
Hannahjiejie #fundie thetoo.com

God is a providential God, and everything that happens is under his control. When a person is ill, to the point of death, it is God's will. God has a plan, and when someone dies, it is part of his plan.

If a woman is going to die in childbirth, it is part of God's providential plan.

If a child is going to die in childbirth, it is part of God's providential plan.

If a doctor kills a child, it is murder, and though God may use it for good, I doubt that is was part of his plan. In the end, though,

...we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.

OverTheRainbow #fundie thetoo.com

To quote a friend of mine, "If America is foolish enough to elect Obama our president, it gets just what it deserves and will soon pay high consequences."

How could someone vote for a man who refuses to put his hand over his heart win saying the Pledge and will not wear a American flag. Once he was being interviewed and they asked him about his faith and he said:

"I'm very proud of my Muslim faith," and the reporter replied:
"I thought you were a Christian?" and Obama said:
"Oh, yes, I am."

I'm not sure that is true, but if that is, that is disturbing.

Hannahjiejie #fundie thetoo.com

[on abortion]

Murdering isn't good. It kills. When you're killed you die. And when you die you loose a very important part of your life

And that important part is...?

You ability to glorify God.

Hannahjiejie #fundie thetoo.com

[on why abortion should be illegal even in cases both the mother and fetus will die]

If a woman is going to die in childbirth, it is part of God's providential plan.

If a child is going to die in childbirth, it is part of God's providential plan.

If a doctor kills a child, it is murder, and though God may use it for good, I doubt that is was part of his plan.

Stubborn #fundie thetoo.com

[on why abortion should be illegal in the case of saving the mother's life]

And this is where I come in and point out that a mother's life shouldn't take president over a baby's life. The baby will live longer that the mother, anyway. She got her chance; let the baby have its.

Samwise #fundie #sexist thetoo.com

And I agree with you, tradition does not require a moratorium on feminism; but God's word does. Disguised under the façade of women's suffrage or "equal rights," feminism has wreaked havoc in society. Wives cannot submit to their husbands, husbands do not love their wives—considering their wives as rivals or competitors rather than his better-half—and churches crumble under the leadership of women. I speak this from experience; painful ones.

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