Anonymous #racist

I honestly enjoyed reading the Rig Veda, Mahabharata and many of the “Indian” historical literature but I absolutely cannot believe it was written by subhuman poos. Shitskins have never created any civilisation in history so it’s hard to believe that Indian shitskins would be any different from Arab or Nigger shitskins. It’s against their nature.

The Ancient “Indians” developed philosophy, astronomy and sciences and wrote great epics and plays. I absolutely cannot believe the modern subhuman race that inhabits India and Pakistan with an average IQ of 82-84 can create a civilisation like that.

Same for Persians. Iran has an IQ of 84. You’re telling me these subhumans created the Achaemenid Empire?

I am sure we will find genetic evidence in the future to prove that Ancient India and Iran were indeed the product of a European race (Aryans definitely existed but now we must prove that those historical figures in question were indeed pure whites). Arabs, Indians, Iranians and Africans are naturally incapable of civilisation due to their latitude. Whites and Asians are the only races that survived through the ice age to develop an actual civilisation that continues to this day.



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