Henry Clay Allen and Robert Séror #quack #crackpot homeoint.org
The Materia Medica of the Nosodes.
By Henry Clay ALLEN, M. D.
Presented and arranged by Dr Robert Séror.
(South Pole of the Magnet)
(Submitter’s summary:
This is a “proving”, the process by which homeopaths try to figure out what magic healing effects to assign to something. The details are uninteresting, since it’s just a long list of anything to the test subjects self-report. The formatting is pretty crazy, though
* everything but the header quoted above is the same size.
* Instead, formatting is done through colours:
- Normal text is blue
- Case studies are in brown
- Section titles are red, as are brackets, names and seemingly random words in the case studies
- Some lines at the beginning of a section are green and start with one to three red capital Is.
* Every section (body part or category of symptoms) title ends with “(Magnetis Polus Australis)”