
g0ys.org #homophobia #wingnut #conspiracy g0ys.org

(As I mentioned, site is NSFW)


Who says the "AssFuck Act" uniquely identifies the
"gay camp"?

... Almost Everyone ...

Even One of the biggest global customized item printers!

Twice - over a 3 year period, the image above was submitted to the same gigantic printer for production on custom clothing.

The submission was denied by the printer - on the grounds that it was "DISCRIMINATORY".

Not "obscene".

Not "adult".

Not "tasteless".

It is a design that clearly is against the act of (as you can see); --Yet is was deemed "discriminatory" by the printer!

Well ... "WHO" was it allegedly "DISCRIMINATING" against?

I think it's obvious who the "WHO" is - that the printer said the design was being "discriminatory" against.

And we found that decision ASStonishing! Because, it reinforces what G0YS have been saying for over a decade: "The term 'GAY' has come to be synonymous with 'AnalSex". And in a bizarre coincidence - one of the largest mass-customization companies on the planet happens to agree with 0ur ASSessment of the ArseFuck!

"GAY" = "AssFucker"
One of the biggest commercial custom-printers says so!

And THAT is the STIGMA that the GAY COMMUNITY has been willingly ASSociated with.

And that STIGMA is the very ASSociation that g0ys was formed to distance ourselves from!

G0YS have essentially rejected the "A" in gAy. From observation & personal experience, there are more g0ys, than gAys (read that statement a few times) -- and many men who once thought of themselves as 'gAy' are discovering the 'g0y' movement & flocking to it in droves...because it's what they've been all along. Read the e-mail we get here & you'll see this is without debate. The fact that many guys have their first sexual experience with another guy (almost always FROT; --very rarely ever anal,) is evidence to the fact that g0ys are all around us our entire lives (Because if Jonny cuddled you till you came in junior-high, -- he's still able to experience those same feelings today [pay no attention to the camouflage ... eh, - the female, with him now]). It's just that social stigmas against 'gAys' by coincidence, oppress 'g0ys' via those who may not yet be aware of the distinction between men who are tender on men, vs. men who arse-fuck men. Obtuse minds cannot see the distinction, but to those whom it applies, it's as clear as empty space. If disease statistics are used as a measure of morality, - then g0ys are among the most moral segment of the population, while 'gAys' constitute the opposite. Therefore, the "A" in 'gAy' also may mean: "Antagonistic" to life. For those offended by this analysis, I suggest that you consult the CDC-table (right) & argue with it. (Perhaps the figures will change for your whims ;-) 0r N0T!

g0ys.org #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut g0ys.org

(Warning: Much of the site is NSFW due to heavy use of homoerotic and even pornographic inages.)

Welcome to: G0YS.ORG - Reorient Your Paradigm!

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Love, Trust, Respect, Discretion, Masculinity
FACT: The Majority of Men Admire Masculinity; -But Do NOT identify as: "GLITQEtc"!

Men who look into the rapidly growing G0YS movement find there is a place for men who love masculinity, but don't feel comfortable with contemporary "GAY-Male" culture due to the entrenched stigmas & appalling health statistics surrounding it (I.E: a rate of sexually transmitted diseases that is [according to the American Red Cross] +4,000.00% higher than the general population)! G0YS represent the majority (say "majority") of men (+60%), -who experience affection for masculinity & choose to express it in an atmosphere of pure respect - without the least hint of moral compromise - NOR a compulsion to promote unhealthy, emasculating stereotypes. G0YS: A sane, sober, approach to masculine intimacy; -with comprehensive theological apologetics for those men who have serious concerns about the religious & moral aspects of M/M affections. G0YS: Unapologetically rational -&- politically liberty-centric!

Most of the men who discover the g0ys (spelled w. a zer0) men's movement are looking for answers to some serious questions about themselves. Most are shocked when they learn that +60% of all men have similar feelings (Yes, +60% - a majority)! Most (but not all) of these men have feelings for women, but grapple with questions arising from the fact that they also deeply appreciate masculine aesthetics & experience affections for other men! But, such men don't identify as "GAY" because that term has been welded with odd, x-gender behavior & AnalSex []; -Activities that most men consider odd, unhealthy, disgusting, & emasculating. Because of these core differences - g0ys do NOT fit into the (GLIBTQETC...) alphabet-soup culture & find much of it to be antagonistic to our masculine ethos.

"G0YS" know instinctively that loving other men has nothing whatsoever to do with AnalSex, gender-bending, x-dressing or otherwise playing the female role! G0YS, -by our very nature, find the entire notion of AnalSex [] in any form to be dirty, dangerous, degrading & damn-un-masculine. And, by shunning casual sexual encounters & completely rejecting AnalSex, G0YS avoid the very perils that spread +98% of ALL STI's/STD's among men! Among g0ys, STDs/STIs are virtually nonexistent compared to the STD/STI figures for the GAY-male community - which are (according to the Red Cross) +4000% higher than the general population! So, while "GAY"-men are plagued with STDs/STIs; - G0YS are NOT! These massive differences are why the g0ys movement matters! If this was merely some superficial argument about petty subjective matter, - then our position would be no different than the likes of meaningless arguments about trivia & personal biases. But, the g0ys movement does center around germane issues of human behavior: Specifically - why men of good conscience need to loudly reject the extremely perilous & injurious actions of a flood of old, dead, callous fools who killed themselves by their very actions & a vestige of shallow cultural progeny who wish to perpetuate their deadly mantras into the future in the name of "diversity" & "tolerance".

Many men who discover the g0ys movement have been abused by religion & told that Same-Gender-Affections (SGA) are "sin". G0YS know that this abuse by religion is so severe that an in-depth section of the main g0ys website has been developed to give substantial, exonerating, in-depth theological answers from several sources (including a Rabbinic PhD who has thoughtfully written on the subject matter). What we have proven in the theological section is how relying on the actual Scriptures represents the real strength of our position (instead of trying to water-down or deride Biblical texts as so many "pro-gay" churches do). G0YS also go into great depth to explain the rationale behind what was & wasn't prohibited in the Torah & more importantly: WHY. G0YS also expose serious, intentional mistranslations in the Bible and how a gigantic LIE arose over time due to those very mistranslations! The theological section is absolutely liberating & very essential for men who demand solid, in-depth, in-context answers to reconcile their faith & feelings without compromising truth, safety or morality. In this regard, G0YS claim to be one of the most comprehensive resources for answers on the planet!

Also within the g0ys main site are many essays that give analytical insight into 3000+ years of history; -proving that it always has been completely normal for men to seek a deep bond with other men -even on the physical level (a/k/a "Bromance+"). And we show how the modern, so-called "gay movement" has shamed M2M affection for decades as it was hijacked by pornographers, perverts, & sociopathic-personalities -- all with agendas that attempt to link their emasculating & disease-spreading fetishes with all Same Gender Affections (by suggesting that it's all part of the same "movement" [GLIBTQETC...]). It's essential to understand how a socialization movement can be perverted by special interests, & how important it is to reject that movement after it has been irreparably perverted by unhealthy agendas. G0YS show how natural male affection has been discredited & contaminated by a gender-bending, pro-AnalSex [], disease-spreading set of fetishes; --And how the term "GAY" has morphed into a word used to push every perilous sex act & bizarre behavior under the guise of "tolerance". G0YS understand that when a social movement results in actions that indiscriminately harm others --then it's time to STOP TOLERATING IT. So: Even though you are a guy who loves men /too -doesn't mean that you need to embrace the culture that is called "GAY". Men loving men is NORMAL; -- NOT gender dimorphic, nor part of some minority with bizarre & unhealthy fetishes! G0YS reject the entire "Gay Paradigm" & choose an older, healthier & far nobler path!

Within the g0ys main site you will also find links to other g0y-centric groups that are growing at a rate almost too fast to keep up with. We've listed many of them with space to add yours if you decide to become pro-active as a g0y, too. We have over a decade of commentary in some of the core groups & encourage your participation after you've taken some time to look over the main site. Doing so will get many of your initial questions out of the way -so that your appearance in the groups won't leave you too "green" as to the general posturing of the members & movement overall.

The g0ys groups also contain a collection of astonishing images of handsome men. You'll discover that g0ys aren't prudes at all & we have no qualms against nudity. We do insist that images be tasteful, & never showcase disrespect of a model. We believe that love is totally awesome & we have no qualms with images that display it between men. We do not believe that "genderfuck", abuse, pain or forms of domination constitute acceptable content (unless such images are used to deride abusive principles themselves). G0YS are all about respect. Our use of imagery tries to relay the clear message that men can totally love other men without anyone losing his respect nor making any sacrifice of masculinity.

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