
Antigay #fundie hipforums.com

bunch of queers, asking when was your first time... lmao, See how you fags are different? You really dont see that happening with straight people, posting when it was yoru first time, i bet some of you are wacking of to it now! It doesn't make you special it makes you the downfall of society.

Guest #conspiracy hipforums.com

The US Government and Police departments of this country are now installing devices into your body to create severe pain.

They are installing devices into your head,mouth,shoulder,penis,vagina, once these devices are installed you automatically black out at night, they then proceed to enter your home, and install more of this crap into your body.

They want to hear every conversation you are having and control every aspect of your life, all in effort to line their pockets with money, with disregard to your life, and your family's life.

Help stop this atrocity by spreading the word to as many people as possible. Help stop the rape of you and your family by spreading the word and giving this message to as many people as possible.

Beware, the police and government are now having undercover friends drug you, put you to sleep, and install tiny microphones into your mouth and skull. Side effects may include severe pain, accidents that were not your fault.

When you go to sleep, you black out, and the government and police break into your home and rape you, and install more of these chips into your body.

Spread the word. Don't let new friends sleep over.

Tell all your friends, its only a matter of time before it effects you.

Signs that this has happen to you,

1. severe tooth pain.
2. your anus was loose when you woke up.
3. your girlfriends vagina has some kind of bump in it.
4. unexplainable pain randomly, throughout the day.
5. stomach pain, cant crap. anal pain.
6. severe migranes
7. burns on your body, (white stains on your skin).

things to do to annoy the police and government that are listening to you through unuathorized taps into your body. (this helps kill some of these in your body and flush them out)

1. making slirping sounds with your mouth.
2. try to stay up for over 48 hours without going to sleep, try to take a lot of craps.
3. monster energy drink.
4. avoid eating out, try cooking at home.
5. avoid shady doctors and clinics.
6. lots of bread and crapping.
7. after meals use a plastic toothpick to clean your teeth.
8. boiling hot showers.
9. only eat canned food.
10. invest in security cameras for your home.
11. sit out in the sun, tan your skin till black or burnt.
12. sit in a dry sauna. a lot of water.
13. sweat as much as possible.
14. as a last resort, if problems persists, find the point of pain on skin and cut a "v" shape on the spot where pain if coming from. please use this as a last resort.

watch what you say, some money hungry rat is listening to every word you say.

The police and government are now installing tiny microscopic microchips into your mouth and body so they can listen to every word you are saying.

Don't come to los angeles, everyone in the town is a government or police rat.

Don't let strangers sleep over at your house. Avoid sleepover for our children.

These same devices installed into your body create severe pain at the discretion of the police department or government agency.

It's in everything you own, you visit a doctor, he sticks it into your body.

In the food you eat.

In your tire ..............

Watch out, be careful what you say and do.

Antigay #fundie hipforums.com

If there was a type of anti-gay serum, i would go around and put the potion in a bunch of darts, and start going around shooting all the gays so they would be free of their desease. Not kill them, just rid them of their vile disrupted brains

campbell34 #fundie hipforums.com

Well what we do know about aliens is they have hurt many people over the years by burning them, injecting them with foriegn substances, scaring them psychologically, ect. Also they embrace all world religions except Christianity. They seem to have a great dislike for Jesus Christ. Which may give you a window as to what they are about. Eziekel mentions a vision of God which some interpret as a flying saucer. One thing for sure, the UFOs have a future agenda which will more likely be tied into the coming Antichrist and not Jesus.

campbell34 #fundie hipforums.com

Well Asadullah, it will not be American guns that will defend the Jews in Israel when the Islamic nations march against Israel in force. The Bible tells us that Russia will some day join with these nations to push the Jews out of the land. These same nations will be armed with nuclear missiles. And they will be the ones calling the shots. On the day these nations march against Israel, the God of the ages will rise up against them, and destroy five sixths of this envading army. In responce, when Russia discovers that their attack on Israel was foiled, they will turn their missiles against America. America and all of her cities will burn, and Americas end will come in one hours time. The world will discover that God allowed the Jews to return so God could show Himself to the World when he defends the Jewish nation. The Jews will discover that the one they rejected, was their God, and all previous Jewish generations are lost. God states that He will protect Israel, BUT NOT FOR THEIR SAKES. God said where ever these people wandered, they polluted may name. God states He will save Israel to magnify His Holy Name, so that all the nations shall know that He alone is God.

FatMan25 #conspiracy hipforums.com

John Lennon, Janis Joplin, and Jim Morrison Are STILL Alive!?
honestly, i know it's true. sure, it might seem a little weird to most of you. i know it sounds crazy at first. but the other day in the park, i spotted this old homeless lady (with wild feathers in her hair) drinking southern comfort straight from the bottle, and cackling to herself. just like janis used to do! and i know at least three other people that spotted janis (always cackling to herself) in different cities and states (plus also in paris, france!) that have seen her too. so obviously janis just faked her death, and just wanted to escape from her fans, and just travel around the world on her own. and be totally free. no more pressures, etc. janis is still alive!

also, i am almost certain that this strange elderly recluse i always see peeking out from his window across the street from my building (with those same funny round glasses on) is none other than john lennon! how do i know for sure? because he is always listening to the beatles! loud. plus he has been spotted in nyc and even london! so he still does manage to get around. he must have faked his death (just like janis) to escape from all the media frenzy, etc. john lennon is still alive!

oh, and the other day i was at safeway looking for some diet coke that was supposed to be on sale. and i heard somebody behind me singing "people are strange" in a really low voice. so i turned around, and it was this dude that looked (and sounded!) just like jim morrison! only his hair was mostly gray now, and a little bald on top. but you could still tell it was jim! so all three of these rock giants (plus let's not forget elvis!) just staged their own deaths, and are still alive and well! i don't expect everybody to believe me, but i know what i saw (and heard). and i'm not the only one! so we can't all be crazy. so just try and keep an open mind: john lennon, janis joplin, jim morrison, and elvis are still alive!! lol.