Brad Griffin (aka Hunter Wallace) #racist

[From: "Ta-Nehisi Coates on The Lost Cause"]
John C. Calhoun argued that African-Americans were unworthy and that freedom would prove to be a curse rather than a blessing to them. The last 150 years of American history has proven that Calhoun was right. Freedom failed. Black people have used their freedom to spread ebonics, organize flash mobs, collect welfare checks, sell crack on street corners, impregnate teenagers, and murder and assault each other while contributing virtually nothing of value except the super soaker water gun to the progress of human species.


The history of post-colonial Africa has shown the ability of black people to take over prosperous countries like Ghana, Congo and Rhodesia and utterly destroy them. Similarly, America's great cities like Birmingham and Detroit have also been destroyed by African-Americans.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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