
Eltrow #fundie atheistnetwork.com

I don't need to look for evidence beyond faith. It is the evidence that establishes my faith. Faith is the belief in the facts. You have sat in chairs and have come to have faith that if you sit in a chair it will support you. If you had some bad experience with chairs you might not have faith in chairs.

PK #fundie atheistnetwork.com

Hmm... Well bodies do decompose, and you do not know how often a new layer of soil was formed in that area. I am not so sure, but I think it takes about a decade for bones to decompose and turn into dust without, if they where not protected by a layer of soil or sand etc.

PK #fundie atheistnetwork.com

Hmm... Well bodies do decompose, and you do not know how often a new layer of soil was formed in that area. I am not so sure, but I think it takes about a decade for bones to decompose and turn into dust without, if they where not protected by a layer of soil or sand etc.

dreamboy #fundie atheistnetwork.com

The existence of an intelligent being is OBSERVABLE, by observing the creation of His works. He leaves these proofs of order, design in the universe for humans to discover His greatness, His absolute existence.

Why does He not reveal Himself physically? He has His reasons. In His proper time, He wiill. But for now, design in the universe and creation of life (specially intelliigent life like you and me) are sufficient. For now.....

Unblind #fundie atheistnetwork.com

[after being questioned on the logic of a particularly violent hadith involving a pregnant woman who blasphemed and was stabbed in the stomach]

Someone, (lets say a Jew) has highjacked an aeroplane with 200 people on board (lets say there all women, and lets say their all pregnant) and it is likely that the highjacker intends to fly it into a building. Would it be logical to shoot down that plane? Or let the highjacker to what he wishes? Is there logic in killing these pregnant women?

Katherine131 #fundie atheistnetwork.com

I can see where, yes, evolution would be completely reasonable if it weren't for the fact that it doesn't make sense. (Once again, my opinion, not calling you stupid or anything.) If anything, the world is devolving...considering most animals are shrinking due to pollution (alligators used to be some 40 feet long, Kangaroos used to be 8 feet high) and human lives, which for a while were becoming shorter and shorter, and now only becoming longer because of modern day medicine, not evolution. Please tell me your theories.

Carico #fundie atheistnetwork.com

If humans such as yourself had written the bible, then they would have thought that everyone would love Christ, just as you have. But humans did not write the bible which is why the bible prophecies the opposite prophecies that humans would come up with which have also come true. This is another proof that only an infallible entity like the Holy Spirit could have written the bible.