot escape.
The dots are easy to connect. A young person is drawn into changing their identity through gender ideology, a cult-like school of thought that rejects questioning, and lured away from their family either through the state or a stranger online that coaxes (or grooms) them into leaving their family to live a transgender life. State systems and traffickers alike would prefer to benefit from this process, which is why many public educators (in state-funded schools) are introducing children to new and confusing sexual concepts to give children the initial nudge into adopting a trans identity and splitting from their families (either legally or illegally). Parents in some states are threatened with loss of custody of their children if they do not comply. The rest is done through peer and online pressure.
To perfect this system, the lower tiers have no idea that they are grooming children for potential trafficking. Educators and allies alike believe they have adopted the new gender-inclusive LGBTQ+ ideology for the sake of empathy, inclusion, and affirmation to “save the trans kids.” But the more youth that identify as trans and post themselves online, the larger the catalog for traffickers becomes. The more children that cry to be legally separated from their “abusive” non-accepting families, the more money a state can claim by funneling them into the foster care system. And is it a coincidence that these vulnerable children are being encouraged to delay puberty using 'puberty blockers'—the same drugs employed in the chemical castration of sex offenders—ultimately prolonging their prepubescent appearance? Combine this with the fact that the average parent has no control over what their child is viewing on the internet. It creates a predator's paradise.
If we do not work to reel in and repair the damage done by gender ideology, we risk thousands of children experiencing what no child or human being should ever experience: SEX TRAFFICKING.