
VINCENT LAW #sexist altright.com

Women Are Nature’s Greatest Nationalists

...just not in the West.

I’ve noticed a trend in Russia. The women are way more hardcore and patriotic than the men. Which on the face of it, is frankly, bizarre.

I have a working theory to explain this phenomenon. In Game theory, there is the tribal element of human relations that is explored in detail. One of the more interesting concepts is hard to swallow and this Crimson pill may have the answer to this phenomenon that I am seeing—

The girls in Russia, regardless of what city I am in or what political orientation they hold, are racists. And they are racists for the exact same reason(s), that they almost all repeat to me at one time or another.

I don’t like feeling unsafe walking home at night. Remove Hachi.
I don’t like the way they look with their sullen, poo-colored eyes. Remove Hachi.
I want to wear dresses and high heels without browns harassing me. Remove Hachi.
That’s all the reason these chicks need. But Russian men have been like limp dishrags, at least in some of the places I’ve been. And these are the younger generation, the Millenials that I am talking about. The young men are skinnier, less based, and more tolerant than their hardcore 90s era predecessors.

But the women remain hardcore. Why is this?

Well, try this scenario on for size. Two tribes face off in pre-historic times and one tribe wins. What happens to the men of the loser tribe? They get slaughtered. And the women? They get taken as wives.

Now, the women that are captured by the winning tribe need to adjust to the trauma of losing their tribe and accepting the victors if they are to survive. Which means that evolutionary pressure may have selected for women with less tribal loyalty over time. Because the more loyal ones would have had a hard time adjusting and would have probably gotten killed as well.

So that’s the theory behind the “Females as Agents of Tribe Destruction” theory. But I’ve been trying to understand the context of the Russian situation and it doesn’t seem to fit the theory. And the reason is because this theory needs a caveat or at least to be broken into two parts — the early stage and the later stage of threat reaction.

Women are sub-rationally pursuing their own biological imperative at all time. This is an underlying assumption that I am not disputing.

But when a threat emerges, and the barbarians come to the gates, women do not just run into the arms of the invaders, as some of the more spergy auteests on the MGTOW Alt-Right allege.

Initially, it is the women that will spur the men of their own tribe to fight to defend them. It is the white feather phenomenon, where women would pin white feathers on soldiers in Britain who did not enlist to fight in the trenches.

And that is what I believe is happening in Russia. The young Russian women feel the hot breath of the hostile tribe on their necks with more aclarity than the young Russian men, and so they spur the men to defend them.

The men feel a reluctance to go as hardcore as the women because that would necessitate action. I’ve heard Russian girls say that muds are sub-humans with a casual breeziness that blew me away. They say these things though and then go back to being cute and being feminine girls. They aren’t going to pick up the AKs anytime soon, no matter how much they hate the hachis. But if a man starts thinking like this—there’s a chance he might have to act on his conclusions.

And so men are more careful in what they allow themselves to believe, or openly say. Because it has the potential to have actual consequences.

Only after women sniff the air and see which way the wind is blowing, and when the situation becomes dire do they start hedging their bets, or engaging in open treachery to their own tribe. This is arguably the state of Scandinavia and much of the Anglo-Sphere as things stand now.

But beyond the Hajnal line, there’s still some fight left—which is why I lay off the woman hate while I’m there.

Why bring this up now? Well, I’m back in DC for NPI and the stark difference in behavior really gets the noggin’ joggin’.

Just some food for thought for now.

Albionic American #sexist altright.com

A healthy white patriarchy doesn’t necessarily have to conscript white women to make them do the right thing, despite what Margaret Atwood shows in her ridiculous novel. Instead we just have to stop making escape routes so that white women can avoid their responsibility.

So, for example, if white women couldn’t readily go to college to get their useless degrees in liberal arts or the social sciences, and if American corporations stopped offering them useless imaginary jobs, then young white women would have to look around their communities to find productive white men of good character to marry and form families with them.

This system worked just fine to keep the white race in business for countless generations, and I don’t see why we can’t restore it in the 21st Century.

Vincent Law #racist altright.com

Allow me to expound on my assertion here, as I can already feel the George Lincoln Rockwell quotes being copy-pasted. If the Alt-Right is to become viable as a true Political entity, it must respect the culture of America when it comes to public perception.

Culture as I mean it is not determined by the quantity/quality of a nation’s classical music symphonies or even of historical moment density in the historic downtown, but rather the common attitude and morals that are held by the core of the country. When one watches American movies, you can clearly identify the patterns of how America likes to see itself portrayed. The ragtag motley underdog archetype is everywhere. Think for a moment how the media and the movies portray the good guys.

Are they uniform and cohesive? No, of course not. America sees herself as the ragtag group who makes jokes at their friend’s expense yet considers them family. America loves to be counted out, to face overwhelming odds from a uniform and cohesive authority structure.

If we can agree on this premise, then why is it that the Alt-Right strives to be the archetypical bad guy that all Americans have been conditioned to hate? I mean, we are the ragtag motley group of rebels when we are on the internet. We are the stuff of stories and movies, whether we like it or not.

So why then do Alt-Right street activists insist on shouting, “fuck niggers and kikes!” for the cameras IRL?

Think of it this way. What if we said this instead: “I march because I have no other choice, because my back is against the wall and the government has gone too far. There won’t be a future for me and my children if this continues.” One is a message of hard-edge authoritarianism, the other a message of resistance.

See, the Alt-Right is a group of people with very different ideologies, but the right wing authoritarian archetype that many seem to want to espouse will never fly with the people who we claim we fight for. Boiled down to its most simply form, our movement is White Nationalist. We believe that America was founded and intended to be an ethnostate and that the Founding Fathers fought tooth and nail against the Crown because they saw no future for themselves under a system of foreign control that denied them the rights to shape their own destiny.

The Alt-Right has the opportunity to present itself as an ideology which desperately does not want to see the heart and soul of their country changed, and which is going up against a coalition of anti-Whites the likes the world has never seen arrayed against the White race like this ever in its history.

I understand the pure rage that is felt by many in the movement, because if you are not angry it is easy to fall into despair. But there is no need for all that. Listen, the facts are on our side, the Founding Fathers are on our side, every single one of our shared European ancestors would be on our side in this fight as well, so why do is it that we continue to portray ourselves as a fringe minority?

The Alt-Right must become the party of reason, the party of American Reaction to the subversion of our democracy and the voice of the disenfranchised White class. There is no need to resort to Nazi flags, the Betsy Ross flag will do just fine because the meaning is the same, America for the White man.

Give the American people the motley underdogs that they want to root for, be the voice they are waiting to hear, not a call to oppress minorities but rather the voice of #resistance to the oppressive governent that espouses love for one’s own race and family against the iron boot of race-mixing state Totalitarianism. Tap into that archetype, don’t fight it.

Zyzz #racist altright.com

Anytime I ever meet a woman who admits to having with sex with a black guy, being attracted to one, or anything similar I pretty much infer they are absolute trash. Especially if I am out on a date with them.

I was on a date with a girl and it was going really good and then I nudged it towards race etc. she admitted there were differences between races and it's best to be with someone who is the same race as us. And the I was like oh that's great you're not a mud shark. She didn't know what that means so I told her. She then admits to having a one night stand with a black guy. I end it pretty quickly from there. I let her know that what she did was disgusting and unacceptable. The best part of it all was she was into me. And I rejected her simply because she had sex with a black guy.

Matt Parrott #fundie altright.com

My eternal instinct to empathize and attempt to be an altruist has pulled me over the years to try to find some way to excuse the homosexual nationalist. I ask myself, "What if I were a sexual queer? Would I not still be a sincere nationalist despite that?"

I've tried to construct this artifice of there being the "good ones" and the "bad ones."

Every time, I've been made an ass of as they repeatedly prove to be more of a self-amused and ambitious tightly wound clique of men who vehemently pursue a fixed anti-Christian, anti-family agenda than what I would like to imagine; decent men struggling with a specific incurable psychopathology. Part of it is perhaps on account of what draws homosexuals into nationalism and what that entails for their priorities.

For them, it's an attractive opportunity to gentrify their social and sexual circles, to revive implicitly white and rigorously elitist nineties buggery against a push for diversity, feminism, and social egalitarianism leveling gay subcultures.

I suppose that theoretically there could be some who genuinely belong in our movement. But most of them still belong in a bog.

Ris_Eruwaedhiel #racist altright.com

Black people aren't going anywhere. No matter how much they hate white people, deep down they realize that they need white people to live a decent life.

A nation without white people - compare Rhodesia with Zimbabwe.

Most non-whites are tribal - they are Indian or Chinese or Egyptian first and foremost, and perhaps only. The US to simply part ATM machine part Wal-Mart. Some dream of taking over at least a portion of the US by their wretched tribe - The Reconquista of the US Southwest or Moslem dawah.

I don't know how this is going to play out in the long run. The civic nationalist ideals of Pres. Trump and Steve Sailer only exist among white gentiles.

craicher #racist altright.com

Ask any teacher you know who works in a multicult public school how many blacks stand for the pledge each morning. Almost none.

Only the White kids stand and many or most of them halfheartedly (which I get) but the Black kids piss on the whole things with a smug, hateful look on their face. And this goes back to right at 9/11 when the pledge was instituted as a daily ritual.

America and Americans are White. It is our nation and the Blacks know it and hate it. What would one expect; that they be good Uncle Toms? I say good. They will be happy when we send them home.

Ain't nothing new under the sun.

AJ #sexist altright.com

Women are essentially children. Their concerns about the future extend out about a month, and their life philosophy runs no deeper than tracking what the people immediately around them think about them. Jews have weaponized womens hard-wired vanity and hedonism against white men, family-building, and traditional values. Being tattooed porn sluts was sold to them as the cutting edge identity, and their egos demanded that they conform.

And in the short term it pays off. They get a lot of attention for presenting themselves not only as pieces of meat, but by signaling to men that they're likely to put out. They won't understand how catastrophic this was for them until they're old and lonely. And even then, they will just lie to themselves, blame the patriarchy, etc., because it's not in their nature to be self-critical.

If you want to fix women, change the incentives. Attach a social cost, in the form of disapproval/ostracization, to self-destructive behaviors, and attach rewards to positive behaviors. That's what they understand. Carrot=approval, ego gratification. Stick=bad feelings, social anxiety.