
Rand Paul #psycho #wingnut cnsnews.com

(This was in 2nd of February 2015. Emphasis added)

I’m not arguing vaccines are a bad idea. I think they’re a good thing, but I think the parents should have some input. The state doesn’t own your children. Parents own the children, and it is an issue of freedom.

Spottswoode, the Deplorable #fundie cnsnews.com

paulakey: Ezekiel 49-50 speaks of the cities being destroyed for the arrogance of their daughters who neglected the poor and were pompous towards people on the fringe. They were an abomination because they did not love.

Spottswoode, the Deplorable: That wasn't the whole of it. God himself went down to see, as the 'outcry was great' and the men went after strange flesh. Their true sin was spelled out by the men of Sodom surrounding Lot's house and demanding he send the two angels out, so they might sodomize them. But we know to sodomize someone is not to be lacking in hospitality. But deviants seek to pervert and lie about Scripture.

Anne Graham Lotz #fundie cnsnews.com

Anne Graham: Judgment is Coming to 'Immoral' America, Perhaps a 'Nuclear Strike'

Commenting on the widespread sin and wickedness in America today, preacher Anne Graham Lotz, the daughter of Billy Graham, said then when the evil is so widespread and people do not repent, then "God backs away" and leaves people to their own corruption. She added that God eventually will rattle America to repentance through some cataclysmic event, such as a "nuclear strike, an earthquake," or an "EMP attack that devastates our electrical grid."

Anne Graham Lotz, the author of 14 books and holder of six honorary doctorates, made her remarks in the January editon of Decision magazine, which is published by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA), founded by her father and overseen by her brother, Rev. Franklin Graham. (Lotz founded and runs AnGeL Ministries.)

In an article entitled "This Growing Darkness" by Jerry Pierce, Anne Graham Lotz said, "When you sin and you refuse to repent, God backs away. You don’t repent and you continue to sin and you become defiant, and He backs away further until in the end, God just turns you over to yourself."

"That’s where America is today," said Lotz. "Look at the end of Romans 1. He’s just backed away from us, turned us over to ourselves. As they say, ‘America, how’s that working for you?’"

Lotz further said she believes divine judgment is coming to America to help people to wake up, realize their sins, and pray for God's help.

"I’m talking about something like a nuclear strike, an earthquake that splits us in two, an EMP attack that devastates our electrical grid," she said. "Something major that would be a game-changer for America, because we are so defiant and rebellious and idolatrous and immoral, and we know better."

However, Lotz added that if enough Americans seek repentance now and pray to God, it could help mediate His judgment.

"If America -- and I don't mean America as a whole because I wouldn't expect America as a whole to repent of her sin -- but if Christians would come back to the Cross, and if we would rend our hearts," commit to truly change, she said, "to be the person He's called you to be."

"Our hope is based on the belief that there is a God and He has a plan and He's working it," said Lotz. "The world is not out of control. It's not unraveling. It's falling into place right at the feet of Jesus."

Charlie Daniels #fundie cnsnews.com

I sometimes wonder how the mainstream media, judicial system, sanctuary cities and liberal politicians would fare in the kind of world they are trying to bring about: a world without borders, a world without morals, a socialist society ruled by an all-powerful, central government that would control the distribution and quality of health care, the parameters of abortion, the length of people’s lives through euthanasia and the population’s practice of religion.
Probably the first thing to go, as is always the case in totalitarian regimes, would be freedom of the press. Then most of the rest of our personal freedoms would follow: abolition of privately owned firearms, the caliber and content of education, the outlawing of homeschooling, restrictions on what can be said from the pulpits of the nation and close control of academic curriculum.

Did you know there are treaties which could control even the plants and flowers you can plant in your own garden and yard?
There is also a similar UN treaty regulating firearms.
One UN Treaty would put half of the land in the United States off limits, not even allowing it to be used for agriculture if implemented.

Did you know that for over a century the global warming, climate change, whatever the nom du jour, have vacillated between an ice age and catastrophic warming, going back and forth to whichever one suits their purposes?

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and the preponderance of the European leaders are globalists who believe in a one world government, and it’s a simple thing for a monolithic all-powerful government of a nation to sign treaties ceding much of its power to a seemingly benevolent
centralized global government which claims to have all the answers to the planet’s wars and famines.
It’s the type of government that would do away with cash, therefore eliminating counterfeiting, bank robbing and the slaughter of innocent night workers at convenience stores.
It’s a government that would require every person alive to carry incorruptible identification, and just to make sure it is incorruptible, a small chip that could not be duplicated could be inserted under the skin in a hand. This would do away with fraud, overdrawn bank accounts, bad checks and make it next to impossible for a criminal to exist.

It will happen. It's all prophesied in the Book of Revelation in the Holy Bible.
But remember, allowing yourself to be marked or implanted with an international identification chip is irreversible and irredeemable. It’s a pledge of allegiance to Satan and consigns your soul to eternal damnation. It is known as the Mark of the Beast.
One world government is the kingdom of the antichrist.
What do you think?

Islamic state #fundie cnsnews.com

(CNSNews.com) – As the Islamic State continues its genocide of Yazidis and Christians in Syria and Iraq, a detailed report by the U.N.’s Human Rights Council reveals that Yazidi mothers and their children are brutally persecuted – mothers sold and re-sold as sex slaves, children murdered, and children traumatized from being forced to listen behind locked doors as their mothers are raped and beaten.

One Yazidi woman who was sold seven times to ISIS fighters said, “When he would force me into a room with him, I could hear my children screaming and crying outside the door. Once he became very angry. He beat and threatened to kill them. He forced two of them to stand outside barefoot in the snow until he finished with me.”

An ISIS fighter killed the children of a Yazidi woman who was sold three times as a sex slave. When she asked him, “What did you do to them?” he beat her and said, “They are kuffar [non-Muslim] children. It is good they are dead. Why are you crying for them?”

freewill.IS.liberty #fundie cnsnews.com

"Metaxas could try the same argument against the similarly well tested science theory - process description - of general relativity" - by Torbjorn Larsson

.. like BIGBANG turning matter conscious, and Evolution turning iguana into Chinese, Einstein's Relativity Theory is also False Science because it is based on ILLUSIONS of spacetime... in other words, Einstein's Realtivity is also a DELUSIONAL THEORY that is corrupting real science education..

in the real world, time and space are not matter, not energy, nor spirit, and so, DO NOT EXIST.... these are just measuring tools invented by men where numbers are assigned to these illusions of time or space to measure illusionary duration and illusionary space... nothing more..

if you can prove that time is real existence, then bring us "bottles of yesterdays and barrels of tomorrows" , it could be a good energy drink...

are you trying to be funny ?

Bill Donohue #fundie #homophobia cnsnews.com

Prior to the legalization of gay marriage, gay activists said that under no circumstances would an affirmative ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court on this issue result in a diminution of religious liberty. They were either wrong or they lied. No matter, no one now disputes that there is a determined effort to use gay rights as a club to smash the religious liberty protections afforded by the First Amendment.

Kate Drumgoogle was fired from Paramus Catholic High School in New Jersey last January after school authorities learned that she violated her contractual obligations. Now she is suing the school, the principal, and the Archdiocese of Newark claiming victim status; a judge has ruled that the case can move forward, denying a request to dismiss it. Drumgoogle was given the opportunity to resign, but she refused. The case has received nationwide attention, and that's because Drumgoogle is "married" to another woman, Jaclyn Vanore.

Drumgoogle was a guidance counselor and a basketball coach. When she took the job, she never disclosed her marital status, yet she agreed to abide by the school's Ministerial Policies and the Code of Ethics; they require adherence to Catholic teachings, among them being the stipulation that marriage is the union of one man and one woman.

No one knew of Drumgoogle's gay marriage until the sister of the woman she claims to be married to posted the information on social media. Elaine Vanore sent pictures of the ceremony to the Paramus Catholic Facebook page, the school's alumni page, and the page of school president James P. Vail. She did so following an argument she had with her sister, Jaclyn, the "wife" of Drumgoogle.

This case is not an anomaly. Dozens of lawsuits have been filed by gay employees against their Catholic employer, all alleging discrimination. The real issue here is that these gays have purposely violated their contract—an agreement to which they voluntarily consented—though no one would know this by following media accounts of these disputes. They have turned this into a persecution campaign by the Catholic Church.

It's not just gay activists who are trespassing on the religious liberty prerogatives of Catholic schools—the Obama administration is doing the same. Last year, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed a complaint against a Georgia Catholic academy because it fired a gay teacher who planned to marry his boyfriend.

Every time something like this happens, we hear how indefensible it is to discriminate against gays as it is blacks. The conventional wisdom does not take into consideration a critically important difference: homosexuality, as opposed to the status of being a homosexual, is the issue; there is no analogue with race.

Gay teachers in Catholic schools are not being driven out because they are gay: they are being dismissed because they publicly flout Catholic teachings on the subjects of sexuality and marriage, and because they violated their contractual responsibilities.

Following the Bible, the Catholic Church rejects homosexuality; it also holds that marriage is a monogamous institution between a man and a woman. And just like secular institutions, it expects that the terms of its employment contracts should be honored.

The big mistake is conflating behavior (homosexuality) with an ascribed status (race): Behavior is an achieved status having nothing to do with a fixed status. As with all behaviors, homosexuality is subject to moral approval or disapproval. These judgments take on greater weight when they are grounded in Judeo-Christian precepts, the very foundation of the United States.

It should be further noted that the Catholic Church rejects "unjust discrimination," thereby acknowledging situations where just distinctions are warranted. So, too, does the larger society: there are many laws that treat people differently based on age (driving and voting), veteran status, handicapped conditions, and the like. The private sector does the same, as evidenced by height requirements for certain rides at amusement parks and "ladies night" privileges at pubs.

Regardless of how one feels about these matters, there is one overriding concern that should be controlling: the First Amendment right to the free exercise of religion.

Bill Donohue is President and CEO of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, the nation's largest Catholic civil rights organization. He was awarded his Ph.D. in sociology from New York University and is the author of seven books and many articles.

Rosaria Butterfield #fundie cnsnews.com

A self-described former lesbian and feminist said on Wednesday that the Supreme Court’s decision in theObergefell v. Hodges case declaring states’ ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional, created the “nation’s reigning idol.”

“When five unelected Supreme Court judges appended sexual orientation to the 14th Amendment in the 2015 Obergefell decision declaring state bans on gay marriage unconstitutional, sexual orientation metastasized from a description of perceived sexual desires to our nation’s reigning idol,” Rosaria Butterfield said in a lecture at the Family Research Council in Washington, D.C.

“Idols seduce,” Butterfield said. “Idols demand allegiance.

“Idols steal worship from God, and idols destroy faith in God,” Butterfield said.

Butterfield, a former tenured professor at Syracuse University, converted to Christianity in 1999 and has written several books, including “The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert” and “Openness Unhindered, Further Thoughts of an Unlikely Covert on Sexual Identity and Union with Christ.”

“The Obergefell decision established into law the idea that our sexuality is inseparable from our spirit; that it captures the truth about who we really are and that to deny its expression violates the core of our identity,” Butterfield said.

Butterfield said she now believes God created male and female as “image bearers” and homosexual desires are outcroppings of original sin and all of its manifestations of sin suffered by all mankind.

She also said she regrets the role she played in advancing the homosexual agenda.

“Who am I, and how dare I say these things?” Butterfield said. “You see, this is not an easy conversation for me.

“You see, we live in the world now that I helped create,” Butterfield said. “The blood is on these hands.

“I spent 10 years of my life – between the ages of 26 and 36 – in serial monogamous lesbian relationships and working to advance LGBT rights,” Butterfield said.

Butterfield now lives in North Carolina with her husband and their four adopted children. She describes herself today as a “full-time mother and pastor’s wife, part-time author and occasional speaker.”

Lynn Wardell #fundie cnsnews.com

Legal marriage is a public institution, created by law to promote public policy and to further social interests including especially the well-being of members of society – particularly of children, mothers and families. Marriage has great significance for many important private interests, as well, such as for religion, for family ties, family history, and especially for personal identity.

What is deemed a marriage for purposes of the law may differ from what is deemed marriage for other purposes, such as for a specific academic discipline (such as sociology or ancient history, for example), or for a particular religious faith, private association, ethnic community, or for a specific set of cultural elites, etc. Just because a union is or is not deemed a legal marriage, this does not prevent any social subgroups from considering it a marriage (or a non-marriage) for their own (extra-legal) purposes.

The battle of what marriage means in the law can be seen from one important perspective as a battle among special interest groups each seeking to have their preferred understanding of marriage endorsed by the law and implemented in the law. Behind the marriage debate are political-economic interests.

Obsolescence is relevant. That is, if a huge gap opens up between the law and the moral order of society, one or the other must change or law risks becoming irrelevant. This “gap” also has profound significance for the legitimacy of the law. The very legitimacy of the law and even possibly the legitimacy of the legal system and its institutions (e.g., the courts, the legislature, the government) will be undermined if the law becomes obsolete. Thus, if legal marriage deviates profoundly from social understanding of marriage, both the institution of marriage and society in general are harmed.

The American form of government and legal system derive their just powers from the “consent of the governed,” according to the Declaration of Independence. The principle of popular sovereignty and ultimate popular control is the cornerstone of the American republic. Thus, the idea and understanding of any legal relationship in American laws, including marriage, should reflect the ideas about that relationship that arise from the people of America – if the law is legitimate.

Thus, the legitimate understanding and legal meaning of “marriage” in America and American laws should reflect the ideas about marriage and marriage values that prevail among the people of America. Reference to the consent of the governed is the acid test of whether a new law is legitimate or not. If that law was enacted by the constitutional consent of the governed – the procedures provided in the Constitution of the United States – it is constitutionally legitimate. If no, it is not. It’s really that simple.

By the standard of constitutional process and constitutional consent, the pedigree of same-sex marriage in the United States is very dubious. Same-sex marriage is the law of the land because five judges sitting on the Supreme Court ordered that all states must legalize same-sex marriage in their June 2015 ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges. Four justices wrote blistering dissenting opinions in Obergefell. So, by the vote of just one judge same-sex marriage was mandated for all states.

The history of legalization of same-sex marriage in the United States before Obergefell v. Hodges shows a massive litigation campaign by advocates of same-sex marriage who were repeatedly stymied and frustrated in the efforts to legalize same-sex marriage by proper democratic legislative or popular referendum process. However, denied popular support by voters and legislators in the states, the supporters of same-sex marriage turned to the courts and filed lawsuits in which activist super-legislator judges (most federal judges) in nearly three-fourths of the states ordered the states to legalize same-sex marriage. So same-sex marriage in the U.S. is constitutionally illegitimate and is the result of an anti-democratic litigation campaign designed to circumvent the democratic will and constitutional process for making marriage law.

Polls in the United States reported general opposition to the legalization of same-sex marriage until 2010. Poll results split between support for and opposition to same-sex marriage in 2010 and 2011, which seemed to be transition years. Since 2012, however, many polls have reported support for same-sex marriage in the 50-percentile range, with opposition in the 40-percentile range (give or take). Of course, polling results and results of secret balloting in elections often vary – sometimes significantly.

There are two key ways by which an institution may become obsolete: First, it may become obsolete by its neglect and non-usage; Second, it may become obsolete by its alteration so that it becomes, for all practical purposes, another institution – maintaining only the label, title or form of the former institution but in substance and function a very different institution.

The campaign to legalize same-sex marriage – resulting in judicial decisions in lawsuits in three-fourths of the states – shows clearly that marriage is not obsolete in the United States. Marriage matters, and it matters very much to many people on both sides of the same-sex marriage policy question and other marriage issues.

The judicial legalization of same-sex marriage also matters because it undermines not only the integrity of the institution of marriage but the integrity of the institution of the courts. More than either of the other branches of our government, the judiciary depends upon the trust of and the goodwill of the people to function effectively. Lacking both sword (executive power) and shield (legislative power) the judiciary depends upon willing compliance in most cases. So when people disrespect the courts and believe that they are biased ideologically or otherwise, the prospects for voluntary compliance with judicial decrees lessen.

So marriage matters and the constitutional processes of our republic also matter. Both marriage and our constitutional system have been weakened by the illegitimate judicial legalization of same-sex marriage.

afchief #fundie cnsnews.com

The Liberal mind has the moral world upside down. It thinks God/Reality should bow and justify to it, rather than it to God/Reality. It thinks by collectivizing that it can force such bowing. But all it accomplishes is to make itself morally irrelevant, by surrendering its conscience, responsibility, and children to a false collective. It believes it has entitlement without responsibility, charity without sacrifice, and morality without limit. What it actually has is dehumanization. We are living in an age of moral zombies who celebrate zombiehood. There is no co-existence. There will prevail, one or the other.

Liberalism truly is a mental disorder....there is no other explanation (except spiritual). We don't need to over analyze it. When truth, facts, reason, logic and historic precedent fall on deaf ears you have psychosis on your hands.

A Democrat is the only animal (yes animal) that can kill a baby and say, “God bless you and God bless the United States.”

Hoosier Mo #homophobia #fundie cnsnews.com

Mr. Brewer has stated his case perfectly. He is absolutely right that the militant homosexual movement (I call them the "gay gestapo") are as totalitarian as the Nazis, who would destroy anyone or anything that stands in their way. I can only hope and pray that the Supreme Court will realize the gravity of their decision on "gay marriage", and not fall prey to the threats and pressure from the homosexual activists. If the SCOTUS does make gay marriage legal in the entire country, I will be one of many who will stand up to this un-Godly legislation. The Supreme Court is NOT the Supreme Being.

Anne Graham Lotz #fundie cnsnews.com

Christian evangelist Anne Graham Lotz, daughter of world-renowned Pastor Billy Graham, is calling on Americans to pray and fast for nine days, May 15-23, to ask God for help in these distressful times because, she says, God is warning that “His judgment is coming on America and on our world, and it’s going to be ugly.”

Anne Graham Lotz’s concerns echoed those she made at a Watchmen on the Wall conference, where she referenced the story of Noah and the flood and people eating, drinking, and giving in marriage, while indifferent to God, and warned that today many people “have no idea they are living on an abyss, and judgment is getting ready to fall.”

In the invitation to the May 15-23 “Mayday! Distress Call for Prayer,” Anne Graham Lotz, the author of 11 books and holder of six honorary doctorates, notes that she recently was teaching a seminar on the first two chapters of Joel in the Old Testament and said the “impact was profound.”

“I knew God had spoken,” she said. “The messages almost made the hair stand up on the back of my neck. Why? Because God was clearly warning that His judgment is coming on America and on our world, and it’s going to be ugly. I knew it then, and I know it now.”

Referencing the evangelical belief in the Rapture when Jesus returns, Anne Graham Lotz said that when authentic Christians are gone, “Institutions will collapse. Banks will close. The Stock Market will plunge. Planes will fall out of the sky. Cars will crash on the road. Government in America at every level will disintegrate.”

“Families will be torn apart,” she said. “In the unprecedented turmoil, our nation will be vulnerable for our enemies to seize the moment and attack us. There will be mass chaos, confusion, fear, grief, despair, anger, threats, danger — judgment.”

However, just as God allowed the Israelites to suffer through the ten plagues before they were delivered in the Exodus, Christians may have to endure “distress and trouble” before God brings peace,” she said, and thus Christians need to pray, “to cry out to God on behalf of our nation and our world.”

Conrad #homophobia cnsnews.com

Homosexuals = 65 Percent of ALL new HIV infections.

Homosexuals = 82 Percent of ALL new HIV infections in males.

WHOPPING, considering that homosexuals just make up about 2 percent of the population. And what is not given is that other research indicates that even so-called hetero contact HIV is really homosexual in origin. It's just that infected, closeted bisexuals get the disease from other homosexuals, then sleep with unsuspecting Straight females.

Franklin Graham #fundie cnsnews.com

“We live in a secular society led by people that call themselves progressives," said Rev. Graham, son of renowned evangelist Billy Graham, at the Oklahoma State Evangelism Conference on Jan. 26. "When communism, the Berlin Wall came down, everybody said, ‘we won,’ and [then] secularism came.”

“Secularism and communism are the same thing,” he said. “They’re godless. They’re anti-Christ. So now we have the secularists who’ve taken control of our country. They’ve taken control of Washington. They’ve taken control our city governments, our local governments, our school boards all across the country, and we have just sat back. It’s happened and we haven’t even realized it’s happened.”

He continued, “Now, you say, Franklin, your father [Billy Graham] wouldn’t get on to these subjects. Wait a second. My father, when he was going to school, they had a Bible in school. When he was going to school, they had the Ten Commandments on the wall. When he was going to school, you could pray in school, and the teachers would lead in those prayers.”

“Our country has changed.,” said Franklin Graham. “ We’ve got to take a stand. We cannot back up, we cannot retreat.”

“Let me tell you something, the church needs to get involved in politics,” he said. “Now I’m not talking about Baptist or Republicans and Tea Party – I don’t even know who they are – but I have no confidence that any of these politicians or any party is going to turn this country around. The only hope for this country is for men and women of God to stand up and take a stand.”

Steve Harvey #fundie cnsnews.com

Harvey, who also hosts a radio show and started his career in stand-up comedy, went on to say that Darwinism is essentially nonsense because he doesn’t think the universe “spun out of a gastrous ball and then all of a sudden we were evolved from monkeys.” If that were true, he says, then “why we still got monkeys?”

Harvey, host of the Family Feud, the Steve Harvey show, and author of the best seller Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man made his comments during separate interviews with talks show hosts Tyra Banks and Joy Behar.

During the interview with Tyra Banks, an audience member asked for some dating advice and Harvey said one of the most important questions to ask is, “Does he have a relationship with God?”

Billy Graham #fundie cnsnews.com

Reverend Billy Graham, arguably the most well-known and respected evangelical preacher of the last 50 years, said in a recently published commentary that America was “founded by men who believed in prayer” and that prayer can turn “the tide of history,” adding that while “America is just as wicked as Sodom and Gomorrah” and deserves “the judgment of God,” this judgment can be lessened through prayer.

“Even though America is just as wicked as Sodom and Gomorrah ever were, and as deserving of the judgment of God, God would spare us if we were earnestly praying, with hearts that had been cleansed and washed by the blood of Christ,” said Rev. Graham in his commentary for Decision magazine, published by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

“The problems of the world will never be settled unless our national leaders go to God in prayer,” he said. “If only they would discover the power and wisdom that there is in reliance upon God, we could soon see the solution to the grave problems that face the world!”


Reverend Graham’s comments start off in saying, “Our nation was founded by men who believed in prayer,” and notes that Benjamin Franklin, in addressing the 1787 Constitutional Convention, said that “God governs in the affairs of men.”

“Today the world is being carried on a rushing torrent of history that is sweeping out of control,” said Rev. Graham. “There is but one power available to redeem the course of events, and that is the power of prayer by God-fearing, Christ-believing people.”

He continued, “One of the reasons the United Nations has become so ineffective in handling world situations is that there is no prayer, no recognition of God. Unless the leaders of nations turn to God in prayer, their best plans will fail, just as did the plans of those who built the tower of Babel.”

Rev. Graham then noted numerous instances from the Bible where people “turned the tide of history by prayer.” For example, he notes, Elisha prayed and a young man was raised from the dead; Jesus prayed and Lazarus rose from the dead; the thief on the cross next to Jesus prayed and Jesus told him he would go to paradise that day; John Wesley prayed and religious fervor grew in England, and the same happened with Johnathan Edwards in Northampton.

“I tell you, history could be altered and changed again if people went to their knees in believing prayer,” said Rev. Graham.

Cardinal Francis #fundie cnsnews.com

(CNSNews.com) – Cardinal Francis George, head of the Catholic archdiocese of Chicago, said the levers of power in government, education, entertainment, and media are enforcing a “public creed,” a “fake church” that requires all citizens to approve of gay marriage and related sexual anomalies or be punished by the State, just “as Christians and Jews are fined for their religion in countries governed by Sharia law.”
Cardinal George, who was president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) in 2007-10, made his remarks in his Sept. 7 column for the archdiocesean newspaper. In his commentary, the cardinal explains that America, despite social frictions at certain times, had always strived to ensure religious freedom and respect for different religions.

The State, in the past, had “kept its promise to protect all religions and not become a rival to them, a fake church,” said the cardinal.

But that has now changed, he said. “In recent years, society has brought social and legislative approval to all types of sexual relationships that used to be considered ‘sinful,’” he continued. “Since the biblical vision of what it means to be human tells us that not every friendship or love can be expressed in sexual relations, the church’s teaching on these issues is now evidence of intolerance for what the civil law upholds and even imposes.”

“What was once a request to live and let live has now become a demand for approval,” said Cardinal George, whose archdiocese includes about 2.2 million Catholics. “The ‘ruling class,’ those who shape public opinion in politics, in education, in communications, in entertainment, is using the civil law to impose its own form of morality on everyone.”

“We are told that, even in marriage itself, there is no difference between men and women, although nature and our very bodies clearly evidence that men and women are not interchangeable at will in forming a family,” he said. “Nevertheless, those who do not conform to the official religion, we are warned, place their citizenship in danger.”
“Since all public institutions, no matter who owns or operates them, will be agents of the government and conform their activities to the demands of the official religion, the practice of medicine and law will become more difficult for faithful Catholics,” said Cardinal George. “It already means in some States that those who run businesses must conform their activities to the official religion or be fined, as Christians and Jews are fined for their religion in countries governed by Sharia law.”

America is dead - RIP #fundie cnsnews.com

The Democrats achieved a major long term goal in November, one that they have worked on for over 40 years: dumbing down the population (complements of the teacher's unions), along with the assistance of the vast quantities of communist professors in our colleges.

You see, if the average American voter's intelligence was that of what it was even 20 years ago, there would be NO WAY that Obama would be in office, let alone re-elected (whatever THAT means nowadays). There is NO WAY that the Democrats would get away with a third of the corrupt anti-American stuff that they're freely doing now, and laughing in America's face as they do it.

But now - we truly have a Nation of Idiots....

- Blacks that only vote on the basis of color and Da Free Ride, and a chance to 'stick it to da man', ala OJ Simpson murder trial verdict style.

- We have a vast quantity of Hispanics that really don't know or care about America, but as long as their illegal relatives can stay, that our southern border door is jammed open, and their invading families get the Ultimate Free Ride in the form of the Democrat-supported Dream Act, hey, yo quero, hombre!!!!! La Raza will RULE this country, you stupid gringos!

- Finally, we have a huge amount of young white single liberal slutpuppies that are programmed to feel guilty that they're white, that care only about their personal Right to Kill their unborn inconvenient children, OMG who is texting me now, and the ability to be a causal semen recepticle for the next cute guy in their college class when and how they choose....

Put all of these groups all together, and there isn't enough collective, objective intelligence to light the average home.

And we wonder how Obama got re-elected, and the Democrats still hold most of the power...

I wonder now if it'll ever change, but this country won't be around long enough for another presidential election.

nmrabbit #fundie cnsnews.com

The US Census says there are only .7% of the US population that are non-believers. I take issue with that claim. 12% of the population are far-left liberal progressive idiots. So that makes it 12.7% non-believers, because anybody who visciously attacks somebody orally or phylically is a non-believer. Most were born during the 50,60,70 and 80's. Very little parent guidance and very little religous training. Only time they were in church was for a wedding or funeral. Some for free food. Having never read either the Koran or the Bible, I don't understand how they can have a view on the subject. That's like telling everybody how to do or how good *** is, when you have never had any. These people need to be pitied. They are the mob. Not the gang type either. They always follow a leader. They don't care or want to know who or what the leader stands for; they just got to follow a leader. Because, following a leader allows them to excuse themselves from knowledge.

dixiesuzan #homophobia cnsnews.com

There was a time when being a US Marine meant it was illegal to be a homosexual. Then it became legal to do homosexual acts as long as you didnt tell and no one could ask you. Next step is that it will be mandatory to be a homosexual, and nothing else. An army of armed homosexuals with nuclear weapons capability is an army to be feared indeed.

Guy Berthault #fundie cnsnews.com

Each time an objection was made to the theory of evolution on scientific grounds a modification was introduced. Normally, any standard scientific theory would have been abandoned after two or three legitimate objections had been raised. This was not, however, the case with evolution. The continuing series of ‘ad hoc’ modifications made since the theory was launched in 1859 to this day distinguishes it from any theory claiming to be scientific.

sing #fundie cnsnews.com

[On a story about an atheist bus campaign in London which would have 30 buses have the slogan 'There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.' ]

The fact that atheists believe "there’s probably no God" means that they also believe there's probably a God.

Westboro Baptist Church #fundie cnsnews.com

The Westboro group says the Amish school girls were "killed by a madman in punishment for Gov. Ed Rendell's blasphemous sins against Westboro Baptist Church.

"Gov. Ed Rendell -- speaking and acting in his official capacity to bind the State of Pennsylvania -- slandered and mocked and ridiculed and condemned Westboro Baptist Church on national Fox TV," the group says on its website.

"Rendell also revealed a conspiracy to employ the State's police powers to destroy WBC in order to silence WBC's Gospel message. Co-conspirators identified by Rendell included state officials, citizens, lawyers, legislators and media," the website says.

Westboro Baptist Church said it is "continuing to pray for even worse punishment upon Pennsylvania."