Presents of God Ministry #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut #quack

On top of all this, Satan is right now using the Pope to do all he can to enforce the mark with the buy and sell portion of the prophecy by 2027 using his long prophesied Climate Change agenda, which is right now being set in stone with corrupt legal maneuvers using the genocidal Covid 19 vaccine as a way to also bring about what they now call “the Great Reset” under the prophesied Socialist global format that is needed to enforce the mark of the beast. And to assure this works perfectly for the Pope, they have been working for decades to bring about a global digital currency so as to better control the people and their finances when they can legally prevent buying and selling worldwide for those refusing to keep the Pope’s man-made Sabbath of Sunday.

Satan is also moving the Pope to set up and then demand a one world government controlled by the beast system in Rome by 2030, (Because Satan thinks Jesus returns in 2031) which students of prophecy know fulfills the one hour with the beast at the end of plague #6.

That all being said, notice this article that confirms a comet (named Encke) is traveling towards earth right now. I would think that everyone knows comets are made of ice. (see more info here) This massive chunk of hail is expected to cross earth’s orbit in the very same year Satan is moving the Pope to have his one world government in 2030. As we know, that one world government only lasts 15 days at the end of plague #6, which them means directly after that plague ends, the 7th and final plague of hail ends all life on earth!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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