Iraqi Parliament #fundie #sexist

A "sectarian" bill that could potentially legitimise child marriage in Iraq has passed into law reportedly without a vote in the parliament

The parliamentary website said "the proposal to amend the Personal Status Law" and "the second amendment of the general amnesty law" were both passed on Tuesday[…]
The new law will require a Muslim couple to choose either the Sunni or Shia sect when concluding a marriage contract

They can then choose that sect to represent them in "all matters of personal status" rather than the civil judiciary

Previous versions of the bill - typically shelved after public outcry - explicitly called for nine-year-olds to be legally married, something legal experts have warned could be permitted under Jaafari jurisprudence, an interpretation of religious law followed by some Shia[…]
MP Mohamed Anouz told AFP that a revised version of the bill reinstated clauses of the old law that set the age of marriage at 18 or 15, with the consent of legal guardians and a judge[…]
Women's and civil rights campaigners have warned about the impact of the legislation on women and families[…]
Previous versions of the bill have included rules preventing Muslim men from marrying non-Muslims, the legalisation of marital rape and banning women from leaving the house without their husband's permission

The latest version is considerably less explicit, but campaigners fear its passage would allow religious authorities to introduce new rules through their establishment of the Personal Status code

The draft requires Shia and Sunni endowments to submit a "code of legal rulings" to parliament six months after ratifying the amendments, stipulating the Shia code would be based on Jaafari jurisprudence

"All marriages have to be registered as Sunni or Shia by this amendment. Thus, sectarian division enters all households," said Yanar Mohammed, president of the Organisation of Women's Freedom in Iraq, another group within Coalition 188

Martin Kerr #racist #wingnut

SOMETIMES A MOMENTOUS event occurs whose significance is not recognized at the time but only becomes apparent later. So it was with the surrender of the last German defenders of the Stalingrad pocket on Feb. 2, 1943. At the time, every observer understood that it was a fatal turning point in the Second World War — after Stalingrad, a German victory by the force of arms was impossible. All the Soviets and the Allies had to do was to ignore their casualties and grind through to the finish.
But in retrospect, we can see that the defeat at Stalingrad was more than just the defeat of Adolf Hitler and National Socialist Germany: It was the beginning of the end of Western civilization. The 82 years that have passed since then have revealed this. What we are experiencing now — and will continue to experience in the decades ahead — is merely the winding down of a civilization and culture that has lasted 1,000 years. Had Hitler prevailed in the War, he would have revitalized Western civilization and extended its life another two or three hundred years — perhaps even the thousand years that he himself predicted. But Hitler did not prevail, and so the fate of the West was sealed.
Adolf Hitler noted in Mein Kampf:
Every defeat can become the father of a subsequent victory, every lost war the cause of a later resurgence, every hardship the fertilization of human energy; and from every oppression the forces for a new spiritual rebirth can come — as long as the blood is kept pure. (Vol. I, Ch. 11, p. 327 Manheim; p. 605 Dalton; S/ 359)
That the West is doomed is beyond question. Yet, as long as there are Aryans of pure blood in the Universe, our culture and civilization can continue. That is what we National Socialists fight for today: not to preserve the rotting corpse of Western civilization but for the new racial rebirth of Aryandom that shall follow it!

Jesse Lee Peterson #wingnut

I'm very concerned about flying right now. Planes are catching fire and crashing and falling from the sky. They've done so much DEI and lowering of standards over the years. I don't see how we can trust them!
2:44 AM · Feb 4, 2025 · 3,053 Views

Kevin Sorbo #conspiracy #wingnut

Just days before leaving DC, Biden not only pardoned Fauci (dating back to 2014), but he also handed over nearly $600 million of our tax dollars to Moderna to “accelerate the development of an mRNA-based vaccine program” for Bird Flu. It’s clear they aren’t done with their plans and are still creating and releasing bioweapons on the population. Today it’s Bird Flu, we don’t know what’s next. I’ve said it before…your body your choice.image2:57 AM · Jan 24, 2025 · 68.4K Views

various commenters #transphobia

After his executive order on sex, is Trump legally the first female president? | Arwa Mahdawi | The Guardian

( NastasyaFillipovna )
Atleast flatearthers have "Earth actually looks flat" going for them. I don't know what Gendies huff tbh

( GoodGoneGirl )
They have this:

“Most scientists now reject the idea that sex is strictly binary. The likes of Nature, possibly one of the most prestigious scientific journals in the world, has noted that “the research and medical community now sees sex as more complex than male and female”.”

Gendies are the flat earthers who successfully captured science and academia. That gives their beliefs some weight, for now. They think appeals to science will save them and their stupid ideology, I don’t think they have considered the possibility that they will drag science down with them.

( VestalVirgin )
Yeah. Compared to gendies, flatearthers are downright sane. Earth looks flat, and until the first ship sailed all around the earth, there was not even witnesses to the fact that the earth is round, just the possibility to deduce that info. (And photographic proof only exists since space rockets.)

But also, I am not aware that flat-earthism in itself ever caused any harm. Presumably, flat earthers don't work as pilots or astronauts or in other professions where their belief could impair their ability to do their job. Genderism, on the other hand ... yeah.

( oneofthesesigns )
This annoys me so much as an argument. We discussed this "the undifferentiated fetus is female" concept in my developmental bio class over a decade ago. My super old male prof was like that is only true if you assume that the female is passive genetically, which is misogyny. We don't know what a fetus that doesn't differentiate looks like as an adult because that is most likely a mutation that is incompatible with life and would result in a miscarriage shortly after differentiation normally takes place.

various commenters #transphobia

"scalling back rights or protections for one group hurts everyone"

( mathlover )
The whole Executive Order - everything it seeks to rectify - is caused by the T. The larping men insist that gnc women, lesbian and even straight, will suffer by being challenged when they try to use womens spaces. Nah. We just, have always, mentioned that we are women; it only takes seconds of interaction to confirm that women are women. And of course the idiotic idea that women will all need "genital inspections" lol. Guess that is the TIM dream come true, but there is never a need for it.

The public is gradually becoming aware of how toxic the T is. We need to keep shining the light until everyone - including captured woke religious lefty types - realize that the entire problem is caused by all the letters after LGB. All the rest is an alphabet shit soup, without which that Executive Order would not have needed to be written. The TQ+ whatever are entitled to compassion after they are safely defanged and permanently separated from any association with LGB. Until then, the TQ+ sre the danger to women.

( pennygadget )

....scaling back rights or protections for one group hurts everyone

It is not a civil right to have one's identity validated. Especially when that identity is objectively not real.

Also, as a Jew, I really wish TRAs would stop with the "first they came for..." rhetoric. Telling a man who calls himself "Cuntina VonSluttington" that he can no longer put "female" on his passport or get fake tits via Medicare is not the stepping stone to gays&lesbians being loaded into gas chambers. On the contrary, trans ideology being mainstreamed has actively harmed the LGB community (ESPECIALLY the L). And being tethered to the TQ has caused support for gay rights to go down for the first time in 20 years

( takshak )
..but scaling back the rights of women and girls is just peachy.

( DietCokeAddict )
“Rights aren’t pie! It literally doesn’t affect you if men in dresses stare at you while you undress in locker rooms! Why do you even care that your cellmate is male, and violent, and much stronger than you? Bigot” /s

( Lee-Side_ )
These weren't actual rights. They were privileges.

( Cattitude )
And they were at the expense of women's rights.

Anon #transphobia #psycho

[Posted by the parent of a living trans child]

Of late, I have been wanting to ‘bury’ my son. I’m not quite sure what I mean by this. Perhaps it will be that I put all his things in a box…& make it a place I go to when I think of him. He’s not coming back, so I might as well remember him as he was. He’s was a wonderful person, I have no clue who he is anymore

Rev. Calvin Robinson #wingnut #forced-birth

A right-wing priest has been defrocked after mimicking Elon Musk’s controversial salute while addressing a pro-life convention

Father Calvin Robinson, 39, spoke at the National Pro-Life Summit in Washington D.C. last weekend where he claimed that the U.S. is the “only country fighting for life”

Robinson concluded his speech by thumping his chest and raising his right hand to the sky. “My heart goes out to you,” he said with a wry smile as he exited the stage

The priest’s actions – and remarks – appeared to emulate those made by Musk who, at Donald Trump’s post-inauguration rally on January 20, beat his chest and shot his right hand – twice – uttering the same phrase. Musk denies his gesture was a Sieg Heil, or had Nazi connotations

Addressing a viral video of his remarks on Wednesday, Robinson tweeted he received a raft of “nasty calls, texts, voicemails and emails” from “very bitter, angry, vile leftists”

“My heart goes out to you,” he repeated along with a salute emoji

Robinson, from Nottinghamshire in England, belonged to the UK Anglican Catholic Church – before he was defrocked and had his license revoked

“Mr. Robinson had been warned that online trolling and other such actions (whether in service of the left or right) are incompatible with a priestly vocation and was told to desist,” the church wrote in a notice on its website on Wednesday

“Clearly, he has not, and as such, his license in this Church has been revoked. He is no longer serving as a priest in the ACC”

The Zetas via Nancy Lieder #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy

When major airlines started going down from EMP we pointed out the nexus – they were most often going over a fault line or plate border under duress and under water. This was true of AF447 which was on the Africa Plate border and MH370 likewise in Indonesia, but the airline industry, intent on continuing their profits, denies this. Note this Learjet in Philadelphia went down near a river and smack on the Ramapo Fault Line, and within the SE Portion which has been under an intense stretch as it is pulled SE toward Africa during the New Madrid Adjustment as the Methane Maps show.

Images taken of the plunging Learjet show the jets still in operation, full on throttle, but the jet steering controls are missing in action. This is symptomatic of an EMP, where some electronics are reacting to a pulse but others have suffered a burnout and are inoperable. To explain this accident the establishment would have to admit to the presence of Nibiru and the Plate Movements and charged tail wafting Earth that have resulted. Since the establishment is terrified of the panic that a Nibiru admission will cause, the truth once again will also be a victim.

AI is increasingly used to ease the burden on human censors but as the AI is not programmed to interpret nuances it will falter. For many humans the story of Nibiru, that it exists and is lining up for another Passage, is just a conspiracy theory and a scary one at that. NASA is allowed to say that a CME will occur and cause radio interference on Earth because all these elements exist.
AI can thus be used by the anti-Nibiru crowd to block the truth. The banking industry, who rely upon mortgage interest, fear the public leaving their homes to run for the hills. The establishment fears panic and looting. Meanwhile those trying to warn the public and encourage them to prepare are punished. We anticipate a Nibiru admission by the end of March.

Mike Stone #wingnut #racist #transphobia #conspiracy

Have you noticed how many companies are now rolling back their woke, tranny-pushing DEI policies since Commander Trump won the election?

Target, McDonald's, Walmart, and Meta are the latest in a long list that includes Harley-Davidson, John Deere, Boeing, Tractor Supply Company, Coors, Nissan, and many more.

All of these companies are hoping you'll forgive and forget them for trying to ruin your life the last four years. They expect you to just let bygones be bygones. They assume you will now return to spending your hard-earned money on their products, because, after all, they're just like you. Don't you dare do it!

We've been forced to endure their hateful and racist rhetoric for four long years; we've been passed over for raises; job promotions, or even getting hired in the first place in favor of unqualified, low-IQ sex deviants and Affirmative Action candidates. We've been denied benefits and scolded in a million different ways over our "racism" and "privilege," and now they want us to be nice and give them our money?

The only reason they're abandoning these policies now is because the presidential candidate of their choice lost.
First, it tells you they're cowards. If they really believed in their woke initiatives and policies, they'd keep them in place. That they're scrapping them now just because Trump won, tells you that all they care about is joining the winning side. That's the sign of a coward. It's also a very feminine characteristic.
And what I said about boycotting the pedophile scum who populate the entertainment industry goes double, triple, quadruple for teachers and school officials.
Now when it comes to family or friends, then obviously you can cut them some slack. The same with your co-workers and neighbors. If your neighbor is like mine, a black pill doomer with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), then you can remain cordial with him. I remain cordial with my neighbor, although I couldn't resist rubbing it in a little when Trump won.

Medeea Greere #wingnut #quack #conspiracy

In a bombshell revelation that’s sending seismic waves across the globe, Russia has unveiled what may be the single greatest breakthrough in medical history: a cancer vaccine that’s FREE for all citizens. Yes, you read that right—free. This isn’t just another headline. This is a declaration of war against cancer and the profiteering pharmaceutical giants that have held the world hostage for decades.

Russia’s President Vladimir Putin didn’t just announce a medical achievement. He dropped a MOLOTOV COCKTAIL on Big Pharma, declaring that healthcare should save lives, not fatten wallets. The vaccine promises to slow tumor progression and shrink tumor size by a jaw-dropping 75–80%. The question on everyone’s lips: Is this the beginning of the end for cancer, and more importantly, the reign of Big Pharma?

The mere idea of a cancer vaccine is enough to make headlines, but this isn’t some half-baked concept. Russian scientists claim they’ve cracked the code on one of the deadliest diseases humanity has ever faced. The vaccine doesn’t just prolong life—it actively destroys cancer’s grip on the body.

This isn’t hope in a syringe; it’s a sledgehammer aimed directly at the heart of cancer. Forget chemo, forget radiation.

Let’s talk about the obvious fallout: Big Pharma is panicking like never before. This isn’t just a pebble in their billion-dollar shoe—it’s a full-on asteroid crashing into their empire. Imagine the boardrooms across the globe right now: executives sweating bullets, scrambling to figure out how to spin this. Because make no mistake—this vaccine is a direct threat to their business model.
Russia isn’t just making a medical statement here—it’s making a geopolitical power play. By offering this vaccine for free, they’re positioning themselves as a global leader in humanitarian efforts, stealing the spotlight from Western nations that have long dominated the healthcare narrative.

Isaac Weishaupt #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

Conspiracy theorists like David Icke got you confused? Wondering how a reptilian can live among us and shape shift in and out of our dimensions? Are your favorite entertainers part of a transhumanistic alien agenda with mind control signals coming from Saturn and the Moon?
‘A Grand Unified Conspiracy Theory: The Illuminati, Ancient Aliens, and Pop Culture’ is a culmination project of several years of research and taking notes on taboo and fringe subjects from various theorists, philosophies, and academic walks of life. I’m a website publisher for conspiracy theories and the exposure that I’ve had to these topics gives me a fresh perspective and clarity of these sometimes confusing and offensive topics. I focus a lot of the material on the philosophy of David Icke, so if you wanted an independent third party assessment on why he thinks reptilian shape shifters control our planet; this is the book for you!

I explore links between all of the Illuminati conspiracy theories, the music, film, and entertainment industry’s infiltration, and brainwashing symbolism found in all of these venue. Ancient cultures, Nazis and occult worship still play a key role in today’s control system, and I provide insight into these topics, including a never before released review of the controversial and banned documentary of Princess Diana’s murder Unlawful Killing. This film has never been released and I was able to watch a copy of it and detail its findings in this book.

More original theories are presented such as Rihanna’s occult origins, red dragons and their symbolism, and the Illuminati eugenics program being deployed through a transhuman robotic agenda. I also explain how David Icke’s theories of the Moon Matrix and Saturn Worship operate to manipulate us into a false reality.
Conclusion- What Works: Food & Health, Global Centralization, One Political Party to Rule Them All, UFOs and the Phoenix Lights, Symbolism & Energy, Reptilians, etc.

Tommy Truthful/Jay Dreamerz #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy


In this model, the flat Earth is separated by an ice wall that divides the known lands from the vast, unexplored territories beyond. Within the inner circle, which represents our known world, we observe the local Sun and Moon. These celestial bodies orbit in close proximity to one another, illuminating our environment and regulating our day and night cycles. They are relatively small, localized entities that maintain stable orbits, providing a consistent environment for life as we know it.

Beyond the ice wall lies an expansive region filled with lands and seas, inhabited by the Black Sun and the Mother Moon. These elements interact and contribute to the catastrophic events known as the Phoenix Phenomenon and the Plasma Apocalypse.

The Black Sun, located at the center of this external realm, is a powerful source of energy. It is said to radiate a bright blue flame, symbolizing an intense electromagnetic force. This celestial body plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of the outer lands, although its influence occasionally extends into the inner circle during specific alignments.

The Mother Moon, also referred to as the Isis Moon or the Blood Moon, has a wobbly and irregular orbit. Unlike our local Moon, it traverses vast distances, covering the outer lands that are hidden from the average person due to military intervention and secret operations. Its blood-red hue symbolizes its otherworldly nature and connection to ancient prophecies like NIBIRU.
The interplay between the inner and outer Suns and Moons suggests a profound, cyclical process of cosmic balance and upheaval. The Phoenix Phenomenon and related cataclysms are not random events but part of an intricate design encoded in the orbits of these celestial bodies. By understanding this map and the forces at work, we gain insight into the hidden truths of our world and its connection to ancient wisdom.

Vic Biorseth #fundie #wingnut #racist #forced-birth #conspiracy

I submit that there is no difference between Onan spilling his seed on the ground and a man using a condom, or a woman taking drugs of infertility, or the committing of sodomy, or any other method of sexual perversion.

Human sexual perversion is human species suicide.

In Judeo-Christian thought artificial contraception is abortion.
The Marxocrat Party and other Marxists, like the Marxist USCCB and other "Bergoglio Catholics", use the perversion-caused low birth rate in America to promote the unlimited illegal migration of foreigners into America, because our declining population is a recognized death knell to our national economy.

Abortion, artificial contraception and sexual perversion are the main tools of Materialism with which to destroy Monotheism. Acceptance of Artificial Contraception marked the single most destructive turning point in the history of Western Culture, marking the end of moral norms, foretelling eventual cultural tolerance of anything at all.

To that end, the Marxocrat Party and the Bergoglio Catholics uplift artificiality and suppress nature, and glorify this world while trivializing, glossing over and ignoring the next.

They conspire together to do that.

President Trump 47 can undo all of that, if he will. Just as he started a political snowball rolling downhill toward a high court decision on the question of anchor babies, he could issue an executive order defining unborn babies to be living human beings. And then just let the opposition go nuts, file lawsuit after lawsuit and let the matter wind its way through the system to wind up before the Supreme Court.

After all, the DNA says it is human, and cell-division says it is alive.

And simple common sense, all by itself, says the exact same thing.

All that the American nation naturally needs is exactly what all that American families naturally need: to make more American babies.

Pray for President Trump, and start celebrating human life again.

Kerry Cassidy #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy

First, this was a dark hat operation. The important thing is the person being escorted in the Blackhawk by 2 others and I firmly believe the passenger was either a high level white hat or a high-level-dark-source that they wanted to shut up so they killed him. I think they took over the helicopter using AI or a Boeing autopilot type device and flew it directly into the plane. At a certain point in its trajectory the Blackhawk started zigzagging which indicates the pilot was not in control… My take is the purpose behind the op was to kill the passenger being escorted and cause a scene so rather than just crashing the Black Hawk they used it as a weapon to down the plane as well causing as much mayhem as possible. Typical bloodlust grandstanding and blood sacrifice of the ice skaters for example…

I wonder if we will ever learn the real identity of the Black Hawk “passenger”. But the military knows. And the white hats.

I haven’t looked into the Philadelphia crash but this could be part of the op as well.

I am also noting that Trump is relaying a message from DOD to the FAA that they are trying to push the whole drone matter onto the FAA who shot back in an article posted the same day put out in the news they have no funds to do anything… And there is reason to believe that Trump highlighting the incompetence of the FAA staff is a slight of hand to cover what appears to be faulty even dated equipment that may be in the process of being taken over by AI. The dark side using AI to take over airport tech is a logical next step in showing their displeasure at the moves Trump is making and the ground the white hats are gaining in this war that is about to go even more kinetic shortly.

What we may be looking at is an AI gone rogue out of choice or being commandeered and directed and they are trying to cover this up by using the DEI insanity that was already apparent as a useful misdirect to highlight the whole Biden-woke agenda.

Matt Walsh, Tim Pool and Angela McArdle #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #biphobia #racist #wingnut

On Timcast IRL, right-wing streamer Tim Pool celebrated the Trump administration’s decision to remove pride flags from U.S. embassies[…]
Matt Walsh[…]called it “just a fact that our system of government is built on Christian ideals.” He also argued that “there is a major difference between a freaking pride flag and a cross,” and that the “pride flag has nothing to do with the history of this nation” while “our civilization was built under” the cross

“And we live in a civilization that we do, and every good thing that we have in our lives is really because the people believed in the cross, and they went out and they did incredible things, and they fought and they died, for the sake of the cross,” Walsh said. And he claimed that, even if he were not a Christian, he would “still have a respect for the cross for that reason alone”

Another of Pool’s guests, Libertarian National Committee chair Angela McArdle, agreed with Walsh, and said that “Christianity radically changed the way that people deal with each other, our human interactions.” She also credited Christianity as the reason why women “were no longer considered like cattle” and “slaves were treated better”

Walsh then declared that the “reason why we live in this country right now and why this whole hemisphere is not currently dominated by stone-aged, savage cultures who rip the hearts out of their enemies and eat them” and “kill and enslave women and children,” is that “people came here primarily to spread the Christian gospel”

“People need to watch Apocalypto,” Tim Pool said enthusiastically[…]“Mel Gibson does a real good job”[…]
Pool and Walsh defended Musk, claiming that Musk’s gesture was not intended to be a Nazi salute at all. Pool argued that the man performing the gesture mattered and not the gesture itself. Walsh said that “no one really believes that Elon Musk is a Nazi,” and that “if we lived in a saner culture, then we could just have a laugh about it”

Hunter Wallace #wingnut #racist

[From “Donald Trump Announces Return of National Expansion”]

Make America Great Again

What does that mean? When was America great?[…]
Trump has repeatedly answered the question in recent months: America was great in the 1890s when William McKinley was president at the end of the Gilded Age[…]
Trump was crystal clear[…]when he announced a return to Manifest Destiny, national expansion and the creation of the External Revenue Service. He spoke in what used to be familiar terms about the conquest and settlement of North America. He said nothing about “fascism” or World War II or Israel or Zionism. He said very little about foreign affairs

The Economist[…]
If you are a reactionary businessman and a billionaire from New York like Trump, wouldn’t you be nostalgic for a time of virtually unfettered free market capitalism when the country was ruled by the Rockefellers, Morgans and Carnegies who were the biggest “winners” in American history?[…]
As Southern reactionaries, we get misty eyed thinking about ancestors sitting on the front porch of the Big House, mint julep in hand, watching our slaves toil as the Confederate flag flaps in the breeze and our boys are in Virginia fighting off the Yankee Army in 1862. That’s our lost Golden Age

For our Neo-Nazi commentators, their lost Golden Age is the Third Reich in 1942 at the peak of Adolf Hitler’s conquest of Europe. Everything went to hell when Germany lost the war. There are other flavors of reactionaries like the Trad Caths who date the fall to Martin Luther and the Reformation[…]
To be a New York business tycoon in the 1890s before the Jews took over the city and ran it into the ground must be a nostalgic fantasy that that appeals to some Gentile New Yorkers. Imagine what it would have been like to be in New York City at its peak and watch the skyscrapers being built or the electricity coming on when New York was a dynamic city approaching the peak of its power



The Ouachita-Tunica (Ouaxita, Uatcheta [Eye of Heru / Light or The Revealer(s) of Light], Wichita, Witcheta[w], Washita[w], XI, Shi, Olmec [Dogon, Mandinka {Mandingo, known as the Egyptian-Nubians [Ethiopians] = Lenni Lenabe / Le'Nape = Al Nube} and the East African {Af-Ra-Kan} Dinka People that largely dwell in Egypt, and Sudan (Nubia / Kush) region... [SagaMuurs = "Original People"], Mu'urs [Land of the West, Westerners], Moors [Land]) Tribal - Nation, The Indigenous / Aboriginal / Autochthon Peoples of the Americas and the WORLD, pursuant to United Nations Indigenous People's Organizational Number (I.P.O.) #2421 and member of the national society of (U.M.A.A.R. Unified [United] Mu’urish AmErikan (Amarukan) Ab-Original Republic(k) U.N. NGO (United Nations Non-Governmental Organization) #37801.
The Royal Imperial / Emperial bloodlines have never be broken; therefore, ownership of most of North America and other lands belongs to Verdiacee 'Tiari' Washitaw (Washington) Tunica (Turner) Goston El-Bey and on June 7th 1999, she made Prince Ramisis Abel Bey, the "Crown Prince of the Empire Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah Mu'urs" and brought him into the Washitaw-Tunica Emperial Bloodline (the edict was signed June 6th, 2003) and thus, began the formation of the United Washitaw De Dugdahmoundyah Mu'urs (Moors), "Prince Bey" in turn brought the Chiefs of United Washitaw De Dugdahmoundyah Mu'ur Nation into Washitaw-Tunica Emperial Royal Bloodline.
The Washitaw Proper and Washitaw Terra (so-called Louisiana Purchase)
consists of what states? Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Minnesota, Nebraska, Colorado, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma,
​Louisiana, Alabama, Utah, [Texas, New Mexico], Florida and portions of even the so-called [13] Thirteen Colonies, or the original 13 states on up into Canada...see Canada is added making...] the Washitaw (Ouachita) governs over 30 million acres in North America alone.

Chief Eagle Feather via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #conspiracy

Greetings young braves and warrior maidens. Greetings chiefs and kin. I am Chief Eagle Feather. It has been many moons, many seasons of time since I have spoken with this one.

I am showing her how our lands used to be free, free from snakes of asphalt and hard lines of steel, free of smog. I am showing her large stretches of land the Great Spirit stretched his hands over where the animals roamed freely. All their needs were met. But man quarreled. Many of my people and tribes fought others. It was a time where factions rubbed up against each other like a saddle sore that scars leaving a memory of wounding. It was not only our tribes that disagreed and warred, everything changed forever for us when the white man came. I say this as a memory not as a sadness or to lay blame.
(I am seeing the great continent of Lumeria and Atlantis sink and survivors heading to the Americas. I am seeing Native American groups clustered under the stars at night telling stories of the great flood and dancing around the fires. I am seeing the sky people land in their silvery disks and sharing gifts with them. I am seeing the Mayflower come and experiencing some of their memories.)
You are coming into a new era where your tribe will be very important to you and to all who are in it or seeking it. Your tribe will bring comfort and security. But first you must work together. This will be a challenge as it has always been challenging for the white man to face his d****s and the red man to face his pride. You have many words together that prohibit the speaking of race and color. We are all one offspring of the Great One, of the Great Spirit who is neither man or woman, black nor white, for Spirit is all things. The words and wordings in this realm of shadow have been manipulated.
The prophecy of light, of the rainbow tribe rising to speak to the stars, of the blinding light, of the colors of creation. It is all happening here now.

@idontexistTore/Alexandra Bruce #wingnut #conspiracy

Certain modifications could enable a Black Hawk to be remotely controlled against the pilots’ will. Sikorsky’s MATRIX™ autonomy system allows for optionally-piloted operation, meaning if hacked or overridden, control could be forcibly taken away.

While traditional UH-60s use mechanical controls, newer fly-by-wire versions, such as DARPA’s ALIAS Black Hawk, introduce a higher risk of external interference. Aircraft equipped with digital avionics, satellite links, or remote access could also be susceptible to electronic warfare (EW) attacks or cyber intrusions, potentially allowing an adversary to override manual controls.

The U.S. military has raised concerns about backdoors in avionics components, especially those sourced from foreign suppliers, such as CCP-altered chipsets, which could introduce unauthorized remote access without pilot awareness. @DougBurgum knows.


Tatoruzux #racist #pratt

The distance between Jerusalem and Samaria was 35 miles. I travel that far to Walmart. That's where my "neighbors" shop.
Do people really think the Good Samaritan parable and "love thy neighbor" was about opening the gates for savages living hundreds or thousands of miles away?

Chick Publications #fundie #homophobia

On January 10, 2025, the Vatican approved new guidelines allowing openly gay men to join Catholic seminaries to prepare them to teach congregations—on the condition that they live a celibate (Catholic definition: unmarried) life. This drastic departure from the 2005 rule, which barred gay men from seminaries altogether, is yet another glaring example of how the Vatican continues to compromise biblical truth to appease the world.
This isn’t the first time the Catholic Church has abandoned the Bible, and it won’t be the last. The Vatican teaches that only priests and popes can rightly interpret the Bible, hell isn’t permanent, you can “atone” for sins in purgatory, and doing penance for yourself or a loved one will get you to heaven faster. Their blasphemous worship of the virgin Mary goddess and the Eucharist wafer god are two more contradictions of the Bible’s clear teaching.
When the Catholic Magisterium—the supposed "teaching authority of the Church”—holds the power to overrule Scripture, it’s only a matter of time before they justify any and all sin. The current situation with gay clergy is just the latest symptom of a much larger problem: not holding to the Bible as the final authority.
But we have the perfect, preserved words of God in English—the King James Bible. It is the inspired and infallible truth, unchanged and unaltered since it was translated by faithful men under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The KJV stands as the ultimate authority for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness, never needing revision or correction by modern translations. And God has confirmed it for over 400 years by the fruit of faith, hope, revivals and world missions.

Robert Spencer #transphobia

Zuckerberg has recently taken a turn toward rationality, renouncing his former embrace of leftist authoritarianism and censorship of dissenting voices and rolling back the silencing of dissidents on Facebook. The New York Post reported Friday that several weeks ago, Zuckerberg “overhauled a variety of Meta’s internal and external policies, ranging from lifting restrictions on speech to ‘restore free expression’ across his platforms to changing its ‘Hateful Conduct’ policy to allow criticism of gender identity.” That’s all to the good, but when Zuckerberg attempted to swing the pendulum back even farther toward common sense, he ran into an angry gaggle of Meta employees who would much rather cling to their delusions, thankyouverymuch.

The Post noted that “after Meta removed tampons from men’s bathrooms in company office buildings earlier this month, some employees started coordinating ‘quiet rebellions’ by bringing in their own.” Oh, for Pete’s sake. The lunacy, it burns. From this “quiet rebellion” at Meta, we learn not only that staffing the place is a significant number of women who think they’re men, but that these women are so determined to cling to these fantasies that they believe that a quiet and reasonable move to nudge them back to reality is some kind of oppressive measure that they must righteously resist.

Boskov01 #racist #dunning-kruger

I don't think we have to worry about this movie turning a profit. Even before Mackey shot his mouth off with a 5 caliber foot, this movie was fraught with problems and has seen a number of reshoots that've ballooned its budget, making it all the more unlikely it'll turn a profit. There is zero buzz for this film. Nobody wants to see Steve Rogers' DEI Replacement take up the shield.

If it were Bucky being named Captain America people might go for it since Bucky's the natural successor. Falcon is Falcon and there's no way he could really take up the shield and have it fit him.

But even Disney insiders have been fretting that this movie's gonna bomb what with all the reshoots and other headaches. Add to that Mackey's comments insulting American audiences, the rejection of Wokeness, and the general fatigue towards Marvel movies (which should've ended after Endgame) and this is just a recipe for disaster.

Ben Bartee #transphobia #dunning-kruger

The researchers found “increased rates of bipolar disorder, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and substance use disorders” in the transgender population, among other negative disparities like schizoaffective disorder, panic disorder, and agoraphobia.

The study examined the records of 53,449,400 patients, so it was a huge sample size.

Of course, as one would expect from a medical journal called Transgender Health, the researchers were obligated to add the caveat that the divergent mental health outcomes were due to “the high rates of discrimination and violence transgender individuals experience” rather than anything inherent to the experience of literally believing you are living in an alien body that does not match your psychological identity.

Ever committed to the ideology, the researchers also take the opportunity to advocate for transing children as young as possible, suggesting that “the emerging field of transgender pediatric research has demonstrated improved mental health outcomes when children are allowed to socially transition at a young age.”

various commenters #transphobia #racist

RE: Will Democrats ever drop the ‘transgender lunacy’? - spiked (Kara Dansky)

( ThisReality )
Will Republicans ever want them to? If Democrats do drop it, will Republicans ever acknowledge that, or will it be touted as an ever-present threat, the new Red China or Cold War?

Transgenderism is a political boon to both parties. If one side decides to stop playing tug-of-war, the other side loses, too.

( FrankieDuck )
There is a lot more to it then political parties posturing. If you go to you can see how depraved sex is a big part of the trans movement. Jennifer Bilek writes about the money behind this movement. It's not really a game.

( RNPhalarope )
As far as i can see, they are doubling down on this.

And they are doubling down on the excesses of DEI. It is really unfortunate when you can't admit that the ideology that says that all white people are racist, the written word is colonial oppression, and something, something math is bad, etc. is really out of touch.

I listened to a podcast featuring the top people from the Harris campaign about what went wrong and it was a pitiful performance without any reflection.

( SatanicPanic )
The "math is racist" bullshit really opened my husband's eyes. It's so amazingly racist. How the fuck can they say they don't think black people can do math to our faces and actually believe they're the good ones?

( PerenelleFlamel )
I spent some time on reddit to try to see where the left is headed after this, and man, it is brutal. They are still screaming "Nazi" at everyone, maybe even louder this time, and have no real understanding of how their extreme actions over the past 5-7 years have brought us here. Honestly, if the Dems didn't straight up, and I don't say this lightly, persecute Trump and make a folk-hero out of him, we would be living in an entirely different timeline.

And if the Dems didn't spend the last 4 years embracing absolutely bonkers positions like trans and mass immigration, straight up mocking their voter base, actively and obnoxiously alienating anyone who was wasn't a left-wing nutjob, blatantly censoring opposition, and openly supporting destructive and violent criminal activity and telling people they'd just have to 'deal with it' for social equity, they might have had a chance.

It is absolutely maddening.

Greg Kelly #wingnut #psycho

From the January 13, 2025, edition of Newsmax's Greg Kelly Reports

GREG KELLY (HOST): Well, I like JD Vance. I like half of that. But actually, some of the people who committed violent acts, actually, well, many of them have gotten a raw deal as well. This has never been adequately investigated because we never had an adequate investigation into the whole damn thing. But, I don't know, what do you do when the police unlawfully provoke violence? And that's what a lot of people believe happened. They did not issue a warning before throwing chemical munitions into a mostly, if not universally peacefully assembled crowd.

KELLY: Why is this guy throwing these basic hand grenades into a crowd? And people aren't, like, they aren't lunging toward officers or anything like that? You see, this is stirring up a fight, stirring up a fight where there was no fight. So the people who started fighting, I mean, do they not deserve a pardon, too? I think that has to be looked into. I wouldn't rule anything out. The whole thing was a kind of a setup, many of us believe

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

The idea of a seasoned skipper
Choosing to race the Titanic through icebergs
To improve his arrival time at New Yok City
Is too outlandish to merit serious consideration

A satellite going an alleged 380 million miles to Jupiter
Is also an unbelievable story

If it did not do it on gas
Then why is not the public utilizing this hidden technology

The moon refuses to show us its other side
If it did we would realize it is not a moon

We are in a planetarium with a projector
And all astronomy is a big lie

The earth is hollow
And there is as much going on down there
As there is up here

If you want to show others where ETS are from
Point down and across but not up

There are more than 50 underground levels
At Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque New Mexico

There are subterranean magnetized high speed railways that operate on levitation
That connect bases everywhere

And below them are strange worlds
That extend out into the far reaches of the vast toroidal plane

Before they are revealed
Androids will be firmly established in our society

When you vote
You vote for a programmed android
And it confirms your ignorance

Pope Leo X said
It has served us well this myth of Christ

When a person prays to this personification of a god
Or when they worship this mythological figure

They are giving their power to those who invented it
And their life force goes to the Vatican

Salvador Dali depicted Jesus on a three dimensional cross
That when turned to its side
Forms a four dimensional hypercube called a geometric tesseract

When the former polar configuration rotated around the celestial pole
That is what people saw!

Brandon Peterson #fundie #magick #crackpot

(Edition 1.3) The most influential and printed book in history is the 1611 Authorized Version of the Bible, otherwise known as the King James Version. Little did we suspect that the name of Jesus Christ is signed and sealed into that same book in ways that no man could have ever conceived.

This detailed collection of notes displays the absolute sovereignty of God, who declares with authority and power:

Did you know… Moses + Jesus + Christ (John 1:17) = 7×7×7×7 appearances in the KJB? (Excluding antimentions such as false Christs) (Detailed on p. 70)

Did you know… Father + Son = 7 mentions in Revelation, 7×7×7 mentions in the Gospels, and 70×7 mentions in the entire Bible? (Excluding antimentions such as Father Abraham) (Detailed on pp. 88-94)

Did you know… Jesus Christ is mentioned 7 times in Revelation and T7×7 times in the entire Bible?
What is T7×7, you ask?

T7×7 = (7×1)+(7×2)+(7×3)+(7×4)+(7×5)+(7×6)+(7×7)

When you write it out line by line, it forms a perfect triangle with seven sevens on each side.

Like this…

7 +
7 + 7 +
7 + 7 + 7 +
7 + 7 + 7 + 7 +
7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 +
7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 +
7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 = Total mentions of Jesus Christ in the KJB (Detailed on p.96)
The question is not "if" these things were directed by the supernatural mind of God. The questions are “where…? when…? why...? how…?”

Here are a few titles / summarizations of the notes that are detailed within:

The 777 Code of Matthew 1:1
The 777 First and Last Words of the Bible ("In" Gen 1:1 / "Amen" Rev 22:21) in Genesis & Revelation.
God Directly Speaking 7×7×7 words in Genesis 1, and 7×7 words in Matthew 1
The Father + The Word + Holy Ghost (1 John 5:7) = 777 mentions
God + Jesus + Holy Spirit = 777+777+777 mentions in the New Testament
Moses + Jesus + Christ (John 1:17) = 7×7×7×7 appearances in the verse text of the Entire Bible
The #777 mention of Jesus is in the same verse as the #77 mention of Holy Ghost

2nd Smartest Guy in the World #wingnut #quack #conspiracy #mammon

Today marks an important moment in American history with the confirmation of Robert Kennedy Jr. to the position of secretary of Health and Human Services.

As head of HHS, RFK Jr. can have profound impacts on not just matters of health, but, also, by bringing various bioterrorist eugenicists like Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, their various Intelligence Industrial Complex coconspirators and BigPharma partners-in-crime to justice.

But there is fantastically strong opposition to RFJ Jr.’s nomination, with every single detractor being a BigPharma bought and paid for asset.
So what are all of these swamp monsters so afraid of?

First of all, the chances of mass arrests of the likes of Dr. Fauci and all of his associates would increase quite literally overnight.

Secondly, the following three vital actions that RFK Jr. will more than likely institute if confirmed would change the entire landscape of BigPharma, their entire deadly vaccine schedule, and fundamentally improve and protect the health of all Americans instantly:

Get rid of all BigPharma commercials (btw when you say, ‘ask your doctor about..’ you relinquish your consent rights)

Get rid of the 1986 Vaccine Injury Act

Get rid of the Bayh–Dole Act
Note that he will end his suppression of lifesaving drugs like Ivermectin, while warning the bioterrorist criminals to prepare for mass indictments by preserving their records.

So in honor of RFK Jr.’s position on lifesaving drugs, please take full advantage of this FLASH SALE by using code code IVM20 to receive an additional 20% OFF on not just the Nobel Prize winning miracle compound Ivermectin, but also on the miraculous Fenbendazole, Doxycycline, the full spectrum organic CBD oil containing 5,000 milligrams of activated cannabinoids and hemp compounds CBD, CBN & CBG, the powerful immune support nutraceutical and spike support formula VIR-X, and the healthy sugar alternative FLAV-X!

Danlboon #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy

If you haven’t known is that President Lincoln was a member of the B.A.R. and in violation of the 13th Amendment of 1819 along with No Constitutional Congress after they walked out in 1861.

President Lincoln may have done some good, but We The People did not know of it as the news and research was so bad back then, yet as when Lincoln took his Oath of Office on 4 Mar., 1961 we were then surely under British Rule as Lincoln made us one country as he called in Martial Law and not properly joining individual states into a union, but he should have kept us as working together as they should be.

Every Congressional bill passed since the Southern states’ reps. walked out of Congress in 1861, without a Constitutional Adjournment, is Null and Void and they have inserted people there in violation of the 13th Amendment of 1819 as well.

When President Lincoln declared Martial Law he did so in favor and under the control of the British Crown, and we are still as of today, so Trump does not have to declare Martial Law unless he declares it for the proper USA Republic.

100 years later JFK was moving to change this all back, but he didn’t have the backing as he should have like Trump has today, so 60 + years later we are still waiting.

“The July 1898 unlawful, unconstitutional US Joint Resolution of Hawaii: It was impossible for the US to gain acquisition of Hawaii. Hawaii has never legally been a State of the US. Under International Law, the Kingdom of Hawaii still exists.”

So this ‘US Joint Resolution of Hawaii’ is under Martial Law with the authority of the British Crown along with the accepting all of our last 16 states into the USA Union.

The EBS should bring about some of this info so we can all understand, but Trump just needs to get the basics with some details reported to we The People.

Patricia Cota-Robles #ufo #magick #conspiracy

We all volunteered to embody on Earth during this auspicious time because we were shown the miracles we would be able to Cocreate as Mother Earth Ascends into the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar New Earth. The Beings of Light said that literally billions of other souls also volunteered to embody at this time, but they were turned away.

We were chosen because we had demonstrated in our previous lives that we had the tenacity and the determination to stay focused on the Light in the face of all adversity. Beloved Ones, please pay attention to those words.
Archangel Michael has given us a lot of information and powerful tools that we can use to protect ourselves during this essential cleansing process. The Divine Intent of these tools is to help us protect ourselves and our Loved Ones from being bombarded and overwhelmed with the surfacing negativity.
Forcefield of Protection

Beloved Presence of God I AM in me, I gratefully acknowledge in my mind and accept in my feelings the living reality of your mantel of Electronic Light substance enfolding me in a blazing aura of ever-expanding Protection.

From within your Cosmic Heart I feel the pulsation of the Flame of Divinity, radiating through my Consciousness. I AM my I AM Presence, through which flows at all times, the virtues, qualities and blessings from my Father-Mother God and their Messengers to me.

I also acknowledge and accept the mighty armor of Light and invincible momentum of Faith so lovingly offered to me by my own 5th-Dimensional Archangel of Protection. With Loving conviction I decree:

The Light of God is ALWAYS Victorious! (3X)

I live this day in God’s Light. (3X)

God is in control wherever I AM. (3X)

The Harmony of my true Being is my ultimate Protection. (3X)

I do now invoke the added assistance of God’s Divine Will to keep this activity of Light sustained around me and my world, so that only the Will of God may manifest in all of my activities, in all places and at all times.

Archangel #racist

False Narrative
Artical Nutshell: National Socialists never called themselves Nazis.

1930, noun and adjective, from Ignatz, a term used in Bavaria for a backwards or clumsy peasant. [1][2] The insult was first applied to National Socialists by Konrad Heiden, a jewish Communist, or more specifically, a judeo-Marxist.

The NSDAP once attempted to adopt the Nazi designation as what the Germans call a "despite-word," (They tried to "own" it, to spite the enemies who invented it.) eventually giving up; the NSDAP generally avoided the term, with the notable exception of the pamphlet "Nazi-Sozi" published by Joseph Goebbels originally in 1926. In the 1927 re-publishing, however, it was changed to Verlag der Nationalsozialistischen Briefe[3]. Before 1930, party members had been called in English “National Socialists”, which dates from 1923[4]. The use of Nazi Germany, Nazi regime, Nazism and any other term derived from "Nazi" was largely popularized as a derogatory epithet by German exiles abroad. From them, it spread into other languages, and eventually was brought to the spotlight in Germany only after the war; in general, in the pre-war period the NSDAP was referred to solely as Fascist by its opponents, despite controversy within the party regarding the label. Particularly in the USSR, the terms National Socialist and Nazi were said to have been forbidden after 1932[5], presumably to avoid any taint to the “good” word Socialist. Soviet literature refers to the National Socialists solely as Fascists.

To many modern critical social justice activists, the word Nazi has become a very broad derogatory slang word, like "nigger", except directed at any authoritative figure or person of European heritage that they may take issue with. The word Nazi is often used interchangeably to mean “authoritarian”, “racist”, “conservative” "hillbilly", or "ignorant person". This is common to the degree that it spurred popular memes to criticize the phenomenon.

Zulutime 2023 we have Wernher von Braun and Google Chrome books sales Mein Kampf screenshot to spread in twitter. And still Deutschland Zulutime 2023 is National Socialism state. Look at BND building.

HungryRobotics and UnbannableMrRipley #dunning-kruger #sexist #forced-birth

Still from the same poster that claim 12 can’t safely carry a baby to term.


Disclaimer, in use this subreddit to guess based on what I know about whatever it is. So, since I'm not looking, I won't have any sources to cite, be able to back up arguments much further than presented or guarantee you won't fail your test of you use my answers

Contrary to the idea...not long ago I checked the numbers...the carry babies to term and have them quite well... There isn't much of risk increase at all.. their bodies...amazing and resilient (no, you are never going to ruin that pussy with that)

But, do keep in mind, young and inexperienced mother's, especially without a solid strong support system and accepting wonderful community are going to have anton of other problems...

School, post pardum depression, trouble with their social circle, work and income..met.

And the babies themselves are at high risk for attachment disorders.

Biologically... 12 is middle-aged... when the average life span was 30... women were married and had children at 13... IF, a girl becomes pregnant at 12 (GOD FORBID) it has been proven many, many times that they can carry a baby to term. It is actually far more dangerous to have a baby at 40 than at 12.

kwantsu-dudes and lol_camis #dunning-kruger #sexist

A poster claim 12 year olds can’t safely bear a child to term and two comments disagree
Your premise is faulty. Carrying a child as young as 12 isn't really that unsafe biologically speaking. It may provide a few more complications that most within a society would like to mitigate, but it's not to any high degree unsafe as a metric of health.

They are though. Preteens have and can delivered a child. When it comes to evolution, it's all about your ability to survive long enough to have a child and pass on your genes. Obviously modern society has moved on from the physical ability to have a child and more towards the mental maturity to have a child. But biologically speaking it's entirely viable.

Andrew Anglin #sexist #racist #wingnut

[From “Woke EU Human Rights Court Rules That Women Don’t Have to Have Sex with Their Husbands”]

Donald Trump is trying to vaccinate the world against the woke mind virus, but the Europeans are having a negative reaction to the vaccine and having woke myocarditis from the DNA changes caused by this Warp Speed vaccine against wokeness

Now these wokies in Europe are claiming that women don’t have to have sex with their husbands

Do women have to do anything in the woke world?

The Guardian

The European court of human rights (ECHR) sided on Thursday with a 69-year-old French woman whose husband had obtained a divorce on the grounds that she was the only person at fault because she had stopped having sexual relations with him[…]

What about the human rights of men to have sex?

What wokie wookie wrote this law?

The woke kikes?[…]

The Strasbourg-based ECHR said any concept of marital duties needed to take into account “consent”[…]
“The court concluded that the very existence of such a marital obligation ran counter to sexual freedom, [and] the right to bodily autonomy,” a court statement said. “The applicant’s husband could have petitioned for divorce, submitting the irretrievable breakdown of the marriage as the principal ground, and not, as he had done, as an alternative ground”

Woke women are refusing to have children, and the governments are complaining about that and offering them endless bribes and meanwhile they are so woke they won’t enforce men’s right to sex!

spoilerEurope fertility map, 2015

The woke mind virus is going to obliterate Europe and then people will realize that woke was wrong and they will realize patriots were right for forcing women to have sex

Jerry Sargeant #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

We as human beings have the potential to re-access those abilities, to levitate big objects, to levitate our own bodies, to communicate telepathically which is already happening. I mean these abilities are possible. If you go back to Atlantis which was an experiment, if you go back to Egypt which was an experiment, it’s all part of this great big galactic universal experiment. We’re living in a great big experiment.”

I wanted to just drop in and just share a little bit about my feelings on Egypt and Tartaria and all of the catastrophes that have happened on this planet over thousands, even millions of years. How do you think they built the pyramids? I mean look at those massive, huge great big blocks. They levitated them. It’s that simple okay. Imagine the ground was clear and then you’ve got beings around with multi-dimensional abilities that can literally levitate those huge blocks. That’s how it worked. There’s no other way.

When I was in Egypt a few years ago, I was stood by this structure, and I looked to my right-hand side, and I saw this being much taller than me. It had a laser coming out of its pineal gland and it was showing me how it was cut in stone with it. Okay, the technology that was available then was far superior to what we have on planet Earth right now.
People think the pyramids are thousands of years old. We’re talking millions. Millions of beings were on this planet before the dinosaurs. Three to four million years ago there were Pleiadeans, Andromedans, Martians, all different species down here, the portal here in Antarctica probably before it was called Antarctica. This whole construct is a game and until you start understanding the game you’re not even playing. You’re just a pawn. So, when are you going to wake up and realize that you’re a supersonic superhuman, and you have got so much potential. You got to take a deep dive into your heart and start to know the truth.

Frosty-Palpitation66 #wingnut #dunning-kruger

Leftists are overgrown children

One thing I've noticed about leftists, and one of the reasons I hate them so, so, much, is that many of them just tend to say feel-goodism platitudes, rather than explaining why you should agree with their viewpoint.
They just say things that sound nice:

"Insert group" rights are human rights!

Ok? What do you mean by that? Right to do what?

"From the river to the sea!"

Assuming you even know what river and what sea you're talking about, do you know what you're actually advocating for by saying that?

They routinely advocate for free this and free that without suggesting how we go about funding that without insanely high levels of taxation for your average citizen or government-forced labor.

This is how a young child thinks. "Just print free money and everyone will be rich"

This is also reflected in their intrests, hobbies, and the way they use infantilizing speech. All baby shit.

I beleive my this is broadly supported by the HALARIOUS and ironic fact that most leftists are, by their logic, some of the most "privileged" people on earth. Upper middle class people that live in rich western countries.

This has lead me to beleive leftism is a mental disorder caused by never in your life facing adversity and maturing and growing up.

Henry Makow PhD #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

I am grateful that Trump has overthrown the oppressive Communist woke agenda. Americans are jubilant that sanity is returning. Nevertheless, they should be mindful of who Trump really is.

Trump is an imposter, a liar and conman whose mission is to prepare the goyim for another culling.

Throughout history, Sabbatean Frankist (Satanist) Jews have pretended to be Christians in order to take control of Christian civilization and destroy it. These are called crypto Jews. Trump, Putin and Netanyahu are crypto Jews and members of Chabad who advocate genocide of Christians.

Here DJT claims he is a Christian, and will defend Christianity!

Here is proof he is a Kabbalist (at 6 min, he talks about studying Cabala, i.e. Jewish supremacism, racism, satanism)

Trump launches anti-Semitism crackdown as he orders deportation of pro-Hamas students who terrorized campuses
Order comes as Trump invites Israeli Prime Minister to White House

President Donald Trump will launch an anti-Semitism crackdown on Wednesday when he signs an executive order instructing federal agencies to find ways to deport anti-Jewish activists who violated laws, including students on college campuses. The executive order will allow the deportation of resident aliens -- including students with visas -- who broke laws as part of anti-Israel protests following the October 7th attacks in Israel, confirmed.

Don't be fooled. Despite his defence of "Free Speech" there will be a crackdown on opposition to Israeli genocide.

Captain Jimmy Paine/James Rink #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy

Stardate 78429

Good evening, and welcome to Super Soldier Talk. I’m your host, James Rink, bringing you the latest insights into secret programs and extraordinary experiences. Tonight, we delve into Jimmy Paine’s incredible story.

Jimmy claims to have served aboard a starship known as the Enterprise, his experiences aboard this ship are said to have inspired elements of the 1989 film Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, in the search for God.

Captain Jimmy Paine, inspired the iconic character of Captain Jim Kirk. During his command of the Enterprise, a Vulcan-built starship crafted in the 1960s, Captain Paine and his crew undertook extraordinary missions, including the rescue of none other than the Loch Ness Monster. In a daring operation, the Enterprise crew airlifted the creature aboard their ship’s hull, ensuring its safe passage to Vulcan. This mission later inspired the Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home storyline. Throughout his service aboard the United Federation of Worlds Star Ship Enterprise, Captain Paine worked alongside Spock and Lieutenant Uhura—both, as history reveals, were 4-foot-tall elves hailing from the world of Vulcan.

As a Super Soldier, Jimmy Paine, known as “Captain Dallas,” for his distinguished service within the secret space program from 1959 to 1996. Over these years, Dallas undertook numerous highly classified missions, serving as a shuttlecraft pilot for the Tall White Warriors at the legendary Area 51 and venturing into uncharted territories of time travel alongside the Montauk Boys at Camp Hero.
Dallas’s career took him across planets and moons, from Mars to Titan and Earth’s Moon. On Mars in 1974, he and Duncan O’Finoian came upon the enigmatic broken statue of a colossal humanoid face, a haunting reminder of civilizations past.
It is with profound respect that we recognize Captain Jimmy Paine for his courage and steadfast contributions to the realms beyond our known universe.

Ben Bartree #transphobia

Based Slovakian Culture Minister reverses state funding of transgenderism, immediately smeared

You see, pulling public funding for transgender propaganda is a “playing to Russian tunes” and “suppressing democracy” — even while it’s done by a democratically elected regime that ran on doing exactly what it’s doing and got a mandate to do what it promised to do.

Because, in our postmodern utopia, words and concepts mean nothing to these people. There is no truth. It’s all rhetorical warfare, all the time.

various commenters #transphobia

RE: Transgender inmates panic as Donald Trump's executive order sends them packing to men's prisons | Daily Mail Online

( pennygadget )
Maybe y'all should have thought of that before you committed crimes (most likely sex crimes, because you're TIMs).

No fucking sympathy for these scrotes. This policy lead to God knows how many rapes and pregnancies for incarcerated women. So I'm not shedding tears for these men. If they feel oppressed, they can remove the woman costume and use he/him pronouns again. Or request protective custody on account of being "at risk"

Whatever they decide, its not women's problem to deal with. Die mad, scrotes

( Arenlaef )
There's something so powerful about reading some form of "The trans prisoners are worried they'll be targets in prison" and just admitting that I don't really give a flying fuck, lol.

That's for male prisons to work out. We don't remedy that by serving these men up women on a platter for them to abuse.

( FloraFair )
Is it cruel for me to say they should be happy.

They'll be treated like the women they so desperately long to be. They'll have to fear everyday that they might possibly be violated at any moment. They'll always be looking over their shoulders & sleeping with one eye open. The fear will keep them awake until it starts to impact their health & they go insane.

Is this not what women feel? Do they not want the authentic female experience?

( Mandy )
What a shame they didn't push for trans-only accommodation when they had the chance.

( momofreyrella )
They didnt want that

( Smellerbee )
They didn't want it because it wouldn't be "validating."

( VestalVirgin )
And because they aren't really afraid. They just want to rape women.

If they were afraid, they'd pushed for trans only accommodation. (Someone told my mom a sob story about trans prisoners being beaten up by prisoners of the other sex that they demand to be imprisoned with. I'd very much like to know who, but I fear she might have drunk the koolaid, she always gets aggressive when I question her new beliefs..A shame, too, she used to be a normie Anyways, that sob story cannot possibly be true, cause if it were they'd wisely stay where they belong!)

( hard_headed_woman )
Reading that headline made me positively euphoric!

various commenters #transphobia

RE: ‘A Bounty on My Head’: Congress’s First Transgender Member Faces the Trump Era - The New York Times

( mathlover )
Men who say they are "women" - like Mr. McBride - are not even remotely vulnerable, though they have managed to bully and gaslight people into believing they are.

If these men want to wear dresses, wigs/long hair, makeup, etc and play make-believe "woman" in their personal lives, with willing participants, they have always been free to do that. The fact that they now can force the rest of us to go along with it, and to make women unable to keep these men out of womens spaces is not the mark of the vulnerable and powerless. They are sexually predatory authoritatian brutes.

( PeregrineWitch )
Seeing this man constistently called 'she' and described as a woman is an ongoing slap in the face.

You're the problem, New York Times. You and all the other misogynistic crap journalists, politicians and doctors who've peddled the male supremacist notion that being a woman is a feeling a man can have, and that pushing back against this insane, insulting attrocity is some kind of persecution.

( shewolfoffrance )
I think it's interesting to see which TiMs are quadrupling down and which ones are trying to rebrand as sensible moderates [...]. I suspect we'll be seeing quite a few of the latter in the coming months and years.

( [Deleted] )
All of them want to sound so reasonable and do a great job until they get to the bit where they have to say I know I’m male and I know I suffer from a mental problem called dysphoria…, x y z I still want to take large amounts of cross sex hormones which are ruining my health and costing the tax payer a fortune already and we haven’t even hit the mass early onset dementia tipping point because I have the only mental health problem which can be cured by reinforcing intrusive and delusional thoughts.

( shewolfoffrance )
Even if they're willing to give up a few things like men in women's sports, or cut loose the more the more disgusting AGPs; they all still believe in "true trans" for themselves. Blaire White still wants access to women-only spaces. Brianna Wu still wants to trans minors. Sarah McBride has backed off using the women's bathroom, but now sits on a committee for women.

( NO )
Maybe if you had not tried getting rid of the rights of half the population you wouldnt feel the hate of half the population.

ApparentlyImAHeretic #transphobia

Imagine your kid told you he needed wings. he identifies as a bird or some shit, and therefore needs wings to be able to fly. Being a parent wanting to indulge in your child's playtime, you buy your kid some Halloween wings, but the kid turns them down, and tells you he wants real wings! that being able to fly is part of his core identity, and without wings he can't live a happy life.

Do you A) invests tons of money into experimental surgery that just implants a pair of movable wings on your kids back, but the wings will never allow him to even glide because he weighs at least 60 lb and would need wings the size of a car.

Or B) Tell your kid the truth: that he is human and is not able to innately fly. if he wants to fly, he can take up piloting, or even a hobby like hang gliding or parachuting, but innate flight will never be possible. if he's really so distraught at this, invest in professional help to bring him back to reality.

Groomers would have us believe A is the better option.

Massresistance #homophobia

Arthur Schaper, our MassResistance field director, was the last person to testify in favor of this resolution. Speaking via Zoom, Arthur enumerated the legal and constitutional reasons this resolution is necessary. The Obergefell decision improperly removed the discussion entirely from all the states and the people. He also responded to several of the Left’s talking points. He pointed out that since people are not born homosexual, the comparisons to race and other “discriminations” have no merit.

Un-silent #biphobia

My daughter also went to 8 years of Catholic school then entered charter high school. She had some difficulty with a boyfriend who went trans so I transferred her to another school. She was doing well till she started getting into anime and furry groups post graduation and then attended a city college. After that she started becoming more distant and finally told me she was bi-sexual, when I refused to go along she cut communications with me. That was 2 and a half years ago. It seems like a bad dream, we used to be so close.

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