jay jason #conspiracy #racist #wingnut amren.com

RE: Agent for Russian-Born NHL Players Says Clients Dealing With Threats, Discrimination After Invasion of Ukraine

“The discrimination and racism these Russian and Belarusian players are facing right now is remarkable,” Milstein said. “He was yelled at to, ‘Get back to your country’ and was called a Nazi and other words. We’re being set back 30 years.”

Lol, what happened to the true danger being anti-Ukrainian bias?

The bear is striking back against cultural decay, Jewish Ukrainian oligarchs, and covert NATO basis. If I had to choose sides it would be easy. Lets go Brandon!

Remember when it was bad to hate people due to their ethnicity or national origin, or question their loyalty? Seems like two weeks ago.

That all depends on who it is and if they are white or not.

In case you geniuses here haven't noticed, Ukranians are about as white as it gets. They're being victimized. There's also a lot less Mongoloid mixture in Ukranians vs. Russians.

I think its safe to say none of us would want to replace our 1776 constitutional republic with Putin's Government. On the other hand there is only 1 government that actively desires white genocide, globalism, vaccine mandates, and monopoly capitalism with wokeness being a means to an end. If this country broke into a civil war we would need an ally.

Judge Putin by the allies he has now. I don't think he or they have the best interests of the white disapora in mind. He doesn't care to concern himself with much what happens outside of his sphere of influence.

I get it. Trust in Putin is not advisable. Yet to me, the greater evil are the current rulers of the West. With our military focused on China, Russia, India, N. Korea, and Iran we can topple the Jew Inc. Government from within.



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