HEYGwenCOG #fundie lampstandstudy.com
Make no mistake about it. Abortion for any reason is in conflict with all that Scripture has to say. Even in the case of rape or incest, the baby still belongs to God and was created by Him. Pro choice folk have asked me what I'd do if my daughter was 13 years old and became pregnant. I hope that I would lovingly see her through the pregnancy, and either adopt the baby myself or allow some other good family to adopt the baby. I have great compassion for young girls and women who find themselves in this situation, but the answer is not in murderiing the unborn baby, the answer lies in praying for God's will to be done regarding this unborn child. I'm getting to the place I absolutely dispise the word "fetus". Which one of you would approach a heartbroken friend who had just miscarried a much wanted baby and say, "I was so sorry to hear you lost your fetus?" You wouldn't! In every case you would use the word "baby." Why then when a woman has an abortion is the unborn child referred to as a "fetus." I suggest that it sounds less horrendous and is meant to numb society into believing that an unborn child is just so much tissue and blood.