ionlycopenow #sexist

My sister has deterred me from women more than any blackpill content ever could

Having a sister blackpills you like no other. I'm glad I have one because the shit she has told me over the years about toilets is a bigger blackpill coming from one of them than any faceandlms stream could ever be.

She's told so much shit about how toilets are that even if I had the chance I would never get married.

over the years it's things like "if you ever get married, your wife is gonna be a hoe" and "almost every girl I know is a hoe now". And I know she's not lying.

She has basically told me that any guy has to accept his girlfriend or wife was a huge whore in her past and probably still is now.

She's told me about how in high school her sweet and innocent Becky friends would ask how to suck dick for their Chad boyfriend.

How could any dude hear that and still want to spend thousands of dollars on a prostitute?

my sisters don't talk to me about this shit like yours did. But at least I know to never even want to get married to a cumdumpster

Bad news my man...

what's the bad news? that my sisters are whores?


Especially since they are dead silent about all that



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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