Napoleon de Geso #sexist

[Based] Only manly men can have ugly femorloids without total shame

Having ugly femorloids is emasculating, but if man masculine - he compensating it. So for really masculine man having ugly femorloid can be even sign of masculinity: "Look at me, I'm so manly, that even do not afraid to loose part of my manlynes, because still plenty of it left". It's also tactic of wannabe alpha males, who fail to find female with decent looks, so try to pose as alphas who date uggie and demonstrate their coolness. My former "best friend" did it, moron who wanted me to go after old ugly femorloids. And he was involved with those creatures, was also with younger one, 20, but extremely trashy, she looked liked monkey, and was probably mentally retarded, but he dressed that cunt in metal style and was bringing to metal fests with him for show all how cool he is. Ok, his life, his choices, let he be coll in that way if he can. But moron wanted me to try same, to be cool by having ugly femorloids. And debil ignored that I am not cool, that I'm nonmasculine fag, and having ugly femorloid would be total destruction of whats left from confidence. It is he, who could do it, not very handsome, but still manly, charismatic, and social, so could take stupid monkey and call that creature his girlfriend. For me is necessary to have cute waifu, for compensating my unmanlyness. Or even to be alone is less of shame



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