
wiley #fundie scienceblogs.com

When will you learn? Never. The parasitic nature of Atheism dictates that it have something not to believe in, and without which its has no raisin date. If it ever finally defeats Christianity, some other belief-system will take over; jihadists and sharia-merchants are standing by.
Funny thing: you don't see F1 mechanics belittling ancient chariots, nor chemists berating the alchemists of yore for not knowing the intricacies of the Periodic Table, yet you do see Atheist-Evolutionists dissecting Genesis 1 and highlighting any scientific innaccuracies.
I suggest you see a shrink.

[Submitter's note: I think that "raisin date" is supposed to be the French phrase "raison d'etre.")

Shelia Hanson #fundie scienceblogs.com

First Name: Sheila Last Name: Hanson Email: SHanson@yahoo.com

Comment: F.Y.I.
1. atheists are in the minority in this country
2. there is NO separation of Church and State in the Constitution, never has been.
3.your organization is founded on a myth
4. the MAJORITY rules in a republic style of government
5.If there was NO GOD, how do you explain how you were born?
6.You and your organization are proof positive of what happens when uneducated and ill
informed people are given free speech rights. You use them for evil instead of doing good.

andyet #fundie scienceblogs.com

I respect other peoples beliefs, as a mature adult should. Ror example, if an Orthodox Jew believes that he can do no work on the Sabbath, including flipping a light switch, I respect his decision and his belief even though I do not share it.

I don't call him STUPID for believing what he believes, because only an immature, socially retarded, total dick would do such a thing.

[20 minutes later]

Why are you all such emotionally autistic, socially retarded, bitter and nasty misfits? What the fuck is wrong with you people?

Were you all nerds who got towels snapped at them in gym class and are still pissed off about it? Granted it's hard to believe in a kind and loving God when bullies take your lunch money and girls (there doesn't seem to be many female atheists - except for some lesbian Goths) tell you they just want to be friends.

Does atheism lie somewhere on the autistic scale next to Aspergers? If not why are you incapable of simple polite social interaction? Autism is a mostly male thing and so is atheism, perhaps there is a connection?

Are you mostly gays who are really just pissed off at the Abrahamic religions for condemning homosexuality? That would explain Gore Vidal, Arthur C CLarke, etc.

[He goes on for 5 more paragraphs]

(unknown) #fundie scienceblogs.com

I am trying to figure out as an impartial person why scientists say there is no evidence for design.

I think species should have evolved first with only one eye. After realizing that one eye cannot create depth perception, nature would have generated another eye following thousands of years of evolution. We know this is not true. Someone or something already knew that one eye would not be enough.

Please tell me what is wrong with my theory?

andre #fundie scienceblogs.com

To clarify i am not associated with any church or creationist organization. I am just informed layman.Actually I believe the Earth to be in central position in the Universe as the Scripture says.Some creationists accept Copernicus.If you did not know the Copernican system is still a theory just as evolutionism is.

wiley #fundie scienceblogs.com

When will you learn? Never. The parasitic nature of Atheism dictates that it have something not to believe in, and without which its has no raisin date. If it ever finally defeats Christianity, some other belief-system will take over; jihadists and sharia-merchants are standing by.
Funny thing: you don't see F1 mechanics belittling ancient chariots, nor chemists berating the alchemists of yore for not knowing the intricacies of the Periodic Table, yet you do see Atheist-Evolutionists dissecting Genesis 1 and highlighting any scientific innaccuracies.
I suggest you see a shrink.

Ray Martinez #fundie scienceblogs.com

Since ALL Atheists accept, defend and promote evolution fanatically, evolution says the Bible (Word of God) is false. Any Christian who agrees with Atheists is deluded and rightfully going to Hell.

Any Christian who denies the concept of design as existing in nature is rightfully going to Hell. Evolution says the concept of design does not exist in nature. Any Christian who agrees with Atheists is a deluded liar, rightfully going to Hell.

Heavens Janitor #fundie scienceblogs.com

There is no evidence this god named big bang ever created anything. I would like to see a written record of one man who saw big bang happen. Or at least on man that has met gorillawits half man half ape. Big bang was made up by some Catholic screwball last I heard.

When I was talking about lying about Hovind I was reffering to all you people that hate him. All you can ever give is something vague

Missionarys are tax exempt as well. So this tax fraud by Hovind so called "employees" is BS as they were Missionarys.

You guys don't go after Tom Dashle's tax fraud cause he worships the devil like you do. So you have love your good Godless buddy.

Heres a question to you all, what is evolution and how did life begin and how old is this big bang? You guys keep changing your storys all the time. One day its 50 Million then its 60 million. One day you say you came from ape then another soup that washed up on the beach. Then you put a man and apes bones together and call it the missing link.

Dennis Markuze #fundie #psycho scienceblogs.com

i will execute you. the police wont save you

God told me to MURDER you...

pz and his entire family will burn in HELL...
police won't save that fucker from me...

you will be executed without mercy...

you have forfeit your lives...
and the police wont save you...

see, the entire university is going to be destroyed because of blaspheming PZ...
this will be sent to every member of the University...

police won't save that fucker from me...

did you know that blasphemy is punishable by DEATH and I am here to execute all of you?

Ken J #fundie #homophobia scienceblogs.com

[Referring to Oklahoma Representative Sally Kern, who had made some wild accusations against homosexuals generally.]

Kern is a deeply religious woman. She is not homophobic, she is not anti gay. She is against the agenda of gays who seek not equality but superiority in our society. She resents the elite status that gays receive in education, the media, the arts and culturally.

nabalzbbfr #fundie #ableist scienceblogs.com

Autism is, in the vast majority of cases, a fraud and a racket. It is a product of utterly misguided permissive parenting, which turns perfectly normal kids into dysfunctional antisocial brats. The problem is parents have been getting their advice from idiotic child-rearing books like Spock's, instead of the Holy Bible: spare the rod and spoil the child. Scientific research on genetic causes of autism is a colossal waste of time and money, whether or not it involves fruit flies in Paris or elsewhere.

Darren Naish #fundie scienceblogs.com

If you follow the comments here at Tet Zoo you’ll already have seen the thread that’s been developing on the ‘Giant killers: macropredation in lions’ article (originally posted back in February, and itself a re-post of a ver 1 article from November 2006). If you don’t follow the comments, the following will be new to you. It seems that philosopher David Pearce is honestly proposing that we should feel ethically compelled to eradicate all suffering and cruelty from the natural world in order to create a sort of global vegan paradise where predators don’t exist. Pearce terms this the Abolitionist Project (for more on Pearce and his ideas see this wikipedia article). His plans are, as discussed in depth on his website, theoretically plausible and involve such things as the use of brain implants, behaviour-modifying drugs, and genetic manipulation. Eventually, the lion will, literally, lie down with the lamb, hyaenas will not feel compelled to eat baby elephants alive, and – I presume – ladybirds will not eat aphids, and so on [adjacent image from Catztours].

I personally feel that the philosophy behind the proposal is completely wrong for many reasons. It imposes sentimental ideas and human moral judgment on other species; it (if carried through to eventuality) would mean an end to a great deal of natural selection; it is fundamentally contrary to the history of life and would result in the ultimate bastardisation of the natural world; and, perhaps most offensive of all, it PROMOTES the extinction and biological modification of thousands (or tens of thousands or more) of species. It would also result in the total collapse of the global ecosystem, but I think that’s a minor detail. I cannot help but feel that these ideas are amoral and utterly, utterly wrong. I might not like the sight of slow, lingering death and of animals being eaten alive by others, but I celebrate such processes as part of the natural world, and as a vivid illustration of evolution and adaptation. Death is part of life; we are surrounded by it. If I were religious I would regard predation, death, brutal selection and so on as part of God’s plan. On that note I initially assumed that Pearce was inspired by some kind of religious fundamentalism; so far as I can tell this is not at all the case – instead he represents a sort of ‘extreme vegan’ movement.

While considering this issue, my assumption has been that so few people (especially those involved in conservation, wildlife management and field biology in general) will take it seriously that it will never go anywhere – even if it does become theoretically possible – and that those of us who find it ridiculous and/or offensive don’t have to worry or even think about it. Furthermore, by the time we do have the ability to do the sorts of things proposed by the Abolisionist Project, I think we will most likely need our funding, resources and technology for other things. And, sorry for repeating myself, but modifying wild creatures to suit our ideals hardly sounds enlightened or ethical. It reminds me of efforts to expunge homosexuality by way of electric shock therapy, or of attempts to westernise aboriginal people by banning their customs, traditional dress and languages.

However, I’m interested to see how representative my views are, or are not. A few readers have already made comments, but now is the chance to voice your concerns. Sockpuppetry will not be tolerated – yes your behaviour has already been noticed.

Tony F. #conspiracy scienceblogs.com

I don’t believe in germ theory or a viral cause of disease. I’m college educated, and not a religious fundamentalist (not even religious). Why SHOULD i believe in it? What evidence do you have that germs cause disease? The reasons you believe in it, is because you’ve been led to believe that treatment has garnered success. e.g. Polio vaccine.

However, if you allow yourself, for a second, to consider that Polio was never caused by a virus in the first place, whatever has transipred since then can be still explained. Many contend Polio was instead caused by DDT exposure, which was coincientally phased out during the same era as Polio vaccinations coming into vogue. Also, the definitions by which a doctor could diagnose a condition as polio, became more refined dozens of times during the ’50s, basically making it appear that Polio was on decline. Fact is, the same paralytic conditions that defined polio back then, still exist today, but doctors aren’t allowed to define it as such.

Don’t you remember as a child how silly it sounded when your mom told you what a germ is? Basically, an invisible little invader that causes sickness? The child in you was right. The reality of the situation has not changed just because Big Pharma claims it.

You may think i’m crazy and stupid, but ask yourself this question— “Do you get sick”? I (one who doesn’t believe in germ/viral theory), do not get sick. Haven’t even had the sniffles in probably 10 years. You, on the other hand(one who believes in germ/viral theory, and takes all the vaccines, get sick multiple times a year). Why am I the silly one? Thru all your beliefs in vaccines, what good has it actually done you?

Wall street christians #fundie scienceblogs.com

[Some Christian fanatics are concerned, quite reasonably, about the economy, and have chosen, quite absurdly, to try and correct the problem with prayer. So far, so typical, but then — well, they picked a peculiarly oblivious way to do it.]

We are going to intercede at the site of the statue of the bull on Wall Street to ask God to begin a shift from the bull and bear markets to what we feel will be the 'Lion's Market,' or God's control over the economic systems. While we do not have the full revelation of all this will entail, we do know that without intercession, economies will crumble.

Amelek #racist scienceblogs.com

Ignorance of genomics? Thank G_d there have been no mindless regurgitations of Lewontin’s Fallacy here as the sight of a grown man reduced the an extended phenotype of the ethnic interests of the Fallacy’s inventor would be unbearable for me. Funny thing, when more than one loci is tested, the Fallacy is exposed as just that. Lack of faithism? We cannot be so lucky. Humanism is a faith. By observing the behavior of its proponents one would be tempted to think that they tacitly believe they will enjoy some cosmic reward for what will in the result in the liquidation of ancient nations, peoples and cultures. But were it so, yet there will be no such reward, as their teleology, and its alleged consequences (the ‘elevation’ of all incarnations of Man to the ‘exalted’ state ‘intellectual’ dilettantes and pleasure seeking consumers), is a delusion. Sorry, the individual, as the evolved unit of reproduction of our species, does as life commands, he passes along his own genes, and can most consistently expect to be aided in that by those most closely genetically related to him, as they also share more of his unique genes and gene frequencies than relatively genetically distant people. And if he does not, he can expect to be driven into the ground by people(s) not so tender-minded. Self-evidently, all else being equal, a more cohesive group will out-compete a less cohesive group for finite resources in the (often unconscious) effort to boost their respective reproductive fitnesses. And should that surprised? The genetic continuity of one’s group is a real life interest, however humble, however unsexy, and the sense of moral superiority and temporary bit of status one is rewarded with for paying lip service to the faithism de jure is not. And ironically, as our wages are leveled with that of the Third World, and our nations, at the catastrophic cost of social fragmentation and environmental degradation are flooded with the bottomless seas of the Third World, our elites recite the platitudinous drivel of liberal humanism as it augments and justifies their own clutch on power.

neo-liberalism + cultural Marxism = elite power

And those that aid them in that, are reduced to dishonorable, hypocritical dupes and squalid traitors.

Morality void where prohibited:

Egypt, the City of Hesbon and anywhere else that annoyed the Israelites in the old testament.

The Aardvark #fundie scienceblogs.com

[Vox] Day was answering an (obvious) rhetorical trap. If the discussion were to be read and followed,
you would find that he is NOT, in fact, advocating killing infants. The issue involves absolute morality and obedience- the morality being defined as a Command from God. Since the Christian church has long been guilty of being "pro-life" (rescuing exposed Roman infants in the first century) there is de facto evidence that Christ has not commanded offing toddlers. Then there's that whole New Testament thing...Jesus blessing the little children.

If God commanded to kill the li'l babies, it would be Moral.
He has not, so it is not moral.

Reading with comprehension is much to be desired.

John best #fundie scienceblogs.com

[Referring to the prevalence of autism]

The prevalence in NH and a couple of other places is infinity. We had no autism in 1993. They must not have counted those oddball adults who diagnosed themselves when it became in vogue as an excuse for their eccentricities.

Heaven's Janitor #fundie scienceblogs.com

I will finish up by saying don't be fooled by the religoun of evolution. For those of you who haven't been handed over to a reprobate mind, there really is a God. And his law is quite simple, love the Lord Keep his commandments and love your neighbor. But the world does not want love so they reject Jesus.

Don't be fooled by the Tv preachers or Pagan Churches like the Catholic Church. Don't be fooled by vain philosophy.

Alan Clarke #fundie scienceblogs.com

Actually, I think this is the crux of evolution theory. It is a theory cloaked in "bait and switch" word semantics. I often hear that evolution "has no goal". Nevertheless, whenever the mechanisms of mutations and natural selection are modeled in a computer program, I am able to uncover the "goal" in the program code every time. Something is amiss. Why can't someone design a generator that spawns two random binary files. Execute both of these files and see if they communicate. More than likely they will crash without a proper PE header, but if so, delete them and start the process over again. Perhaps eventually, one program will produce some stdout and say, "I'm alive!", "Viva Las Vegas!", or "I want to marry the other binary. Please don't delete her (or it)."

MikeT #fundie scienceblogs.com

All morality is an opinion. Every last trace of what we call morality is purely an opinion. It depends on whose opinion it is. I for one have no regard for what some bloviating fool thinks is right and wrong. Human authority is by definition hypocritical and all man-made morality is self-serving and enabling of sanctimony. I have noticed that every atheist who borrows from Judao-Christian morality always avoids the harder moral restrictions such as the ones on sexuality. Why? Again, man-made morality is meant to make a man feel justified. This "morality" is a self-serving delusion, and I have always seen through it for what it really is.

At what point does it even really matter? If the creator of the universe tells me through direct revelation that someone's life has no value, I am not going to dispute that. Why should I? This being just so happened to have created a whole bloody universe. What can I do to compare to that? Nothing. What is a man compared to that? Not much. And let's be blunt about one thing. It takes more stupidity than it does integrity or grit to vehemently disagree with that sort of being.

Heavens Janitor #fundie scienceblogs.com

Churchers are not suppose to be paying taxes so [Kent] Hovind is an innocent man. Hovind did not steal the money and by mansions for himself like the TV preachers do. Hovind was trying to preach agianst evil men like PZ Myers. The devil did not like this so he used rich evil men and woman to lock Hovind away to shut him up.

One of the evil child molesting prosecutors of Hovind killed himself to avoid going to jail. So you see the people who went after him were wicked and wanted to stop him from telling the world Jesus is.

Then phoney christians did not come to Hovinds aid. TBN, Inspriation network, CBN, American center for law and justice, International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, President Bush all turned theirs backs on Hovind because none of those people love Jesus.

salgadoce #fundie scienceblogs.com

Fuck it. I will say this though; I respect religion and faith and it's role in human affairs because I know for a fact that people are willing to kill for it and to die for it. Compared to religious zealots, scientists are pussies.

Michael Aprile #fundie scienceblogs.com


Dear Mr. Myers,

To be wrong is always acceptable, because we are human. But, to be consistently wrong, especially when you call yourself a Professor, is going way beyond the bounds of good sense. Anyone who even gives ear to people such as Dawkins and Kitchens is no less than a fool. There is nothing wrong with being a fool, but teaching others to be one is unacceptable and irresponsible, at the very least. Furthermore, to have a degree or degrees in biology and to still believe in Darwinian theory, shows ignorance in the worst degree. Macro evolution is founded on absolutely nothing but blind faith. No evidence has ever been provided for it. Several hokes and false attempts, but no real evidence. A large group of sciences, including biologists, have concluded that the theory is false. Why, other than you can make a living no way else, that a professional biologist would continue on with such a shenanigan, is beyond comprehension. It is a poison to society and you are one who doses it out. As common as a drug dealer. I hope you will come to your senses, as a thinking rational man, before too long. If it is the result of bitterness about something in your past...get over it.


John Miller #fundie scienceblogs.com

Well, reading the comments by the author and his supporters one would think Athism is the saviour of mankind and religion is made up of a bunch of deluded nutcases.
Projection can do that. The fact is polls, science and common sense show atheism as a losing proposition which places one as an outcast of society bent on destroying what it doesnt understand, doesnt like and conflicts with its own version of a type of "Godless Religion." Its no wonder, after seeing all theese comments that atheists, according to a poll done by the University of Minnesota, shows atheists as the least liked, least trusted, least acceptable group in the USA.
One can only conclude that it is a delusion to think Atheists have any morality at all, save what each individual decides is moral. It is unchecked, anything goes amorality where one can come up with ANY number of moral codes at will and justify them all, convenience of the day.

Nelis #fundie scienceblogs.com

Also, just because you went to church doesnt make you a CHRISTian, just like standing in McD's doens make you a hamburger. You can go to sunday school as much as you want but if you are not open to the Word, you will not receive it. You say that Christianity brainwashes you from an early age, actually its the world that brainwashes you from an early age to make you believe there is no God. Being a Christian goes agains the flow of the way the word thinks.

Rob McIntosh #fundie scienceblogs.com

It's interesting to me how so many people who have not investigated or researched these topics have an opinion about them. My hat goes off to to Mr. [Ken] Ham for telling us what he believes and thinks knowing, I'm sure that there will be many who don;t agree with him and go as far as insulting him for having an opinion. I thought society was all about tolerance. I guess that doesn't apply when you disagree with the person who is speaking. We only tolerate someone's opinion when it's not related to Christianity. The Bible warns Christians this will occur in "the last days"

I sure hope you all are right. Wouldn't be embarrassing when life as we know it ends and maybe Mr. Ham was right? By then, for many, it will be too late.

Maybe it's just best to let Mr. Ham have an opinion and not resort to name calling and belittling him because you disagree.

Richard D'Orlando #fundie scienceblogs.com

You act as if stupidity were a virtue. I could call you a sub human pagan savage but you already know that so what is the point. Remember this pin head, All education and knowledge is meaningless and worthless without a CHILD LIKE CONFIDENCE IN GOD. Evidently your parents failed miserably instilling this in you when you were still uncorrupted by the liberal demonic freaks of the world.

Heavens Janitor #fundie scienceblogs.com

As far as I am conserned all the therapists can go to hell. Telling a person that its crazy to believe in Jesus, but not big bang is Satanic. You want christians either
"deprogrammed" or killed off so you don't have to hear the truth that burns your heart anymore. See what I am saying is convicting your heart and its making you angry. So angry that you want revenge.

Piltdown Man #fundie scienceblogs.com

There is a long and inglorious association between sodomy and black magic, from the medieval Buggers to the Ordo Templi Orientis' XI°.

Sodomy, as the figurative deposition of human seed in anal filth, is anti-God and anti-life. Physical acts are not morally neutral.

Max Verret #fundie scienceblogs.com

There are no attributes in God. That is anthropomorphism.
God is united to himself in a union of unity. God is indivisiable - there are no parts (attributes).

You said:
"As long as there is a single attribute God is plenty falsifiable". There is not a single attribute; so I guess by your own admission you are now a believer.

Aron #fundie scienceblogs.com

[in a response to hearing about abuse of a cracker]

I feel very sad and hurt to read this. Many of you obviously don't understand that to Catholics what you have done is worse than spitting on us, abusing us or violating us. We would rather you did that to us than see a host desecrated. It is not a symbol or a religious object it is the one we love more than our own mothers and fathers, more than our children.
To do this is worse for us in one sense than if you had raped and tortured our loved ones. We are called to forgive so we will but that doesn't take away from the sheer revulsion, hurt and pain that you have caused to every Catholic who has heard of this very sad act of hatred and bigotry.

Robert Byers #racist scienceblogs.com

I am a evangelical christian and agree Warren should not give legitamacy to Obama.
Obama is pro-avortion, pro-gay, pro-Israel, and pro-Identityism. That he and his supporters/part deny the right of the American man to any and all that he can get in his country by his abilities. Obama is for interference by affirmitive action, quotas, and a whole culture of watching who gets what. A great betrayal of the American people to raise, to the loss of true americans, africans, Mexicans and so on, As long, at the moment, it does not interfere with the Jews and others over representation in the same areas of gain and reward.
yet what can Warren do. He's the new Billy graham and must for the faith be above politics.
Obama is of coarse playing a game. he's saying YOU PEOPLE don't need to feel you lost out. The election was almost a draw and secreatly it might be said many evangelicals sat on their hands. Also many blacks voted for Obama for bigoted identity, bigoted, reasons but are quite conservative on social issues. Satisfaction with a black as prez can fade under disatisfaction with liberal agendas. Blacks don't want to look too desperate and lame about identity and many can switch to voting on issues and not identity.

UakUak #fundie scienceblogs.com

Evolution is rejected by many as Creation is rejected for the same reason, both in short are theories, get over it.

Evolution is a theory, so it has no facts to back it up or it would be a science fact. Many Evolutionist will say that their theory can be proven true, um no you can't as you do not have evidence or proof and thus Evolution remains a theory. Sorry folks, you can keep trying to find the body of Big Foot though.

Creation is a belief and does not need immediate scientific proof or do you have a different definition of a religious belief? For those who say Creation is not a belief, well, "I BELIEVE that the God Almighty Created... ", well your sentence starts with it and you can't prove it either so it's a belief, not a given fact.

Just because you do not have facts or evidence does not mean it (Creation or Evolution)is not possible or that it does not exist, it just means that you both need to quit wasting time arguing, debating, denying, pointing out to things in history/past, insulting, getting all fired up or whatever it is you folks get off on and actually do some research and find out for yourself which is the truth. By the way folks, Googling online is not researching.

Lastly (this is especially for Atheist believers), If indeed you are right and there is no God, nothing will happen to you and I when we pass away whether we believed in a God or not. If you are wrong and there is a God, you will probably end up in a hot and painful place and I will end up in a very warm and comfortable place. Do you really insist on taking the short end of the stick, if so, then just tell people who are religous that you don't want to go to heaven, we'll try our best to understand.

David Heddle #fundie scienceblogs.com

I did not write, anywhere, that you cannot make a rational case for Christianity--of course you can. Many have done so with great skill. So I do not think people like Strobel or McDowell are foolish--not in the least. What I actually wrote, to paraphrase, is that no atheist will be persuaded by their rational arguments. Apart from being reborn, he will reject any such argument, and attribute that rejection, incorrectly, to his own intellect.

If, say you, are reborn, then you will begin to see the rationality of Christianity. Perhaps a book such as Stobel's will be the means by which the gospel taks hold of you--but without being reborn, you'll always consider it foolishness.

And there is no contradiction--moral inability to choose God in our natural, fallen state is not an excuse--we are commanded to choose God The unhappy fact that, apart from God's first choosing us, we cannot is our dilemma, not our excuse.

Steve Broten #fundie scienceblogs.com

[P.Z. Myers gets email...]

Thanks for removing all doubt as to what will be taught at U-Morris. My daughter was considering attending after she graduates next year. That will not be the case anymore.

For you to take it upon yourself to have people e-mail U of Vermont, protesting the invitation to have Ben Stein speak at commencement, shows a narrow minded disdain opposing views in not only science but probably everything else.

Everyday. And I mean everyday. Your 'we come from goo' stance is loosing ground and you and your ilk are scared to death of continually being proven wrong. So you go nuts at these opposing views of creation and what not. Funny thing is Stein is a nice guy and probably wouldn't even talk about that scary creation point of view anyway. You have got to lighten up.

Please do not take this personally, since I have never met you or even heard of you until I saw Pharyngula. There are lots of people over the years that have been ramming this impossible Theory of Evolution down our throats. But that does not mean its true.

We need to keep open minds and field and teach opposing views and let truth take it where it leads no matter how improbable a direction.

Steve Broten

[P.Z.'s remarks removed]

Unknown #fundie scienceblogs.com

[This is just one paragraph of a long, rambling EMail sent to PZ Myers about the Cincinnati Zoo/Creation Museum flap]

Evolution is used now as a tool to promote the vulgar and disgusting homosexual movement that has recently become violent. By claiming that evolution is real, the gay community can claim that they were born gay, which is absurd. No one is born gay. it is a psychological problems that stems from early childhood scenarios. Even the APA used to say this until they were pressured by the far left to change history and change science. That's what they do best.

[Follow the link to the whole letter and more!]

Jon S #fundie scienceblogs.com

[This is part of a discussion between commentators, spun off from the original blog.]

[AJS wrote "If God created us deliberately short of perfect for his own amusement, unable to tell right from wrong and then punishing us anyway when we did something he didn't approve of, that just tells me God is some kind of sick pervert."]

You assume some things that are contrary to what God has already told us. God originally created a perfect world without death, disease or suffering. It was man who goofed it up. Just because God allowed it to happen doesn't make him an abomination. As a matter of fact, God has a plan that works for the good of his people (Romans 8:28). The important thing for us is to confess our sins and accept Christ as our Lord and Savior so that we can be part of his kingdom. You also assume we don't know right from wrong. But scripture makes it clear that we do know right from wrong, good from evil (Genesis 3:5 & Genesis 3:22). So rest assured that God is holy, and not sick and perverted.

[AJS wrote "If some kinds of Sin do no real harm in this life, and some of use are quite content with this life, then why should we do anything about them? (For my part, I believe there is only one absolute regarding sexual behaviour: the Fully Informed Consent of all parties.)"]

All sin does real harm. You may not recognize the consequences immediately, but they are there, no matter how small. Even a little white lie can hurt someone. Just because you can't detect the harm doesn't mean all is good. And any sexual sin, such as adultery or homosexuality, does harm too, either to others or the individual. Some of the consequences might result in a divorce, STD's, broken relationships, etc. The harm could be long term or short term. But even if the only absolute you personally believe in is full consent, what about those who don't believe in that absolute? What makes you right and them wrong? Why wouldn't rape be okay if it made someone content and happy in this life, and why would it be wrong to harm someone? Who are you to judge someone who finds real joy in harming others? At some point you have to admit there are absolutes greater than man. There really can't be any right or wrong unless there's a God whom you are ultimately sinning against.

Facilis #fundie scienceblogs.com

I'll do my own humorous summary
"Debating with an atheist"
Atheist: I deny the existence of air
Facilis: what?? You're breathing now. Air is the necessary precondition for breathing.
A: No. I see no reason why air is necessary for breathing. I am breathing now and i don't believe in air.
F: It the impossibility of the contrary. What else could you be breathing.
A: That is just an air of the gaps fallacy.You just insert air into the gaps since you do not know how people breathe.
F:But how else can you account for breathing?
A:I'm just breathing because that is the way it is. I'm still going to deny the existence of air.

Todd Thomsen OK State Legislature Rep #fundie scienceblogs.com


THAT the Oklahoma House of Representative strongly opposes the invitation to speak on the campus of the University of Oklahoma to Richard Dawkins of Oxford University, whose published statements on the theory of evolution and opinion about those who do not believe in the theory are contrary and offensive to the views and opinions of most citizens of Oklahoma.

THAT the Oklahoma House of Representatives encourages the University of Oklahoma to engage in an open, dignified, and fair discussion of the Darwinian theory of evolution and all other scientific theories which is the approach that a public institution should be engaged in and which represents the desire and interest of the citizens of Oklahoma.

Stripe #fundie scienceblogs.com

Yes, slavery was a repugnant activity that is morally indefensible, the holocaust was an act of genocide perpetrated by some of the most vile racists in history ...

... and abortion is worse than both.

KKing #fundie scienceblogs.com

"Come on KKing, follow the bible. Give a justification for your beliefs."

I can give them the reasons why but they won't believe them and they will bash whatever reasons I give.

For example I could say that Early Christians were not just killed for believing what the did they were torchured for something they felt strongly about. So many of them were torchured. Now it seems illogical that they would not just be killed (which is the easy way out) but they were torchured.

Paul who was called Saul used to kill and torchure Christians himself but he was turned and did a 180 and became one of the most known Christians in history. How could that happen like that if it was not real?

Linda Kimball #conspiracy scienceblogs.com

Today, in addition to original Darwinism -- which many scientists have already rejected as useless -- there are three other versions of Naturalist evolutionism: neo-Darwinism, punctuated equilibrium, and panspermia, the notion that life was seeded on Earth by highly evolved beings either from another planet, or from another dimension. The latter two versions are favored by powerful Transnational Progressive New Age occult insiders such as Marilyn Ferguson, Robert Muller and Barbara Marx Hubbard as well as by channeling cults who are excitedly 'receiving revelations' from discarnate entities calling themselves the Space Brothers, the Council of Nine, Transcended Masters, and more recently, the ancient Ennead of Egypt.

Michael Woese #fundie scienceblogs.com

Really do you believe both human eyes evolved with 3d focusing... at the same time- TWO SIMULTANEOUS randomly formed eyes? The evolution theory is even more weird as each male AND female 'randomly' developed the same two type eyes, That's four SIMULTANEOUS randomly formed eyes, dual random simulataneousness/duplicated!

Segmentum #fundie scienceblogs.com

Have you noticed that there are no attractive people here? I noticed that a lot, PZ's visit to creation museum with hundreds of students, no attractive people, and sloppily dressed too with weird sloppy haircuts.

Why is that, why is it when I look at young christians I see mostly attractive people well dressed with well maintained haircuts and when I look at young atheists I see the exact opposite? What's going on?