threesixteen #fundie
Now how often should one eat the REAL BODY of Christ? EVERYDAY!!!! It is not required of course. But as the expression goes, "you are what you eat...." The more one eats Christ the more one becomes like Him.
Now how often should one eat the REAL BODY of Christ? EVERYDAY!!!! It is not required of course. But as the expression goes, "you are what you eat...." The more one eats Christ the more one becomes like Him.
Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 10 June 1992 at 2:01 AM. Wednesday in tongues and Spanish.
Why? Why? Why? Are the things that you want more important than your God, the God, of Heaven, of the World, of the Stars, of all that is, and what's going to be? The People of the World are going to wake up one day and it's going to be to late, because the devil is going to come and he's going to eat them head first. For they didn't hear Me with their ears. The day that I said to you, years, years, and years ago, to your Fathers and your Father's Fathers, has started!
['The bible itself is a man made compilation of man made texts']
500 years ago, you would have had your head chopped off for saying that.
All you pseudo- scientists should count your lucky stars Christians decided to relax things here in the West allowing science and tech to grow a little.
....There is absolutely nothing and I mean nothing "scientific" about the internet . 99 to 1 ratio still stands. You´re equating communication with Science. Just like that other pseudo- scientist who posted that the printing press was a "scientific invention". Smoke n mirrors.
That´s what I mean by Science ( I guess we can also add most scientists too) being 99% full of baloney theory at a measly 1% science fact.
Please...deliver me form these heathens !!!
Science is 99% crackpot theories, 1 % scientific law. I stand by my claim. Period. Science has done absolutely nothing for God´s people. Nada. Zip.
Science = Smoke n mirrors.
As a God fearing Christian I can and will tell you what is right and wrong and when you are in the wrong. If you persist in trying to further your progressive agenda then you will force me and others like me to take up the sword and destroy you.
One must admit that there is something really really deep for the followers of it to offer up their lives in sacrifice to it.
['like hijacking ariplanes and flying them into buildings?']
well genius,that wasn't christians,those were MOSLEUMS,there is a diffrence you know
anyhowz,thanks for the great laughz.
and if you are so uninformed as to not know the diffrence,then allow me to explain,
one,moslems hate CHIRSTIANS and JEWs
and really....I shouldnt have to say two and three,because your whole statement is really foundationless.
God will deal with America as a whole, for turning her back on Him. No other country in the world has been so blessed and come to dominate the world so fast as a young country, like America. And she has turned her back on Him. She does not even want God taught in the schools. Teaching evolution to these kids is slap in the face to God.
An amoeba wouldn't know WHAT to evolve, let alone HOW
Big Bangs DESTROY evereything - they CAN'T create matter
Like the animals made from the dust, man also married and produced children with Beings made from the water. That's where Cain's wife came from, and that is who Noah's grandsons married, on this Planet.
If Noah had not left his world and came to this Planet, we would still be innocent Apes, because Evolution does NOT produce Humans. Human Intelligence must be inherited from another Human.
I don't believe that global warming is happening. I don't believe that humans can destroy a globe that they didn't create.
Besides, after the entire history of the universe (only 6K years), how much damage could we have done?
[Coming from the guy who believes <a href="" target="_blank">water on Mars proves the global Flood</a>]
Long after evolution is an eternal laughingstock, and lesson, how delusional men can become.
It is so far more than just physical science, it should bring a tear to your eye!
I just debated an evolutionist on EVC forum who made the false statement that apes & humans can interbreed. This is the kind of lie on which the theory of evolution is based. He admitted it, and I proved the theory of evolution is a lie so we ended the debate.
There aren't ANY CHRISTIAN nudists anywhere in the world. There are demon posessed, hell-bound lost people who are nudists, and might claim they're Christians, but, there are NO born again, Christian nudists
In fact, not too long ago my husband read an article to me in the newspaper about bones that scientists found in the Mohave desert. They dated them and said they were millions of years old Then a man contacted them and told them he thought they were the bones of his uncle who had wandered away months ago. So they did DNA testing and sure enough, they were the bones of his uncle. So once again, scientists can very easily brainwash the public simply because they have degrees.
Now the government wants to take "In God we trust" off our money which has been on our money since the founding of this country.
[After claiming that some fossils like Java Man and Lucy were hoaxes, followed by someone soundly refuting the claims and even showing that AnswersInGenesis 'denies that they were all shown to be hoaxes']
Trust me cubedbee, I will continue to believe the truth that God has revealed to us in His Word. Anything other than that is a deception propagated by the enemy.
The bible is the most explicitly detailed book of historical events in existence. It lists genealogies farther back than most people even know their own roots! It lists kings, kingdoms, wars, events, motives, fulfilled prophecies, none of which are contradicted by outside sources.
you see oil is compressed and heated up(due to compresion)
organic matter(like corpses and plants and stuff) and you see,we have oil evevry where,or atleast in alot of places,and it is at random depths,
so you see to create all the oil in the world there had to be a global flood.
Creationists espouse that evoltuionists claim that primates gave birth to creatures that turned into human beings. That is exactly what the theory of evolution claims. But not only has no one ever witnessed that, (which is what evolutionists count on, by the way), but how, precisely, can that happen without the ancestors of human beings being the offspring of both a primate and a human? Afterall, each species is propogated by the act of mating and carry on the genes of both their parents. Isn't that what this common ancestor is supposed to be, half-man, half-beast? How does that not suggest bestiality?
If you want to stand up for the lie of evolution, help yourself, but I will not stand for the deception that satan has puked into the institution of academia, nor will I stand for someone describing the creation portion of the Bible as figurative, allegorical, non-literal when they are totally wrong. You may believe in an old earth and monkey ancestry, but it is not what the Word of God says.
You should be more angry at those who call themselves Christians and distort the truth of the Word of God.
All of it [evidence for evolution] is based on present only observations, which they only assume without reason, and believe must apply to the future, and the past ad infinitum!
Evolution insinuates bestiality
The notion that apes are our ancestors insinuates the fact that humans and apes can interbreed. The ability to interbreed is part of the definition of a species. So scientists saying that we are part of the ape family means that we can interbreed. Offspring are produced by sexual relations between its parents. So saying humans come from apes presupposes bestiality. The theory of evolution is a classic example of the prurients mind of men. :(
Actually, reality proves evolution a hoax more than anything else. All one has to do is go to a zoo to see what apes breed. And they have bred that way since the beginning of recorded history. That's why Jesus said to have the faith of a child. A child doesn't analyze, twist, or distort. He also doesn't rely on science to see reality, but mere observation.
I've long wanted to do a thread @ the insanity of wasting trillions of dollars in space programs' insane quest for excuses to ignore God's laws & promote atheism - esp as so many are starving, homeless & poor in today's world
Today's EU probe news means now is the ideal time [...]
If you search @ "space probe costs", you get a link that falsely claims that it costs NASA less to send a probe to Mars than it would cost Hollywood to make a movie @ it
Does anyone recall the very sarcastic '70s Larry Norman song @ the cost of the '69 moon landing?
It talked @ the huge media frenzy over the samples of moon rock & the end said, "Only cost $13 billion dollars: musta been nice rocks!!"
Even @ '69 costs of moon probe, against today's cost of movies, I seem to recall recent TV shows & magazine features about the multi-MILLION costs of the Top 50 most popular films ever
If you add 26 years of inflation to space probe costs, it is even more obvious that cover-ups keep true costs from the public
There are 3m+ homeless in Kashmir alone
& a VERY high % of Earth's peoples are seriously under-nourished
Something that always gets me......
So many eons of few ''transitional'' forms..
The earth should literally be packed with the remains of these ''transitional'' forms after that period of time.
Like us YECs tho, science always can come up with some excuse for this things.
That is until thier ideas are debunked by the next guy.
Till then I guess we are to take whatever silly little notion comes out of their mouths as gospel truth, arent we
They fry in Hell
Any jihadist reader better be aware that, even if U R an amalgum of Rambo, the Terminator, the Hulk & Bruce Lee - which U ain't - U STILL wouldn't be a FRACTION tough enough to withstand eternal conscious torment
Ask Jesus to forgive all your sins
& invite Him into your heart as Saviour & Lord of life
B4 He has to cast you into the eternal Lake of Fire [...]
Now to review the dark forbidden occult of Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire - as the books & films have deceived many gullible children & youth into courses on witchcraft & other forbidden occult practices that lay them open to demon oppressio, even possession..
Prince Charles- Anti Christ? Yeah, he's an anti-christ, but far from being THE antichrist.
He just doesn't have the credentials.
As far as an illuminatti, I'm a believer there. It takes a few high ranking 'globalist' to make things happen, they sure seem to have our government in their hip pocket.
When they come up with one with more ego appeal and less holes in it, you’ll see the ToE dropped like a hot rock from Hades. My prediction is probably it will be that an ‘alien’ from another galaxy will come and take credit for dropping the first couple here 6,000 years ago, explain the Bible was written by his inspiration, and that he is not only the OT God but the long awaited Messiah. He will have unlocked the secrets of miracles and perform wonders before an adoring crowd of true believers. Jesus will probably be proclaimed an imposter and the Antichrist will take his place.
In the 7th grade we always said grace before leaving the classroom to go to lunch and the whole class recited the 100th Psalm each morning. You weren't afraid to walk your own neighborhood after dark or even considered closing your windows at night since we had no AC in those days. Lock your car at night? What for? No reason to do that. They're wasn't car hijacking back then either. No one committed suicide either.
I would not stand for Muslims coming in the schools to teach my children anything. But our schools should have been kept as Bible reading schools in the first place. And if the Muslims did not like it go to a Muslim school. And Christians found this country not Muslims.
[On sickle-anemia mutation protecting against malaria]
If this is such a great mutation, why do we have a national organization to help people who have it?
[After someone comments that his bigoted rant against homosexuals was 'sick']
Gay people are either deciding to be sick or are sick and in either case they are sick. I don't accept this behavior, it's not just a sin, it's an abomination to God which is worst I believe. It's my belief get over it. Sick might be too strong a term, how about mildly retarded? [...]
I'm not sick but if two men having sex isn't then I don't know what sick is. Have a nice day.
Moms and Dads need to teach that and some still do, but now Dad and Dad going to teach right from wrong to a child that's going to get beat up when other kids find out his about his Dads, Oh wait, he's not just the son of two queers, he's adopted. Wow what alot to put on a kid that never asked to be abnormal, his Dads insisted it on to him. I'd like to think about protecting the children too.
['If you would not give gays the right to a marriage then would you settle for a civil union']
I don't make compromises with the enemy.
I make no compromises with evil.
[On gay equality]
I accept and agree with equal rights. They already have these though. Every single homosexual is entitled to marry someone of the opposite sex anytime they so choose.
['Wait, back the racist truck up. I want to hear more reasoning on why you think miscegenation is wrong. Your words are sounding less and less like those preached by our Lord.']
Not believing in mixed marriages does not make me a racist so no further discusion with yourself is needed.
['Wow, some of the exact same arguments were used against miscegenation (interracial marriage).']
were used? Still are used. I think miscegenation is also wrong, but not even close to Homosexual marriage. I remember when only one black person went to my school, when half blacks showed up they were treated poorly and often stayed to themselves. They was dead smack in the middle of not knowing what the heck they were. Now it's more common, that don't make it right, but hey that's only one small nail in this countries coffin Homosexual acceptance opens the door for accecptance of any and all that is perverse, that make it a whole board in the coffin.
You’re just not getting this concept. The earth was formed less than 6,000 years ago and everything on it is younger than that. If it dates older, there’s something wrong with your method, your sample, or your technique.
If the evolutionists were honestly looking for the truth, they would not merely assume the T Rex was “millions of years old,” but might actually consider the distinct possibility that it did survive to recent ages. Is it beyond your comprehension that a small pocket of dinosaurs could have been alive and well and living in Montana a few thousand years ago?
Your bias is twarting your ability to know the difference between the religion of evolution and true science; but hey, none of us are perfect, especially before God is finished cleaning us up from the inside. One day, if one is a true Christian, God will continue his work inside us until we are complete.
Halloween = High Holy Sabbat of Black Magick Witchcraft
Yes it's sold under a different image in the media. Then again,
all have drunken of her wine of deception and all are mad.
Halloween is still what it is. God does not compromise to
suit the miserable understanding of man.
Gay is the politcally correct way of saying Sodomite.
but do check out Piltdown Man, Nebraska Man, peppered moths, whale evolution & horse evolution for just some of the longstanding frauds perpetrated to detroy faith in God's Word & make folk gullible to men's lies
It is most sinister indeed that the evo-loopy establishment ruthlessly censor all criticism of neo-Darwinism & all debate @ the overwhelming evidence for Inelligent Design
Over the past 15 years it is quite amazing to look at how tragedies in the US seem to be closely linked with some sort negative action taken by the US against Israel.
Check it out you might be surprised by what you find out.
Start with the destruction of homes in the Gaza strip a few months ago,...... just a few day before the destruction of the most homes in the history of the US.
MSc/PhD-level, who were brainwashed in Darwinism, now see so much evidence, from micro-biology to astronomy, of Intelligent Design, that they now reject atheism & worship the Almighty Creator
['Secondly, a "virgin birth" is a terrible sign from God. Almost no one will be in a position to verify or witness it!']
My argument is clearly true. I will take the word of God over the word of someone who has some serious issues with Christianity any day.
Anyone happen to watch this week's episode of "West Wing?
The Democratic candidate (played by Jimmy Smits from LA LAW) made a statement that he believed in God and that God was intellegent. a school meeting he went on say how Intellegent Design was "theology" and not science, and that it shouldn't be taught in shcools; Separation of Church and State, blah blah blah....and all his advisors applauded him for such a 'bold stand'. I just about kicked in the TV
I wonder how uch money all the ACLU lobbiest paid for that commercial?
Darwin's theory while interesting, is way off and is in fact missing many links includeing transitional fossils. Scientists are tired of sitting by the swamp waiting for a single cell to emerge from mud that will recreate all life as we know it. It's just not gonna happen period! When i grow some wing's, i'll fly over your house and we can chat about this in person!