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Was Troy an archeological or theological issue?

Leon elshout, 19 march 2019, aurichalcum2018 (at) protonmail.com https://roodgoudvanparvaim.nl/, http://flipsnack.com/roodgoudvanparvaim/ & https://www.wattpad.com/user/roodgoud & https://roodgoudvanparvaim.wordpress.com/

Turkish Hisarlik?

According to the tradition Troy was situated near modern Turkish town Hisarlik. Due to a play of fate the Biblical town of Troas in Acts 20 was close to Hisarlik.

But wait: the key actors in Homer’s Troy Epic were no human beings at all. Paris was a son of King Priamus (Paris (mythologie), z.d.) who was on his turn a son of Laomedon who was married to Strymo. She was the daughter of some river god (Laomedon, z.d., kopje Legende). Have you ever met someone who was a son or daughter of a river God? Well I did not. While Odysseus was probably derived from Babylonian Gilgamesh. Both would marry Calypso or Ishtar. Their marriage was a marriage with the death (Abusch in Louden, 2011, p. 132).

If the key actors in the Troy Epic were non human beings, then who or what were they? Psalm 96:5 says they were demonic entities. In the Greek myth they took human masks. Circe or Helen of Troy were no charming women. They were demonic entities, pretending to be humans. But they were not. So had there been a Trojan War at all in a remote past? The Bible keeps silent on this. At best there had been a local war that was upgraded to a mythical Trojan War. So what is Troy?

Troy is in essence a palace surrounded by walls and built upon a hill. It is a kind of an archetypal image that we see here. This reminds me of the palace of Baal Tsaphon on the Mount Cassius – the Jebel Aqra – in Norther Syria. According to the Caananite Baal and Anat Myth it was the Canaanite God Baal Tzafon who wanted to build him a house on a mountain. Baal Tsaphon is a well know pop star in the Bible. In Exodus 14:1-2 he is the sphinx. He was a clone of Babylonian God Marduk. In Greece he becamse Zeus. Anat was Athena of Atlantis. In the Bible she was Astarte, the goddess of the Sidonians (1 Kings 11:5). The Gods of the Olympus were cloned from the Canaanite Gods. Heracles was a clone of Melqart who was the God of Tyrus. Poseidon was cloned from Dagon. He was the God of the Philistines of Crete. But he found a new life among the Canaanite Gods and became even the father of Baal.

Mount Tsaphon, Mount Cassius

As the Greek Gods were clones of the Canaanite Gods, I believe that all mythical mountains like the Olympus, the hill in Troy or Asgard were clones of the Mount Tsaphon in northern Syria. It was not for nothing that the ministry of the apostle Paul started here. The city of Antioch (Antakya) on the banks of the river Orontes became his headquarters. The story does not end here. Because the Canaanite Gods were clones of the Babylonian Gods. Canaanite god Baal was the same as Babylonian Bel in Isaiah 46:1 (Bultema, 1981, p. 453). Marduk was the same as the Roman God Jupiter (Bultema, 1981, p. 356). Jupiter was on his turn a clone of the Greek god Zeus. In Jeremiah 51:25 Babylon is metaphorically called a mountain.


But more: Dr. Lucas Rösli wrote that Troy and Asgard were somehow mirrored (Rösli, z.d., paragraph mirroring spaces). I believe that Troy was not only a Greek version of Babylon but morely of Endtimes Babylon. In Zacharia 5:11 we read about the rebuilding of Babylon. In Revelation 17-18 we read about the rise and downfall of Endtimes Babylon. How did Homer know? Whoever Homer was; he could have heart some prophecies in Jeremiah 50-51 regarding Endtimes Babylon. Also the python spirit in Acts 16:16 could have triggered Plato and Homer to write their Troy Epic or Atlantis story. This python spirit mirrored all Biblical symbols in an opposite way. While Babylon was located eastern of Jerusalem, the python spirit created a contra creation story that originated on a mysterious island on the western horizon. Thematically, Troy and Atlantis were the same islands. Both were mirrored from Babylon and the Mount Tsaphon. This python was carved as a cobra snake on the forehead of the sphinx (Geru, 2003, verb 34; Matheny, 2011, p. 142).


One more thing. The blueprint for Babylon was the pre-Flood city of Enoch that was built by Cain in Genesis 4. But there was another archetypical blueprint for Babylon, Troy and Atlantis. I believe this is Jerusalem. The City of David was surrounded by walls and stood on the Mount Sion (Psalm 2:6; 48:2, 13). David’s song Salomo added a palace and a temple to the city. In the Endtimes we will see at least the temple being rebuilt (https://www.templeinstitute.org/). Jesus was born later than Adam. But in Genesis 1:27 we read that Adam and Eve were created in His image. In the same way could a future city of Endtimes Jerusalem have been a blueprint for Homer’s Troy. Homer could have used many historical events in his Troy Epic like the downfall of Jericho. But also the city of David and the temple of King Salomo could have been a blueprint for Troy. Again should we not exclude the possibility that the python spirit in Acts 16:16 mixed End times Jerusalem with End times Babylon and the City of David to make a Troy epic out of it.


Laomedon. (z.d.). In Wikipedia. Geraadpleegd op 10 september 2018, van https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laomedon

Louden, B. (2011). Homer's Odyssey and the Near East. Cambridge, Groot-Brittannië: Cambridge University Press.

Paris (mythologie). (z.d.). In Wikipedia. Geraadpleegd op 10 september 2018, van https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_(mythologie)

Rösli, L. (z.d.). From Troy to Scandinavia – Old Norse topographies. Geraadpleegd op 12 september 2018, van https://www.unibas.ch/en/Research/Uni-Nova/Uni-Nova-124/Uni- Nova-124-Old-Norse-topographies.html



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