Another loudmouth violent negro gets jammed up, thinking that everyone is afraid of blacks.
I hope it was dispatched to the great waddymelon patch in the sky.
Whites shouldn't be siding with either race in this picture.
Both races in this scenario represent the break down of civilized behavior that is an antithesis to white civilized society.
The blacks may have over did it in their mannerisms but the Mexicans disrespect our nation by not learning English because of their stubbornness and even in areas such as Miami, they expect the "gringos" to speak spanish and adapt to their culture.
He got shot for calling the Mexican woman a bad word.
Oh, imagine if we all just shot each other because someone called someone a "bad word". But I guess because they're mexican, whites consider it justified behavior.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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