Kara Dansky #transphobia karadansky.com



Using phrases like “trans people” makes people think that we (feminists and gender critical men) think that “trans” is a coherent category, and it makes line-drawing impossible. If we are honest with ourselves, all of us know that none of us know who fits into the category of “trans people.” Is it people who sincerely think that they are the opposite sex? Is it people who claim to be the opposite sex because they are aroused by the idea of being the opposite sex? Mainstream society, including the media, consistently uses phrases like “trans people,” “trans athletes,” “trans students,” etc., as though those words have some meaning that everyone understands. But in reality, no one really knows.

If “trans” exists, there is no logical reason not to enshrine it in law or to sell it through products and packaging. If we are going to accept the phrase “trans people” as a coherent category, why not go all the way? Why not give up women-only spaces? Why not fully embrace the castration of children? If we are going to accept the phrase “trans people,” what are we even doing as a movement?

When feminists and our allies use the language of the gender identity industry, we give credence to the nonsense, we give credence to the lie, and we perpetuate an industry that sees women’s bodies as a commodity.

Defeating self-ID is worth celebrating, but it is not enough. Acknowledging “trans” is an own goal, and while own goals are always embarrassing, this one is going to be fatal.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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