Tatsuya Ishida #racist sinfest.xyz


Panel 1: Black comedian on “Def Comedy Jam” says “Black neighborhoods be violent”
Panel 2: All-Black audience laughs; one says “True dat”
Panel 3: White MAGA has charts up and points to one; “Black neighborhoods are violent”
Panel 4: Gang of Black thugs glower menacingly; “That’s racist”, “Let’s kick his ass”

Alternate version, not posted on the main site:


Panel 4 now has the White MAGA chained to a very tall post with a sign saying “Racist White Supremacist Bigot” above him. He appears to be screaming, despite the bonfire being in the background and apparently not actually burning him.

The Zetas via Nancy Leider #ufo #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy zetatalk.com

Dramatic proof of Nibiru’s wafting tail causing Toxic Fog and monstrous Petrol Blobs so heavy they leak the dripping Petrol on those below have appeared in LA. All this is of course ignored by the Legacy Media who can offer no excuses. Beyond EMP assaults on airplanes and on the infrastructure below, what can mankind expect? Magnetics is heavily used in mankind’s devices, from door locks to the brakes on walkers for the disabled to on/off toggle switches.
Nibiru is a massive planet, 23 times the mass of Earth and 4-5 times the diameter of Earth. Needless to say its Magnetic field dominates when both the Earth and Nibiru are close to each other. The dominant field forces allegiance via magnetic resonance so the Earth attempts to align with Nibiru rather than align with the Sun – the dominant Magnet in the Solar System. This struggle between Magnetic Field Masters results in the zig-zag pattern in the clouds in this 2025 capture.
Defunding the USAid projects will reveal many illegal projects that have been formerly funded by the taxpayer via being laundered through USAid. The Chemtrail project, seeking to fog up the skies so the Nibiru Complex is not visible, of course is funded by the wealthy, who stand to lose the most by public awareness, but in some locales was funded by USAid funds. The small private jets that spread Chemtrails do not run on fumes, and repurposing them and suppling them with fogging chemicals is expensive. Thus there is a lull in Chemtrail activity.
There is a reason the Kolbrin called the smoke in the tail of Nibiru a ‘vile smoke” that choked those who were forced to breath it. So thick it seemed as dark as night but these descriptions were recorded close to the hour of the passage. Smoke inhalation is treated by staying indoors and the Petrol mixed in should be avoided likewise. These assaults by the tail of Nibiru will come and go but staying indoors with windows closed during an assault is the best advice.

Mordechai Brafman #racist #psycho edition.cnn.com

A Florida man is expected to be arraigned on two felony counts of attempted murder Tuesday after he allegedly shot and injured two men he thought were “Palestinian,” according to Miami Beach police

Officer Christopher Bess, a spokesman for the Miami Beach police department, told CNN the victims were tourists from Israel

Mordechai Brafman, 27, was arrested in Miami Beach, Florida, late Saturday after allegedly firing 17 times into the victims’ car, injuring both the driver and a passenger, according to a police affidavit

“It should be noted,” the affidavit states, “that while in custody in our interview room, the defendant spontaneously stated that while he was driving his truck, he saw two Palestinians and shot and killed both”[…]
Both victims survived the shooting; one victim was shot in the left shoulder, while a bullet grazed the second victim in the left forearm, police records state

CNN has reached out to the Israeli consulate in Miami for comment

The Florida chapter of the Muslim civil rights organization the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has called for hate crimes charges to be filed against Brafman over “statements to police that reportedly indicate an anti-Palestinian motive”

John Carleton #racist #conspiracy johnccarleton.org

Epstein Client List Today? AG Pam Bondi Says It’s ‘Sitting On My Desk Right Now’
Attorney General Pam Bondi says the Jeffrey Epstein client list is ‘sitting on my desk right now to review,’ per a ‘directive by President Trump.’
She best have a lot of black markers to mark out all the names they will never release.
I do not doubt at some point a list will be released.
It will be heavy redacted, reprinted to hide the redactions, with only low hanging pedophile fruit or politicians/generals/businessman who are no longer useful or have become a liability for the Rothschilds left on the list.

Lisa J. Shultz #transphobia pittparents.com

[The author is describing their ideal outcomes for 2025]

Drag queen reading hour for children is banned. Children are protected from individuals who present themselves in libraries and educational settings as the opposite sex in dress or mannerisms that accentuate negative or regressive stereotypes or who have an agenda to normalize the presentation or behavior of pretending to be of the opposite sex.


Apologies and reparations are made to any person who lost a job, position, license, or professional opportunity because another person presented themselves as the opposite gender or who endured threats or violence from an identity activist or political activist.

Ralph #fundie behindthebadge.net

[In response to a 14 year old girl contemplating suicide and wondering if God cares about her:]

I have a couple of tough questions for you. First, what do you think you are being saved from? I ask that because your message to me appears to be saying that you think God is saving you from having a bad day. That is not what Salvation is all about. What we are saved from when we are saved is from the sentence of death imposed on us by a Holy God whom we have sinned against. Jesus died for our sins, so that we could live with God eternally. He did not die to take away our minor struggles here in this life.

I don't mean to belittle what you are going through, but you have to get your eyes focused on the right things. If you look at this life with eyes focused on being happy, you never will be. But if you look at this life with eternity in your eyes, you will realize that this life doesn't really mean anything, it is just a wisp of smoke which is soon blown away by the wind. What is important in this life is witnessing to others so that they too can live for eternity with God instead of spending eternity in hell.

majinsoftware #racist resistance.com

(In a topic asking why white women marry outside of their race)

I think i have a idea why white women would like non-white men. It probley comes down to them feeling better about them selfs and having more contol. How easy would it be to feel good about your self when your always with some one that is less then your self (being non-white). If they were with a white partner they would be more equal and have more expected from them.

Well it is sort of the same for my friends brother who has a non-white girl friend. I asked him why and he said because she is easy to control and doesnt expect as much of him as any of his EX white girl friends.

.Ann & Just Mat #fundie nowtheendbegins.com

I don't know if the attacks on Christianity and Christians have increased, or gotten uglier, I know the early Christians were persecuted horribly

Just Mat:
They have got both uglier an increased in number. But I'm beginning to see that satan doesn't need to have massive persecution in the US to attack Christians. See, he may have learned that if you violently attack them the Christians grow stronger and multiply in number. So, as I see it, he has been effectively using his alternative weapon of corrupting Christianity and polluting the minds, hearts and souls of the non-believers. And the way he has been doing it is totally corrupting the pulpits, offering a cotton candy quasi-religious "Christianity" (complete with totally PC, politicized preaching, MTV concert programs passed as worship, social hours supposedly to foster closer relationships instead of teaching the Bible and social programs in the place of evangelizing), and a total anything goes, accepting and even celebrating, of abominable perversions and sexual freedom due to being able to murder the consequences. He has flooded the TV and "Entertainment" industry with satan worship as the better alternative to the dry dead "Christianity" that he has created. And he has held up the lure of power (social, political and personal magical power - note Tom Brady's confession, and he's hardly alone - for all those who will follow and worship). So the non-believers and not a few real Christians look at their powerless, empty lives and desire that power and they succumb to satan. That's why satanism, literal blood sacrifice offerings of children are made to him (complete with drinking their blood and eating them), and witchcraft are on the rise in the US without there being any physical attacks being made on Christians.

Ariel (Prolotario1) #crackpot #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy #mammon operationdisclosureofficial.com

We don’t have the revaluation yet.

We don’t have the Epstein list yet.

We don’t have robots in our home yet.

We don’t have the P. Diddy list yet.

We don’t have quantum computers on the market yet.

We don’t have free energy yet.

We don’t have flying cars on the market yet.

We don’t have teleportation yet.

We don’t have military Tribunals yet.

We don’t have food replicator yet.

We don’t have the hyperloop yet.

We don’t have AGI on the market yet.

We don’t have Med-Beds on the market yet.

We don’t have jump portals available yet.

We do not have healing centers in every community yet.

All of these things on there own is a monumental paradigm shift away from the old world. Do you not see where you are headed? You have not even begun to see what your world will look like in such a short period of time. You all have to mentally prepare for what is coming.

What will you do when you are no longer just surviving?

What will you do when you are no longer financially struggling?

What are you going to do when resources are no longer scarce?

What are you going to do when you will be challenged to be creative & artistic?

What are you going to do when money is no longer the currency to trade goods & services?

What are you going to do when you no longer have an excuse not to be an asset to your community?

What are you going to do when you no longer have an excuse not to be a good person?

What are you going to do when you no longer have the ability to say you can not do this or that?

~Change How You Think Before You Are Forced Into Something You Are Not Ready For

Sadanand Dhume #crackpot #dunning-kruger #elitist #pratt #psycho #racist aei.org

If Indians and Pakistanis Can Relocate, Why Can’t Gazans?

President Trump’s idea that the U.S. will take over the Gaza Strip and relocate two million Palestinians has elicited outrage and derision. But even if the idea never comes to fruition, it has this virtue: It puts a spotlight on the world’s double standard toward Israel.

Many population transfers have taken place over the past century. In the 1920s, Greece and Turkey agreed to a forced population swap: Greek Orthodox Christians in Turkey moved to Greece, while Muslims in Greece moved to Turkey. After World War II, millions of Indians and Pakistanis were forced to find new homes, as were ethnic Germans from Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union. In the 1970s, Uganda expelled Indians. Only in the Palestinian case has the refugee question festered endlessly.

Read more at The Wall Street Journal.

Michael Hill #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie leagueofthesouth.com

First of all, I do not watch TV nor do I have it in my home. So I will not be watching the Jew murder fantasy called “Hunters,” which is set to premier tonight (21 February) on Amazon Prime.

I have seen several trailers for the production on social media, and from what I can gather, “Hunters” is a filthy piece of sadistic trash aimed at any White person (i.e. Nazi) who dares to stand up for their own interest and that of their race. Al Pacino plays a sort of Jew “Godfather” who oversees a campaign of murder against Nazis in America in the 1970s.

Because Jews control the media, there is no danger of “Hunters” being de-platformed as “hate.” In fact, those who speak out against this crude piece of vile anti-White propaganda are the ones likely to lose access to social media, among other things.

Having studied Jew behavior for many years, I can say with assurance that there is not another group more hypocritical nor prone to telling lies. After all, Christ Himself called them liars and children of the father of lies (Satan) in John 8:44. Their modus operandi for the last 2000 years has been to play the victim, accusing their enemies (chiefly White Christians) of doing to them (Jews) what they themselves plan on doing to Whites.

Jews justify violence against Whites by the following “logic:” Jews are perpetual victims; therefore, Jews must be in control of institutions to avoid being victimized again. In order to assure safety from victimization, Jews can proactively seek to use their power to neutralize/destroy all threats.

The Holocaust, the world’s biggest and most lucrative con game, has become a religion in the West, Auschwitz taking the place of Calvary and the eternally-victimized Jew taking the place of Christ. The Holocaust has been used to cover a multitude of Jew sins, from the Holodomor (a true holocaust) to the current attempt to destroy all White countries through massive non-White immigration and the demonization of Whites who oppose such as “White nationalists” or White supremacists.” In the end, the Jew does to you exactly what he accuses you of having done to him. So when he speaks of a real holocaust, you can be sure that he intends for you to be the victim, White Man.

“Hunters,” if the tables were turned and we could actually have a production in which heroic Whites tortured and killed, say, Satanic Jew pedophiles, the US government, the EU, NATO, and God only knows what other “authorities” would be mobilized to protect Jews and bring to “justice” the show’s producers. But because Jews control the media and can always count on playing the victim card successfully, there are no negative consequences for them in putting their blood-soaked fantasies before a public who largely has no idea of the difference between fact and fiction, morality and immorality, and good and evil.

The Narrative the Jew has created over the past century is a web of lies, and “Hunters” is just the latest iteration of that diabolical campaign against what remains of White Christendom. Whites would be well advised to understand just what organized Jewry has in store for them and prepare accordingly. “Hunters” is a preview of this warped and morbid Satanic fantasy.

Lisa Renee #crackpot #magick #ufo #dunning-kruger energeticsynthesis.com

Law of Vibration
This Natural Law describes the principle that everything is in constant motion and that nothing rests, and everything vibrates at a rate that is either faster or slower, and also rotates which forms a rate of frequency-vibration. In and beyond the material realm and into realms in which everything is conscious living energy, is the Law of Vibration. Everything in our Universe consists of layers of vibrational frequency stacked throughout the dimensional scales into timelines. Energy is consciousness and it either contracts or expands to maintain or increase its rate of frequency. The process of how fast or slow that energy contracts back towards its center point of the source field, is the vibrational rate. The combination of both the pattern of vibration in its contraction and the oscillation speed through which it expands, is what determines the frequency rate of all energy and things.

If the rate of that frequency-vibration falls below or rises above a certain intensity, it becomes immeasurable or invisible to the basic human senses. The first thing that is important to understand is that all that exists, whether seen or unseen, when broken down into its simplest and most basic form consists of a rate of frequency-vibration. At the highest levels and at the lowest levels, exist infinite manifestations all occurring at varying octaves of vibration, each with their own energetic signature, attributes and quality of manifestation.
The Law of Vibration is magnified by the importance of its position in our Universal Time Matrix, and its ultimate governance by the returning Solar Logos.
Consciousness is Rate of Frequency

Energy is Consciousness and it either contracts or expands to maintain or increase its Rate of Frequency.

The process of how fast or slow energy contracts back towards its center point of source field is the Vibration rate.

VOTL 628 #crackpot #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy votl628.blogspot.com

I’m not sure how correct the below decoding is.

(Take this post with a grain of salt. This is just my guesswork. I hope I am wrong about this).

Grid Ratio failure has just been reported. This is not good news. It’s worth noting that the last time we saw this message was when the Aldebarans tried to contact the Chinese in June 2024. It led to them trying to destroy the Aldebarans in a secret space/underground war. This time, the timeline of cooperation of the Aldebarans with Trump/Musk might just have collapsed. In other words, the 30% probability of cooperation has probably dropped to 0%. Now, an Occult War for the United States might play out.

The time stamp of today’s post is “2:22”. It may or may not refer to Project 2227.


This is similar to what happened exactly 71 years ago (Feb 20, 1954). President Eisenhower was forced by the Jesuits to reject the treaty with Ashtar Command at Edwards AFB. This time they have sabotaged Trump/Musk.

My condolences, especially to the innocent citizens of the United States. a the United States was the last chance for cooperation, the road ahead will likely be quite bumpy. Hang on tight.

Victory of the Light!

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

CDC orders mass retraction and revision of submitted research across all science and medicine journals. Banned terms must be scrubbed.

( NastasyaFillipovna )
According to the article, these are the banned words :

- Gender
- Transgender
- Pregnant Person
- pregnant people
- transsexual
- non binary
- amab
- afab
- bio male
- bio female
Found this linked in the TiM sub, they are making it about erasure of transgender from "academic literature"


( crodish )
oh my god this is so fucking refreshing to see. FUCK all this noise i'm so glad it's getting removed

sighing a bit that LGBT is getting dragged down again with this shit, drop the T already

( CryingInYourInbox )
Not so fun having your language policed and erased huh

( NastasyaFillipovna )
Feel for the students who got their grades demoted for not adhering to this nonsense. A LOT were punished to even use the words like biological woman when submitting a paper about gender ideology

( sohh )
This was me! I made a post here two years ago venting and asking for guidance when faculty tried to fail me in a class during my very first semester of grad school.

It’s been so tempting over the last ~year to email the professor and former TA as the TRA house of cards has collapsed in slow motion.

( CryingInYourInbox )
Well now we can just say male and female. No "BiOLoGiCaL" disclaimer needed

( VirginiaWolfberry )
Yes, I had to argue hard against a peer reviewer to even include the distinction of biological sex; they were pushing for the more LGBT-friendly gender. Those using biological sex in papers are generally TERFY.

( vulvapeople )
There's a post on Reddit from someone claiming to work for the CDC describing their LGBT boss (all the letters even though she's a woman married to another woman) crying over the loss of "pregnant person" and similar language. It could be apocryphal, but, if it's true, it demonstrates that this "inclusive" language wasn't just about being nice to TIPs. These are dedicated cultists.

( crodish )
That lady should go up to a transwoman and gently apologize for this injustice done to 'her' 🙄 fucking handmaidens.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

( Riothamus )
Will the Trump DOJ go back to publicly linking transvestic fetishism with pedophilia and other criminal behaviors?
Trump could score serious political capital to shore up his poll numbers as he dismantles the federal government. He just needs to release the TIM crime/prison stats and he can severely damage an entire generation of Democrats for going out of their way to enable obvious pedophilia and serial killer behavior.

And the fact that the government hides these stats from us only further justifies conservatives' distrust of it. Ugh.

Seeing the DNC election clown show made me wonder what it must have been like for a hypothetical Washington Generals fan to watch them rehearse the ladder play with the Harlem Globetrotters. This is not a serious party and it will not provide serious competition.

( Itzpapalotl )
I hope so. SO many serial killers, pedos and rapists exhibit transvestic fetishism. They’re all a bunch of pervs and freaks and I’m sick of society pretending otherwise. Trans is just a men’s rights movement for some very fucked up men to parade their sexual fetish around and force everyone to play along.

( NastasyaFillipovna )
30 years ago they made a Oscar winning movie about this behaviour. Now with the porn brainrot, I bet this phenomenon is only intensified.

( Elizabelch )
Will it actually help anything if they do?

Will it further women's rights?

Will it fix the economy?

Will it even make trans "go away" or just make them martyrs and push them further up the Oppressed Chain?

( Cattitude )
Reassociating male transvestism with other criminal paraphilias it clusters with must be a good thing. It's a massive red flag and should be recognised as such on all levels.

( OwnLyingEyes )
I would argue that the suppression of being able to 'name the problem' is always a women's rights issue, under any political climate.

prov15_4 #fundie rr-bb.com

G*d "allows" divorce in the circumstance of adultery...even though He hates it, it is "allowed"...

Could a wife (in good conscience) hand her husband a bill of divorce for adultery in the form of pornography?

antigravity213 #fundie youtube.com

[answer to the counter-argument he received on his previous comment]

Well bro, I can tell you, the information you've presented to argue your case, is all typical evolutionism.

However if you feel that's you truth then that cool.

When you get into deeper schools of thought like astrobiology, quantum psychics and thermodynamics, Then evolution doesnt look that intelligent.

Snake Baker #homophobia dailystormer.name

[From "Crusader Kings 3 Update Will Include Faggot “Marriage”"]

This makes a lot of sense, because when you read the Steam reviews for Crusader Kings 3, like about 70% of the reviews are downvoting the game because it doesn’t have anal marriage

Paradox is just giving the people what they ask for, which is the duty of any company inside of capitalism and freedom democracy human rights


Paradox Development Studio, the company behind the widely acclaimed historical grand strategy game ‘Crusader Kings 3’, has announced that a same-sex marriage option will be included in the next free update, following backlash and accusations of homophobia over game mechanics that prevented players from forming official homosexual relationships#

This follows the very popular addition of man-on-man hardcore rimjobs to Assassin’s Creed

Again, that was a situation where the fans of the game were like “we need more gay sex!”

The devs were like “we hate faggots and don’t want to put this gay shit in our games, but we have to do it because otherwise no one will buy our products anymore”

The solution to getting more and more gay anal ramming and also gay rimming into video games is to simply demand it. Don’t buy games unless they have a key focus on homosexual acts of sodomy

DasQtun #psycho #wingnut reddit.com

RE: UK denies Russia fired warning shots near British warship

This was a provocation by the UK. Russians did fire warning shots form ships and su-24 dropped warning bombs. There was no gunnery exercise.

UK foreign ministry stated it was in UKRANIAN TERRITORIAL WATERS which is a clear provocation and escalation attempt.

The UK has every right to enter Ukrainian territorial waters if conducting innocent passage.

Then we'll sink your ships if any further escalations happen.

Your country does not have the balls to risk a war with NATO.

NATO will never declare a war over UK provocation. Especially on Russia. We have more Nuclear warheads than any nation, we can turn europe into one big chernobyl.

We have hypersonic nuclear gliders that can reach america in 30 minutes. The US doesn't have the defense against this glider.

We have China, North Korea and Iran. to back us up.

Keep believe that China will stand with you against US/EU - biggest consumers of their goods.

Keep believing that they woudln't if that makes you feel safe.

I understand that this gaslighting tone is widely accepted in your anglo-saxon culture, but in my eyes you just look silly.

Even if europe nukes 2 biggest cities it'll do literally nothing. Russian arms manufacturing is deep in siberia behind Ural mountains. Our population is spread out. We aren't as Urbanized as in europe. Nuking Russia is pointless.

Russia don't have the balls to fire at a UK vessel

Russia already did fire, the warning shots, after which British destroyed chickened out.

Russia recently became extremely hardline. Our military is highly aggressive, testing it is beyond stupid.

Matt Walsh #wingnut twitter.com

There had not been any major airline crashes in many years. Flying was extremely, almost miraculously, safe. Then the airline industry introduced DEI, and now we’re on our second major airline crash in two months. We’re supposed to believe that this is just a coincidence.
1:38 AM · Feb 20, 2025 · 1.2M Views

Michael Dalene #wingnut #sexist msn.com

The Court has NO LEGAL RIGHT to decide "what is best for the people."
--- The Courts MUST make decisions based upon the language and INTENT of the law when it was made, which would NULLIFY 99% of everything the US gov IS Today!
--- The US Constitution can ONLY BE CHANGED THROUGH THE AMENDMENT PROCESS, not through reimaginations of Intent and redefining language.
--- Laws MUST be assessed using the language and legislative Intent of the period in which that law was made/passed.
--- Judges are PROHIBITED from 'interpretating' laws.
@Holly Silver
"Morals and the constitution seem to be interpreted by the times."
And just as Blacks were NOT citizens of the Union back in 1788 when the Constitution was ratified, Women are NOT Citizens today!
--- Black Males were granted citizenship 'privileges and immunities' under the 14th Amendment.
NEVER has an Amendment been Ratified giving women of any race, citizenship.
If the SCOTUS abides by Its Oath,
It will Prohibit all females from voting or holding any Office under the United States on the grounds that they are NOT US citizens.

Pedro Afonso #transphobia #enbyphobia #dunning-kruger observador.pt

The strategy behind this social change, which is now intended to be implemented through legislation, is to make people believe that gender ideology is scientifically correct. The theories of this ideology are presented as consensual and indisputable scientific data, but this is absolutely false. Nature has rules, and it is up to science to understand and decode them. Therefore, it is up to science to develop theories that help to reveal reality and not the other way around, as happens in gender ideology: a theory is developed and in order to validate it, it is sought to change reality.

The consequences of this conflict are clear to see. Never before have the minds of children and adolescents been so confused and confused. And this has nothing to do with freedom, but with indoctrination promoted by some parties that have ideologically taken over the State and want to re-educate the masses. In this context, this legislative proposal could not be more tyrannical: parents are expelled from the educational process, psychiatrists and psychologists are completely devalued, their skills being taken away, and minors become the “property” of the State, which, in educational and legislative terms, imposes on them a new system of values ​​based on gender ideology.

It is astonishing to witness such indolence in the face of an ideology that has become entrenched in society as if it were a dogma of faith. But this ideology does not express the truth of the human person. It is, after all, an ideological adventure, inspired by man's desire to control nature; in this case, man has decided to declare war on nature.

In sexual identity, it is not sensible to defend the absolute supremacy of the biological dimension over the psychological/sociocultural dimension. The ideal is for there to be harmony between the two, and it is unethical to provoke artificial psychopathological disorders through the dissemination of a radical ideology aimed at creating a “new man”. I consider it irresponsible for the State to encourage, in any way, the ambiguity of adolescents’ sexual identity, leaving them to fend for themselves, through a frivolous and irresponsible bill.

various commenters #transphobia ovarit.com

RE: Trans girls to be banned from female sports in US schools and universities

( crodish )

Trans girls


( Mignonette )
If it doesn't matter because it's rare, then surely telling those boys "no" isn't a big deal? Funny how they always know who the girls are when it's time to tell someone to "just be nice" and put others first.

( pennygadget )

Funny how they always know who the girls are when it's time to tell someone to "just be nice" and put others first.

Young TIMs should feel gender euphoria right now. They're finally getting the genuine female experience of being told to shut up and gracefully put everyone else's wants and needs before their own!

( CrimsonSoleil )
And who to bully into silence

( OneStarWolf )
I really wish journalists would stop with the Orwellian speak.”””Trans girls””” uwuuu. It’s not clear writing that conveys what’s going on, it obscures the facts. Boys and men who identify as transgender to be banned from female sports. Done.

( Dressed2K1ll )
That’s literally it. Keep men and boys out of women and girls’ sports. Period. Everything else is just misogynistic gobbledegoook

( Freyja )

Democrats argued that the measure was cruel, and addressed a problem that was exceedingly rare. “How many transgender athletes are you aware of?” Dick Durbin, a Democrat senator for Illinois, asked Baker during a Senate judiciary committee hearing in December. “Less than ten,” he said.

Gotta love the hypocrisy as always! 'Too rare' to care when it's women & girls being harmed by male encroachment but it's a number one life-and-death priority when they argue why men need to break those boundaries.

( OwnLyingEyes )
And it's always 'how many trans athletes?' and never 'how many women and girls are being impacted by this?' which is a much, much larger number.

( atomic_brunette )
The fact that the Dems don't care about girls' welfare and safety even when TIMs are physically harming them in contact sports like volleyball or soccer tells me all I need to know about their commitment to women's rights.

( Artemis_Lives )
An extreme minority of males matter more than half the species....

( PerenelleFlamel )
"trans girls"

I hate this.

MEN. They are MEN.

bornagain001 #fundie youtube.com

Even the most brilliant atheist minds can not understand the simple concept God used in Noah and his family. God could have destroyed every animal on earth and started over again without two of every kind but God used Noah for many years as he was building the ark to warn sinful man of the impending FLOOD. NOBODY listened and in fact I'm sure they joked and laughed. Man is NO DIFFERENT today than they were 4000 years ago. God can easily repopulate the earths animals as He sees fit.

Dirty Civilian, Drew Hopkins and Josh Lowry #conspiracy #wingnut #psycho splcenter.org

Dirty Civilian, a preparedness influencer channel that espouses antigovernment beliefs, created a recent video that includes the fictional killing of U.N. peacekeeping soldiers

Dirty Civilian’s mission, according to hosts Drew Hopkins and Josh Lowry, is to “inform and inspire capable men to build strong families and resilient communities.” The language closely mirrors that of similar antigovernment groups that operate under the guise of disaster preparedness. The Tennessee-based group has over half a million subscribers on YouTube, and it maintains a presence on X.com, Instagram and Patreon — where it earns at least $1,850 per month via subscriptions

On Jan. 4, Dirty Civilian published a video on YouTube. It begins with a 90-second segment depicting what appears to be a scenario where part of the U.S. is under U.N. occupation. The segment follows a militia sniper team behind enemy lines that is surveilling two U.N. peacekeeping soldiers transporting a prisoner of war. After identifying the peacekeepers, the sniper team, portrayed by the channel’s two hosts, opens fire, killing them. The sniper kills one soldier immediately, hitting him in the head, and soon fires a second time at an injured soldier crawling on the ground after being hit[…]
On X.com, Dirty Civilian posted a six-second clip showing the rifle scope view of shooting the peacekeepers. The clip was also shared on Instagram, where it was accompanied by a violence content warning by the platform. A separate promotional post showed a U.N. helmet lying on the ground splattered with blood with the caption, “It’s going to be a great year…”[…]
The sniper video was met with a largely positive response[…]Reactions to the video, which has garnered over 275,000 views as of Jan. 27, have been largely celebratory. One comment read, “I wonder how many lists these guys are in [sic] now…,” alluding to the clip and channel hosts. Dirty Civilian responded to the comment, “If you own a gun, you’re already on a list”

Darren Beattie #elitist #forced-birth #racist independent.co.uk

Secretary of State Marco Rubio has appointed Darren Beattie to be the acting undersecretary for public diplomacy and public affairs, a senior role that represents American foreign policy to the world

In May 2024, Beattie wrote on X: “Population control? If only!”

“Higher quality humans are subsidizing the fertility of lower quality humans,” he added, calling it the “Foundational reality of social and political life in the post-war West”

In January 2023, he wrote: “The hierarchy of taboos is interesting. The horrific practice of 2nd trimester abortion is legal in some places and well within Overton window of public discourse. But idea of offering feral populations financial incentives for voluntary sterilization is completely taboo”

In October of that year, he responded to a video of people in a neighborhood in Atlanta, saying: “When a population gets feral, a little snip snip keeps things in control. Could offer incentives (Air Jordans, etc.)”

He again questioned abortion rights in March 2021

“Interesting moral universe we live in where abortion is celebrated, but the notion of giving smart people incentives or cash to start families is so far out of Overton window no sitting politician of either party would dare advocate it,” he said

Beattie made a similar suggestion in May last year, writing: “Pay smart people to have more kids, disincentivize stupid people from having kids. So simple but molds destiny on deep intergenerational level”

“Where do these population reduction conspiracies come from? All I see is trash multiplying,” he wrote in January 2023

Beattie previously served as a speechwriter for Trump, but he was fired in 2018 after he spoke at a conference attended by white nationalists. He has backed repressive crime policies and often spoken in support of the Chinese government, according to NOTUS

C.T. #racist westsdarkesthour.com

[From “Football”]

The fact that Donald Trump was present yesterday in a stadium watching the American football final, or that Emmanuel Macron was present at the final of the last FIFA World Cup—both football finals featuring teams with a huge number of blacks—, is a symptom that we are suffering the darkest hour for the white race (which the title of this site designates with the euphemism ‘the West’)

What a difference from those times when only pure Aryans attended the Olympics! This was before a Christian emperor banned the Olympic games (‘resumed’, centuries later in the Christian Era, admitting people of colour). Those who haven’t read our abridged translation of Eduardo Velasco’s essay on Sparta should read it now

DirtyCurryCell #sexist #wingnut #psycho incels.in

I'm talking about the bitch from my origin story (part 1). [Note: IDK where part 1 is]

She ruined my life.

It's gone.

Everything is gone.

All over...

Because of her...

Why did she do this to me?



WHAT ??????

I lost my hair cuz of that bitch!

You know the first game I ever finished was one I made for her 21st birthday...

The only thing good thing about it is that if I had ended up dating and marrying that whore, I would've had to put up with cringe woke propaganda all my life.

hope that bitch gets raped by a drunk abo(she's in australia now, so hopefully this will happen).

Get It Right Mike #wingnut #racist #dunning-kruger yahoo.com

I think that Trump should Nationalize all of the DNC's assets and label them as a terrorist group.

Biden was spending $150 BILLION per year in his last two years to support the illegals free life here. While only spending $10 Billion on American Homeless which includes our Vets & Seniors. We were throwing AMERICANS out of rooms & shelters simply so as to give them to the illegals! NewsWeek Dec 29, 2022-- Tensions flared last fall in New York City when homeless Black Americans were removed from their shelter to be replaced by illegal aliens.-- 9NEWS 12/4/2023--AURORA, Colo-- In the middle of winter & right before the holidays Americans were kicked to the curb so that the illegals could have their rooms. So not only are we paying for the illegals rooms we are throwing out Americans to get the rooms. That is the Democrats true face & mindset.-- Remember this action in the next election!

A.F. Branco #conspiracy #wingnut comicallyincorrect.com

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Wedge Issue
on February 20, 2024 at 5:00 am


TranscriotThe truck of “Globalism” - with the initial stylised as a Hammer and Sickle -, bearing cargo of “endless war”, “Climate Change hoax”, “open borders ati-2nd Amend.”, “Digital Currency (no cahs)” and “mass censorship” and crewed by an anthropomorphic donkey and Rhinoceros, are stopped by Trump, sitting on the road, pressing a bright red “MAGA” wedge under the truck’s fron wheel with his feet.

The reason they, the Washington D.C. elite Uni-Party, hate Trump and will do whatever it takes to stop him and MAGA, is because he stands in the way of their communist-globalist agenda, which is ultimately more power and money for them and less money and power for We The People. Endless wars, open borders, mass censorship, the climate change hoax, anti-2nd Amendment laws, and digital currency are all designed to limit our individual freedoms and expand their power and control over us.

A.F. Branco #conspiracy #wingnut comicallyincorrect.com

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Third World Justice
A.F. BRANCO on April 19, 2024 at 5:00 am

TranscriptTrump in court. The judge’s bench is marked “Biden 2024″, while the Jury Stand is labelled “NY Jury”. Three jurors are depicted, with a fourth one’s arm poking in from off-screen, all wearing stereotypical medieval executioner’s outfits with a black hood through which shine white pupil-less eyes and leather jerkins bearing “Never Trump”, the Democratic Party’s D symbol and “Biden 2024). They all hold up longaxes, as do the judge and a person sitting below and besides the judge (both of them shown only as hands and cuff from off-screen) whose bare arm is tatooed with the Democratic D.

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Almost everyone on the planet knows that Trump can not get a fair trial in New York, including the Democrats who are launching this travesty of justice. Trump is being charged with a misnomer that is beyond its statute of limitations, transformed into a felony based on a clerical error with no victim for the purpose of interfering in the 2024 election.

A.F. Branco #conspiracy #wingnut comicallyincorrect.com

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Juiced and Ready
A.F. BRANCO on June 26, 2024 at 5:00 amimage

spoilerA debate between Trump and Biden. The latter has a Pinocchio nose, is confined to a life-support wheelchair based on Kirk’s predecessor [url=https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Christopher_Pike#Tragic_near-fate]Christopher Pike

, who suffers from severe infirmity and Locked-In Syndrome due to radiation poisoning and can only communicate by letting a lamp on the chair flash in response to binary questions - once for “yes”, twice for “no”, from the Star Trek TOs two-parter The Menagerie, and has an empty thought bubble.
Moderator: “Mr Biden, blink twice if you agree that Trump was the worst President EVER!”

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Joe Biden has been preparing for the debate for the past week, so who is running the country? Probably the same people who have been running it for the past 3-1/2 years: Obama and his puppet master Soros.

#fundie paulspassingthoughts.com

It should be no surprise in the present political climate that many are calling for the banning of the Confederate Flag and all Confederate monuments. Why? Well, but of course, these all symbolize racism. NASCAR driver Darrell “Bubba” Wallace Jr. is even calling for NASCAR to ban the Confederate flag from all NASCAR events and promotions. The U.S. Navy is seeking a ban as well.

So, let’s think about this. If the Confederate flag represents racism, and the Northern states defeated the Confederacy in the civil war, why are people burning Old Glory? Answer: eliminating the Confederate flag from memory results in the question no longer being begged; eliminating the Confederate flag is an important first step in eliminating the Union flag and what it symbolizes. They are seeking to eliminate the historical antithesis that defines what America is all about: freedom and justice for ALL.

The real beef is with the concept of self-rule despised by Socialism. The people decide what liberty and justice for all means, not the government. Americans, especially young ones always looking for something new (not that Socialism is new) are easily deceived by such notions. Why? They think Socialism will just tweak some negative things existing in our representative republic. Per human history over and over and over again, the useful idiots that partake in the transformation are shocked by the results. The transformation of America would not result in a better America, but the elimination of the American idea altogether. Trust me, liberty and justice for all according to America is much different than liberty and justice for all according to Socialism.

In the quest to eliminate American self-rule, it is critical that American history is eliminated. The Confederate flag is an important reminder that America fought a brutal war to end slavery. The Obamas, as a family, have been very vocal regarding their disdain for the Confederate flag. Malia Obama ripped the Confederate flag from a protestor’s hands in Chicago. Full stop: on the other hand, at a ceremony where the American (Union) flag was a central focus, Michelle Obama was caught whispering to Barak, “All this for a damn flag.”

Question: if liberals successfully transform this country, do you really think there will be no flag? At least the old liberals of the 60s were honest and waved communist flags; we are now pining away in wishing for their return.

Here is the thing about chaos that has been foisted upon the American public recently: it skews the obvious. Um, remember the freedom of speech thing? Now we have the epitome of middle American patriotism like Bubba Wallace calling for the elimination of the Confederate flag? Really, Malia Obama ripping the Confederate flag from the hands of a protestor should say all that needs to be said. With leftists, any speech they disagree with is the proverbial yelling of “fire!” in a movie theater. It is the dangerous act of thinking mankind can be free without destroying the world.

With all of this said, I believe, like many, that the Confederate flag has come to represent American audacity and boldness rather than slavery. Secession from the Union was a bold move border-lining on the berserk. Keep in mind, with many Southerners, slavery wasn’t the issue per se, but the idea that the government was trying to tell them how they could live their lives. Be sure of this: that is closer to why the Confederate flag is prevalent in venues like NASCAR. It’s the idea of courage and the freedom to drive 185 MPH while 3 feet away from another car if I damn-well want to. Bubba needs to sit back and drink a few cold ones while thinking about these things.

I highly recommend a Confederate flag movement. If it survives, it’s a line of defense against what the leftists are really seeking to destroy; Old Glory, and everything it represents.

But meanwhile, we could use some good old fashioned American defiance that the Confederate flag represents rather than the submission to leftist ideas being sought.


Musician in His house #fundie rr-bb.com

I hope my mind works better in Heaven, because I'm booted up with a chip missing as it is now!!

frodo, reckon they'll have NASCAR? That's a Southern thing (knowing you are from GA, as I am). I like to think all Southern things will be in Heaven, as this is sometimes known as "God's country." Who was it that said how surprised some folks would be when they got to Heaven and were met by St. Peter, who would greet them by saying, "Y'all get in the pickup, we're goin' up to th' big house." ?

Heavenly food will be Southern fare, too -- fried okra, fried squash, biscuits 'n gravy, sweet tea, lemonade, turnip greens, sweet corn, home grown tomatoes, cole slaw, barbecue, banana pudding, strawberry cobbler, strawberry shortcake, peach cobbler, blackberry cobbler, homemade vanilla ice cream . . . and all calorie, fat, and carbohydrate free!!

Heavenly music will be bluegrass gospel (Southern specialty). Y'all are in for an eternal treat!!

Jake Shields and Thomas Rousseau #conspiracy #racist #psycho angrywhitemen.org

On Dec. 22, 2024[…]Jake Shields sat down for a cordial interview with Thomas Rousseau[…]
He led members of the white supremacist group Vanguard America at the deadly “Unite the Right” rally[…]
He then asked Rousseau about the right-wing conspiracy that members of Patriot Front are secretly “feds” — or federal agents. Rousseau denied the allegations, telling Shields that the people making them “have an ulterior motive for dismissing nationalism, for dismissing a patriotism that recognizes race and ethnicity”

Shields said that diversity “can cause divides,” but that “realistically there’s no way we’re getting rid of minorities” in America “at this point.” And he asked Rousseau what his “solution” would be to this. In response, Rousseau praised the Immigration Act of 1924[…]
Rousseau said his solution to this would be mass deportations and denaturalization

“So, of course, everybody who’s illegal, you know, out, out, out, out,” he said. “And when you have people who have been naturalized wrongfully, there’s existing laws on the books where, if you lied on your naturalization papers, if you lied about your refugee status, if your documents were forged — and how many people through human trafficking are doing that — they need to be denaturalized”

After asking how U.S. involvement in Israel and Syria helps “your average American,” Rousseau claimed that “a lot” of people “who run the government” are Jews. Shields interrupted, referring to Jews as “dual citizens”[…]
When Rousseau accused the[…](FEMA) of “mishandling the issue,” Shields claimed that a “dual citizen was the head of that”[…]
Shields and Rousseau also attacked the Anti-Defamation League and defended the lynching of Leo Frank[…]
“Look how brave we used to be,” he declared. “They tried bribing some politician to like not — to get rid of his death sentence, but the men back there they marched in, dragged him out of jail, and hung him, you know, with faces out like proudly. The pictures of these guys”

Loren B #fundie baptistboard.com

I am the principal of a Christian School. A child in our second grade asked her teacher about "Santa". The teacher told her that "Santa" was a fairy tale not to be confused with Jesus who was not. The next day the parents were in contact with me about disallusioning their child. What was especially enlightening was when the parent expressed alarm when the child asked her "What else have you lied to me about?

Nevsah Fidan Karamehmet #fundie hurriyetdailynews.com

Atheists do not know how to breathe properly: Turkish therapist


Atheists do not believe God exists because they do not know how to breathe correctly, a Turkish breathing therapist has claimed.
Speaking on the private broadcaster CNN TÜRK on Dec. 18, Nevsah Fidan Karamehmet, a self-claimed breathing therapist, suggested atheists had no breath in their rib cages for a reason related to “magnetic fields” there.
“Radical atheists come to my seminars. There are many serious researches conducted to find the relations between breathing and thinking. For example, atheists’ abdominal breathing is perfect but there is no breath in here,” she said, pointing at her rib cage. “There is a bulge in the rib cage. It is like there’s a stone in there.”
She claimed that hundreds of thousands of atheists who she conducted breathing exercises on in the end had said they found God.
“During our exercises, we focus especially on the body part that has difficulties breathing. When we fix the breathing problem, the mind has a revival. I know many who said in tears at the end of the seminars that they found God,” she said.
Karamehmet’s remarks have caused uproar on social media.

Noesis #fundie theologyweb.com

To approve one sexual abomination is to give way on all... I am also frightened by a few small interest groups of no morality whatever, who can't figure out what their sex organs are designed for, who are morally degraded at worst or meentally ill at best imposing their world view.

TheDag #fundie christianforums.com

Yes I understand how scientists work. You see they compete for funding so they don't actually care what the other person is doing or if it is right or wrong. They just want to discredit them so they can get that persons funding. This is different to what Richard Dawkins tries to suggest is the norm. He suggests that scientists are more than happy to be proven wrong. There may be some who are but mostly they will fight tooth and nail over it not calmly walk up to the other person and say thankyou.

Jacob Harrison #fundie forums.fstdt.net

This weekend, me and my family went on Vacation in my grandparent’s summer home on Cape Cod, a peninsula in Massachusetts with lots of summer homes and beaches. Unfortunetely the weather was not good enough to go swimming.

My 21 year old second cousin who I have barely ever seen in my life is staying there the whole summer because she has a summer job on Cape Cod. She is overall a very decent moral person however on Sunday she did one thing that was very immoral.

On Sunday, when my dad went home because of having to work during the week, and my grandparents were at some party at the house of one of my grandfather’s cousins, me and my mom came home from a baseball game. And my cousin said hi to us while wearing nothing but towels. If she was coming out of the shower, why the fuck did she not put clothes in the bathroom for her to get changed into before coming out of the shower?! Why did she not keep in mind that there are relatives of hers that are not her parents or siblings in the fucking house?! I immediately looked away and walked down into the basement where my bedroom there is.

I on the other hand was much more moral and cautious knowing that there was a women relative close to my age in the house. In the mornings, I made sure that she would not even see me in my pajamas by having a goal to take a shower and get in my day clothes before breakfast. On all the mornings, she was up before me, so I would stay in the basement, until she went to work. The bathroom was upstairs so I even held in my pee for such torturous long time that I was tempted to piss in empty water bottles in the basement.

Thankfully, me and my mom are leaving to go home tomorrow. Don’t worry, I do not have any degenerate sexual thoughts about her since she is too closely related since today’s definition of incest extends to 1st and 2nd cousins(influenced by the studies of inbreeding and genetic disorders). I was just shocked and revolted.

HeIsEnough #fundie rr-bb.com

This [detectable, specific, predictable effects of the Big Bang and evolution] is not the same... None of these prove anything, we just interpret it to mean whatever. An eyewitness account or a test tube full of 'starter stuff' would help immensely.

White Ginger Pride #homophobia #racist stormfront.org

He looks a right f..k..g Nancy boy! Mind you,once of a day to be a copper you had to be tall,well built,have perfect vision and be heterosexual. Now non of those are required. All they ask is that you believe in the degeneration of society by supporting 'multiculturalism' homosexuality and promiscuity.