MK Itamar Ben Gvir #wingnut #racist #fundie

The chairman of the extremist Otzma Yehudit party Itamar Ben Gvir used his first-ever plenum address as a member of Knesset on Monday to insist that the media had carried out a “character assassination” against his late mentor, the radical rabbi Meir Kahane

“They carried out character assassination. Yes, Rabbi Kahane, whom [the media] loves to hate. Rabbi Kahane who immigrated from the United States after fighting to combat anti-Semitism there. Rabbi Kahane who gave his life for Soviet Jewry, and did so out of great love for Israel,” said Ben Gvir
The freshman lawmaker said he would work to reform the legal system, particularly by giving the Knesset more power over the appointment of judges, by passing legislation to allow the Knesset to override High Court of Justice rulings and by dividing some of the powers of the attorney general among other officials in the Justice Ministry

Ben Gvir also vowed to fight against the legitimizing of the Reform movement in Israel; on behalf of IDF soldiers charged with using excessive force against Palestinians; on behalf residents of the south who he said have long suffered due to Bedouin crime, Hamas rocket fire and government neglect; on behalf of the Haredi minority, which he said has become a societal punching bag; on behalf of Jews seeking to pray at the Temple Mount, where the practice is currently outlawed; and on behalf of Israeli residents of South Tel Aviv, who he said have suffered due to the influx of African asylum seekers



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