
DianaVic #sexist rape.is

[OP of "[Theory] Business pitch: we should have a chain of sex slave brothels called RapeStations"]

I was thinking about this. Road trips are boring as hell, so in addition to gas stations, we should have rape stations.

Normal whores are expensive as fuck, ugly, bossy, bitchy.

In an ideal world where rape is legal, yes rape would be free, but the selling point of a RapeStation would be convenience and value. What if you are tired after a long drive? What if you want a cute rape slave right fucking then and there? What if you are a framelet who cannot rape foids easily? Since the RapeSlaves are slaves we will significantly reduce labor costs. The RapeSlaves will be fitted with collars which can punish any disobedience. They will be fed cheaply, just enough so that they can continue to generate revenue. We'll have different lines for people of different tastes. MiniSlaves, TeenSlaves, BlondeSlaves, et cetera...

There will be a small fee of course because rent and utilities don't come free, I'm thinking maybe $20-30 an hour base in the U.S., maybe a bit higher in expensive areas like NYC, maybe cheaper in middle America. We can have discounts if they want to book multiple RapeSlaves or for longer stays like 3 hours plus. Since normies pay $80 for a nice dinner, why wouldn't they spend just as much in a RapeStation?

Our business model would be to use the RapeSlaves as loss leaders, with high-margin add-ons to generate profit. Do you know how Costco sells rotisserie chickens for only $4.99? It's called a loss leader -- even though they lose money on the chickens, they actually generate more revenue overall because the cheap chickens generate more foot traffic, and people will buy high-margin items (like snacks and sodas) near the checkouts. For example, you can upgrade to a Premier RapeRoom or a RapeSuite with an added jacuzzi where you can fuck a RapeSlave while both of you are pummeled by jets of water. Or maybe a bottle of Fiji water, or a chocolate bar, a cup of coffee, a stack of pancakes to get your energy up in preparation for raping. Do you need a beer or a glass of champagne to lower your inhibitions? Maybe you forgot your Viagra? Just ask at the front desk. Want some cocaine? No problem. Need to rent a toy? A collar? A whip? A pair of slippers? A spanking paddle? We got you covered.

In the big city, RapeStations placed next to office buildings can offer quick 15-minute Rape Sessions during the weekday. Say, you're an investment banker with a short lunch break? Don't worry, we'll throw in a lunch hour combo for a RapeSlave, a sandwich, a bag of chips, and a bottle of water for just $20 plus a tip for housekeeping. She can suck your dick and lick your butthole while you work on your discounted cash flow models.

We could put RapeStations in airports too. Imagine your flight getting delayed and you're stuck on a 6-hour layover at JFK or LAX, so what do you do? Fuck a RapeSlave. To drum up business, partner with airlines, hotel chains and credit card companies: for example, Amex Platinum cardholders and United MileagePlus 1K members can pre-book their favourite rape slaves in advance. We can also earn money from our own RapeStation membership/loyalty programs for our favourite customers.

We can recruit gymmaxed hiring managers (to take and mentally condition the freshest of rapemeat) and high IQ quality control managers (to ensure they perform) from incel forums. Rapey members can be part of upper-level management.

What does everyone think?

Caamib #psycho rape.is

About 4 years ago I was banned from Reddit after saying I might want to sleep with my daughter when she turns 12 if I can find her at the time. At that time, I was the highest rated moderator at r/incels subreddit. This subreddit was an offshoot of r/truecels, which I've moderated since January 2016 - for about 6 months. During that time these subs grew from tiny, insignificant specs on Reddit that had 50 or so subscribers to subreddits everybody was talking about.

After my ban, partially due to my bad choices of moderators, where I choose borderline retarded people like dsar, these subs suffered a sharp decline in quality after I left and became filled with insane, poorly educated and unreasonable scum. See, my moderation policy was never about keeping out "normies", "femoids" or whatever. Noncels and women participated there, but they had to adhere to the same rules everybody else had to. Terms like normies were barely beginning to emerge and I was using them in a different context . This wasn't a term for anybody who ever had sex like these freaks use it now but for "normal" people who weren't into politics much and who never had any trouble getting women throughout their lives. Nobody called women "femoids" there yet.

It was my ban that led to incel sites developing in such an awful manner - from what were once inclusive places where everybody who adhered to reasonable rules could participate to current echo chambers of very crazy people. And it had been my mistake that things turned out that way.

Anyway, that is all history now.

In this post, I will address some of the complaints people made about my daughter idea. Of course, I can't address the usual "but she's your daughter !" nonsense, as it lacks any substantial argument. But there were some people who expressed actual arguments against my idea, so I will attempt to tackle them here.

The age argument

This is a tired old argument that somebody is 12 "can't consent" because of their immaturity. It's the most common argument used. This argument is so well accepted today that it's now way outside of Overton window to question it. But this argument forgets that many historical legislatures, like canon law, had the aoc at 12 and that as late as in 1995 Spanish criminal code established the aoc at 12 (which had sadly been reversed by now). Ages of consent in Europe - Wikipedia

Were all those legislators just "pedophiles"?

From a standpoint of biology, this argument makes even less sense, as explained in this text Natural Age of Consent

The position of trust/nuclear family argument

This argument claims that it's unnatural and harmful to be having sex with your own child you are living with. It is, in my view, a better argument than the first one, but in my case it is irrelevant, as I don't live with my daughter, who in any case lives in a different country altogether and I've in fact never even seen her irl.

The pregnancy/genetic harm argument

This argument says that children born out of incestuous relationships can have genetic defects. Again, a good enough argument on its own but it doesn't apply to my case, as I have no intention of getting my daughter pregnant.

One argument against my position I've sadly never heard but would like to add here would be

The patriarchal/get your daughter married to a good man argument

This argument holds that fathers shouldn't sexually use their daughters as they should marry them off to good quality men as virgins. While completely true, this argument, once again, doesn't apply to my situation (or the situation of most fathers in the femisphere). In the feminist Western world fathers can't marry off their daughters to husbands of their own or their family's choosing. In fact, it's basically impossible to even raise your daughter right even without marrying her off. Home-schooling is prohibited in many parts of Europe and in any case asks for extreme sacrifices, especially if you want to hold a job.

Also, most women in today's feminist areas don't even hold the right patriarchal views so this makes it even harder. In my case, the girl's mother is a schizophrenic slut (I mean with an actually diagnosed schizophrenia) who holds very few opinions on anything at all. So raising a daughter that way would require me to 1) go to Netherlands, where she's been living since she was born, or get her to live with me here - very impractical in either case, especially since I've never been there and can't speak Dutch 2) get full custody, which is also basically impossible due to language barrier, huge expenses, the fact that I've not been taking care of her and the fact that femifascist courts in Europe will always side with a woman in child custody cases unless she is extremely ill and unsuitable for taking care of a child. For example, take a look at this disturbing video from Croatia -
As you can see there, this cunt female social worker and a cucked cop are trying to take this young boy into mother's custody due to a court order, despite him screaming and hiding in his room, obviously not wanting to go. His father is already in jail for obstructing this so he can't do anything. As seen here, courts obviously don't care about the lifelong psychological damage they're inflicting on this child, who is screaming in obvious extreme anguish. Such are the family courts in most of Europe outside of places like Belarus or Russia, where courts aren't just tools of feminism but actually try to do the best for the child.

All in all, it seems all the arguments against it are completely senseless so far.

Josef Fritzl #psycho rape.is

All girls should be married off at like 1yo

Maybe 2yo; whenever they're weaned. It should be early enough that they don't have any memory of their real dad, if they're going to be married off to some other guy besides him.

When they're a toddler bride, their husband can mess around with them and have bonding time with them at the high chair, forcing vegetables on her the same way he's someday going to force himself on her when her pussy is ripe or when he wants to enjoy the pleasures of her mouth and ass.

He'll be the only man she remembers ever calling "daddy" and so he'll be her whole world, all she's ever know. Just so you know, getting mogged by a girl's dad is a thing; it can happen. A girl can say, "I miss my dad" whenever you have a falling-out with her and she feels like you don't measure up.

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