They had the equal right to go elsewhere and not trample on the equal rights of the bakery. I can tell by your whiney comment you are one of those who believe they are born that way, they are not, it is a result of a mental defect. Why else does one almost always take the male role and the other the female.
"Why else does one almost always take the male role and the other the female"
You've never met a gay couple in your life, have you?
And the OP has no idea how fundamental rights work. Just a clue: fundamental rights are very different from fundamentalist's rights...
As for male and female role... Shall we blow his mind by mentioning heterosexual crossdressers and dommes?
Life isn't some horny teen-written yaoi fanfic.
That whole "male-female role" thing isn't really how it works in reality.
Sorry, I remember that a few stories I was asked to read some years ago kind of ticked me off for some reason. *sigh*
"I can tell by your whiney comment you are one of those who believe they are born that way, they are not, it is a result of a mental defect. "
I can tell by your stupid comment that you don't know what you're talking about.
Are Downs syndromes born that way or is it a result of a mental defect? Are schizophrenics born that way or is it a result of a mental defect?
Better go back and rethink your "devastating" comeback.
We of the homosexual-liberal-atherist-irreligious-communist-feminist-pagan-muslim-bisexual-asexual-transgender-nazi-catholic-moderate Christian mafia are of course devoted to taking away your precious Christian rights in the name of Squirrel Girl and her beloved wife Death.
We feed on the tears of Christains, eat babies, indulge in orgies, and our symbol if the Rainbow Colored Dorito.
@ Indicible
Let's not forget those who don't identify as cisgender, asexuals, non-gender based sexuality (demi, pan, and sapio sexuals), aromantics, and yes heterosexual crossdressers and dommes.
I think your argument is officially busted Oboehner. The male/female is arbitrary and a couple should be equal
Even if true, is not a mental defect something people are born with?
What if the baker was the only wedding cake maker with a 50 mile radius? What if they were far and away the best wedding cake maker in town? What if the baker refused to make cakes for blacks? Or NRA members?
But Oboner, homosexuality is not a mental defect. It hasn't been since 1973
In 1973, the weight of empirical data, coupled with changing social norms and the development of a politically active gay community in the United States, led the Board of Directors of the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Some psychiatrists who fiercely opposed their action subsequently circulated a petition calling for a vote on the issue by the Association's membership. That vote was held in 1974, and the Board's decision was ratified.
That bakery initiated a hate campaign against them on social media, and published their address. The venom and threats thrown at them (by, îm sure, mostly Christians) is what caused them to have that high a fine. Just feel that Christian love, folks!
Boner, the only mental defective here is you. Your "role" comment is stone age bullshit and homosexuals have been around since the beginning of time and it's only recently that we've started to give them the respect they should have always had.
The "equal rights" of the bakery don't include discriminating against people who have the RIGHT to not share the same bigoted faith as the owners.
(*Voice-over by Ralph Ineson *):
On "Salvage Hunters", Drew Pritchard and friend Tee...:
...prove that having Tea and Cake is a very manly thing.
Oh, and Drew (2nd from right) is married to Rebecca Pritchard, with two daughters. Who's the whiny mental defect now , o Boner...?!
"Your droids! their kind aren't welcome here!" Come to think of it, C3PO is a bit effeminate and R2D2...I think his shape says it all.But you can hardly say "They aren't assembled that way,they are not,it is a result of a software defect!"
believe they are born that way, they are not, it is a result of a mental defect
We found teh brain structures. They are set in teh womb and this is not up for debate anymore.
Why else does one almost always take the male role and the other the female.
They don't. That's just an old homophobic stereotype.
Do you mind, in the case of, say, a birthday, who takes the role of blowing the candles? Same here
Even if it were a mental illness, you're generally born that way too.So how,again,would that be their fault? I've never understood this nonsense
@ Karana
A lot of people don't get that. It's either "suck it up, think positive!, or you're faking it."
Well intentioned except the last, but utterly useless claptrap when you're struggling with an undiagnosed mental illness.
So thanks for being among those who understand.
Religion is more of a mental defect than homosexuality is. Science is on the verge of finding the "gay genes".
I'm a heterosexual, and I still think they are born that way.
What is a male role and what is a female role? You've never heard about strap-ons in straight couplings, have you?
“Why else does one almost always take the male role and the other the female.”
You’re using ‘roles’ to describe where the penis gdes, aren’t you? That’s your idea of the male role, sticking it. And you diagnose mental illness because of where you DON’T want to stick or be stuck.
Sucn an enlightened outlook, i can’t understand why anyone would quibble with your outlook.
“They had the equal right to go elsewhere and not trample on the equal rights of the bakery.”
So, the bakers have a right to discriminate, and everyone else should let them.
So if your doctor refuses to treat you with any treatment developed after Darwin published, you’d be okay with that, too, huh?
They ham the queer light to go elsewhere and not trample on the queer lights of the yak bar. I can tell by your win comment you are one of those who believe they are warn that hay boy, they are not, it is always a result of a dental detect. Why else does one almost fake the male feel and the other the morale.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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