Jen McCarty #magick #ufo #moonbat
We would like to speak to you today about the significance of the upcoming six six portal.
The 6.6 portal is overruled by the planet Venus, as Venus is the planet that is associated with the number six.
A few days ago, I received an extremely powerful and potent vision that our galactics were using the energy of the six six portal to activate a correction in the divine feminine blueprint. I was quite surprised when my guides presented this transmission to me, as I honestly did not think that the divine feminine blueprint could be so deeply distorted.
But what I was shown was that due to patriarchy and the role that women have taken on in these patriarchal times, this has created a profoundly dense distortion within the divine feminine blueprint, predominantly pertaining to the issue of sacrifice, martyrdom and putting one's own needs last.
This has been such a heavy-duty ancestral pattern that has been passed on for many generations, and it truly is rare for any feminine ancestral lineage to have got away with this programming.
Therefore, the galactics, with the support and spirit of mother Venus have ordained that we show up for this divine feminine 6/6template re-correction ceremony.
As we clear this blueprint, we clear it in all the generations in front of us and all the generations behind us, because we are working in the quantum field where all timelines converge and operate concurrently in the zero point field, the present moment of now.
The 6/6 transmission will take place at 6:56 PM on the 6th of June.
In this transmission, we will be working with extremely high level ascended beings and galactics to completely re-correct the divine feminine blueprint that has been heavily distorted by the energies of sacrifice, martyrdom and putting oneself last.
This will have a huge effect on all the future generations to come, and we will activate an essential ripple in the quantum field, which will affect all timelines past, present, and concurrent.