Lance Goodall #homophobia #fundie #wingnut
Some believe that Southern Baptist Seminary President and likely upcoming SBC President, Albert Mohler, is a hero of the Conservative Resurgence. In fact, Mohler is no hero for conservative causes.
A more careful examination of Albert Mohler reveals he has overseen a subtle but hostile takeover of the SBC by Critical Race Theorists, feminists, and Cultural Marxists and has platformed the most radical woke Social Gospel advocates under the sun. While saying one thing, Mohler has proven himself to almost always be doing the opposite of what he preaches.
One of the more tragic aspects of Mohler’s compromise is on the subject of the ‘gay Christian’ movement. Evangelicalism has been bombarded by homosexual “experts” on human sexuality who pretend to be believers but who are not set free of their queer desires. Mohler has embraced these “Same-Sex Attracted” self-promoting faux-martyrs and bid them swift godspeed to corrupt the church.
Mohler’s full support of the same-sex attracted narrative is also shown in his promotion of the book “Is God anti-gay?” written by Sam Allberry, a same-sex attracted priest in the Church of England. Allberry has publicly described himself as having “sexual, romantic and deep emotional attractions to people of the same sex,” and his book claims to offer a positive and liberating way forward for the same-sex attracted. Mohler applauds the ministry of Allberry and stresses that his book is full of “biblical wisdom.”
In contrast to the secular worldview espoused by Mohler, Dr. Williams affirms the biblical response stating, “Same-sex attraction, which Mohler wants the Church to embrace, is a sterile, unnatural perversion that denies the creation of God.”
The evidence outlined in this video makes a compelling argument that Albert Mohler’s accommodation to progressive ideologies and worldviews will not only destroy the Southern Baptist Convention, but indicates that Mohler’s theological error is a direct attack on what the Word of God declares regarding the sin of homosexuality.