-45 & ratchetho #sexist #fundie reddit.com
you know, i can handle never having sex or a gf for the rest of my life
what i can't handle are these gaslighting, sadistic, borderline evil soy normie cucks who make it their life mission to blame you for your shortcomings. "oh you're not having success with women? it's obviously because you're doing X wrong. oh you did X? silly boy you should've also done Y. oh ok now you've worked on yourself for a while and done a bunch of things and you're still not having any success. ohhhh must be Z thing you need to change about your personality!!"
stop moving the goalposts. i'm so sick of it. how do people not see that this is abuse? someone is already down on themselves and instead of just empathizing and admitting that sometimes life isn't fair, you instead make it your mission to somehow make us feel even worse about ourselves and pin blame onto us???
i understand taking accountability for your actions, i really do. but when someone has genuinely worked on themselves for a while, in terms of fitness, looks, style and yes, even personality, and they're still unlucky in love, is it too much to consider the insane notion that some people are just ugly??
normies have all the empathy for people who are born into other shit situations e.g. low socioeconomic status, people of color, people with physical illnesses. everyone's willing to admit that life wasn't fair in those situations. is it too much to just be a decent human for once and admit that life wasn't fair for those of us born too short, too ugly, too skinny, too brown?
and they expect you to not be bitter over having to scrape the bottom of the barrel after doing xyz
yeah lmao. even if there is any hope for us subhumans, we're meant to be grateful that all it took was countless years of gymaxxxing, careermaxxxing and looksmaxxxing to land a 3/10? meanwhile chad gets unlimited pussy thrown at him because he had the correct bone structure.
maybe someday they'll stop bullying depressed men and virtue signal instead? #supportincels