
Heru Sankofa #wingnut #conspiracy conflictingviews.wordpress.com

I think at this point, we can all agree that Biden is the absolute worst president of the current generation. He is the cause of hyper inflation, mentored by a literal grand cyclops of the KKK, wrote the damn mass incarceration law back in the 90s, constantly insults the intelligence of his voter base (they deserve it), lets in swarms of immigrants with reckless abandon, had a disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, lied about his support for the narc as well as it’s effectiveness, threatened people’s jobs over the narc UNLESS they’re illegals, implemented censorship practices to protect big pharma as a result, and keeps talking all this shit about how he’s gonna kick the asses of the world even when he’s turning the country into China. There’s a longer list of shit he’s pulled, but we’ll be at this all day if we had to run it down. Biden is without question a notoriously duplicitous shitbird, and he’d do all of us a favor if he vacated the Oval Office right this second.

Heru Sankofa #wingnut #homophobia #conspiracy conflictingviews.wordpress.com

Speaking of Naughtydog, no it hasn’t escaped me that their LGBT simulator “The Last of Us Part boo” won game of the year for no other reason than to support their agenda. I’ve never understood the whole mantra of “GOTY” outside of being a cheap marketing gimmick, but LOU2 winning goty doesn’t really bother me. GOTY is, in the end, a meaningless title. Especially for a year that is nothing but bad news. Being GOTY in 2020 is nothing to be proud of, you get to sit right next to the fucking Sonic movie as some of the so-called best entertainment of an apocalyptic year where people are too sick and insane as it is to give 2/5ths of a fuck about struggling lesbians. It’s an act of desperation to credentialize the LGBT lifestyle, and it couldn’t come at the worst time.

Heru Sankofa #homophobia #conspiracy #wingnut conflictingviews.wordpress.com

But naw, this shit was triggered because I used the word “faggot”. That’s fine. Get mad! I’m letting you know right there that I don’t want you creeping that bullshit into Sonic. You already have Last of Us, Battlefield (the same franchise that diminished the Harlem Hellfighters, btw), you even got Trini from Power Rangers for fuck’s sake, and all the best options in Mass Effect. You even bullied Nintendo into giving you a gay option in Tomodachi Life. You made Ice Man gay. You have Wiccan and Hulkling, and Batwoman. You have plenty of newer franchises coming out with gay shit in it. You…. do not…. ever…. need to go… to an older franchise… and transform the main character… into… a….. FAGGOT! There is no good reason for it. None whatsoever. And if we’re being honest, that would go against creator intent anyway. Sonic was intended to have a hetero love interest before the first game came into existence. Everyone knows about Madonna’s ass. There was intent to create another one, Tiara Boobowski, since Sally could barely squeeze in a game appearance. But everyone was on the same page. Sonic is fucking STRAIGHT! “Oh but he’s never had an active romance within the games“, nevermind 06 which shipped the hell out of Sonic and Elise. The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence. What, you gonna say Shadow’s gay too? His creator ships him and Maria (which in itself is fucking creepy, but eh).

Lets just stop the dance for a minute. Gay people saw the success of the Sonic movie, and now they want to use the newfound relevance of Sonic as a springboard to push homosexuality onto CHILDREN. Strictly about increasing their dating pool for the future. That’s it. I’ve said it before, they are opportunistic jackasses who see everything in the world as a tool to push their own agenda. Sonic as a franchise has been deranged enough as it is, it does NOT need this bullshit. Every time you get a gay ANYTHING, it’s celebrated like the second coming. Trini from the Power Rangers movie was a SHIT character, but the mere implication of her having a habit of doing the scissor dance was enough to get praised in articles online. Tangle and Whisper are unappealing characters outside of their sexuality, and people were on a tear about Tangle wanting to fuck Blaze for a hot minute. This has nothing to do with the quality of these characters, and everything to do with this push. Everyone says the same thing in regards to gays. “It’s fine so long as you keep it away from me“. Gay people DON’T honor that at all. They (or their media supporters) have this obsessive need to inject their lifestyle into everything that has a pulse, electronic or otherwise. And I’m sick of it. If you actually enjoyed the series, you would not push for a change in it. You only do that if you see a PROBLEM! Sonic being straight is not a problem! Unless the image of straight people is problematic for you. Then who’s really insecure?

And…. where the hell did we get this idea that being open to the idea of Sonic being gay is “manly“? What the fuck? Like… the “GAY COMMUNITY” can dictate masculinity or some shit. Maybe that phrase has some meaning to it. “Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach“.

Heru Sankofa #racist conflictingviews.wordpress.com

Way I see it, the Japanese treat their entertainment as their culture, and they are fiercely protective of their culture! Anytime someone outdoes them with a foreign spinoff (like say Donkey Kong Country or the Sega Genesis in general) they see it as an attack! An attempt of appropriation. So for years, they had a habit of sabotaging their American counterparts to make sure that their homegrown Japanese version is superior no matter what. Might explain the cease and desist orders on fangames, too. Not really protecting their Copyrights per say, but protecting their superiority in content production. Cant allow those baka gaijin to think they have better ideas than us!

Heru Sankofa #fundie conflictingviews.wordpress.com

Mario is now a goddamn cross dresser.


Good lord, what has the world come to!? Hell, suddenly the more kiddy content of Sonic no longer bothers me. Least I ain’t got to stomach this shit!:P

Is it true!? Has Nintendo fallen in line with the rest of the industry in it’s push for the agenda that shall go unnamed!?

Call up Hugh Hefner, you a gay boy bunny!

Heru Sankofa #fundie conflictingviews.wordpress.com

Gamers love to gas themselves up on their inflated sense of self-righteousness on YouTube, but always have these situations and cultures that support degenerate behaviors. That tells you that gamers have no values. They are purely creatures of self interest. They care too much about what people think of them, tis why they’re always trying to paint themselves as these pictures of moral superiority. They will latch onto anything if it makes them look good. They will defend the dirty practices of gaming companies if it makes them look morally superior in any way, Amma knows the FGC is guilty of this.

And you know what? The gays know this, and that’s what made it easier for them to coerce gamers into accepting their nonsense. Gays have become so entrenched in entertainment that they have, in many ways, strong armed the society into respecting, accepting, and even engaging in homosexual “culture”. Gays are the new moral watchdogs of the society, or so they wish to be. And gamers are so obsessed with their status and their image to the point that they will tap dance for, and champion, whatever cause will get them on everyone’s good side. They’re used to everyone in the real world rejecting them, so they couldn’t care what they think, but as soon as they get a platform where people accept and value their opinions, they become terrified to speak out against certain aspects of the gaming industry or culture because it may not be popular to do so. Got that rep to look out for! And because gays have co-opted damn-near every movement (Black, Female or otherwise) to bolster themselves as the most oppressed people on Earth, and go on shaming campaigns against anyone who calls them out on their rampant idiocy, they can paralyze the gaming communities with fear of having their image destroyed.

Heru Sankofa #fundie conflictingviews.wordpress.com

Nintards shit on Forces Irrationally

I am puzzled by the overt hatred this game is getting. Where was this bile when Lost Mind showed it had no logic to it’s content and was strictly a gameplay game? Where was this bile when Sonic Bust came out with a racially offensive Knu- — a horribly redesigned cast with no fucks given to quality control?

Actually, no. I think— the answer lies strictly with Nintendo fans. Afterall, the depths of their madness has reached critical mass and—. I believe I have an answer to that. Thy arrogance be quenched.

Recently, I watched a vid from ghetto-hog (the guy who raged on IGN twice about their hatred of the original Sonic games) as he did what was a reaction vid (can’t BS what it is, man) on some punk British asshole named “Nintendo Life”, who made a video on why Sonic Forces is terrible. However, he spent the video spreading propaganda and forcing some comedic gestures to compensate for his lack of any real critique. It’s clear at this point that the internet isn’t even hiding it’s trollish behavior. They can’t even pretend their disgust is genuine.

Why is that? This guy’s complaint is that Sonic is too fast. And I ask when does the stupidity end? One of the major selling points was that Sonic was the fastest thing alive. He was a tech demo to show the faster processing power of the Genesis, for Bast’s sake. Criticising Sonic for what it’s known for is an oxymoron. Then again, Nintendo fans have terrible reflexes thanx to a steady diet of slow paced Nintendo games over the years that anything with more than 30fps scares the hell out of them. Why else would they be insane enough to proclaim that Brawl is superior to Melee? That would explain the half-baked praise of Colors and Lost Mind.


I missed the SDCC panel on Mania, but what they talked about actually gave me hope. So Robotnik’s machines are acting automa-—. autotono-— by their own free will. Generic as all hell, but actually gives this game something to work with. Hopefully Metal Sonic as a final boss? Also the prospect of a 3D special stage, while counter-intuitive, also gives me hope that they’ll reuse the one from Saturn 3D Blast—. why not?

But back to this Forces thing, it seems like most of the toxic Nintards have taken up their pitch forks and are crucifying the game every chance they get. You know something is wrong when the doggone CaC is coming under fire for merely existing. But—. I think I know why. For years and years, the Nintards have longed for Sonic yo be bought out by Nintendo. Not because they believe Nintendo can do better, but because they would feel some kind of victory was gained.


But now— why does Forces blow sand in their cunts? Well, as we’ve already discovered, Nintendo fans care about content more than they’d admit— and Forces moves away from what i’d call the “Levity Standard”.

Notice that Nintendo fans don’t talk about Metroid? Or Resident Evil? Or F-Zero? Star Fox? Nah, they always talk a great deal about the happy go lucky crap. Mario’s unparralel greatness, to Wind Waker’s artistic splendor. To them, Nintendo is not only great because of it’s magnificent gameplay (that they fail to care about), but it’s also being able to maintain that greatness without going the route of “grimdark”. Nintards are always ready to bash on the likes of Call of Duty or similar shit for being anything other than rainbows and fuzzballs. It’s a religion to them. When Iizuka went insane and swore to coddle the mentally disturbed, he made sure to hit their sweet spots by having the games from 2010-2015 be as gay as possible to appease their sensibilities, convincing them and no one else that Nintendo’s way of content worked for all.

Forces, however, rejects the Levity Standard altogether. And this chaps their ass like you wouldn’t believe. Now their only defense is to overly promote Sonic Mania as superior by default, while taking w/e measures they can to convince Sega to forgo this route entirely, and that is to criticize everything. From the boost mechanic that no one ever opposed to the mere inclusion of a CaC feature. Afterall, the content has balls, whereas theirs have yet to drop. It’s like some painfull reminder to them that Sonic was for the cool kids, and they’re not invited.

As soon as a demo drops, the game is automatic SHIT! How amazing is that? That they can now judge an unfinished product for being “too fast“. This is them throwing a tantrum that Sega is no longer trying to appease them, and is trying to reach out to the real Sonic fans.

Silly, mal-adjusted fools.

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