Kabamur Taygeta #ufo #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com
Does it really need to be said?
There are no time-traveling humans called “Nordics”.
There are only Pleiadians and Galactic Federation, who are the primary genetic parents of humans, protectors of Earth, and soul family to many. The biblical angels of light.
They have positively affected Earth’s past more than any other group. There are no future humans or future time travelers because the future doesn’t exist yet.
Pleiadians saved Trump’s life several times and are in regular contact with him about events unfolding as we approach the Shift.
“Nordic” only refers to appearance. The first humans upgraded on Earth by Pleiadians were in the area of modern Sweden, and they now live in the Inner Earth.
Pleiadians are ‘of Elohim’ and chose to look like Archangels. So, Nordic humans were created to look like both Pleiadians and Archangels.
According to the Bible, UFOs are Pleiadian crafts and Pleiadians are aligned with Jesus.
Crazy? Just connect the dots.
– Jesus said in the last days, many would be unready when the “Son of Man” arrives on the clouds before his return. (Matthew)
– John’s vision of the last days describes a white-haired “Son of Man” with a symbol of 7 stars on a cloud (Revelation)
“Clouds” that transport people are spacecraft, beings from the sky who are ‘like humans’ are the “Son of Man”, and the 7 stars are the Pleiades.