Peak Trans / Maria Maclachlan #transphobia

How not to argue. A response to taln0reich
(note by submitter: continued from, Transscript starting around 31:10 and ending around 33:47 of a 36-minute video)
What your deliberate misrepresentation of what we say confirms, is that we have given away too much. We should stop talking about trans women and call them what they are: men. If you're seriously going to claim, that trans identifying men are in any significant way distinguishable from other men, good, bad or indifferent, then the onus is on you to convince us. You're not doing a great job so far. "also: 'very loaded terms' says the person who, at every single point, used extremely loaded terms towards trans people and trans rights advocates, like 'trans-identified male' for trans women, 'gender ideology' just for asking for trans people to exist in society as equals, or calling the movement for trans rights a 'cult'". Now a loaded term is one with connotations intended to provoke an emotive response and manipulate feelings, like calling JK Rowling 'notorious'. The fact, that you don't like terms I use doesn't make them loaded. I use the term "trans-identifying man" when it's necessary to specify, that this is a man who either tries to present as a woman or who claims to actually be one, otherwise I just call them "men". It is accurate and there is nothing loaded about it. I certainly don't use the term "gender ideology" just for asking for trans people to exist in society as equals. This is typical playbook stuff. 'Just because we exist' 'just because we want equal rights' nobody is saying you shouldn't have equal rights, but you don't just want equal rights. You want an expansion of men's rights, at the expense of women. This trans-identifying man put it succinctly "as a 'transsexual' not only do I have the same rights as everyone else in the UK, I also have the advantage of 25 years of male privilege. And in my experience in academia, institutions bend over backwards to pander to 'trans women', usually at the expense of women". I use the term "gender ideology" to refer to your absurd idea, that it is your gender identity that determines whether you're a man, or a woman, or neither, or it changes on different days, and every idea that follows on from that. I don't mind NOT calling it an ideology, but what else do we call it for short?



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