Justice4Europe #racist stormfront.org
(NOTE: I have no idea which one of those two is a bigger retard, so I'll just go with the classic nazi)
Finally found time to dismantle some of the arguments. I have waited for writing the response until I got access to my PC, because I'm not going to write a wall of text on a smartphone or tablet. This is going to be fun.
(Communism got to Poland, because of Nazi Germany's great failure in the Operation Barbarossa.
Had Nazi Germany not had invaded Poland, and waited for a Soviet Westward offensive, then the Soviets would have been the bad guys, and a coalition including Poles could have flushed them out.)
NS Germany failed not only at Operation Barbarossa but at some other offensives because of treason from within. The so-called 'German resistance to Nazism' is the best example for treason. Out of the 70 German officers that were part of the anti-National Socialist coalition, who were even willing to conspire with our own enemies, the Allies, 55 were German aristocrats. Many of them ironically sympathised with Marxism, even though Marxism explicitly tries to wipe out the aristocracy of any country it infests, so they even were against the banishment of the KPD (Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands -- Communist Party of Germany) when Hitler came to power. A ban that wasn't the work of Hitler, by the way, but of Paul von Hindenburg, the Reichspräsident -- the German president who appointed Hitler as chancellor on January 30, 1933.
Now, there were multiple problems during Operation Barbarossa, mainly caused by, as already implied, treason from the aristocracy. The Germans had a very capable intelligence apparatus, and they did plenty of reconnaissance flights on Soviet territory.
Intelligence officers created very detailed maps of the Soviet Union that would have helped massively in the war effort. The problem though was that they did not release those maps. They also refused to notify the Führer and his general staff about the useful information they collected. The maps that were released, though, were misleading. For example, much of the information presented on them relied on maps from the year 1865. Dirt roads and the like which became impassable after rain and snow, were presented as modern, asphalted streets.
The intelligence service was also aware that the Soviets had very capable tanks, such as the KV-I, KV-II and T-34. The latter had bevelled armor which rendered German anti-tank guns next to useless. They did not inform anyone about it, so the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS made acquaintance with tanks they did not anticipate, which made things very chaotic as they were superior to the German tanks.
When Operation Barbarossa started Hitler and the general staff were only aware of 50 rifle divisions and 8 tank divisions. The intelligence serve knew the actual numbers beforehand: 269 divisions (of which 46 were tank divisions) & 18 brigades.
When Kalinin was conquered by the Germans, it would have taken only one more day to arrive in Moscow. Instead, the officers requested an attack on an unimportant city called Torzhok which was a hundred miles North of Kalinin.
Furthermore Hitler never wanted to conquer Stalingrad per se, what he wanted was to conquer the Caucasus as 80% of the oil refineries & the oil of the Soviet Union was there. Thanks to the treason of German officers the German army became splitted, so one part attempted to conquer the oil fields while the other part attempted to conquer Stalingrad, which was completely senseless and murderous. There was no point in doing so. Needless to say that both operations ended up failing.
There are many more examples of treason in regard to the Russia campaign, and of course the Normandy, and so on and so forth.
(All those so called peace offerings were German sided, why should Poland give territory to the Germans?)
Poland had no right to take lands that were majority German. This is simple logic. Hitler's peace offerings were not that German sided, in fact, much of it was at the expense of the German population. All he wanted was that Danzig returns to the Reich as well as a Autobahn and a railway line that would connect the city with German territory. The Autobahn and the railway line were supposed to be built by Poles with Polish materials so as to decrease the high unemployment rate of your country.
Germany already made a lot of concessions in regard to Eastern territories that were part of the German Empire but got lost with the establishment of the Second Polish Republic. Hitler went much further with those concessions than any of the Weimar politicians between 1919 and 1932; in fact, most of them wanted to bring an end to Polish sovereignty, which Hitler didn't want at all.
(So, Nazi Germany was a war mongering, hyper-paranoid state?
Oversimplification at its finest. Maybe you should re-read the part of the post you quoted; or better yet, re-read the entirety of the post because you keep making the same arguments, despite being presented with different views. It's like talking to a wall.
(What happened in Dresden is akin to what happened in Warsaw.)
No, not really. Dresden was a hospital city, and had about 50,000 prisoners of war. Half a million Germans, almost all of them being civilians, were senselessly killed in a night or two. The Warsaw uprising was, as the name already suggests, an uprising against the Germans... while the Germans and their allies fought a deadly war against bolshevism and, how I like to call it, 'democratic imperialism.'
(But, I suppose "Western Europeans" are just great spirited, peaceful people. sure.)
Very constructive of you.
But yes, you Poles are so poor. You are almighty and are eternal victims of 'Nazi' oppression. That you kicked out 11-12 million Germans from territories they have inhabitated for over 700 years was such a peaceful act by your people.
See? I can play the victim card too. But that's a different subject altogether. Stop playing the victim card, in other words; your people are just as guilty for outbreak of the worst war of all times as are the Allies.
(How were Nazi Germans not chauvinists?
They thought of a Dolichocephalic super Human Germanic Aryan, of non-Aryan Brachycephalic sub-Human Slavs.
Of course the exact opposite is true, Slavs have more Aryan DNA.
Furthermore Dolichocephalic is a primate trait.)
I bet you also believe that Generalplan Ost actually existed, and all the other made up bullsh*t for which there is no evidence whatsoever.
(Nazi Germans were expelling Poles out of Poland during WW2, so they did the exact same thing.)
I want to see evidence for the alleged expulsion of Poles on Polish territories in WWII. I have never heard of such an event, not even from the official historiography, and that's saying something.