
Templar 331 #sexist mmo-champion.com

If you pass out - say, you are sunbathing on the beach and fall asleep - and I see you are unconscious, and rape you - you accept that it was irresponsible of you to fall asleep?

Blacking out drunk isn't the same as sleeping on the beach, unless you are a REAL deep sleeper. In which case I don't think you should be sleeping on the beach. :/

Do your coworkers have the right to run a train on your unconscious body?

I work with several guys that would do that when I'm conscious. >.> To be fair it would be, I hope, an accident.

Or does it only apply to alcohol?

We have a WINNER!!!

You knowingly put a substance into your body that has a side effect of making you unresponsive for long periods of time while in a place surrounded by people you don't know who are also imbibing the same substance.

If so, have you ever been very drunk? Where you would have been unable to resist, slurred your speech in your refusal so that it was unclear, or have you ever passed out while drunk?

Nope. You know why? BECAUSE I DON'T FUCKING WANT TO BE RAPED!!!! (even though I'm a guy it can still happen)

I get drowsy after half an ale, so I know it wouldn't take much for me to be out for a while.

Or it seems you're saying drinking alcohol is tantamount to 'consenting' to rape.

What we, or at least I, are saying is that when you put yourself in a situation where you are vulnerable you share part of the responsibility of what happened. It's not your fault that you get raped. No one should be raped, but if it does happen and you helped facilitate it then you should grow up an learn that your habits need to change. Drink with friends, drink at home. Don't got to frat parities or bars and get shit faced by yourself.

itisamuh #fundie #homophobia mmo-champion.com

The only reason marriage gives financial benefits is because it's working under the assumption that they're preparing to raise a family. A gay couple can't have kids, and shouldn't be allowed to adopt, so that's out. Those financial benefits are also the only reason, aside from preparing a family, to get married in the first place. So if they were doing that, that's pretty much screwing over all single people. You'd have people, who aren't gay or in a relationship at all, just friends, getting married for those legal benefits. That's not right. It's taking something that's supposed to be meaningful and abusing it for personal gain. Oh, and because homosexuality is an unnatural taboo, and taboos shouldn't be supported or encouraged legally or socially. Standards in general seem to be losing their meaning in today's society.

1) that's not the only reason, if you think it is, i'd like to see some backup. you make the claim, the burden of proof lies on you.
2) why shouldn't gays be allowed to adopt again?
3) straight people DO do that all the time, hell i knew people that would get married just so they could move off-base when they were in the military.
4) how is homosexuality unnatural again?
5) how is it a universal taboo? you're aware that taboos are a culturally distinctive thing, right? every culture has a different s

These threads always seem to get me in trouble, or at least annoyed, so this will probably be my last post. If you respond, I won't see it.

1. Don't spout off the burden of proof crap. I can turn that around and say prove that it's not the only reason. I can tell just by your lingo that you're probably an atheist.

2. They shouldn't be allowed to adopt because it's raising a kid in an improper environment by default. They'll be getting exposed to a lack of standards from the start. Sure, they may be nice people and mean well, but the child won't be receiving the full perspective. Granted, that often happens anyway, but that can't always be controlled. Adoption can be controlled, however. Since you like using scientific lingo, maybe you should check out the snowball effect. That's exactly what will happen if this kind of stuff gets encouraged and accepted more and more.

3. Yes, they do. It's unfortunate, but again, it's not always avoidable. That doesn't mean that we should promote something that's an exploitation literally every single time. Because, until you prove to me what other legitimate reasons there can be for a gay couple getting married, I'm standing by that statement.

4. Look around you. Whether you're religious or not, just look. Basically the entire world shows it. Males and females mate to continue their respective species. They pal around with their own gender, if they pal around at all, but when it comes to mating, they find the other. Sure, there are the occasional defects, but whether it's God's plan or nature's design, males and females were meant to mate. If everyone turned gay, there's the end of our species. That alone should be enough to prove it's wrong. Obviously not everyone will turn gay, but that doesn't mean it should be encouraged as okay. Sometimes standards should be upheld, even if some people don't like them. Not everything should be okay, and the line of what is and isn't shouldn't be so blurred. This has nothing to do with religion, just general principle and common sense. If people are gay regardless of it being unnatural, that's their call. People can be attracted to kids or their own siblings if they want to as well. That doesn't mean it should be supported.

5. In my society, up until this ridiculous social liberal movement, it was a taboo. It still is, in a lot of people's minds, including mine. I really don't care if other cultures agree, the one I live in is the only one that's relevant to me. Besides, as stated above, I'm basing my views off of obvious nature and common sense, not what society tells me is okay.

This is what baffles me about the liberal mentality. Not necessarily you, cause obviously I don't know you, in fact I don't even know that you're liberal, but their general attitude as a whole. They preach that nobody should be judged negatively for their beliefs, or preferences, or values, or anything else. No matter what. And on paper that's a good ideal, but then they turn around and negatively judge anyone who believes in upholding traditional standards. I'm sorry, if you're offended by my beliefs, agree to disagree I guess, but I will never change my mind on this. The fact that, if everyone was gay, the species would die out in a generation, is enough for me to decide that it's wrong. The fact that basically every species on the planet with male and female counterparts thrives on male and female mating is enough for me to decide that that's the way it's supposed to be, whether designed by nature or by God, whatever. It's got nothing to do with religion, at all. Drugs don't hurt anyone except the person using them, and that's their choice, but it's still illegal because common sense says it's wrong. Same thing here. But no, we're too worried about offending someone to have a right and wrong, beyond discouraging murder.

Itisamuh #sexist mmo-champion.com

I often see grown men eyeing up girls school girls. Is this wrong?
So I moved to a new area a while ago and basically it's located nearby a secondary school (high school) so I bump into a lot of children in school uniforms on the morning commute where I can't help but notice adult men checking girls out. There is something wrong with this imo, like the girls where I live wear knee-length skirt and usually don't wear any tights with it so men tend to get an eyeful on the bus/train and 8 times out of 10 you can expect an adult male trying to eye the bottom of a teenage school girl.I think it's disgusting.

So you think people are not supposed to look at attractive members of the opposite sex when they are at their most prime age? Good luck avoiding that. And it is not just adult men and teenage girls. Middle aged women will scream and whistle and throw their panties at good looking teenage male stars.

Sex to me is a lot more than just biology. Just because someone is capable of breeding doesn't mean they're mentally prepared for it. Some may "grow" up faster than others but under 18 is still a child in my eyes. Hell, even 18-19 is still a child in my eyes. Personally I'd make the aoc 21 but the law disagrees. Either way I think its wrong and predatory for older people to go after people at such a young age.

I have the opposite view, that the age of consent should be much lower because people much younger than that are going to be having sex. Why make it illegal for no good reason when they are going to do it anyway? When you try to judge whether someone was mentally ready for it, whether they were seduced or used and so on, you are throwing way too many subjective factors in for it to be decided by an arbitrary cutoff.

Templar 331 #fundie mmo-champion.com


A Norwegian PSA is calling on dads around the world to take a closer look at their actions and how they may add to rape culture.

#DearDaddy, put out by CARE Norway, an organization that advocates for women’s and girls’ rights,

Gee, didn't see that coming.

“By the time I’m 14, the boys in my class will have called me a whore,” she tells her dad. “It’s just for fun of course, something boys do, so you won’t worry, and I understand that.”

Oh no! Those hurtful words!!

She goes on to share how another boy will try to stick his hand down her pants while she’s drunk at 16.

Then don't get drunk underage or to the point of passing out in a place by yourself.

Later on, she tells him she will be raped by a family friend at 21.

The hell kind of friends do you and your family have?

Afterwards, she finds herself in an abusive relationship as an adult.

Which is totally not her fault for choosing to be with an abusive fuck. She's totally innocent from all responsibility. >.>

Here in Canada, several provinces have put out campaigns advocating against sexual violence and harassment. While the campaign #WhoWillYouHelp? was geared toward speaking up when you witness something,

Why the hell should anyone "speak up" when you screw yourself and fail to take responsibility for your actions?

This video isn’t meant to shame men. Her ask is simply that her father become aware of his own actions and the role he can inadvertently play in adding to rape culture by laughing off misogynist things as jokes and failing to call out the men in his life.

"I'm not saying it's your fault, it just is your fault."

“One thing leads to another,” she explains. “Don’t let my brothers call girls whores, because they’re not.”

"You hurt my feelings!! I've been RAPED

Templar 331 #fundie mmo-champion.com

After a man allegedly tried to inappropriately touch a 15-year-old girl on a bus in Queens, New York, Morancy stepped in, pinned the accused creeper against a seat and sent a simple message. He said,
"Don’t ever do that shit again."
Eventually the cops came to the scene to sort the situation out. When they arrived, Morancy told them there was a man touching a little girl. Morancy also told them he was defending her.

And what was a teenager doing on a bus by herself?

1) What does that have to do with anything? 2) How do you think teenagers get around in New York?

1. Pretty poor parenting to let a teenager who can't take care of herself go around New York alone. I know it's victim blaming but you see where her being alone got her, almost sexually assaulted. Imagine if this dude hadn't of been there.

2. Hopefully with their parents or in a group

1) You're right, it is victim blaming. How is being groped by a stranger on a public bus the fault of the parents or the girl? Or a demonstration that she can't take care of herself? Half the neckbearded, "independent", adult men commenting in this very thread are too cowardly to even confront this guy themselves, by their own admissions. Grown women get raped and molested by strangers too, should they be followed around by mommy and daddy every where they go? If a total stranger walked up behind you and punched you in the back of the had, are you going to claim it was your parent's fault for not picking you up after work?

I seem to have struck a nerve.

Here's a tip for life, if you can't take care of yourself don't be by yourself. This girl was clearly not able to take care of herself so she shouldn't have been by herself. By all means blame the groper, but when you jump into the fray you run the risk of getting hurt. And from your own observations here this girl was lucky the good guy was there to protect her because how many of us would jump in, right?

Nice to know my town is part of "fantasy land" instead of reality.

As for the rest of your tirade, you have failed to explain why the girl was on the bus by herself. Were her parents to busy to escort her? Did they not care for her enough? As you've explained, New York/L.A./etc. are pretty big cities. Why take the chance in letting a teenager who can't take care of herself ride the bus alone? When she's a grown woman who can take care of herself then the parents shouldn't have
anything to do with it.

If someone comes out of alley and you don't see them and hits you in the head with a bat, that's you screwed.

Then that's your ass for not paying attention to dark allies. The victim of something isn't off the hook because they are the victim. If someone fails to protect themselves from a possible event then it's still on them. Walking into a street with your eyes closed doesn't absolve you when you are hit by a car. Going into public alone when you are too young to protect yourself doesn't mean you or your guardians are in the right

I neither conveyed nor even inferred anything about what should or should not have happened. I simply said that she, like most people, was likely not expecting to be blatantly, gratuitously fondled on a crowed bus in the middle of the day.

So a woman doesn't expect to get groped on a crowded bus? I may not have much experience riding on public transit but I'm willing to bet this happens too often.

Templar 331 #fundie mmo-champion.com

It's a double standard. Men are seen as sexual beast unable to control themselves and if a guy finds himself in a situation like this, this outcome is to be expected of him. Any other outcome would mean he wasn't really a man. Women on the other hand are seen as sexually in control. Both of themselves and of the man or men they are sleeping with. If one ever went on a sexcapades like this, banging two older guys at one time, she would be labeled a slut.

I see no problem with the kid banging his teachers. And it's not just because I'm a guy. One of the main reasons I see no problem with this is because the two women are physically, and hopefully mentally, mature. Meaning if a child were to come from this encounter, and let's hope that doesn't happen, they could properly raise it. If roles were reversed and a teenage girl was knocked up by two guys, she wouldn't be physically or mentally capable to deal with the child, at least properly. And I know this sounds weird, but in a way it was better that he had sex with older women than it would have been if he had sex with girls his age. I'm not saying he's not, and he probably is, but it seems less problematic.

medium9 #fundie mmo-champion.com

[on the kevin spacey sexual harassment allegations]

I'm with Shinra1 here. 26 is still fairly young, and it's entirely within the realm of possibilities that one hasn't fully matured sexually (well, body yes, but mentally is another thing) especially as a gay during that time, especially in Hollywood. I see this more like some teen at a party getting shitfaced and try to get it on with that hot freshman chick. People need to figure themselves out. It's no excuse for meddling with a minor, but as we (almost) all know: Drunk minds can REALLY fuck up one's moral compass.
That doesn't make it right, and if the allegations turn out to have substance, he deserves the scrutiny in the very least. But I personally still consider this to be in the realm of normal human try-out thyself. 14 isn't that young either, most people would have had some sexual experience by then, and at least boys will have had substancial solo play by that point to know enough about what's going on, roughly. Heck, at 14 I was actively seeking out a good lay.

I also get the vibe that no real abuse happened, and that a "no" was eventually honored without any actual rapey actions. All these things lead me to suspect that no actual harm was done, and that he merely tries to jump onto the Weinstein-wagon, possibly to gain a glimpse of spotlight. I almost suspect that he didn't even think much about the "incident" all these 30 years.
Well, yet another reason to give STD a pass. (I love that they still went with the name, knowing full well that ST has a tradition of refering to installments with 3-letter acronyms and STD was guaranteed to happen.)

Not too long ago the qhole sexuality thing was a LOT more relaxed man. I really don't know what happened. It's as if people suddenly forgot that we really are animals, and that sexuality is the strongest aspect of it by far. People have made all sorts of advancements for millenia to all sorts of other people. And as long as it didn't come to downright rape, abuse and violence (and yes, a forced kiss is abuse already - but not if the other one leans in, no matter how drunk), we filed it under "experience". I'm not saying that anything is game, but people currently are WAYYYY too sensitive about it. Not to say we should just leave it as is, but we're yet again overshooting the goals by miles. I'm getting tired of this.

Shinra1 #fundie mmo-champion.com

Aren't homosexuals getting a lot of crap from religious people and in many less advanced countries? Saying mankind accepts them is wrong. Pedophilia is accepted in certain cultures where they marry and bed children at that.

I accept homosexuality because I see nothing but love between the people I know of that sexual orientation. Between a pedophile and child, there is no such thing, not even consent.

This is not true.

First of all in the educated sense the term is not just consent it's called informed consent to show that the person fully understands the consequences of their decisions.

Secondly many young children are capable of making informed consent claiming that all children are incapable of that is ludicrous certainly babies and toddlers, I agree with you but anything over 10 can make informed consent.

Shinra1 #fundie mmo-champion.com

BBC - A Pakistani woman who was set on fire for refusing a marriage proposal has died of her injuries
Maria Sadaqat, a young schoolteacher, was attacked in her home by a group of men on Sunday and died in hospital in Islamabad on Wednesday. Her family say she had turned down a marriage proposal from the son of the owner of a school she had taught at. Campaigners say attacks on women who refuse marriage proposals are common in Pakistan.

Maria's father has said the school owner was one of the men who attacked his daughter. Police told the BBC that the men beat her and doused her in petrol before setting her alight near the hill resort of Murree, not far from the capital. She suffered serious burns on nearly all of her body. Local media report that she had 85% burns.
Nearly 1,100 women were killed in Pakistan last year in so-called honour-killings, the country's independent Human Rights Commission says. Most are by relatives, but a small number carried out by people outside the family are also related to perceived loss of honour, correspondents say. Police said earlier this year that village elders had ordered the murder of a teenage girl because she helped a friend to elope.
Campaigners say most "honour killings" are not reported.
The Council of Islamic Ideology proposed making it legal for husbands to "lightly beat" their wives. Religious groups have equated women's rights campaigns with promotion of obscenity.

It's not a big deal this is like a one off. I'm sure people will make wild generalisations and drag in a bit of racism to make themselves feel better but ultimately this issue is none of the West's business. Let countries handle their own Human Rights issue. I can't believe that some people are already calling for Western intervention in the form of treaties. Keep your nose out of it more like.
What's more this is not an Islamic issue, it's cultural. Islam has nothing to do with this.
Lots of women die from male violence/abuse in the West but that's not sexy and sensationalist news is it now?

If they are so peaceful how about you go live in Afghanistan, Pakistan, or Saudi Arabia. See how long you last as a westerner.

Saudi Arabia does't have a rape problem. Are you aware of just how strict and overhanded their sex crime laws are?


What your link doesn't say (to anyone who is actually following this discussion ) is that the King of Saudi Arabia gave the victims an official pardon and they were not actually lashed or jailed.
In addition the perpetrators of the gang rape were sentenced to 1,000 lashes and imprisonment up to ten years
Nice try but you just proved that Saudi Arabia has strict sexual assault crimes just because they might have sexist laws in place for the victims doesn't negate that.

Why were they sentenced to begin with?

the sentencing is justified and it's clearly written in the link, that is, it is illegal for women to be alone with men who are not related to them. This law was put in place to protect women (and men) from putting themselves in situations which would inspire rape. Before you say victim blaming this is no different to the loud groups that question women about what they were wearing and why they were out so late or why they got into the car with a stranger.

Firstly, women have rights over their own bodies and that includes the right to be alone with whoever they want. You have no right to decide who a woman can spend her time with and you certainly have no right to punish her for it.

Secondly, I like how you avoided talking about how Saudi husbands demand sex from their wives whether the wives want to or not. People like you are the reason millions (billions) of women are abused every day.

If you don't want to follow the particular laws of a country or respect them for that matter, don't live there. I wouldn't bring forbidden animals or any animal in my luggage without declaring it into Australia for example but I would feel horrible about leaving my pets at home. But ultimately the law is the law. And in this case it's their because of religious reasons. In Islam it's illegal for men and women who are not related to be alone and there is nothing wrong with that. I respect people's religious views. I think you should too.

There is a certain expectation to have sex with any marriage regardless of religion/race. Plenty of divorces happen when needs are not being met. In the bible it says that women must submit themselves to their husbands and there is another verse that I cannot recall that supports this idea that women should be prepared to meet their husbands need which includes sex. Like I have been saying since page one this is not a Muslim issue, hell it's not even a Christian or religious issue. Men demand sex from their wives all the time. Women are victimised by men across race, religion and culture. Why are you loath to admit this?
The law about not being alone with strangers of the opposite sex is not sexist because it applies to men as well.

You say that the bible is not law anywhere but the Qu'ran is. I hope you realise that Saudi Arabia is an Islamic state not just in name but in practice too. 99.99% IF not 100% of their citizens are Muslim I don't see the problem with the law reflecting the religion which everyone practices as has been historically the case in the West with Christianity. Who are you defending? The muslim women who actually support the law which you say is sexist? Saudi Arabian women do not need you to cape for them they are happy living under the sharia law which is a part of the religion they practice.

Fencers #fundie mmo-champion.com

People shouted ‘jump’ before suicidal man fell to his death
A suicidal man died when he fell from a building after people shouted ‘get on with it’ and ‘jump’ while police tried to coax him back from the edge.Some people even filmed the victim, aged in his 40s, as he fell to the floor on Saturday afternoon and one person was heard asking ‘how far can you bounce?’Police were called to the scene in Telford, West Midlands, and have since criticised those who shouted to the man.
Inspector Ben Smith said: ‘It is pretty appalling because it is someone who is clearly in need of support and assistance. That behaviour is something we would condemn.‘Clearly what that individual needed was time and space and a professional to help them out.
The individual would have been in need of care and support and appropriate intervention from medical professionals, so anything like that to encourage someone to jump should be unequivocally condemned.’
Kelly-Anne Taylor, 35, from Telford, said: ‘People were recording it with their phones and yelling at him to jump.
I can’t stop thinking about it. I was up town when it was happening and how much I wish I could have tried to help him.’

I do not see what the offense is here. The universe is indifferent to your being, and people have no obligation or duty to be sympathetic your being either.
It is very likely strangers to the "jumper" viewed the individual as annoyingly occupying time &/or space. At best believing the stunt to be overly dramatic and insultingly selfish, or at worst viewing the individual as mentally ill.

In either view there is no object reason a passerby need feel or discourage others from their self harming mania.
Morality is made up. It's not a real objective thing in the universe. There is no right or wrong- there are laws and social norms, both of which are transitory and relative.

Outrage is unnecessary save where it infringes on another person's safety or relative freedom.

When someone is in an unstable state shouting at them, let alone advising them to kill themselves could definitely be considered infringing on their safety.

Your safety is what I clearly am talking about above. It is not necessary to be outraged people are jumping off buildings as long as it is not effecting those walking by or the infrastructure one maneuvers within.
Which jumping off buildings does effect, naturally. However it is that which should outrage an individual- that it inconvenience your day and probably cost some money to clean up.

Outrage because one may think some passerby is an "asshole" is foolish. Outrage out of some "moral" stance is unnecessary.

I wonder if you'd say the same thing if it was one of your loved ones being encouraged by apathetic strangers to kill themselves.

I would
The state of the loved one is important to me, but I do not believe others have a duty or obligation to be sympathetic to my loved ones or my feelings toward a loved one.

Imagine a different scenario:
I come across a child with obviously diminished mental capacity holding a hand gun. I heckle the child telling it that it should put the gun in its mouth and pull the trigger. The child does.
Would you be outraged? Would the situation be so different?

At your heckling? No.
At the circumstances that lead to a person with diminished mental capacity having a firearm, probably so. Because it is not in the best interest of myself, and society in general, to have firearms so accessible.
You would be a jerk, sure. The heckling is not where I would say valid outrage should be directed, however.

New Sauce boy #fundie mmo-champion.com

It has been getting out of hand from the beginning. Right when they started to put black people's lives on a pedestal and act like they're above everyone else like they're the most important people in the world and acting like they deserve something just because some black person was shot. Then it really got out of hand when they used this black lives matter bullshit as an excuse to destroy and pillage their own fucking town like a bunch of savage raiders. All because of some guy who 90% of the people involved don't even know. They only protest because it's a fellow brutha. When a black guy kills a white guy or even a family over a few thousand dollars/drugs/something stupid do you see anyone going out with signs like "white lives matter" and protesting and rioting all over? No. The only people that are affected are the friends and families of the victim(s).

The whole "BLM" shit is stupid and everyone involved are a bunch of idiots who don't even know what the fuck they're really protesting for. All they know is that some white guy killed a black guy and because of that it's racism all of a sudden. Who cares what the black guy did the cop shot him! The police are all corrupt! RIOT!! But whenever a black guy kills another black guy it's no fucking problem. Just another day in the neighborhood. Black lives don't matter in those situations right? That's why people say it's only racist if a white person is involved. White on black crime it's a international issue. Black on white crime, who the fuck cares? It's just another white guy, no biggie.

Also while on the subject people talk about stereotypes like how black people are always seen as criminals. Watch the news and tell me how many crimes were done by a black person versus a white person. Then come back and tell me that the stereotypes are unjustified and racist. Then you can wonder why cops are so on edge. Doesn't really justify their actions but as a human being can you really blame them for being scared and valuing their lives? Cops aren't emotionless drones. They want to go back home to their families too.

Shinra1 #fundie mmo-champion.com

Actor Anthony Rapp has accused Kevin Spacey of making a sexual advance at him when Rapp was 14, Buzzfeed reported Sunday.

In an interview with Buzzfeed, Rapp said Spacey picked him up, put him on his bed and "was trying to get with me sexually." Spacey was 26 at the time.

In response to the allegations, Spacey tweeted that he was "beyond horrified to hear [Rapp's] story."

Spacey tweeted: "I honestly do not remember the encounter, it would have been over 30 years ago.
"But if I did behave then as he describes, I owe him the sincerest apology for what would have been deeply inappropriate drunken behavior, and I am sorry for the feelings he describes having carried with him all these years."

I think we should all be very careful and not try and crucify this man who is an extremely apologetic and redeemable figure who has done more good than bad. I've been on twitter this morning and many people are bashing him for trying to deflect with him coming out as gay.
I even feel bad for him because it was such a long time ago and he cannot remember. There's no right or wrong way to apologise for doing something like this. I think all the holier-than-thou crowd should have several seats and shut up.

*If* the allegation is true, how do we do the ethical calculus here? How much good does somebody have to do in order to attempt to force themselves on a 14 year old?

If the allegation is true, I can still forgive him and look past his previous actions. We've all made mistakes in the past and this is no different. We obsess over a moment in a bedroom 30 years ago while most of the world is struggling to find something to eat or fighting off fanantics and criminals and rising oceans. Probably most shocked and outraged tweeters are busy watching PornHub 3 hours a day, cheating on their spouses, buying sex toys, or checking out students coming home from the local high school—
I think we need to save the moral outrage for others not a closeted gay man who was pressured to repress his sexuality by everyone.

So trying to solicit sex from a minor is not taking advantage of them? The guy seems to remember the incident pretty clearly so it wasn't forgettable to him.

The gay rumours have been swirling for decades. Hollywood used to be and still is largely homophobic and gay actors are forced to deny their orientation for the sake of keeping their careers afloat. His repressed sexuality could have led him to act out in this predatory manner as he wouldn't have had the chance to be out and openly gay in public. In short, I'm saying that his behaviour could be explained as a symptom of his mental anguish. We should empathise with him and look beyond our own hubris to crucify a man who is a victim of society as much as his own victim

Why was he at a party where there was alcohol all on his own? He was out most of the night so where were his parents? Why did he wander off into bedroom and not just go home? Space was obviously drunk and has no recollection of the incident. Rapp has waited until now to speak out, yet has told the story to others over the years. It has obviously become his 'Dinner Party Piece' and has become elaborated upon over the years. He probably believes it all himself by now, but that does not mean it is all totally true.
Even if it was, Kevin spacey is completely redeemable and he shows remorse.

It also doesn't mean it's not true. It also does not mean Spacey is redeemable.

The psychology of being closeted is dark and cruel and self-punishing. That Spacey has dwelt in that for years is sad. Not to mention how he hasn't been able to live authentically for the past 58 years. He apologised. What more do you want him to do?

If it's true, the he is added to the vermin-list.. there are no exceptions there, even if you are famous ffs... He should never get a gig again in his life, simple as that!

No, it's not forgivable to ruin someones life and then redeem yourself with good movies or whatever BS... You striked out, simple as that!

Get off the soap box. You holier-than-thou lot make me so angry. May he without sin cast the first stone.
Humans are ALL redeemable. Even the ones that kill other Humans. Yes, even the ones on Death row

Well, this whole deflection by Spacey reminds me of the whole Caitlin Jenner thing, she killed a woman by pushing her car into on coming traffic. Soon after, she comes out as trans, everyone totally forgets she just killed someone, and it falls off the radar, Spacey looks like an idiot for this, if i were his lawyer i would be losing my shit right now.

No he doesn't look like an idiot. He is very smart which is why he chose to 'come-out' now, even though everyone already knew. Don't forget that Kevin is also very much a victim. His father was a failed writer who was also sexually and physically abusive towards him and he also was a nazi extremist/sympathiser.

I feel bad for both Rapp and Spacey. And I will still watch and support Spacey. He is an American hero.

a pedo is an American hero jesus fucking christ

There is no proof that he was the p word. And even then being the p word is not a crime. There are many p words living well-adjusted lives and they have learnt to suppress their urges and you probably have crossed path with them before or they might even live in your neighbourhood. BEFORE YOU MAKE MY POST ABOUT THIS, I'M TELLING YOU ITS NOT ABOUT DEFENDING P WORDS BUT ABOUT USING THE CORRECT NOMENCLATURE. The only 'crime', and I use that word dubiously, is lifting the boy onto his bed which can be explained as drunken behaviour.
All I'm saying is that there are biggest things to focus your hate and anger towards than a gay 58 year old man whose nazi father used to beat up and molest until his late teens.

I'm not on Kevin's side. I'm on the side of the victim which is Rapp but that doesn't mean I condemn Kevin to death or wish him harm. As I mentioned on the previous pages of this thread: Kevin is a tortured soul whose father abused him so I can find it in my heart to forgive him for allegedly touching a 14 year old (a grown kid basically who knows right from wrong and had a job) inappropriately 30 years ago.

Humans are flawed. There's no one who is perfect.

Itisamuh #sexist mmo-champion.com

British mom gets just 12 months after repeatedly having sex with 8-year-old boy.
So I was surfing around the internet when all of a sudden I notice this... I am sorry but I just think this is unfair. Now I have seen people who are 16 have sex with his girlfriend who is 15 and get 7 years....
Heres the link: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/british-mom-jailed-sex-8-year-old-article-1.1726526

While I rarely feel sorry for the minors in cases like these (face it, they usually know exactly what is going on and enjoy it) it really gets on my nerves that women seem to always get more lenient sentences. I despise double standards and think the judge deserves his or her own prison sentence for excusing it because she lost her nerve and quit.

Itisamuh #fundie mmo-champion.com

If a bunch of gays moved to a state, for the example, California and lobbied to outlaw straight marriage and won would you support that state's decision?

I mean it is the states right correct? Just as it is their right to outlaw gay marriage.

No, because the normal status quo is man plus woman. It has nothing to do with state vs federal (for me anyway.) I simply see no reason for society to go out of its way to support every single oddity people can come up with. Especially since, if we deviate from the obvious norm once, then why not do it again? Why not legalize incest, provided both parties consent? Why not lower the age of consent to post-puberty, since they do it anyway? Etc. None of those things are "natural restraints" and all of them involve "natural attraction." If we revoke our purely man-made laws for one deviation, then all the others start asking for it, and the reasons for denying them become flemsy. Better to just not cross the line in the first place and have a set standard in my opinion. And that principle can apply to basically everything, not just this. It has nothing to do with "hating" gays, or wanting to deny rights, but rather having more concrete, set standards of life. Of course, as we become a more liberal society, my "archaic" standards will continue to get phased out in the name of goofy political correctness and an "everybody wins!" mentality.

But, as someone said earlier, it gets ridiculous having laws completely change from one state to the next. So as much as I would rather keep my conservative state conservative, I understand why the federal government steps in sometimes.

Itisamuh #fundie mmo-champion.com

I love the hypocrisy of this (not you specifically, just the general attitude people have.)

People against homosexuality can say it's an unnatural pairing because it can't lead to reproduction, and thus shouldn't be supported. But then the supporters try to turn that around, and say "Well then you're saying that people who can't have children for whatever reason shouldn't be allowed to either, right?!" It happens every single time.

But when it comes to incest, those same supporters won't agree if you use the exact same approach and say "Then anyone who even has a chance of passing a disease or disorder shouldn't be allowed to be marry or have children, right?"

Yeah, I kind of sympathize for them, even as a conservative. It strikes me as ridiculous that society is embracing things like homosexuality (which to me is far more strange than a brother and sister) but still condemning incest. Either traditional ideals should remain in tact, or anything should go. There is really no legitimate case to make for in between.

itisamuh #fundie mmo-champion.com

Personally if one of my male friends was attracted to a 12 year old girl, and another was attracted to a 24 year old man, I'd say the one attracted to the 12 year old girl is more normal. Make the girl 3 years old, and I'd possibly change my mind

templar 331 #fundie mmo-champion.com

Man Thrown in Jail Over Traffic Ticket, Neglected for 17 days and Died.
Macomb County sheriffs picked up Stojcevski in 2014 after he failed to pay a $772 traffic ticket for careless driving. Stojcevski was placed in a jail cell and later a mental health cell, even though a nurse who evaluated Stojcevski suggested putting him in a drug detox unit.
Prior to his jail stint, Stojcevski was being treated for his drug addiction with methadone, Xanax, and Klonopin to stave off withdrawal symptoms, which can be deadly. Even a basic knowledge of these drugs and addiction suggests that suddenly yanking Stojcevski off of his medication would cause withdrawal — and that's exactly what happened when jail officials didn't give him the drugs.

Over 17 days, Stojcevski displayed typical withdrawal symptoms. He didn't eat, likely due to withdrawal-induced nausea. He shook and appeared to experience seizures. He seemed to hallucinate, reenacting a previous fight with an inmate. On his last two days, he laid on the floor, shaking and in clear distress.

During all this time, staffers rarely tended to Stojcevski's needs, even though his cell was under surveillance 24 hours a day. As he lay on the floor shaking and not eating his food over 48 hours, no one showed up to help until the very end. But it was too late — he was pronounced dead at the hospital.

So a former druggie gets caught for careless driving and dies from withdrawal in jail. It shouldn't have happened but it's kind of hard for me to care about someone who did the kind of illegal drugs that require methadone to come off of.

Oh yeah demonize addicts who can't help it since they've become addicted.

Their choice, these are the consequences. Anyone who believes drugs aren't addictive is a fool.

I knew a woman who was addicted to Crack after her brother forced her to use it.

So that must be true with every crack head am I right? And god forbid she call the cops on his ass and seeks medical help instead of following his habits.

We don't live in a country with an abundance of programs to help addicts. When they're caught they're thrown in jail.

No but we do have an abundance of programs that teach kids DON'T DO DRUGS! When you choose to do something you were taught as a child was bad it's really hard for me to feel sympathy for you.

I see. So you'd say you hate these people so much, you'd make it so that they die?

No, read a few posts after that. I wouldn't make them die, I just don't feel sorry when they do. He shouldn't have died while in the care of the state.

Daish #fundie mmo-champion.com

Baltimore officer aquitted on all charges in Freedy grays death
A Baltimore judge acquitted Officer Caesar Goodson on all counts Thursday in the death of Freddie Gray, who death in police custody last year sparked days of riots throughout the city.

Goodson, who drove the van that transported Gray after his arrest, faced the most serious charges of the six officers involved in his death last April. He was found not guilty on all seven counts, including second-degree depraved-heart murder, second-degree assault, misconduct in office and involuntary manslaughter. The depraved-heart murder charge carried a possible 30-year sentence.

this is good news

criminals should not enjoy the same rights as a law abiding citizens they make a choice to give up their rights when they commit crimes

Freddie Gray was arrested, but never tried or convicted, for carrying an illegal switchblade. In Baltimore, that is a crime punishable by a fine of up to $500, or up to 1 year imprisonment... in other words, a misdemeanor.
So to be very clear about what you acutally said here, you believe that the police should be able to kill people who they've arrested for misdemanor or felony offenses, regardless of evidence or conviction... and furthermore, that once you've been arrested, you are now considered a criminal, regardless of what anything as trivial as evidence or a court might have to say on the matter.

Darkwarrior seems to be another SJW who denies the existence of reality/facts

March 20, 2015: Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance
March 13, 2015: Malicious destruction of property, second-degree assault
January 20, 2015: Fourth-degree burglary, trespassing
January 14, 2015: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute
December 31, 2014: Possession of narcotics with intent to distribute
December 14, 2014: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance
August 31, 2014: Illegal gambling, trespassing
January 25, 2014: Possession of marijuana
September 28, 2013: Distribution of narcotics, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance, second-degree assault, second-degree escape
April 13, 2012: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance, violation of probation
July 16, 2008: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession with intent to distribute
March 28, 2008: Unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance
March 14, 2008: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to manufacture and distribute
February 11, 2008: Unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession of a controlled dangerous substance
August 29, 2007: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute, violation of probation
August 28, 2007: Possession of marijuana
August 23, 2007: False statement to a peace officer, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance
July 16, 2007: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance (2 counts)

templar 331 #fundie mmo-champion.com

Women who put themselves into situations while not caring about the consequences have themselves partly to blame. This "don't blame the victim" BS is retarded. Yes he did rape you, but you leading him on into a situation where you think you are in control and then it turns out you aren't is partly your fault. If you don't want it to begin with stop it before it starts, not halfway through.

How can a woman spot if the guy is a rapist or not before anything happens? It's not like women choose not have sex just to be annoying. Maybe she started to feel uncomfortable or the guy started to act differently. Normal woman would first assume that the guy will stop like any other normal guy. Her actions partly leaded to that situation but rape is always the rapist's fault. Blaming victim is a bad thing.

how could he know that she didn't want sex when she took her cloths off and got into bed with him..........

Yes a man who forces sex is a rapist, but the blame partly falls on her for consenting to the situation. She consented up until the act was being committed. At that point she has every right to stop, but if he doesn't then she put herself into that situation where she's in bed with a rapist. Sad as it is she is partly to blame for her actions. Had she had not agreed to that point she wouldn't be there.

Like I said, I don't condone rapists but people are responsible for their actions.

Templar 331 #fundie mmo-champion.com

Texas jail ignores woman in labor, gives birth in solitary confinement and baby dies .WICHITA COUNTY, Texas — A woman held on drug charges in the Wichita County Jail in 2012 filed a suit against Wichita County and other entities for allowing her to deliver her baby in solitary confinement without help, resulting in the infant’s death. ....The suit claims about 6:30 p.m. the same day, Guerrero started experiencing labor-like symptoms, but Anderson listened to the baby’s heartbeat and sent Guerrero back to her cell, the lawsuit states.

Approximately 11 p.m. Guerrero started feeling intensified labor-like symptoms, the suit claims.

“Recognizing that something was wrong, Plaintiff pushed the medical emergency button, seeking assistance for her worsening condition. Plaintiff continued to push the medical emergency button, but her requests for help were ignored until 3:30 a.m.,” the lawsuit alleges.

According to the lawsuit, around 3:30 a.m. detention officers took Guerrero to the nurse station, but she was not examined, and Anderson told Guerrero the complications were probably from the prescription medication she was given by the doctor.

“Subsequently, detention officers escorted Plaintiff to the 'cage' and she was given a mat to lay on. Shortly thereafter, Plaintiff’s pain worsened, and she began to experience intense pressure ... in obvious distress, began to moan, scream and cry,” the suit claims. “She also attempted to talk herself through this ordeal, since she was not receiving any medical assistance.”

I feel no sympathy for the mother, but the death of the child is square on the feet of the officers and nurse. More than likely nothing will happen to them.

Curious why you say that. Are you saying that being arrested and in jail for drugs morally justifies having a family member (the baby) who is innocent in this scenario die?

No, the child was innocent and deserved to live even if the mother was a criminal. Why I feel no sympathy for her is because of her actions, she put herself in this situation. Had she been a law abiding citizen, she wouldn't of had this misfortune. If she truly cared about the child, she wouldn't be doing illegal things like being in possession of illegal drugs or theft.

GrinningMan #fundie mmo-champion.com

[ NORTH MIAMI, FLA. (WSVN) - A therapist who works with people with disabilities is telling his story after he said police shot him while he was trying to help his patient with autism.

Cellphone video was released Wednesday afternoon showing Charles Kinsey lying on the ground with his hands in the air, telling officers that weapons are not necessary. “When I went to the ground, I went to the ground with my hands up,” Kinsey said, “and I am laying there just like this. Telling them again there is no need for firearms. He is autistic. He has a toy truck in his hand.”

In his hospital bed and wearing bandages, Kinsey said, he was attempting to calm an autistic patient who ran away from a group home. Kinsey could be heard in the video saying, “All he has is a toy truck. A toy truck. I am a behavior therapist at a group home.”

He is also heard asking his patient to calm down. “Rinaldo, please be still, Rinaldo. Sit down, Rinaldo. Lay on your stomach.”

The ordeal went on for a few minutes before Kinsey said one of the officers shot him. “I’m like this right here, and when he shot me, it was so surprising,” Kinsey said. “I thought it was a mosquito bite, and when it hit me I had my hands in the air, and I’m thinking I just got shot! And I’m saying, ‘Sir, why did you shoot me?’ and his words to me were, ‘I don’t know.'” ]

Don't be shit. Don't get shot. How is this a fucking difficult concept?

[ How was he shit by doing what he was doing? ]

He put himself in the position instead of just being like 'ok, cops are there, I should just stand back'.

But no, he was shit. The entire situation could have been avoided if he just 'didn't'.


[ He should just let police with no training handle someone that is autistic? How do you think that will unfold? ]

Well probably without him being shot for one. Cops on the scene? It becomes a permissions situation for any third party.

'I am trained to handle developmentally disabled people, may I help?' y/n

[ The story evolved since this thread was opened. When those people were posting, the officer had not given a statement yet.

My sentiment rings true, despite your repeated attempts at claiming I'm being a hypocrite: MMO-C posters love to complain about the police, even when they don't have all the facts. ]

It's the new, hip thing to do after all.

And it's disgusting. Just shows that people nowadays have no interest in behaving with the slightest bit of self-awareness. Why would they take in a situation and behave responsibly when they can blame someone else for how they complicate things -and- get a sick paycheck?

[ Even if that is true, and I am not saying it isn't, why is there no independent thinking on the part of police in these instances. It's just mechanical reaction. Does this man actually look like a threat? I really hate to carry the water of these BLM folks because I think they are fucking stupid, but how can you not see this isn't a man worth shooting. Our revolution was started by a moron with an itchy trigger finger you know... ]

Why did he put himself in the position of being mistaken for a threat instead of waiting for the officers to figure out what was going on? I've had medic friends in plain clothes wait patiently at a scene before waving a cop down and explaining what they can offer as help.

No one got shot when someone applied a little bit of fucking courtesy.

[ At no point are you actually defending or justifying the cop for shooting just victim blaming. ]

waaaaah waaaaaah 'victim blaming'.

The man was educated in how to handle the developmentally disabled, yes? He went to school for it? He has a licensed therapist?

Then he wasn't a victim, he was a moron. A licensed moron that forgot a pretty key detail in offering assistance.

[ Maybe he listened to the people who said that you won't get shot if you're respectful and comply with every demand of the officers. ]

Are you saying that people should do whatever they can to avoid interacting with the police, because they could be shot for no justifiable reason at any given time?
I'm saying don't interact with the police until the situation de-escalates from 'guns are drawn', yes

[ Don't want to get accused of victim blaming? Stop blaming the victim.

Seriously, in what world is it OK to shoot someone lying on their back with their empty hands in the air? ]

Why would I stop blaming the victim when he was behaving in a manner that breaks concentration?

The officers have guns drawn, they are trying to figure out a situation and you have some jag-off flapping his lips while the police are trying to figure out:

A) Is the subject a threat?
B) Does he have a weapon?
C) How are people behaving around him?
D) Who all is connected to him?
E) Could a bystander be armed?
F) Is the subject disoriented?

He was not helping himself in this situation. Stay quiet, wait for officers to de-escalate situation, then explain why you are there.

alexkeren #fundie mmo-champion.com

[ NORTH MIAMI, FLA. (WSVN) - A therapist who works with people with disabilities is telling his story after he said police shot him while he was trying to help his patient with autism.

Cellphone video was released Wednesday afternoon showing Charles Kinsey lying on the ground with his hands in the air, telling officers that weapons are not necessary. “When I went to the ground, I went to the ground with my hands up,” Kinsey said, “and I am laying there just like this. Telling them again there is no need for firearms. He is autistic. He has a toy truck in his hand.”

In his hospital bed and wearing bandages, Kinsey said, he was attempting to calm an autistic patient who ran away from a group home. Kinsey could be heard in the video saying, “All he has is a toy truck. A toy truck. I am a behavior therapist at a group home.”

He is also heard asking his patient to calm down. “Rinaldo, please be still, Rinaldo. Sit down, Rinaldo. Lay on your stomach.”

The ordeal went on for a few minutes before Kinsey said one of the officers shot him. “I’m like this right here, and when he shot me, it was so surprising,” Kinsey said. “I thought it was a mosquito bite, and when it hit me I had my hands in the air, and I’m thinking I just got shot! And I’m saying, ‘Sir, why did you shoot me?’ and his words to me were, ‘I don’t know.'” ]

[ It was a toy truck. I mean are the cops fucking blind? ]

Clearly you are. The cops aren't in the cell phone footage at the beginning yet you can't really tell what the boy is holding.

It's safer to act on the assumption based upon the 911 call the boy is armed until you have actual visual confirmation otherwise.

All you armchair cops really need to go through some of the simulations being offered to clueless people like yourselves.

Majad #fundie mmo-champion.com

[ on a man who killed his girlfriend for deliberately infecting him with HIV ]

He should have used a condom so he deserved it, no offense.About her, well, following my logic at the moment, she deserved it too, she should've told him that she was HIV positive.

My personal opinion, they both did wrong, not saying what happened to them is well deserved, it isn't, but what he did was pushing it way too far and she should told him about having HIV.

Alturic #fundie mmo-champion.com

I'm not trying to downplay HIV/AIDs in the slightest but do you think that if I gave someone my pneumonia they should be able to sue me? How about if they died from it, should I get charged pressed against me? How about MERs? I mean, sure HIV/AIDs required (if I'm not mistaken, at this point in time) lifetime medication usage but... it's just so odd to me that it's treated (criminally at least) with such extremes.

Should someone be able to sue me for giving it to them? Meh, people sue people over stupid shit all the time, so something like this sure... but to think that I should be jailed over it, somewhat extreme.

[ If you can control the spread of a disease (which is difficult with MERS and pnemonia which is why its not the same) but purposely dont do that, yes you should be prosecuted. ]

Gotta be honest, never understood claims like that. It's easy as hell to control the spread of diseases/germs/colds. Don't go out until you're over it? Wear a mask, equiv to a condom?

Ryotte,themius,fathomfear,lenonis #fundie mmo-champion.com

[ (CBS) Larry Dunn Jr. made a chilling confession to cops last week after allegedly stabbing his girlfriend for telling him she was HIV-positive, WFAA-TV reported.

"She killed me, so I killed her."

Dunn, a 36-year-old Texas man, told police that he snapped during a visit to the Dallas apartment of his new girlfriend, 28-year-old Cicely Bolden, on Thursday afternoon, according to WFAA.Bolden apparently revealed her HIV status to Dunn after the couple had sex. (To clarify)Furious, Dunn grabbed a knife from the kitchen and stabbed Bolden to death ]

Ryotte:How is it worse for her to want human affection badly enough and possibly be scared/confused/rejected enough to sleep with him before telling him her HIV status than for him to KILL HER without knowing if he even contracted HIV and leave her body for her 7 and 8 year old kids?
[ Think positive - she could've infected much more people with HIV if she was left alive. The man did good to society by not allowing the disease to spread to more innocent and unuspecting victims ]
Innocent and unsuspecting victims...like the kids who walked in and found their mother dead? Yeah, I'm sure that did positive things for their role in society. DIdn't screw them up at all. Nope.

Themius:This topic is disgusting... people are bashing the dead woman who admits to someone she has HIV and everyone is like.. yeah that's cool I would do it too.If he did have HIV "oh no I may only live to be almost 70! i'm going to kill her!" like really? It's not a death sentence and the guy is so fucking dumb he said he killed him? You know how some transsexuals will have sex with people without telling them till after? This is like that. They feel rejected for who they are on a regular and thus some opt to not say anything until later when the person has more vested feelings in them so that maybe they won't leave them. Is it the right thing? No not necessarily, but is it worthy of death? Absolutely not.

What I want to know is why are we painting her as this horrible woman? I view her more as a victim of circumstance, not some person out to give hiv to everyone. If this was the case she wouldn't have told him and would have had sex with him much more. Sleeping with a transsexual will affect you negatively if they never told you and tell you later, or you find out by some other method. This is very much like that.

yosef1015 :How about this, put your self in her shoes, would you have told him? Your all probably thinking "hell ya i would" but think about it, if she tells him, no sex and he will most likely break up with her. So basically if she tells any guy that she has HIV she will go through life with no sex and no relationships unless she finds that one guy which will be really hard to find. Sex is a powerful thing. Sure I think it was wrong not to tell him but I dont blame her one bit

FathomFear: The fact of the matter is that protecting ourselves from STIs is each individual's responsibility. While I would no doubt be pissed if I slept with a guy who knowingly withheld his HIV+ status, the onus is ultimately on me either way. There's a certain amount of risk that goes along with sexual activity, and everyone needs to be willing to take it on and take appropriate measures. The only 100% safe alternative is abstinence.

lenonis : Up to 500,000 people die worldwide each year because of the flu. So if someone tells me they have the flu after they have sex with me, I can kill them right? Cause I might die from the exposure?

scarletlion #fundie mmo-champion.com

on having a gay child

Son is a boy. Daughter is a girl. No need to change the roles. I would be terrified but unlike some people i wouldn't "slap the shit" out of my kid because it wouldn't fix anything. But on the other hand i wouldn't support them either. I would let them know i am disappointed. And maybe cut off my bounds. If they wanna live like that and insist on it then they wont have my support about anything, they are on their own.
Also adopted kid is not your own kid. It's like owning a pet from animal shelter. You are not his\her mother or father and you didn't give birth. So You can try to act like it but the fact is there.

Mandrace #fundie mmo-champion.com

[ What would you do if your son or daughter comes out to you?]

Thankfully I'm not having children so I won't be in that situation, EVER.

But in case it does happen, though it is very very very unlikely I would have to say that first I'm not against Gay's, but I do not want under any circumstance anything to do with them either. I honestly think it's weird and unnatural. That's just my primitive, honest opinion. That said, if my kid came up to me and said that I wouldn't be able to support the kid anymore but, on some level it's still my kid so I would still love them. I just wouldn't support them, but if they joined any of that gay propaganda shit to enforce it down our throats I wouldn't hesitate to beat his or her ass until it is black and blue.

Salandrin #conspiracy mmo-champion.com

It sounds quite fishy one day out of the blue such a great would be dead by cancer. I honestly believe Steve Jobs did not die peacefully, and was murdered. So people may ask, ''who murdered Steve Jobs?'' and I tell you who. Those pigs at the american media and entertainment centers obviously ran out of lies and false information to feed to the american audience and so quietly ordered his assassination to make the public mourn while they roll in money like the filthy little swines they are.

This is just my opinion because of past experience and evidence, but what do you guys think of Steve Jobs death? Leave opinions.

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