
Bradford C. Walker #crackpot #wingnut #homophobia empiresmustfall.blogspot.com

With regard to Afghanistan, I think the removal of US military presences there is primarily to give a narrative cover to the removal of media attention to the country while PMCs move in on behalf of Globohomo multinationals to secure the desired resources--mineral and otherwise--they want for their own operations, fair and foul alike. This necessarily will mean things usually called "war crimes" and "human rights violations" like wholesale slaughter of entire villages and trafficking of people to and from the country (along with opium, rare earth minerals, and more).

In short, far from being the end of Globohomo imperial ambition I have good reason to believe it's a shift in the regime running things, no different than what you see in Dune when Arrakis goes from Harkkonen to Atredies (and back again) because of how the elite want the resources--the Spice--to keep flowing without bothering them with the details.

Bradford C. Walker #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut empiresmustfall.blogspot.com

It is not disputed in serious places, or by serious people, that the West was a stronger, healthier, more vibrant and vital place before 1914 than after 1945. The contrarians on Official Media are the same people that tell you that the Wu Flu is legit, Fauci isn't a lying shitbag, and the US 2020 elections were not stolen. (Substitute similar local versions as you wish to get the point across to others.)

There was no accident, no hubris, etc. that made the first World War--and thus the Second--inevitable. The system of entangling alliances that lead Pricip's murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand to end with Europe butchering its finest men across France's fields in the West and the entire Baltic region in the East, that lead to entire paradigms of social order being cast down and replaced by outright Satanic substitutes, that struck the Doloros Stroke for the influence of the Church in the West, all of this was no accident of history. This was murder, cold and calculating premeditated murder with malice aforethought, and the beneficiaries today are the inheritors of the murderers what did it.

Until they are named, shamed, and put to the flame there is no future for the West or its surviving sons. The naming has begun. The shaming will follow, and so shall the flames and with all routes of escape to the East now closed the only truly inevitable thing now is that Empire falls.

Bradford C. Walker #wingnut #fundie empiresmustfall.blogspot.com

The dogma of the Death Cult requires running down and destroying the culture that is seeks to conquer. This is no different for hobby subcultures; by looking at the micro, we can identify the pattern at work and apply it to the macro level of operation because culture is fractal in its nature.

What is going on here? By seizing control of D&D, and steadily changing what D&D is and how it works, they are normalizing their dogma and othering the former culture in exactly the same way that the ancient world would go about this process with regard to religious practices: the mythology of the conquered is changed to denigrate it as weak and low-status as a flex while portraying the mythology of the conquerer as superior and high-status.


What are they lying to you--to your children--about in the schools? On TV? In feature films? On streaming services? Videogames? Why are you paying them to shit on you and yours? Narrative Warfare is real, it's been going on a long time, and much of what you were taught about the present and the past is a bald-faced lie. And that includes what they say about religion and God. Fix that, for these are flesh-and-blood people with names and addresses, and Empire falls.

Bradford C. Walker #wingnut #conspiracy empiresmustfall.blogspot.com

The Chauvin trial--the trial for the cop that's accused of killing George Floyd--began today. The prosecution has already demonstrated that they're fucking retards.

They're going to sandbag this prosecution, and Antifa--already present again in force in Minneapolis--is already planning to riot when (not if) the cop gets acquitted.

I say "when" because the riots will give the embattled Governor of Minnesota, Tim Walz, the political cover he will need to put down the threats to his power from within the state's institutions as well as clamp down on popular dissent against his rule-by-decree that the Wu Flu enabled heretofore.

The rioting this time will be targeted at the Governor's rivals within the Minnesota DFL as well as his party's enemies, which means it will not be confined to a narrow strip across the south side of Minneapolis with a few jabs into St. Paul. It will range further, specifically to exhaust an already depleated and demoralized Minneapolis Police Department and force those states on the adjacent suburbs as well as the Hennepin County Sheriff's Department and the Minnesota State Patrol.

This past week's warm-up, and attendent melt-off of the winter's snowpack and ice buildup, made this the earliest viable go time for rioting to go down. If the trial goes for the rest of March, and this weather holds, then by the time the acquital hits and the burnings start we'll be firmly into the Spring and fair-weather professional rioters will have no issue coming into town to do their thing.

The only uncertain thing is how fast they will spread their rioting into the surrounding suburbs, where they know the political support for Chauvin resides, because those same suburbs are full of the very shitlibs Antifa recruits from- they sure as shit don't recruit from working class neighborhoods or the ghettos. (The latter is a BLM preserve.)

Bradford C. Walker #conspiracy #pratt #wingnut empiresmustfall.blogspot.com

A laptop got stolen from Pelosi's office during the peaceful protest, and it is believed to be Special Operations using the protest (and protestors) to cover the operation, liking covered itself under the combination of the Stafford Act and the Emergency Powers that are still in effect because the whole of the United States remains under a State of Emergency.

And what's on that laptop? Undeniable evidence.

It can be of the fraud. It can be of the human trafficking her children (as with Biden's) is involved with. Whatever it is, it has Pelosi in a panic and that put entirety of the Thralls in the United States in a panic. Word went out fast to nail this shift in the narrative; it's also why the sudden deplatforming hit when and how it is- it's there to attempt to cut off Trump's ability to spread the word.

The problem is that Trump has direct, hardwired access to every last American via the Emergency Alert System. There is no way for the Thralls to stop that signal without stopping their own and going dark themselves; they may do so anyway, just to stop the God-Emperor, but by then it will be too late for them.

(…) They sense it, which explains the panic, but they can't perceive it so they're going to get it anyway and because none of them took the olive branch none of them will be spared.

Bradford C. Walker #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy empiresmustfall.blogspot.com

Remember those Wu Flu lockdowns killing off small businesses across the economy? This plays into the Repressive Tolerance paradigm. The businesses most likely to pick up those fired for their politics are small businesses, and not Big Corporate; kill them off until, at most, a handful remain that the Thralls can control and now those disemployments can not only stick, but actually do the intended damage and have the intended effect.

Cutting off access to infrastructure is the same idea. Wrongthink? No banking for you; no banking means no medicine, no housing, no food, etc.- especially after all phyiscal currency is removed and only digital payments are accepted. (This, by the way, is why you must resist all attempts as going cashless at all levels.) The lockdowns are a dry run.

I will note that this has happened to every country that, formally or otherwise, had a commitment to Freedom of Speech and diavowed Blasphemy as an offense- in other words, to a country that abandoned Christianity due to the Enlightenment. "Repressive Tolerance" is nothing more than an inversion of the praxis of Christianity, making it Satanic. This is Empire, and it is by the sin identified by the Supreme Dark Lord Vox Day that it begins to worm its way to what we see now.

Bradford C. Walker #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy empiresmustfall.blogspot.com

The video released purpoted to be Trump purported to be conceding is fake and gay. Commentors at Anonymous Conservative and at Vox Populi have noted and pointed out defects, artifacts, and other flaws revealing the video to be a fake just like the last one taken in that location was. Furthermore, what was said--while clearly intended to be taken by the enemy, the Thralls in the media, as concession--was not a concession speech; those have a specific form to them, ending with "and so I end my campaign" and that was never said.


Remember what I said about how Trump is playing this: a deliberate invocation of the Passion. That's performing the role of a martyr, and the risk is that one actually gets martyred, a risk Trump accepted. This plays into the enemy's virulent hatred of Trump; these symbolism-obsessed occulists recognize the scheme and recoil at the power put upon them, and it is like a source of strength for Trump. Yes, they will attempt to openly assassinate him if they feel sufficiently threatened, and they will before the 20th. All of the shilling, etc. shows how rattled they are.

Bradford C. Walker #fundie #wingnut empiresmustfall.blogspot.com

Let's move this to the God-Emperor.

What is The Plan?

We can now say that the plan has been to force--not merely "wake up"--but compel in the most humiliating manner possible the awareness in the remaining American nation that the country does not operate the way that the media says it is, that the government does not work the way they think it does, that the media is not what it says it is, etc. and all of this had to happen using Trump as a proxy for the American People before any actual remedies could be put into action.

Why? He needs their support, of course, but again remember that we're in the realm of theater here. Rhetoric-by-performance is the thing to keep in mind. Since most of Heritage America is nominally Christian, the symbolism of Christianity is what is certain to resonate here.

What we see here is Trump deliberately recreating The Passion of the Christ as a means of forcing the American nation to shake off the Wormtongue-induced glamour and mind control; seeing someone you identify with get savaged, betrayed, and denied is one step removed from experiencing it yourself, and that is by design. This is what I mean by "Rhetoric-by-performance"; it directly engages the subject emotionally, bypassing reason via symbolism.

Bradford C. Walker #wingnut empiresmustfall.blogspot.com

Trump read and mastered The Art of War.
Trump understands that Narrative Warfare is Warfare.
Trump understands that most people ostensibly on his side are unreliable because they are easily suckered by enemy Narrative attacks and a lifetime of conditioning to conform to enemy behavioral norms that are counter-productive.
Trump uses misinformation and disinformation--lying and bullshitting--against enemies and unreliable allies as a matter of routine.
Trump actually reads the rules of the game he plays and masters them, know that the rules matter- not what someone says they are.
Trump comprehends that Narrative Warfare requires showmanship, so his Narrative campaigns are structured as a big production- like a movie.
Trump uses enemies to his advantage routinely, often putting them into positions where what they do actually benefits him ultimately.
When Trump wins, it's because he's suckered his enemies into letting him win and win decisively.

This means that what you're told about him being rooked by enemies in his cabinent, or in his advisors, etc. is bullshit. (So stop whining about Kurshner, you faggots.)


So don't panic. The overall narrative here is "See how the entire system is so corrupt, so treasonous, that it has to be cleaned out the hard way from top to bottom? Well, as Your Favorite President, who loves this country, I cannot stand by and let this insurrection succeed. I gave everyone that could have stopped it the chance to do that, but they all just let it happen, so they leave me with no choice. By the power invested in my as President of the United States, I hereby invoke the Insurrection Act effective immediately and I shall use the powers under this Act, as well as the Emergency Powers I already have, to clean up this mess once and for all. God bless you, and God bless the United States of America."

Expect to see regular active-duty military in the streets this January. Expect to see military tribunals. We'll avoid a second civil war, but just barely, and Trump will remain as President.

Bradford C. Walker #wingnut empiresmustfall.blogspot.com

The state legislatures can give their Electoral College votes to Trump. He wins. If this is denied, them no one has 270 and it goes to the House of Represenatives. There it is One State, One Vote; Republicans have the majority of states, so Trump wins. SCOTUS has good reason to fuck Biden, so they're going to ultimately rule for Trump and so he wins. It is increasingly obvious that Biden (and thus the Thralls of Empire behind him) have no path to victory but the last one.

Expect an assassination attempt before New Year's Eve.

Yes, Trump's ready for that also. That will fail, and in its wake Trump gets the optics he needs to cross the Rubicon and invoke the Insurrection Act. Trump wins.