
Patrick Vaughn #fundie #homophobia afa.net

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) calls the American Family Association (AFA) a “hate group” because AFA promotes traditional Biblical views on homosexuality and marriage. SPLC does not have a standard for who they label as a “hate group.” They apply the label to whomever they want to dehumanize and attack. Surprisingly, President Obama stated the same position on homosexual marriage that AFA holds when he first ran for President, but SPLC did not call him a hater.

List of AFA's Views Regarding Homosexuality that SPLC Defines as Hateful Lies
AFA promotes the following views that SPLC calls lies:

Homosexual behavior is sinful, and a perversion of human sexuality.
Christ offers forgiveness and freedom from bondage to homosexuality or any other sin. (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).
Feeling homosexual urges does not require a person to act on them.
God ordained marriage as a union of one man and one woman in a pattern that has the potential for producing children.
No relationship between same-sex couples is really marriage, no matter what the law may say.
An intact family, with a father and a mother, is the best environment for raising a child.
Although a same-sex couple may love a child, they inevitably give the child a perverted view of sex.
Youthful partners are highly prized by homosexuals, posing a potential threat to vulnerable minors.
Homosexuals target Christians who refuse to affirm them in their sin, such as the Methodist campmeeting reception facility, the baker, the photographer, the florist and the wedding chapel operator who have been sued for not wanting to participate in homosexual wedding celebrations.

Rick Wade #fundie afa.net

Can the actions of the Israelites legitimately be called genocide?

The term “genocide” means a major action “committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group.” Some twentieth-century examples are the extermination of six million Jews by the Nazis and the slaughter of 800,000 Tutsis by the Hutus in Rwanda in 1994. Going by this definition alone, the destruction of the Canaanites would seem to have been genocide.

But there is a major difference. These twentieth-century examples were basically people killing people simply because they hated them and/or wanted their land. The Canaanites, by contrast, were destroyed at the direction of God and primarily because of their sin. Because of this, I think the term should be avoided. The completely negative connotations of “genocide” make it hard to look at the biblical events without a jaundiced eye.

One’s background theological beliefs make a big difference in how one sees this. If God was not behind the conquest of Canaan, then the Israelites were no different than the Nazis and the Hutus. However, once the biblical doctrines of God and of sin are taken into consideration, the background scenery changes and the picture looks very different. There is only one true God, and that God deserves all honor and worship. Furthermore, justice must respond to the moral failure of sin. The Canaanites were grossly sinful people who were given plenty of time by God to change their ways. They had passed the point of redeemability, and were ripe for judgment.

Bryan Fischer #fundie afa.net

What a Christian Nation Should Do About Syria


ATTENTION: Major social media outlets are finding ways to block the conservative/evangelical viewpoint. Click here for daily electronic delivery of The Stand's Daily Digest - the day's top blogs from AFA.

Syria is a Muslim nation. This means that it cannot be reformed or turned into a democracy. It can only be contained. This sober reality should govern all our interactions with the Muslim world.

To be drawn into another ground war in a Muslim country, no matter how much satisfaction it might give to war hawks, is useless unless the goal is to subdue it, Christianize it, and govern it. Since nobody is talking about doing that, it’s best for us just to stay out of there. Getting involved on the ground will simply result in more carnage among America’s finest young soldiers for no long term benefit.

The purpose of our military cannot be to respond to every atrocity across the globe. Atrocities like the one we witnessed last week in Syria abound everywhere in the world. The purpose of our armed forces is to protect the American people and their security and safety. Syria represents no direct threat to America’s interests, and thus I believe it is a mistake to spill American blood and spend American treasure there.

There is a moral principle involved here also. We as a sovereign nation should respect the sovereignty of other nations. To invade their lands, unless they represent a direct threat to us, is to trespass where we have no moral right to be. At some point, unless we want to colonize the entire world, we must accept the tragic reality that in a fallen world man’s inhumanity to man will continue apace, particularly in Muslim lands and in the godless totalitarian lands of communism.

I believe we were justified in going into Iraq, since every intelligence community in the world, mistaken though they may have been, believed Saddam possessed weapons of mass destruction and had pledged to use them against us. At some point, especially when the threat comes from the Muslim world, you have to start believing them when they say they want to kill you.

Likewise, we were justified in going into Afghanistan since the 9/11 attacks on American soil were spawned there. The blood of those 3,000 Americans cried out for vengeance.

So, while I believe we were right to go into Afghanistan and Iraq, I believe we were wrong to stay. After we had neutralized the threat - by dethroning the Taliban in Afghanistan and Saddam in Iraq - it was time to come on home, mission accomplished, with only a solemn warning to those nations: don’t make us come back, or next time we may bomb you back to the Stone Age.

President Bush’s decision to try to bring democracy to Iraq was predicated on a fundamental error in judgment, that such a thing is even genuinely possible in a Muslim land.

Islam is not, as President Bush foolishly and disastrously believed, a religion of peace. It is a religion of war, violence, and death and has been for every one of its 1500 years. It is dangerous to believe that Islam is simply a benign religious alternative to Christianity.

There is the further sobering reality that our interventions in the Middle East have made things noticeably worse for our Christian brothers and sisters. Saddam needed Christians because they were the only honest, trustworthy people he could find to help him manage his country. Once we took him out, what little protection the church had under Saddam vanished like smoke, and now the Christian population in Iraq is a fraction of its former size.

Christians in Syria know that Assad is a bad guy, but again, he had provided them with a modicum of protection and stability that no successor will. Christians in Libya knew that Gaddhafi was a bad guy, but he too provided some protection for the Christian community, protection that is completely nonexistent since we took him out.

Bottom line: our military intervention as a Christian nation in Muslim lands has only created chaos and instability, and made things measurably worse for our fellow Christians. And we have, in my judgment, been guilty of moral transgression by inserting ourselves where we have no right to be.

With regard to ISIS, our focus should be quite simple: keeping ISIS out of the U.S. That means implementing President Trump’s travel ban, and extending it to include way more than six nations. It means extreme vetting for every Muslim refugee, none of whom should be allowed into America if there is even the slightest doubt about the risk they may pose. (No one has a right to immigrate to the United States.) It means aggressive monitoring of every Muslim community and every Muslim mosque, as New York did under mayors Giuliani and Bloomberg.

As a Christian nation, our sole role in Syria should be focused on getting every Christian who wants out of Syria to safety in America. Let’s ask the churches of America to each sponsor one Christian refugee family from Syria, and accept the responsibility (no government dollars involved at all) to sponsor them and resettle them in America, and help them to integrate fully into American society.

As far as Muslim refugees are concerned, if Islam is, as all the elites insist, a “religion of peace,” then among the 57 Muslim majority nations in the world there must be a plethora of havens of tranquility for Muslim refugees. Let’s help them find a place in a nation that shares their religious ideology, while we protect the integrity of our own culture and its values.

One of the reasons so few Syrian refugees are Christians (99.5% of them are Muslims) is because the refugee camps are run by brutal Muslim forces who make such camps virtual death camps for followers of the cross.

Let’s use American influence to make the refugee process a safe one for Christians who would like to flee Syria in order to live in a Christian country. Other than that, except to come to the aid of our one true ally in the Middle East, Israel, let’s just stay out of there.

Tim Wildmon #fundie afa.net

Tell Trump Administration to Revoke Obama's Transgender Directive

Fellow conservatives, we must remain vigilant to reverse the destructive policies of the Obama administration that still remain in effect. One example is the Obama administration's directive for public schools to allow boys who think they are girls into girls' restrooms and locker rooms.

That's why I am sending a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos. I am asking them to expedite the revocation of the Obama administration's dangerous bathroom policy regarding public schools.

I ask that you join me, too. Send a letter, now, calling on the Trump administration to revoke Obama's bathroom policy.

The Trump administration's new Department of Justice and Department of Education have the legal authority to get this done quickly for the safety and peace of mind of public school children.

During the campaign Vice President Pence said both he and President Trump "believe that the transgender bathroom issue can be resolved with common sense at the local level. Washington has no business intruding on the operation of our local schools." (Emphasis added.) Indeed, education is a matter that the U.S. Constitution leaves for each state to decide.

Send an email now to the Trump administration calling for the revocation of Obama's dangerous directive.

The Trump administration can advise Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos to issue a letter to public schools stating their withdrawal from the Obama Administration's bathroom guidance letter.

The revocation of the Obama administration's bathroom directive could also prompt the Supreme Court to send a transgender case back to the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals for reconsideration. The 4th Circuit ruled against a Virginia school district's right to set bathroom policy, and instead ruled in favor of a biological female who demanded access to the boys' bathroom and locker room.

Public schools across America continue to use this directive as an opportunity to expand the liberal education agenda to "allow transgender students to use bathrooms matching their gender identity." We must stand up now to protect the privacy of our children.

Now is the time to send an email calling on the Trump administration to revoke Obama's dangerous directive.

Bryan Fischer #fundie #homophobia afa.net

Grandmother a Victim of Modern-day Kristallnacht

The homosexual fascists of the LGBT movement have claimed another scalp in their relentless quest to purge Christians from what the Washington State Supreme Court called “the commercial marketplace.” While the target of the Nazis was the Jews, Christians are the target of the modern day Brownshirts. The only difference is that the weapon of choice for homosexual activists is a gavel rather than a lead pipe.

Baronelle Stutzman is a grandmother with a sweet demeanor who has never been accused by anyone of unkindness or incivility. Yet yesterday the Washington State Supreme Court unanimously labeled her a hate-filled homophobic bigot.

Her crime? Politely declining to use her artistic talent to promote same sex marriage. The two homosexual men who approached her to do a floral arrangement for their “wedding” were valued customers of Ms. Stutzman, even friends, proof that she did not discriminate against them or anyone else. She even recommended nearby florists who would be happy to help them.

But her own conscience, animated by foundational Christian and biblical principle, would not permit her to promote same-sex marriage. As a consequence, the Snidely Whiplash of the Evergreen State, attorney general Bob Ferguson, literally sued her for everything she owns. Although he had to grit his teeth and settle for a fine, Ferguson wanted not just to take the assets of her business but her personal assets as well. It was his goal to strip her, a 70-year-old grandmother, of her business, her possessions, her bank accounts, and her house and leave her homeless and naked on the curb.

Ferguson at one point said Ms. Stutzman’s First Amendment rights have not been violated because she can still believe whatever she wants about homosexual marriage. But Ferguson is wrong. The First Amendment does not just protect the freedom to believe Christian principle, it protects the freedom to act on it.

The specific guarantee is for the “free exercise” of religion, a constitutional right American Christians possess 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including the time they spend running a business. It is an inalienable right they have received from the Creator, which means no earthly authority, including the Washington State Supreme Court, has the constitutional or moral authority to take it away from anyone.

I have been using the term “Gay Gestapo” for years, but lesbian columnist Tammy Bruce recently popularized the term, when talking about the Christian bakers in Oregon who got fined $135,000 and put out of business for making a decision similar to the one Ms. Stutzman made. Ms. Bruce is scandalized by the mean-spiritedness and raw hatred that animates the homosexual movement. There certainly is hate in the debate over homosexual rights, but it is not coming from conservatives. It is coming from the homosexual left.

Ms. Bruce pointed out that the Gay Gestapo is bringing both tyranny and slavery back to America. When you compel someone to violate his conscience, what else is that but tyranny? And when you compel someone to labor against his will, what else is that but slavery? The only one being discriminated against here is Baronelle Stutzman.

Ferguson said the verdict “sends a clear message around the country as well.” It surely does. It sends the message that the LGBT crowd is not about marriage equality but homosexual supremacy. For gay activists, it is homosexuality uber alles.

We as a culture must understand that, to put it colloquially, this is a duel to the death. The conflict between religious liberty and homosexuality is a zero-sum game. In every clash, somebody wins and somebody loses. Every advance of the homosexual agenda comes at the expense of religious liberty. We cannot have both special rights based on homosexual behavior and religious liberty at the same time. One will be forced to give way to the other.

One of the plaintiffs claimed he was happy to be on the “right side of history.” Well, the issue is not being on the right side of history, it’s being on the right side of right. It’s being on the right side of the Constitution, and it’s being on the right side of God’s moral law. The Washington Supreme Court isn’t.

Ms. Stutzman has appealed her case to the Supreme Court. Even if the Court takes the case, the same five unelected lawyers who imposed same-sex marriage on the country are still there, and certainly will be sharpening their gavels to stick it to this grandmother as soon as they get the chance.

President Trump, in the run-up to the election you pledged that you would protect religious liberty, that you would be a champion for Christians whose rights to the free exercise of religion are being trampled on a daily basis in this country. Here is your chance to prove that wasn’t just an empty campaign promise. Direct your attorney general, Jeff Sessions, to draft the mother of all amicus briefs to support Ms. Stutzman in her appearance before the Supreme Court.

And issue your executive order on religious liberty. NOW. Don’t wait another day. It’s masterfully crafted, and will make you and your administration the friend of religious liberty instead of its enemy. If you sign it and issue it, it will instantly become the Magna Carta of religious liberty for this generation.

There is no time to waste. How many more grandmothers will have to face the loss of everything they own before their president comes to their side?

bryan fischer #fundie afa.net

It is not a problem for an American to say he is a Christian first and an American second because this is a Christian nation founded on Judeo-Christian values. The more devout a Christian becomes, the more he will love America and the values on which it was founded. The stronger his Christian faith becomes, the more of a patriot he will be.

The American Family Association #fundie afa.net

The American Family Association is calling for a boycott of Target after the retail giant said it would allow men to use the women's restrooms and dressing rooms in their stores.

On its web site this week, Target announced, "[W]e welcome transgender team members and guests to use the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender identity. ...Everyone deserves to feel like they belong."

This means a man can simply say he "feels like a woman today" and enter the women's restroom...even if young girls or women are already in there.

Target's policy is exactly how sexual predators get access to their victims. And with Target publicly boasting that men can enter women's bathrooms, where do you think predators are going to go?

Clearly, Target's dangerous new policy poses a danger to wives and daughters. We think many customers will agree. And we think the average Target customer is willing to pledge to boycott Target stores until it makes protecting women and children a priority.

One solution is a common-sense approach and a reasonable solution to the issue of transgendered customers: a unisex bathroom. Target should keep separate facilities for men and women, but for the trans community and for those who simply like using the bathroom alone, a single occupancy unisex option should be provided.

Bryan Fischer #fundie afa.net

Are children of illegal aliens born on American soil U.S. citizens? The Constitution says no.

Here is the actual language of the 14th Amendment (emphasis mine):

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”

Birthright citizenship only belongs to those who were subject to the jurisdiction of the United States the moment they were born. But children of illegal aliens are not.

Their parents are not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States but rather of their home country, which is why they can be immediately deported if identified and apprehended. You can’t do that to an American citizen.

Since the parents are not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, neither are their children. They are, in plain fact, not citizens of the U.S. by birth.

This is why the children of diplomats who are born on U.S. soil are not U.S. citizens. Since their parents are not “subject to the jurisdiction” of the United States, neither are the children.

We are all familiar with the concept of “diplomatic immunity,” which diplomats often use to get themselves and their children out of trouble on American soil by claiming that the children are not under the authority of American law. All the American government can do in such circumstances is send them back to their home country. That is, all they can do is deport them.

Bryan Fischer #fundie afa.net

I've had some secular fundamentalists tell me that this doesn't make the document or the nation Christian in any sense since the dating formula was simply customary. It’s what everybody did.

I respond by saying this makes the case even worse for them, since they are admitting that it was so common for the Founders to think of Jesus as Lord and His life as the turning point of all history that they had not a moment's hesitation in putting His name in our foundational document, expressing their personal allegiance to Him, and dating it from the year of His birth.

Bryan Fischer #fundie afa.net

Bottom line: the Founders’ Constitution permits States to prohibit the building of mosques. For the safety and security of the American people, perhaps the time for them to start doing it is now.

Bryan Fischer #fundie afa.net

The Founders gave to the States unilateral authority to regulate religious expression as they saw fit. While I am certainly not advocating for it, this means that, constitutionally, States still today can have established churches if they choose, as ten of them did at the time of the founding. And it also means that States can prohibit the building of mosques if they choose.

Jim Shempert #fundie afa.net

What has America become? She used to be a bright light in the world. We stood for good, we crushed the evil, and we protected the innocent. Now all America is known for is immorality and baby killing. Abortion is the leading cause of death in America. Is this a nightmare?

Yes. This is a nightmare. Worse, it is state sanctioned murder. It is being done under the old Stars and Stripes, and our government stands by nodding its approval. Today, over three thousand children will be killed. Some will have their tiny bodies chopped up and their parts sold to the highest bidder. Hey, organs are a big business. It’s just “tissue” after all.

Does that make you sick to your stomach? I hope so. I don’t write these articles to get shares on Facebook, to get hits on a website, or to improve my status. I write these articles because abortion enrages me. Even the thought of it sitting here on my keyboard makes me pound the keys a bit harder. I write this to grown men and women who should be equally enraged, and should burn the phone lines of their Congressman or Congresswoman down until they answer the phone.

If we get all stirred up about the death of a lion, why do we not get far more enraged about the wholesale murder of children in the United States? Did we learn nothing from Germany?

Bryan Fischer #fundie afa.net

What do we call it when someone is forced to provide labor against his will?

We call it slavery. And homosexual activists are determined to resurrect it in the South and everywhere else.

Case in point: Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis is refusing to issue sodomy-based wedding licenses to gay couples. In so doing, she is honoring the Kentucky state constitution and her own conscience.

But a federal judge, David Bunning, is ordering her to violate her own deeply held religious principles or go to jail. Bunning wrote that her liberty is limited to the freedom “to believe (emphasis mine) that marriage is a union between one man and one woman.”

But the First Amendment does not protect Ms. Davis’ right to “believe” the principles of her Christian faith; it guarantees her right to practice the principles of her Christian faith, to freely exercise her Christian faith.

In truth, it is Judge Bunning who is the transgressor here.

He is violating the First Amendment of the Constitution, which prohibits the federal government from interfering with the free exercise of religion. Whatever else he is doing, he is grossly interfering with Ms. Davis and her freedom to live according to her religious faith in the public square.

Bryan Fischer #fundie afa.net

Rainbow jihadists of SCOTUS blow up twin towers of truth and righteousness

From a moral standpoint, 6/26 has become our 9/11.

On this day, June 26, 2015, five justices of the Supreme Court became moral jihadists who blasted the twin pillars of truth and righteousness into rubble. They did this by imposing sodomy-based marriage on the United States through an act of judicial tyranny.

We the people have ceased to be our own rulers and are now serfs on a plantation run by cultural elites wearing black robes who use their gavels like the slaveholders of old used whips, to lash uppity social conservatives into abject submission.

June 26, 2015 is a date which will live in infamy.

It is a day on which behavior which is an abomination in the eyes of a holy God was normalized, promoted, celebrated and imposed on an a nation built on the foundation of the Judeo-Christian tradition. On this day, the United States become Sodom and Gomorrah.

On June 26, 2015, I saw Satan dancing with delight. For this is the day the music died in the United States of America.

The homosexual lobby, the Gay Gestapo, has drawn an equivalency between support for natural marriage and racism. To oppose sexual deviancy is, in their twisted, contorted and devious thinking, no different than supporting slavery and segregation.

What this means, my fellow conservatives, is that on this day, we all became Bull Connor. It’s time to wake up and smell the napalm.

What can be done to restore moral sanity to America’s public policy?

For one thing, there are governors in 31 states whose people have elevated protection for natural marriage to their state constitutions. Each one of these governors took an oath to uphold and defend his state’s constitution and its protection for natural marriage.

The federal Constitution is absolutely silent on the subject of marriage, which means, according to the Constitution the Founders bequeathed to us, that defining marriage is an issue reserved for the states. The Supreme Court has no moral, legal, ethical or constitutional authority to impose its own twisted view of marriage on any state in the country.

Every governor in every one of these states took a solemn and sacred oath to uphold and defend both the federal constitution and the constitution of his own state. But not a single governor anywhere took an oath to uphold the unconstitutional rulings of the Supreme Court. Their oath is to the Constitution, not to black-robed oligarchs and any benighted, unconstitutional and immoral rulings they might issue.

So the great need of the hour is for a principled and courageous governor to uphold his oath of office by issuing an order that no same-sex marriage licenses will be issued in his state.

The second thing that must be done is for conservatives to give unhesitating and unflinching support to Ted Cruz’s proposed amendment to the federal constitution, an amendment which would protect the sovereign and constitutional right of every state to define marriage for itself.

Since such a proposed amendment will require a two-thirds vote in each house of Congress, every congressman and every congressional candidate must be asked today whether he will vote for that amendment when it comes to the floor of either the House or the Senate. Amendments do not require the president’s signature, so President Obama can be entirely bypassed.

Not only every congressional candidate but every GOP candidate for the presidency must be asked today whether he will campaign daily for this amendment and make it a focus of the 2016 campaign. Any presidential candidate who is not willing to put his shoulder to the wheel on this issue is not worth a single conservative vote.

[All bolding is from the original text]

Bryan Fischer #homophobia afa.net

Smoking is legal but lethal. So is homosexuality.

Homosexuality is only legal in the United States because of an act of judicial tyranny committed by the Supreme Court in 2003, in which the Court imposed its view of sexual morality on the entire nation, something these same enlightened folk are always telling us should never be done by anyone to anybody at any time. At any rate, homosexuality is "legal," just like cigarette smoking. And it's just as deadly.

Our public policies toward both behaviors and habits should be similar if not the same. For instance, with regard to our youth, at a minimum we should educate them about the enormous health risks involved in both smoking and homosexuality, urge them not to dabble in either form of behavior, and provide resource to help them quit if they start.

We should not allow pro-homosexual student clubs on middle school and high school campuses any more than we would allow smoking clubs on school grounds.


Do we want to discourage young men and women from developing a smoking habit because hate them? Just the opposite. We love them and don't want to see tobacco deprive them of their health and their very lives.

Do we want to discourage young men and women from developing a homosexual habit beceause we hate them? Just the opposite. We love them and don't want to see homosexuality deprive them of their health and their very lives.


We want them to learn they don't have to yield to homosexual impulses any more than they have to yield to the impulse to light up.

Let the conversation begin.

American Family Association #fundie #wingnut #homophobia afa.net

AFA Bigotry Map

Anti-Christian Bigotry Groups

The American Family Association has identified groups and organizations that openly display bigotry toward the Christian faith.

These groups are deeply intolerant towards the Christian religion. Their objectives are to silence Christians and to remove all public displays of Christian heritage and faith in America.

A common practice of these groups is threatening our nation’s schools, cities and states. By threat of lawsuit, they demand prayer removed from schools and city council meetings, Ten Commandments monuments stricken from courthouses and memorial crosses purged from cemeteries and parks.

Because of anti-Christian bigotry, private business owners have been sued and forced to close their business. Families and businesses that express a Christian worldview on social issues often face vicious retaliation from bigoted anti-Christian zealots.

Some members or supporters of these groups have committed violent crimes against Christians and faith-based groups. Physical and profane verbal assaults against Christians are methods frequently exercised in their angry methods of intimidation.


Homosexual Agenda

Advocates for the legalization and promotion of same-sex marriage and viciously attacks Christians who exercise their First Amendment right to voice support for God’s plan for marriage as between one man and one woman.


Does not believe in God and is critical of those who express their faith in public.


Actively engages in the complete eradication of the Christian faith from society, government and private commerce. These groups file lawsuits and use intimidation to silence any reference to Christianity from the public square.


Believes critical thinking and physical evidence are the sole basis for beliefs. Humanists believe science triumphs faith in issues of morality and decision-making.

National Groups

Human Rights Campaign

The nation’s largest homosexual organization in America. Part of HRC’s driving agenda is legalizing homosexual marriage by judicial activism, bullying American corporations to embrace sexual perversion and encouraging lawsuits against Christian-owned businesses and states.


Infiltrates public schools with pro-homosexual indoctrination tactics, confusing many young people and misleading them into making dangerous and unhealthy lifestyle choices that will negatively affect their entire lives.

Southern Poverty Law Center

Labels Christian organizations who support the Biblical definition of marriage as “hate” groups and falsely disseminates this information to liberal news media, and military and law enforcement training sessions. SPLC’s listing resulted in the violent shooting attack against a pro-family group’s office in 2012.

Freedom From Religion Foundation

Threatens, intimidates and sues local governments and public schools to abolish all public references to the Christian faith. Most notably, FFRF targets displays of crosses, the Ten Commandments and public prayer (city council meetings and high school football games).

American Family Association #fundie afa.net

It is astonishing that right beneath the ground upon which the United States has been constructed lies a ready weapon of judgment should the Judge of nations choose to wield it. We are literally suspended over a fiery pit that could swallow us up without warning.

It is a reality that should give us cause for deep humility. We should remind ourselves that life on this earth is transient and that even nations have an ephemeral existence.

But Scripture contains a word of hope for those who will take it to heart. God also spoke to Jeremiah of the possibility that a nation could escape from coming catastrophe: “At one moment I might speak concerning a nation or concerning a kingdom to uproot, to pull down, or to destroy it; if that nation against which I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent concerning the calamity I planned to bring on it” (Jeremiah 18:7, 8).

Ray Rooney Jr. #fundie afa.net

This last blog is directed to the one hundred percent of those in society who oppose any attempt by the Christian Church to exert any influence in the public sphere.

You will fail. If you despise religion in general and/or Christianity in particular and you want to eradicate its influence from all realms of daily life—you will fail. Its been tried, and tried, and tried. You liberals and progressives really don’t study history very well. Yes, for over two millennia you have persecuted, tortured, and martyred multitudes of us. You have successfully marginalized Christian faith in many cultures. And lately you have even swayed most of the eighty-percenters who ordinarily don’t like involvement of any kind in church to join your ranks (the poor souls actually believe it when you tell them the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah had nothing to do with homosexuality, that when Jesus referred to eunuchs He was talking about homosexuals, and that gayness isn’t about sexuality but love).

Yet no matter how hard you try and how seemingly successful you appear in turning the tide of public sentiment your way about numerous issues—you just can’t seem to stifle and silence the faithful remnant of the living God (the twenty-percenters). Who would have guessed during the reigns of Lenin and Stalin in Communist Russia that Christians could not only survive but thrive? The same could be said of places like China and even Iraq! For that matter have you an answer for how in the world the Jewish people could reestablish themselves in their homeland after having been dispersed for the better part of two thousand years? Surrounded by people who have sworn never to rest until they are annihilated? Look on a map, hundred-percenter. Have you an explanation for how that tiny sliver of land and its people have held on despite being surrounded and outnumbered? When will you learn?

You may go on a tear and win battle after battle after battle. But you cannot win the war. You are not the first generation of liberals and progressives! Your critical mistake is thinking that once everyone sees your supposed superior logic they will either swoon or take flight. Your self-aggrandizement just doesn’t know what to do with itself when the twenty-percenter is neither impressed by your argument nor afraid of your loathing. Our faith is stout. Our resolve is firm.

This blog may sound harsh and may be interpreted as the rantings of a mean-spirited evangelical Christian. Yet, while I intend to write with clarity I do not write also with spite or anger. I simply wish to inform you that even should you take full possession of all three branches of American government and pass laws in all 50 states criminalizing everything conservative or Christian the twenty-percenters would still be a vocal thorn in your side.

Bryan Fischer #fundie afa.net

"Bacon is proof that we are a Christian nation"

I set off a bit of a firestorm over the weekend by tweeting out a simple message, that the fact we openly serve and sell bacon in America is further evidence, nay, proof, that we are a Christian nation by history, heritage and values.

Bryan Fischer #fundie afa.net

(These are just the worst bits, but the whole article is hilariously uninformed and extreme.)

I have contended for years that the First Amendment, as given by the Founders, provides religious liberty protections for Christianity only. Most attorney types, befuddled by years of untethered Supreme Court activism, think it covers any and all religions you can name...The First Amendment applies only to Congress, as its very first word makes plain. The states were allowed to regulate religious expression any way they chose. Since it’s never been amended, the First Amendment means today what it meant then, which means that if a state government wants to recognize Satanism or Islam, it can. If it doesn’t want to, it doesn’t have to.

Mike Adams #fundie afa.net

(How receptive/antagonistic are the students at UNCW of Christianity/Christians, i.e. are they open to discussing and considering it when engaged by a fellow student?)

There is a small but growing Gaystapo on our campus. There are also some very militant feminist students. Two ways to avoid trouble are 1) to live off campus with like-minded roommates (the Resident Assistants, who are themselves students, sometimes facilitate censorship of religious opinions) and 2) avoid taking classes ending with the word "studies." These two measures alone will help avoid many of the more militant students.

Bryan Fischer #fundie afa.net

In fact, Christmas itself is in the Constitution.

This is not even a matter for debate, for the Framers themselves dated this document, one of the two most important political documents in human history (along with the Declaration of Independence) from the very first Christmas. You could look it up.

In fact, I'll look it up for you. Here's how the Framers concluded:

"...done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven and of the Independence of the United States of America the Twelfth. In witness whereof We have hereunto subscribed our Names..." (Emphasis mine.)

By dating the foundational document of the greatest nation in history to the birth of Jesus Christ, the Founders essentially celebrated Christmas as they signed their names. Since the Declaration was also dated from the first Christmas, you can even say that the two most important political documents in history are in the nature of Christmas cards from the Founders to us.


Some will say, "You can't attach any significance to that. That's the way they dated everything in those days.” This just makes the case much worse for secularists, because it is an explicit admission that the advent of Jesus Christ was so widely accepted as the dividing line of human history that every document without hesitation or question was dated from the year of his birth.

There was a time when claiming that the earth revolved around the sun rather than the reverse was a controversial, world-view transforming declaration. Now we all accept that routinely. The very lack of controversy is an evidence of how widespread it is now to accept what was once a radical breakthrough and a giant leap forward.

The very ordinariness of dating the document to the birth of Christ, the utter lack of any controversy over including Christ in the Constitution, is the most compelling evidence of all that the Founders saw him as the pivotal figure in all history.

For this reason, we can't commemorate the Constitution without at the same time commemorating the Nativity.

Ray Rooney Jr #homophobia #fundie afa.net

What I find perverse about homosexuality is the insistence from the gay community that I should know about their sexual proclivities. Normal people understand that sex is an extremely intimate and therefore private act. I would find it troubling, if not disgusting, for anyone to talk publicly about what kind of sex they like to practice. Normal people do not want to broadcast to the world the details of their sex lives. There is something wrong with those who want complete strangers to know who they like to have sex with.

Medical statistics tell me homosexuality is unhealthy. My Christian faith teaches me it is unrighteous. Common sense tells me it is unfruitful and unnatural. But none of that is why I am fed up with the gay community. I’m just sick of hearing about how one group of people demand that everyone in the world accept who they want to have sex with!

I wonder if all the stories making the news today about bakers and florists being forced to cater to homosexuals would be stories but for people announcing who they like to have sex with? I mean, did the offended customers come in and ask for a wedding cake or flowers for their wedding and were denied service because they looked like homosexuals? Or did the customer come in and announce their sexual preference and then demand service? I suspect the latter.

I believe homosexuality is wrong. Just like I believe adultery and sex outside of marriage is wrong. But even though I believe I have good reasons for opposing homosexuality as a normative lifestyle based on science, medicine, and faith, that is not why I strongly oppose it. I believe anyone who insists everyone know what they do in their bedroom and with whom is perverse. Normal people do not define themselves solely on the basis of who they are sexually attracted to.

Bryan Fischer #racist afa.net

Evangelical leaders mistaken: Latino immigrants not hard-wired to be conservative

The New York Times recently featured a piece on evangelical leaders and their support for the Rubio amnesty bill.

This bill violates any number of evangelical principles such as equality under the law, accountability for unlawful choices, respect for sovereign borders, and self-reliance. That’s why it is so surprising to see so many evangelical leaders abandon these principles en masse to jump on board the amnesty train.

Many of the evangelical leaders who make up the Evangelical Immigration Table are men I respect and admire. On the immigration issue, however, they are just plain wrong. So consider this an intramural discussion among members of the same team.

In the Times piece, one evangelical leader was quoted to the effect that evangelicals must support amnesty because it “respects the God-given dignity of every person.” In essence, what this leader is saying is that respecting another person requires you to reward them for breaking the law. This, of course, is absurd.


Speaking of illegal immigrants, this leader also says, “They’re social conservatives, hard-wired to be pro-family, religious and entrepreneurial.” Yet the illegitimacy rate in the Hispanic community is well north of 50%, and the Heritage Foundation has indicated that the average illegal alien has just a 10th grade education and is therefore a low-skilled worker who will consume far more in welfare benefits than he pays in taxes. I don’t have a trained eye, but the facts simply don’t support the “socially conservative entrepreneur” meme.


Researchers at the polling organization Latino Decisions wrote in 2011, “Minority citizens prefer a more energetic government, by large and statistically significant margins.” In other words, Hispanic immigrants love bigger and bigger government and more and more government programs. They are decidedly not, as evangelicals largely are, supporters of smaller, less intrusive and less expensive government. In other words, if Latinos are hard-wired to be anything, they’re hard-wired to be liberal Democrats. That’s why 71% of Latinos voted for President Obama, and are likely to vote left for decades to come.

If evangelicals think that amnesty will magically transform Hispanics into conservative voters, they need only learn from history. Ronald Reagan granted outright amnesty, no conditions, in 1986 after receiving 37% of the Latino vote. His successor, George H.W. Bush, received just 30% of the Latino vote in 1988. There was simply no loyalty or electoral gratitude there.

Matt Friedeman #fundie afa.net

Dads against daughters dating?

There's a new t-shirt, a couple of new books out on the subject and a movement that goes beyond the bookstores pushing the concept.

But say what you want, it is an idea whose time once was, and needs to be renewed. Dating is a lousy idea. Somewhere along the line in the early to middle twentieth century culture decided that young couples pairing off and discovering fuller (actually, far shallower) meanings and implications of sexuality was a good idea.

The concept of courtship is winning out in the minds of a growing number of evangelical parents. Here is the basic, if woefully brief, brief - let Dads in particular and parents in general be on the lookout for mates for their daughters. Pray long and hard. Trust in God. If a guy takes an interest in your gal, he works through Dad first, not Dad later. Courtship is done with the purpose of marriage in mind, so it is not done lightly. Precious little physical contact prior to marriage. First kiss ought to be at the wedding altar. Time alone with the opposite sex ought to be limited.

You get the gist. It works out differently for different families. But for all those wondering which planet these practitioners of courtship are from one would be hard-pressed to suggest that dating as a norm has worked out well Christians since we began participating in this now-cultural norm unthinkingly.

Only one problem with the T-shirt. Mine reads "Dads-Against-Sons-Dating, Too." I have five of those "sons."

Randy Sharp #fundie afa.net

[Randy tells how he got a billboard he found offensive taken down]

A Lamar office in nearby Columbus, MS, placed an adult business billboard in my Tupelo, MS, hometown. I called the Columbus office and learned that Scott Smith (not his real name) was the salesman. In several phone conversations, Mr. Smith would not agree to remove the billboard. After two months of trying, I looked up his home address, created a flyer, recruited a few friends and put a plan into action.

I sent a fax, similar to this one, to Mr. Smith's office on Friday, just before noon. Accompanying the fax was this custom-made flyer.

[Flyer shows a picture of the billboard in question, advertising a strip club, and gives the home address of the salesman]

Needless to say, by the time I returned from lunch, I had a voice mail from Mr. Smith! Evidently, he didn't like the idea of his work decisions bringing embarrassment to his wife and family.

When I returned his call, Mr. Smith told me the work crew were on their way to remove the billboard that very hour! In addition, Mr. Smith said the billboard would not be replaced within 20 miles of Tupelo if I promised to cancel my appearance in his neighborhood. I told him it was a deal, but if someone in another town asked me how I did it, I'd share my resources with them.

I hurried across town, wanting to get some pictures of the crew at work. By the time I arrived, the crew was already gone and the billboard had been changed to a legitimate business advertisement.

Bryan Fischer #fundie afa.net

Simply telling the truth about homosexual behavior - that it is immoral, unnatural, and unhealthy - outrages the bullying bigots of Big Gay and is regarded by them as a grave insult. Such truth-telling therefore must not be tolerated.

In fact, the SPLC goes on to say that if anyone tells the truth about homosexual behavior, the school must “denounce the hateful act,” and adds that the “denunciation of the incident should be delivered to students and staff, parents and caregivers, and the wider community. Post it on the school website, and publish it in the school newspaper or newsletter. Send it out to the media. Deliver it over the school’s PA system, closed-circuit TV or intercom.”

In other words, launch an ethic-cleansing program against any and all students of conservative moral principle and be sure to alert the media while you’re at it, so conservative students can be humiliated before their entire communities. Sounds like sure enough bullying to me.

Bryan Fischer #fundie afa.net

As Associate Justice Joseph Story wrote in his monumental work on the Constitution, “The real object of the First Amendment was not to countenance, much less to advance Mohammedanism, or Judaism, or infidelity, by prostrating Christianity, but to exclude all rivalry among Christian sects and to prevent any national ecclesiastical establishment.” In other words, the First Amendment was not written to establish policy for any faith tradition other than Christianity. The Founders were simply not dealing with Islam or Hinduism or Buddhism or any other religion. This is why the Supreme Court in the 19th century could deny Mormon claims to polygamy, even though they argued for it on First Amendment grounds.

The purpose of the First Amendment then, is clear, according to Story. Its purpose is to prevent Congress from picking one Christian denomination and making it the official church of the United States, and to prevent the federal government from interfering in any way with the right of states to regulate religious expression as they see fit.

Thus, writes Story, “The whole power over the subject of religion is left exclusively to the State governments, to be acted upon according to their own sense of justice and the State constitutions.” In other words, according to Story, if we apply the Constitution as given by the Founders and not as mangled by the courts, states may prohibit the building of mosques if they choose to do so.

While this clearly does not represent the current understanding of the courts, according to the longest service associate justice in Supreme Court history, it is the correct one. And of course it is far from the only issue on which the courts have strayed far from the meaning of the Constitution as given by the Founders.

And while we may be years away from returning to an originalist standard of applying the First Amendment, the longest journey still begins with the smallest step and Story’s words may be that first step.

It’s worth noting in summary that, while I am speaking just for myself, these ideas are not my own. They come from noted prosecutor Andy McCarthy, prominent lawmaker Geert Wilders and eminent constitutional historian Joseph Story. While of course there are many who disagree vigorously with these thoughts, perhaps it’s time for a vigorous debate since so much is at stake.

While these steps will not protect us from the Muslims already among us who wish to do us harm in the name of Allah, these practical steps would stem the tide and create two large moats - the Atlantic and Pacific oceans - to protect the castle of American freedom from the very real threat of Islam. There is no time to lose.

Bryan Fischer #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #forced-birth afa.net

These new commandments must be obeyed, and those who flout them will receive the most severe and unyielding punishments, including censure, excommunication, (say, from graduate counseling programs), and fines in the forms of legal fees to the secular imams at the ACLU.

Here, then, are the Ten Commandments of secular Sharia:

1. “Government, not Yahweh, is God.” Secular fundamentalists want us to look to government for everything we we [sic] were once taught to look for from God. Government is all knowing, all powerful, all wise, all caring. You know, all the things God used to be.

2. “You shall have no gods, period.” The goal of secular fundamentalists is the extermination of any and all mentions of God and Christ in the public arena. The only exceptions to the “no god” rule will be for Gaia and Allah. Gaia is to be worshiped, and any blasphemy against her, by plundering her for such things as the fuel on which the world runs, will be met with the severest punishment and condemnation.

3. “You shall not take the name of the homosexual agenda or Islam in vain.” If you do, we will land on you like a falling safe. Profanity, blasphemy, vulgarity, obscenity, pornography, all are fine. Criticize homosexual conduct, on the other hand, and we will cause the wrath of our god to descend upon you as a consuming fire. You will be silenced, marginalized and treated as a leper. We secularists have freedom of speech but you cretinous conservatives do not. If you have a problem with sexually deviant behavior, you are by definition a homophobic hatemonger and we don’t have to listen to you.

4. “Observe Halloween, Labor Day and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as holy days. Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving, on the other hand, must be wiped off school calendars as if they never existed.”

5. “Honor your father and mother - by which we mean liberal politicians, since they have turned government into your mommy and your daddy.” No husband, no problem: government will be the head of your home. No father, no problem: government will be your provider and raise your children for you.

6. “You shall not murder - unless it’s a defenseless baby in the womb.”

7. “You shall not commit adultery - unless it’s with another man’s wife. Fornication and sodomy without repercussions and penalty are okay too. And we’re working on polygamy and pedophilia.” Anyone who disagrees, and says anything remotely critical of such behaviors, will be subject to the wrath of the holy and righteous prophets of secular Sharia in the out-of-the-mainstream media, who will call down fire and brimstone on those who dare to challenge the sexual orthodoxy of leftist libertines.

8. “You shall not steal - unless it’s to plunder from the producers what they have earned to give to the non-producers what they have not earned.” Anyone who complains about this involuntary transfer of wealth will be judged by the secular mullahs as evil, greedy capitalists and silenced. Right after they have been ripped off.

9. “You shall not bear false witness - unless it is to tell blatant lies about the Constitution, American history, the economy, unemployment figures and drilling for oil.” As long as you are lying to advance the power and reach of government, or get a leftist politician reelected, it’s okay. Secularists have their own version of taqqiya, just like the Muslims do.

10. “You shall not covet anything - as long as it belongs to people who are poorer than you. If they have more money than you, they are evil oppressors who must be plundered of their ill-gotten wealth by our government overlords so it can be redistributed to the lazy, shiftless and irresponsible.”

Bryan Fischer #fundie afa.net

This little atheist bully [Jessica Ahlquist], with the help of the grammatically-challenged Freedom From Religion Foundation (the Constitution guarantees freedom “of” religion, not freedom “from” religion), got a prayer banner pulled off the wall of a Rhode Island high school, a banner that had not been bothering anybody since it was first put up in 1963.

The banner was, in fact, a gift to the school from its first graduating class. So much for history and tradition and honoring the generosity and thoughtfulness of earlier generations of students.

News flash for Jessica and the FFRF: the Constitution hasn’t changed since 1963.

This prayer banner was constitutionally fine then, and it is constitutionally fine now. The only thing that has changed is that hatred of Christianity has now been mainstreamed in the cultural elite, who want to remove all vestiges of the acknowledgement of God from the public arena.

Ms. Ahlquist complained that the presence of the banner showed the school didn’t “respect” her views. She is apparently tyrannically oblivious to the plain fact that her pettiness shows only one thing: she’s the one who does not respect anyone’s view but her own.

This small-minded and vengeful brat has managed to override the Constitution’s guarantee of the free exercise of religion and free speech just by being noisy and mean. She is the newest religious bigot in America.

The school first covered up the banner, as if its contents were pornographic in nature and might damage the delicate sensibilities of constitutionally-impaired students. Then the school meekly capitulated to Ms. Ahlquist’s demands to avoid the possibility of having to pay huge attorney’s fees if it lost on appeal. Apparently, in their judgment, the right to liberty isn’t unalienable after all. The warranty on this right bestowed by the Creator apparently ran out as soon as soon as the money did. So much for pledging sacred fortunes and honor to protect God-given rights.

Hey Jessica: if you don’t like the banner, don’t look at it. Nobody is forcing you to notice it, read it, agree with it, or pay any attention to it at all.

Bryan Fischer #fundie #homophobia afa.net

In truth, evolutionists should be even more ardent opponents of homosexual behavior than evangelical Christians, for one simple reason: homosexuals cannot propagate.

And evolution is supposed to be all about the survival of the species. For a true believer in evolution, homosexuality represents an evolutionary degrade, an lunge backward, an evolutionary nightmare, evidence of a species that is de-evolving and headed toward extinction.

For true Darwinists, homosexual behavior must be stopped its tracks so the great cosmic dance of life can continue in its inexorable climb toward evolutionary perfection.

So unless a Darwinist is a raving, irrational, self-contradictory hypocrite, he will oppose the normalization of homosexual behavior with every fiber of his being.

But I’m not holding my breath and neither should you. Since the theory of evolution is both morally and scientifically bankrupt, it should not surprise us that its devotees are as well.

Bryan Fischer #fundie afa.net

A CNN anchor asked earlier this week whether or not Jesus would occupy Wall Street.

That question can be answered with a categorical “No.”

First, Jesus has no truck with rank, blatant hypocrites. The OWS crowd has now fallen to squabbling over who gets a slice of the $500,000 which has been donated to them, and which, by the way, they put in one of the evil, greedy banks they are out to destroy.

Secondly, Jesus has no truck with those whose entire agenda is to flagrantly disobey two of the Ten Commandments of God.

God said, “Thou shalt not steal,” a commandment Jesus affirmed on numerous occasions. Stealing is wrong, and it doesn’t make it right when government does it under color of law.

And the OWS crowd is animated by a thoroughly ugly disregard for the 10th Commandment as well. God says, “Thou shalt not covet...any thing that is thy neighbor’s.” And yet the Occupiers are driven by a dark, bitter, resentful, angry and acquisitive greed for stuff that belongs to other people.

I submit that no political program that is predicated on a violation of twenty percent of God’s moral law can possibly be right, can possibly work, or can possibly be good for America.

Jesus took a whip to the thieves and the covetous in his day. If he were to come back and do the same thing today, he just might start in Zuccotti Park.

In other words, he might occupy Wall Street after all.

Bryan Fischer #fundie afa.net

(Slavery in the Americas is entirely the fault of Muslims.)

[M]aking concessions to Sharia law over against the moral code of the Judeo-Christian tradition is nothing new for America. We started doing it in 1619 when we began to tolerate the slave trade, as the first shipment of 30 African slaves arrived on the shores of Virginia ... The slaves who were brought here in chains in 1619 were Africans who had been kidnapped by other Africans and sold to slave traders who in turn brought them to America. The kidnappers, the ones who went into the interior of Africa to capture their fellow Africans to sell them into bondage, were predominantly Muslims.


Now, in contrast to Islam and Sharia, the Judeo-Christian tradition from day one has been adamantly opposed to the slave trade ... Moses flatly prohibited the slave trade under penalty of death. “Whoever steals a man and sells him, and anyone found in possession of him, shall be put to death” (Exodus 21:16). In other words, if a strictly biblical code had been followed in 1619, the slave trader who brought that ship to Virginia would have been arrested the moment he landed, prosecuted and hung by the neck until dead. The slaves on board would have been returned to their families and their homelands, and slavery would never have gained a foothold in the United States.

But sadly, we made our first concession to Sharia law in 1619 instead of being guided by the wisdom of Scripture, and we have paid a terrible price for it. Slavery became our first national sin, as abortion is today ... So if the early colonists had followed either the Old or New Testaments, the slave trade would have been treated as criminal behavior from the very beginning, and America never would have been plagued with all the myriad evils that slavery and racism have brought to our land.

Bryan Fischer #fundie afa.net

The question remains: is Gov. Perry right?

What follows is a straightforward, four-step refutation of the theory of evolution. The steps are easy to remember, and make a nice little cadence when spoken with a little rhythm: First Law, Second Law, Fossils and Genes. Armed with this truth, go forth and conquer.

[later on]

Before we even start, we ought to notice that, if evolution is true, there would be no way to know it. Because evolution teaches that everything that exists is the product of the random collision of atoms, this logically includes the thoughts I am thinking about evolution. But if my thoughts are the product of the random collision of atoms, there is no reason to think that any of them are true — they just are.

No one "random collision of atoms" can be said to be truer than another, any more than one randomly generated Rorschach ink blot can be said to be more correct than another.

As J.B.S. Haldane famously observed, "If my mental processes are determined wholly by the motion of atoms in my brain, I have no reason to suppose that my beliefs are true and hence I have no reason for supposing my brain to be composed of atoms."

All right, here we go.

First Law of Thermodynamics. This law (note: not a theory but a scientific law) teaches us that matter and energy can neither be created nor destroyed. In other words, an honest scientist will tell you that there is nothing in the observable universe that can explain either the origin of energy or matter. By logical extension, then, matter and energy had to come into being by some force outside the universe.

What this means, then, is that science simply has no explanation for the most basic question that could possibly be asked: why is there something rather than nothing?

Creationists and Intelligent Design advocates have an answer to this question; evolutionists do not.

When you see a turtle on a fence post, what's the one thing you know? Somebody put him there. When you see a world hanging in space, what's the one thing you know? Someone hung it there.

It's futile to resort to the big bang theory, as some evolutionists are wont to do. They say they have an explanation for the origin of the universe: it began when a ball of incredibly dense matter exploded and flung the universe into existence. Okay, fine. Now: where did that incredibly dense ball of matter come from?

Even Aristotle saw that behind the existence of the universe had to be what he called a Prime Mover or an Unmoved Mover. If everything is the result of secondary causes, nothing would ever actually happen. Some great power had to be a primary cause of life, motion, energy, and existence.

If you walk into an office and you see one of those toys with the steel balls swinging left to right, right to left, virtually endlessly, the one thing you will know for an absolute certainty is that some force outside that toy had to start the whole thing by lifting the first ball and releasing it to clack against the others. The process you observe could not possibly have started all by itself.

Creation Science and Intelligent Design theory offers a Prime Mover, evolution does not.

Bryan Fischer #fundie afa.net

It’s long past time to give up our nation-building efforts in Muslim countries. It won’t work, can’t work, and never will work. Islam makes the creation of a democracy an impossibility.

Islam is not about freedom, it is about heavy-handed and punitive control. Domination is at the heart of Islam, making the Muslim faith utterly incompatible with the Judeo-Christian values on which Western civilization has been built.

Freedom is in the DNA of Christianity, but tyranny is in the DNA of Islam.

Islam is grossly and permanently incompatible with the liberty we cherish in the West. And since tyranny is deep in the spirit of Islam, only the Spirit of God can root it out.

The Judeo-Christian tradition says, “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom” (2 Cor. 3:17). That verse was found on the lips of virtually every patriot during the days when were were defending our newly proclaimed independence from the foreign aggression of the British. That Bible verse became an animating force in our quest to secure and preserve liberty. Individual liberty is in the heart and soul of Christianity.

Where there is the spirit of Christianity, you will find a hunger and thirst for freedom. Where the spirit of Christianity is absent, as it is in Muslim lands, you won’t. There is no “Spirit of the Lord” in Islam. The spirit that animates Islam is of a much darker sort.

Bryan Fischer #fundie afa.net

The only thing that will give us a shot at building a democracy in an Islamic land is a mass conversion of its people to biblical Christianity. If we want to see freedom come to those darkened, benighted lands, we should be sending missionaries in, right after we send in the Marines to neutralize whatever threat has been raised against the United States.

If they don’t want our missionaries, fine. Their choice. We’ll take them and our Marines home, and let them know we’ll have no hesitation about returning with lethal force if they threaten us again. This time, Marines and missionaries. Next time, Marines and missiles.

The fundamental mistake Western politicians such as George W. Bush make is thinking that Islam is just like Christianity only different. They are so accustomed to an environment shaped by a Christian worldview, which prizes such things as individual liberty, freedom of conscience and religion and equality under the law that they assume that everybody wants those things.

That is a shallow, naive and fatal assumption to make. President Bush simplistically believed that there is a hunger for freedom in every human heart. Not so. There is a hunger for human freedom beating in the breast of Christianity, but the hunger beating in the breast of Islam is for the exact opposite of freedom, totalitarian control.

Bryan Fischer #fundie afa.net

[Lisa Miller, a born-again Christian and "ex-gay", kidnapped her daughter and fled rather than obey a court order to give her daughter to her ex. Pastor Timothy Miller helped her escape.]

She now evidently is living in Central America, beyond the reach of a pernicious legal system which, left to itself, would have wrecked the rest of her daughter’s life, and a pastor is now in jail for the crime of helping this mother protect her daughter from the dark and dangerous influences of abnormal sexuality.

My heart breaks for this mother and child, driven from their native land by the misguided rulings of uncaring judges. And it breaks for Pastor Miller, who, even if he did what he is accused of, is being punished for doing his sacred duty and faithfully discharging his divine responsibility as a shepherd of the sheep.

He could have given Lisa and Isabella up to the wolves, but Jesus had harsh words for a shepherd who would do such a thing. “He who is a hired hand and not a shepherd—sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them—he flees because he cares nothing for the sheep” (John 10:12, 13).

The good shepherd, Jesus says, “lays down his life for the sheep.” That’s what this pastor has done, and he deserves our praise, support and commendation. And he deserves better from a Christian nation than to be thrown in a jail cell with rapists, murderers, child molesters and thieves.

He is in a long and worthy line of spiritual leaders, beginning with the apostles, who also were thrown in jail when they said, “We must obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29).

Rosa Parks gained civil rights immortality because she refused an order to obey an unjust law. If there was ever a contemporary case in which civil disobedience is justified, the Lisa Miller case is it. May God have mercy on Lisa Miller, her daughter Isabella, and Pastor Timothy Miller. And may God, the Judge of the living and the dead, bring the guilty before his bar of pure and uncompromising justice.

Bryan Fischer #fundie afa.net

Can gay quotas be far behind? We’re going to get the worst of both worlds with the admission of open homosexuals into the ranks: virile straights aren’t going to sign up, and fewer homosexuals will since they lost their get-out-of-jail free card when DADT was repealed. They can’t try it and decide they don’t like it any more. We’re going to be left with a weakened, effeminate, dumbed-down military. Other than that, no worries.