
Robert Cragg #fundie lampstandstudy.com

I can't wait for the day when God puts this man made garbage to rest. Here is what I don't understand, Christians believe Jesus died for our sins, because this gives people a answer of how they will get to heaven. They believe it, but when man comes up with some hog wash, some rather believe that instead of the Genesis account of creation, You simply can't believe John 3:16 on the true word of the Bible, but not accept what is said in Genesis. You either believe the whole Bible as Gods Living absolute truth or not ,you can't have it both ways. You ancestorers are either apes our what ever the new therioes say or your a descendent of Adam And Eve.
There is absoutly no science in Evolution at all in fact science does more to disprove evolution than support it. I'm sorry if I sound harse, but this evolution junk gives way to athiest saying the bible is not accurate.

streetsinger #fundie lampstandstudy.com

As a Christian, I am a citizen of another realm and as such have little interest in the science of this one. However as one called to live in this one, and seeing the damage done by scientists, I have to say that if I had an interest in the future of this planet I would vote for all scientists to be put in straight jackets and put somewhere where they can do no more damage.

HEYGwenCOG #fundie lampstandstudy.com

Make no mistake about it. Abortion for any reason is in conflict with all that Scripture has to say. Even in the case of rape or incest, the baby still belongs to God and was created by Him. Pro choice folk have asked me what I'd do if my daughter was 13 years old and became pregnant. I hope that I would lovingly see her through the pregnancy, and either adopt the baby myself or allow some other good family to adopt the baby. I have great compassion for young girls and women who find themselves in this situation, but the answer is not in murderiing the unborn baby, the answer lies in praying for God's will to be done regarding this unborn child. I'm getting to the place I absolutely dispise the word "fetus". Which one of you would approach a heartbroken friend who had just miscarried a much wanted baby and say, "I was so sorry to hear you lost your fetus?" You wouldn't! In every case you would use the word "baby." Why then when a woman has an abortion is the unborn child referred to as a "fetus." I suggest that it sounds less horrendous and is meant to numb society into believing that an unborn child is just so much tissue and blood.

Jon-Marc #fundie lampstandstudy.com

Science cannot disprove faith, because any science that is contrary to faith is not true science in my opinion. If science says that God does not exist because such a belief is illogical and cannot be proved scientifically, is science right? That science is definitely wrong.

Jon-Marc #fundie lampstandstudy.com

If it was my Web site and I was being forced to accept homosexuals, I would close the Web site down. I went into a dating site and specifically mentioned that I only wanted replies from women, but the only replies I got were from guys. I won't call them "men". REAL men prefer women and not other guys.

Frederick #conspiracy lampstandstudy.com

I personally am against this "Big Brother" approach. What started off in this country - United Kingdom, as a basically honourable idea - DNA data bank for tracking terrorists/child rapists et al, has suddenly become open to abuse. The hypothesis: "If you've got noting to hide, you've got nothing to fear." has been overused so much it has now become a cliche. The number of bodies legally entitled to enter your premesis whether or not you approve is not limited to the emergency services - increadibly it runs into three figures, including tax inspectors. OK, few of them are used, but they still have the right to enter your property uninvited. The Government also have the right to delve into your medical records and, of course, bank accounts. In fact, if you leave your mobile phone on, they can trace exactly where you are to within three feet, because all mobile phones emit a signal - that's why whenever I go out for the day, I either turn it off or leave it at home. I personally am sick and tired of the Government poking it's nose into my affairs, and honourably as it may initially seem, how long is it going to be before it is used to determine texts between consenting homosexuals under the guise of "The community needs protecting." In this country you've got dummies in the Government losing highly confidential data all over the place. Not a week goes by without it emerging yet another Government minister has lost his laptop containing the unencrypted data of soldiers or other highly classified information.

Even as I sit here writing this message, the Government know how many computers are on at any one time, who they belong to, and what web sites they frequent. George Orwell would be turning in his grave if he knew just ho much informationwe give out about ourselves winds up under the eyes of busybodies.

The Government didn't bail out the banks for our benefits - they did it so they could keep an even tighter control on who has what in their account. There are many people out there like me who deal only in cash - that way the Government don't know what we spend our money on. Tradesmen will give you a substancial reduction if you pay cash, too. I hope somebody in Governmental circles reads this and takes the point!

GloryB #fundie lampstandstudy.com

I won't go into a big boring thing here....but I was studying the String Theory:

The Superstring theory is based on 10 or 11 dimensions. The Bosonic string theory has 26 dimensions. Gravity is the only real force in the theory. It says only four of the ten dimensions can be observed by us, and that the others hint at the other forces that are observed. It does not say that other physics theories are not true, or wrong.

String theory has led to advances in the mathematics of folding, knots and Calabi-Yau spaces. this is from http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/String_theory ( I only posted that so people would know what I was talking about).

This whole thing went round in round in my head. I prayed about it. The next week I was reading Hebrews 1:8. It is talking about Jesus' ability to 'fold up the universe like a garment'.

Here was this supposing 'out of date' Bible totally describing something considered a part of the latest in physic theories. It was an incredible moment and caused quite a stir of discussion in class.

I'm not going into real detail on why this is so important....but if we could ONLY begin to grasp the fact that God isn't subject to our 3D world and time, it would explain so many things that perlexes us and cause us to lose faith.

God doesn't just love us from the 'outside'....He is totally interwoven with us.

Jon-Marc #fundie lampstandstudy.com

(Can Christians buck down demons?}

WE can't but God can, and He can do it through us. This gives me the opportunity to mention an interesting dream I had just prior to waking this morning.

I can't remember all of it, but I do remember the end of it. In the dream I was with a group of people when we discovered that one "person" was a satanic being. One man started quoting scripture at the creature, and being a singer I started singing praises to God. As I did that I put my hands on his face, and the creature shriveled up and fell dead at my feet--looking like someone who had been dead a long time.