
Christian Revival Center (Thomas Robb Ministries) and The Knights Party #fundie whitepridehomeschool.com

Whether you are a card carrying member of a racialist organization or not, if raising your children with racial integrity is important to you, then it must consistently remain a focal point of not just your life, but the life of your family. In my family, striving to be a Christian overcomer, maintaining a positive attitude, staying informed of the attacks against our race, working toward white Christian revival, and always trying to be prepared for the doors the Lord may open – is not a weekend or monthly affair – it is what defines our family.

We believe that racial integrity and Christianity can not be separated. We believe that the white race are the propagators of Christianity, the servant people that God ordained to rule, subdue, and to assist in the ushering in of His Kingdom/government. To do this, he established separation of the races and to fulfill the mission our race was given, we must maintain racial integrity. Therefore racial integrity is the most important tenant of Christianity. This does not undermine the importance of any other Christian belief, but ties them all together—when you realize that Jesus Christ came and died to redeem His racial kinsmen. Should our people then despise their birthright? No. So then, to get our people back to this first most basic aspect of Christianity, is our first responsibility. And the first people to which we must ensure that this truth is received, believed, and acted upon, is our own personal family. Our family considers itself a missionary family. Its not that our people have never heard of Jesus Christ or of the Christian faith, but rather the Christian faith has been infiltrated by the Anti-Christs and now a false form of Christianity is being taught around the globe, one that denies the birthright of the white race.

Christian Revival Center (Thomas Robb Ministries) and The Knights Party #racist whitepridehomeschool.com

The Jewish influence in the textbook industry is heavy. By this I mean that the myth of the Jews being God’s chosen race (rather than the historically accurate white race) is taught as a matter of fact. Furthermore, the textbooks are encouraging race mixing. The problem with home school textbooks published by “Christian” publishers and those textbooks that are also available in private Christian schools, is that not only do they promote race mixing, but they give a Biblical basis for why it is acceptable by God. No where in Scripture is mixing of the races acceptable. And because people have been robbed of their racial history, they do not have the knowledge sometimes to counteract the Jewish lies that have taken hold in the modern churches.

One of these lies is that Moses married a black woman. The woman was a Cushite (earlier name for Ethiopian) descended from Ham – son of Noah. Many people in recent years have tried to claim that Ham and his descendants were cursed with black skin. This is one of the reasons that some Southern churches and slave owners gave in justifying slavery. It was because, they thought, the black race was cursed. The black race isn’t cursed. They are exactly the way God made them. However, they are still to be separate from us as we are to separate from the other races. Because Moses’ sister Miriam turned white with leprosy as punishment for taking dispute with the marriage of Moses and the Cushite woman – some claim this is even more proof that he married a black woman.

Christian Revival Center (Thomas Robb Ministries) and The Knights Party #fundie whitepridehomeschool.com

Ken Ham, the famous “creationist” is a favorite of the new apostate Christian church. He is heavily cited as an expert in Christian science textbooks. He misleads his followers into believing in evolution. How can a “creationist” mislead sincere Christians into believing in evolution? He teaches that Adam and Eve were the first humans (we know they were the first white man and woman) and that from them all Homosapiens resulted. After the tower of Babel incident when God confused the languages – Ken Ham teaches that people went to different parts of the world and in a few hundred years evolved into the different races. People in Africa became black and got tight kinky hair. People in Asia got extra eye folds from squinting at the sun and people in Europe – well they didn’t really change much at all. His theories are bizarre and based on Charles Darwin. Noah and his family who God spared because he was perfect in his generation (racially pure) He wasn’t really perfect – only Jesus Christ is perfect – were a mixed race family – we are told by “scientists” like Ham. He would have us believe that Noah had a racially integrated family. None of his teachings make any sense and smack of the ramblings of a small child who comes up with various fantasies as to why the sky is blue.

admin #racist whitepridehomeschool.com

For years we have watched the downgrading of the educational system in this nation and nations abroad. It is an established, though not publicized, fact that the learning in America is being dumbed down. Billions of dollars are spent each year trying to lift up the non-white races to an equal playing field with white students. The money often looks to be well spent in the elementary school ages. However, upon reaching the teen years it is as if the non-white races have reached their peak. There are many reasons why this may be the case and we will not attempt to supply the answer.

If you are the parents of a white child you may become frustrated to know that your child’s lessons may become stagnate so that the others can continually play catch up. What shocks even more parents and college bound teens is the unfair manner in which most colleges around the country select their students. There is such a wide gap in the performance levels of white and non-white students, that universities have started to get creative in their selection process.

The selection process in many colleges is no longer determined on academic achievement, but on unique criteria with the sole intention of raising the acceptance levels of non-whites.

This all stems from the imaginary idea that all people are the same. While it is fair to assume that everyone should have an equal chance, it is not fair to decide that everyone should be promised the same rewards. For those who do not know or have forgotten what Communism is, let me tell you that this is in fact Communistic. We will discuss this more in another section.

The point I want to make is that the educational institutions are depriving our children of a quality education in order to satisfy the desires of social engineers.

But, it is not just the quality of education that we must be concerned with. That is not even the worst part. Adults can learn and make up for any lack of knowledge they did not receive as a child. What is scary is the true goal of social engineers. That goal is to instill a guilt complex in the people of white heritage.

When a person feels intense guilt, they will often give in to anything. They will put up with persecution and affliction. They will allow their rights to be trampled on. They will even put others first before their own families. They will do all of this in a sick perverted way of erasing their deep seeded guilt. They can be led down the wrong path.

This is the most dangerous aspect of the government school system in America, Canada, Europe, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, etc. The true goal of these educational leaders is not to teach your children reading, math, science, geography, communication, and so on. Their true goal is to change the values and morals of the nations. They are doing this one child and one school at a time.

We find this to be outrageous! Therefore, it is our goal to impress upon as many people as possible the need to take the education of their children seriously. Of course, there are already many people doing this and doing a fine job at it. But, in the last twenty years – the time in which home schooling has really become popular – we have neither seen nor heard of a website or resource for white nationalist parents. And by white nationalist parents, we mean parents who are concerned about their white brothers and sisters.

More parents are deciding to home school than ever before, but it is no different in the home schooling movement than it is in the rest of society. It is often very difficult to approach the subject of white pride or racial integrity. “What is your reason for home schooling?” they may ask. Of course, you know that it is because you are sick and tired of your kids being told to honor Martin Luther King, Jr. or to glorify homosexuals and their lifestyle. You don’t like your children’s school – day in and day out anti-white propaganda. Wouldn’t it be nice to get information and ideas from people that understand you and your family.

That is where this website, we hope, will fill the void. We do not intend to provide all the information, all the tools, books, etc. We will, however, help point you in the right direction. We will work to help you realize how important this is to your family and your nation. We will strive to provide encouragement and support. We consist of experienced home schooling families and we are all involved – and have been for many years – in the white nationalist movement. We love God, race, and nation. We hope you will find this website helpful.

Unknown #racist whitepridehomeschool.com

Your Children and Racial Integrity

Raising Your Children To Have Racial Integrity

Raising children with racial integrity is fast becoming a topic of increased importance. It is not because it is some new idea, but rather because there are even more obstacles than ever before. Many parents are at a loss when it comes to the basics. And many parents underestimate the degree to which their children are being targeted. As race conscious people yourselves, you already have a fair idea of the propaganda being used against your children. I simply want to give you a few ideas to help you along the way.

How soon should you start teaching your children about white nationalism? The answer is – right away – right now!

Our children should be raised with a certain mind set. As a parent it is important for you to show your children that not only are you concerned about their future, but you are willing to take a part in protecting their future. However, not only should you show them that you are willing to be an active participant in safeguarding their future, but you must include them. Your job as a parent is not to secure just their future, but to teach them how to secure their children’s future. God has bestowed on parents the responsibility of teaching their children. Parents may come together and choose others to assist in the process, but ultimately the responsibility is theirs and theirs alone.

.Pastor Robb often mentions as his earliest recollection of racial consciousness the many publications that his parents subscribed to. His mother would work long hours copying important articles and sending them to friends and family. His grandmother would get tracts on the evil of integration and mixed marriages and pass them out. They only point of caution I would make in this regard is to stay clear of fear propaganda or publications that make this their focal point. Pointing out the evil in the world is one thing, but giving you an overdose so that you become paralyze with fear is only service to our enemies. Reports of negativity must be coupled with the fact that as Christians we are to be bold and brave and fear only the Lord. We worship the one we fear because we then coordinate all of our actions based upon that fear. We are then worshiping another other that Christ. We are to fear God and Him alone. So make sure the racialist publications that you have come into your home are based upon positive Christianity.

To sum up the answer to this question is thus: Begin teaching your children by preparing your mind, heart, and soul to be in a positive position so that you can achieve your task of raising children with racial integrity.

Become an active participant in a racialist cause. When something is important to a person, they show that importance by making it a big part of their life. And this doesn’t just relate to racial integrity, it’s a core principle that many easily forget. For example, lets suppose we are talking about the importance of the nuclear family. A father or mother may feel that their children, relationship, overall family unit is very important, but if they do not spend time with the family then how are the children / spouse to know they are important? There is a song from the 70’s by Cat Stevens in which a little boy is continually asking his father to do something with him – spend time with him, but the father always answers, “not right now – maybe later” The little boy wants so bad to grow up to be just like his dad. This goes on for years until the father is an old man. Now the father is alone and wants nothing more than to see and spend time with his son and grand children. But the son is always busy and never has the time. The father soon realizes that yes, in fact his little boy had grown up to be just like him.

If something is important than you spend time doing it or being involved with it – whether its your kids, your wife or husband, a hobby, or cause. If you don’t spend time with whatever it is that you believe is important, than truthfully, it really isn’t as important to you as you like to tell yourself it is. This living example of what is truly important to you will rub off on your kids.

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