
Illuminati Watchdog #homophobia #conspiracy #wingnut illuminatiwatchdog.blogspot.com

The discovery of HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) in the 1970s provided that opportunity (History records that the virus itself was not discovered until the mid-1980s, just more brainwashing by the order). Knowing that the disease could be transmitted by few vectors other than sex, the Illuminati decided to deliberately infect America's gay population, including some of its own members. We know this sounds crazy but bear with us here, it will make sense.

By causing an epidemic among homosexuals (males in particular), the Illuminati was able to steer the media into covering this horrible plight, which in turn provided sympathy for gays. Instead of being viewed as deviants or perverts, homosexuals began to be seen as victims. Individual case studies telling the tragedies of numerous individuals began to pour into America's living rooms. Within a few years, Americans began to relent on some of its reservations about gay sex. By the 1990s, gays could openly flaunt their orientation in public. Ellen Degeneres came out on here show, and then there's the all too famous Seinfeld quote, "Not that there's anything wrong with that."

None of this acceptance would have occurred when it did if it wasn't for the AIDS crisis. While the Illuminati sacrificed hundreds of thousands of its own to pave the road to acceptance, the strategy was successful. AIDS forced America to focus on the plight of gays and see their lifestyle as non-threatening to their own. However, the Illuminati did not stop there. Instead of attaining mere toleration, it pushed (and continues to do so) to make homosexuality a mainstream lifestyle. Artists such as Katy Perry encourage children to experiment with bi-sexuality, and other programs such as "Six Feet Under" imply that everyone can be gay if they make the choice.

This revolution of homosexuality is now in full throttle, and it has been building since those very first AIDS cases were diagnosed over thirty years ago. That is the Illuminati's victory and its success after its failure in the 1960s.

Illuminati Watchdog #conspiracy #wingnut illuminatiwatchdog.blogspot.com

Stay Away from Taco Bell and Its "Belluminati" Campaign
The Illuminati is making one of its most overt attempts to determine whether its brainwashing program is working, and that's through Taco Bell's "Belluminati" marketing campaign. The Mexican fast food chain already has a shady history that's shrouded in symbolism. Just take a look at how 666 and an evil eye are crafted into its logo, but none of that compares to what the company is doing now. It's literally telling people to come eat food endorsed by the Illuminati, and the campaign is highly popular. Why the Illuminati is choosing to do this at this point probably has more to do with its wanting to determine how much influence it truly has over the masses following the election of Donald Trump, who continues to defy the order at every turn.

Before we go much further, let's talk about the "Belluminati" logo. Now, conspiracy theorists have been saying for years that the Taco Bell logo has an eye in it, which can be seen at the bell's base. Of course, people and the company have refuted this by saying that it's just a coincidence and that the resemblance of an eye was not intentional. That can't be the case anymore. At the center of the "Belluminati" logo is the eye portion of the Taco Bell logo. This alone verifies that the company is really part of the order. It also confirms what conspiracy theorists have been saying for years.

What's even more sinister is what secret ingredients the Illuminati may be slipping into Taco Bell's food. Local franchise operators have no say in how the food is prepared, which occurs at centrally located plants, and cannot vouch for its actual quality. So there is no way of knowing what actually goes into it. One thing is for certain is that Taco Bell's beef is mixed with some kind of spicy taco mix to give it flavor. We're guessing that's what the Illuminati have tainted. They might even have put nanotechnology in the ingredients. People go there to eat tacos and not realize that they're ingesting nanobots that will latch on to their nervous systems and make them even more susceptible to suggestion. The Illuminati could be doing this to turn everyone into mindless drones or even something similar to zombies. Could the "Belluminati" ad campaign be the vehicle to start this?

The Illuminati has always been hiding in plain sight. It's possible that the senior members just want to see how far they can push it before people commonly accept the order's existence. However, this seems like more of an attempt to do something sinister. When the Illuminati places its stamp on people's food, something sinister is in the works. What's even scarier is that all of this comes on the heels of the reports of UFO fact-finding departments under the Pentagon, which delivers proof that the planet is being visited by aliens. Pyramids and aliens have been consistently present in films and popular culture, and we here at IW have written extensively about them. This latest evidence only goes to prove that the Illuminati is in contact with extra-terrestrial beings and has been for centuries. This leads us to the question of whether the "Belluminati" campaign is being used to implant alien technology into people?

These are scary times, made even worse by Taco Bell openly promoting the secret order. Who knows what they're doing, but all we can say is stay away from that chain. That Taco Supreme is not worth it, nor is the Nachos Bell Grande.

Bruce #fundie #conspiracy illuminatiwatchdog.blogspot.com

Why the Illuminati Hides the Flat Earth Truth

The Earth is flat and flat as a pancake for that matter. Forget what your science teachers and textbooks taught you as a child. They're aren't based in actual evidence, just what some "authority" told them to write. The true evidence isn't in what has been presented but by what is missing. The Illuminati continues to want to brainwash people into believing what it wants them to believe. A round Earth leads to the notion of an insignificant Earth. And an insignificant Earth equates to meaninglessness for the rest of us. When people are convinced that they have no meaning or no purpose, they are much more malleable to brainwashing.

For this article, we're not going to make the convincing case that the Earth is flat. There are tons of resources out there that can convey the wealth of evidence to support this theory. And yes, the evidence is more plentiful than that used support the theory of evolution. Those of us who believe differently, of course, are subjected to persecution and ridicule. The Illuminati dismisses us as stupid and does not refute our arguments. What we will discuss is what the order hopes to accomplish and hide from us by promoting a round Earth theory.

The reasons come from truth and spirituality as well as the ephemeral levels of our universe. The Illuminati knows that there are three levels sandwiched together like a hamburger. The topmost level is heaven and God's kingdom. This is where the messiah and the angels reside. In other words, all things good. The second or mid-level tier is our Earth. It is the meat, which surrounded above and below by spiritual forces. The lowest level is hell and the demons. It is fire and brimstone, not to mention suffering beyond all comprehension. The Illuminati knows this in-depth. That's why its sick and twisted rituals revolve around devil worship.

Simple geology can tell us all. Below the surface of our flat Earth, which is the battleground for infinite good and evil forces to fight for control, is unimaginable hell. Every time a volcano erupts, it's literally hell spewing forth on the planet. That's why the Illuminati wants to hide the truth. The order wants us to believe that everything is rooted in "science" and that we are just piles of biology eeking out meaningless existences with no hope and no future.

The truth is that we are living in a creation that didn't happen by accident and that good is battling against evil for control. The Earth is just the layer in between, but if we are to believe that it is round, then that is to acknowledge that hell has no reality. That's what the Illuminati wants us to think. They want us to believe in the secular and convince us that God is not real and that we have no reason for being here. They do this through media, pop culture, and education.

Remember, volcanoes are portals to hell, and the sun is a window to God's kingdom which is too pure to gaze upon with human eyes. This is the truth that the Illuminati doesn't want you to know.

Illuminati Watchdog #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #dunning-kruger illuminatiwatchdog.blogspot.com

Why the Illuminati Hides the Flat Earth Truth
The Earth is flat and flat as a pancake for that matter. Forget what your science teachers and textbooks taught you as a child. They're aren't based in actual evidence, just what some "authority" told them to write. The true evidence isn't in what has been presented but by what is missing. The Illuminati continues to want to brainwash people into believing what it wants them to believe. A round Earth leads to the notion of an insignificant Earth. And an insignificant Earth equates to meaninglessness for the rest of us. When people are convinced that they have no meaning or no purpose, they are much more malleable to brainwashing.

For this article, we're not going to make the convincing case that the Earth is flat. There are tons of resources out there that can convey the wealth of evidence to support this theory. And yes, the evidence is more plentiful than that used support the theory of evolution. Those of us who believe differently, of course, are subjected to persecution and ridicule. The Illuminati dismisses us as stupid and does not refute our arguments. What we will discuss is what the order hopes to accomplish and hide from us by promoting a round Earth theory.

The reasons come from truth and spirituality as well as the ephemeral levels of our universe. The Illuminati knows that there are three levels sandwiched together like a hamburger. The topmost level is heaven and God's kingdom. This is where the messiah and the angels reside. In other words, all things good. The second or mid-level tier is our Earth. It is the meat, which surrounded above and below by spiritual forces. The lowest level is hell and the demons. It is fire and brimstone, not to mention suffering beyond all comprehension. The Illuminati knows this in-depth. That's why its sick and twisted rituals revolve around devil worship.

Simple geology can tell us all. Below the surface of our flat Earth, which is the battleground for infinite good and evil forces to fight for control, is unimaginable hell. Every time a volcano erupts, it's literally hell spewing forth on the planet. That's why the Illuminati wants to hide the truth. The order wants us to believe that everything is rooted in "science" and that we are just piles of biology eeking out meaningless existences with no hope and no future.

The truth is that we are living in a creation that didn't happen by accident and that good is battling against evil for control. The Earth is just the layer in between, but if we are to believe that it is round, then that is to acknowledge that hell has no reality. That's what the Illuminati wants us to think. They want us to believe in the secular and convince us that God is not real and that we have no reason for being here. They do this through media, pop culture, and education.

Remember, volcanoes are portals to hell, and the sun is a window to God's kingdom which is too pure to gaze upon with human eyes. This is the truth that the Illuminati doesn't want you to know.

Illuminati Watchdog #conspiracy #wingnut illuminatiwatchdog.blogspot.com

Gravity Falls for the Illuminati

It's no secret that the Walt Disney company promotes Illuminati propaganda on a regular basis, but most of its efforts are around subtle messaging rather than overt brainwashing. However, one of its more recent shows transcends this boundary and introduces a character that is nothing short of flaunting pro-Illuminati symbols. This show is Gravity Falls, and the character is Bill Cipher.

As the series' lead antagonist, Bill Cipher is considered a "dream demon" who can enter the minds of individuals, steal knowledge, and always watching people. Additionally, he is plotting for his "big day" and making deals to make that end goal a reality. Based on these traits alone, Bill is already the embodiment of the Illuminati, but what makes this character even more nefarious is his appearance. Bill is a pyramid with a single eye. In fact, Disney fully acknowledges that he's been modeled on the Eye of Providence. To make him cartoonish and attractive to a younger audience, they gave him a top hat and bow tie.

This brainwashing strategy isn't meant for older audiences, most of whom are already familiar with the conspiracy theory. Instead, it's intended to create a silly reference in the minds of children that will implant itself during those crucial developmental years. As those children grow up and begin to learn more about our flat world (and yes, it's very flat), they will be exposed to the truth about the Illuminati and the Eye of Providence. Unfortunately, the first reference that will come to mind is Bill Cipher, and it will be harder for them to acknowledge reality when they instantly connect it with a goofy caricature.

This is not a new trick the Illuminati uses. They've been doing it for decades through children's programs. Does anyone remember World Championship Wrestling's New World Order? Television has always been a medium for Illuminati brainwashing, and that's because it works. Just the other day, one of our correspondents reported that his son had been watching Gravity Falls and had made paper figurines of all the characters. Guess who his favorite was. Yep, it was Bill Cipher. And no, the little fellow didn't understand the dark symbolism behind the character's traits and appearance. Needless to say that our correspondent has deprogramming work ahead.

To everyone else, we say avoid programs like Gravity Falls and keep close tabs on what your children watch. Because one day, you're going to have to tell them the truth about the Illuminati and the world's future. Do you really want Disney making the first impression?

Bruce #conspiracy illuminatiwatchdog.blogspot.com

The Illuminati relies on spies and lots of them. Some of these spies are well planted within everyday organizations and others are hiding in plain sight, working for detective and security agencies. One of the most notable is the Pinkerton Detective Agency. This historic company has its roots going all the way back to the Civil War with spy Allan Pinkerton who later went on to found a sprawling network of spies and hired muscle. As the decades passed, the Pinkertons as they became known were responsible for strikebreaking activities and other Illuminati missions designed to protect and promote the secret order.


None of this is more evident than in the company's logos, both current and historic. The classic past Pinkerton logo is in the shape of an eye with an eye in the center, very telling that it's the Illuminati. Don't think that symbolism wasn't evident even back in the 19th century. Remember, this goes back to the founding of the U.S. and earlier. The current Pinkerton logo has even more overt Illuminati symbolism, an eye with a triangle. This couldn't be anymore obvious and definitely not a coincidence. There is little doubt that the Pinkertons of today work to forward an Illuminati agenda.


In addition, the larger worldwide Swedish security conglomerate, Securitas, owns Pinkerton, and the symbolism is just as visible in that company's logo as well. Securitas' logo consists of three red dots, which is representative of the unholy trinity. Together these companies are serving their Illuminati masters and promoting espionage and clandestine services in the name of the secret order. It's a good bet that their secret operatives could even be watching you.


Bruce #conspiracy illuminatiwatchdog.blogspot.com

Kim Jong Un plays a vital role in the Illuminati's overall scheme and may even be a part of it himself. Regardless of his membership status, he had to have paid homage to the Satanist cult and did so through a series of homosexual acts and ceremonies. This is where Dennis Rodman's visit comes into play. The former NBA star and is colorful persona was the perfect Illuminati envoy. Rodman has done and will do almost anything, and the Illuminati dispatched him to North Korea to "induct" Kim into the order's subservience.

These secret ceremonies involve several perverted acts beginning with sodomy (the inductee is the receiver). This act is performed multiple times and done throughout various parts of the day, according to the positioning of the moon. The first sodomization is done through a bondage position. The second is performed in a position resembling a goat and might have been accomplished with the administrator wearing a goat mask. Finally, the third act is completed with the receiver standing straight and being sodomized from behind. Kim would have had to perform all three acts to pay homage to the Illuminati.

To someone as prideful as Kim Jong Un, these homosexual acts must have been highly undignifying, but they were necessary for him to maintain his power. After pledging his allegiance, Kim can now maintain a tight grip on North Korea with a lot of help from his true masters, the Illuminati.

Illuminati Watchdog #fundie illuminatiwatchdog.blogspot.com

How Donald Trump Figures into the Illuminati's 2016 Election Plans
Every week since the Donald has filed, we've heard stronger and more incendiary comments against immigrants, war heroes, and women; yet predicted consequences continue to elude the controversial candidate. In fact, the opposite is happening. Mr. Trump continues to gain support. His poll numbers are rising faster than a souffle on steroids, and his popularity knows no bounds leaving us here at IW to ponder what all of this means.

Initially, we thought that Hillary Clinton would capture the electorate. She's an established Illuminati candidate and a conspirator for both 9/11s (World Trade Center and Benghazi. For more, see our article). Her campaign logo also indicates this connection with the arrow flying through the two vertical lines of the "H" which more closely resembles a plane flying into two towers than a letter. Given the imagery and her past, we figured she was an obvious favorite by the secret order.

Then Trump entered, which came out of nowhere. And what makes this so perplexing is that he is a senior Illuminati member. He's one of the guys who pulls the strings from the shadows. Now, he's shaking up the political scene by offsetting the establishment candidates. What could the purpose of all this be?

One theory is that he has run afoul of the secret order and is "going rogue" to show what he can do. This would explain his unusual campaign strategies and the media's relentless pursuit to assassinate his character. He's so familiar with standard political brainwash that he knows how to break through it and get a message across. Maybe, he had a falling out with the Bilderbergs or wanted to go with an alternate plan for introducing the NWO. Regardless of the reason, he could become a real spoiler if elected.

Another idea is that he is the Illuminati's main choice and is intended to usher in Armageddon. This would fit with his aggressive personality and jingoistic foreign policy. Instead of diplomacy, the Donald would negotiate with smart bombs and tactical nuclear missiles, exactly what's needed to end the old order and begin the new. Can you imagine Hillary dropping the nukes and ordering legions of tanks into endless war? We don't think so either.

A third possibility is that Trump is merely a shadow for the order's "real" candidate, and given how much press he's getting, this is also a viable explanation. There are currently 17 Republican presidential hopefuls, more than we've ever seen. One of them will become the nominee and maybe win the general election. Trump's bombastic campaign may be little more than a screen for someone like Jeb Bush or Rand Paul to cement his allegiance with the Illuminati honchos.

As of now, we can't say for certain what Donald Trump's true purpose is. We can certainly say that he is grade A entertainment, which is likely intended to draw in the masses for obvious brainwashing. Hopefully, we'll have a better idea as the Iowa caucuses draw nearer and the Republican primary field shows some more definition. Until then, we'll be watching.

Illuminati Watchdog #fundie illuminatiwatchdog.blogspot.com

The Illuminati Tells Us to Look for Signs in "Signs"
The 2002 blockbuster "Signs" was basically a film about humans fighting aliens, but director M. Night Shyamalan intended for it to be much more. Throughout the storyline, Mel Gibson's character (Graham Hess) talks to his brother (Merrill Hess) about how to interpret events. He says that things can be viewed two different ways. The first is that something could be a sign or message, and that the other is just a moment of chance or coincidence. As the movie progresses, events reveal that everything is a sign in actuality. This occurs when Graham realizes that everything that had been happening to his family over the past year (spousal death, son's asthma, and daughter's fixation on fresh water) was necessary in order for them to survive the aliens. In the end, he realized that he saw signs and not coincidences. Ultimately, this was the theme of Shyamalan's movie, but he wasn't referring to God.

For the Illuminati, every movie released has a purpose. Most of them serve to perpetuate the order's brainwashing efforts and to suck more money from the masses. However, some films seek to achieve alternative goals. First and foremost, the Illuminati is a religious organization that seeks to establish a new world order that serves Satan. As part of its agenda, it releases messages to the public. In many ways, pop culture can be interpreted as some kind of unholy testament filled with prophecies and wisdom. "Signs" falls into the latter category. The Illuminati is preaching a message of perspective.

This movie is about much more than having faith. It's a message from the Illuminati telling us that they place signs for us to see. Graham Hess realized that at the end. He discovered that everything had a purpose. What the secret order places in pop culture functions the same way, it all has a purpose. In reality, there are two types of people. The first consists of the believers, those who see the symbols and realize their greater significance. Then there's the other, the skeptics who think that triangles, eyes, and numerology are just coincidence. These people dismiss all of the dark references as mere accidents or inspiration. What they see is nothing, and that's if they're even looking.

The film is really saying that we need to see the signs. Everything out there no matter how small and insignificant is a deliberate message. We may not realize their true meanings for some time, but we will have the knowledge when we need it most. Graham wondered why his wife babbled incoherently before dying, and Merrill questioned his insatiable desire to swing during every at bat. Their answers could not have come at a better time.

"Signs" says much more than that, too. Not only is it telling us to see the many Illuminati references as part of something greater, it's telling us that we must heed these messages to survive whatever ordeal in which we're about to endure. The secret order is planning some kind of apocalyptic event. It could be a war, space invasion, global epidemic, or even zombies for that matter. Those who will survive are the ones that are prepared, the ones that see the signs.

Illuminati Watchdog #conspiracy illuminatiwatchdog.blogspot.com

Five Reasons Why Cracked.com Is Filled with Liars!
The American humor website, Cracked.com, makes a mint off of its low-brow mockery of all things it can grasp whether it's video games or B-movies. Very little can escape the simian intellects of its vile writers. Until now, we here at IW have taken little notice of this site's depraved content, but that has recently changed. Cracked.com published an article that states those of us who promote conspiracy theories are "destroying the world".

This is not the first time that the humor site has denigrated those who stand for the truth. Its writers have frequently made fun of anyone who believes in the Illuminati, the truth behind 9/11, and the moon landing hoax. However, this latest article has sparked more outrage on our side than anything previously seen, so much to the point where we feel that a rebuttal is necessary.

"5 Reasons Conspiracy Theories Are Destroying the World" is based on multiple fallacies and Illuminati lies. The first "reason" concerns the amount of knowledge available to us via the internet. The writers assert that more knowledge leads to more theories and thus more ignorance. That cannot be further from the truth. Knowledge is power and will always be so. Only those who want to help usher in the NWO would promote such anti-intellectualism.

The second one is possibly one of the most vicious, and that's the one accusing truth seekers (anti-vaccination advocates) of killing people with our perspectives. We had a hard time stomaching just how low Cracked went on that one. Do not trust the stats on that website. They are most likely manipulated. Besides, there is a preponderance of evidence that America over-vaccinates its children. If you don't believe us, just check how many shots other developed countries recommend in comparison to the U.S. We'll save you the time and give you the answer, it's a lot less.

The remaining garbage items on Cracked's list don't even come close to holding water. The third one indicating that conspiracy theories are a big business is rubbish. Most people who do their homework on pundits such as Alex Jones and Glenn Beck realize that they're just pieces of the Illuminati's gigantic puzzle. And as far as "bringing out the worst in people" (#4) goes, that bit is just poorly connected anecdotes that lack any real numbers.

The fifth and final item that accuses us of making it "impossible to fix the real problems" is way off the mark. For starters, WE ARE TRYING TO FIX THE REAL PROBLEMS!!! The hidden forces that control our world is the most pressing issue, and we are doing everything we can to raise awareness to stop it. How dare Cracked try to insinuate otherwise.

These people who try to debunk us fail miserably. The only ones they convince are those already brainwashed. That's because we do base our findings on evidence, we do consider all possibilities, and we do subject our findings to scrutiny. If you still don't believe, just take an objective look at the state of the world. It's rapidly becoming a morally bankrupt cesspool all set for the beast to take over.

If you're interested in seeing the original Cracked article, here's the link. http://www.cracked.com/article_21341_5-ways-every-conspiracy-theory-makes-world-worse_p2.html