
Jordan Sather #wingnut #conspiracy jordansather.substack.com

The exposure of the Pedo-Satanist aspect of our wonderful Cult Cabal elite has been growing in speed and intensity over the last few years. From the Pizzagate releases of 2016 exposing John Podesta, to Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell being taken down in 2019/2020, to much more being exposed in our modern day. Every year brings new surprises in the exposure of this depravity, and 2022 is not letting us down. This particular year has brought us many noteworthy stories exposing the pedophile satanists with big name companies getting outed, high-profile people discussing this issue publicly, and the mainstream media running cover for their Cabal masters harder than ever.
With all of these different exposés coming to a head at once - from Twitter being opened up, to Balenciaga getting ruined, to the migration onto Truth Social and Telegram where we can share the truth without being censored - the Deep State and their media puppets are in full blown panic.

Google searching the term “QAnon” will show a slew of pathetic hit pieces clearly written in a frenzied panic. The media tries to attach that strawman label to anything they are attempting to discredit, hoping any potential braindead readers will think “Oh! They must be extremists!”. Recently, the media is trying to say Elon Musk is now team QAnon simply because Musk is trying to eradicate child exploitation on his platform. They are also quite upset at Liz Crokin speaking on Mar-A-Lago grounds, running all sorts of attacks about “Trump hosting a QAnon and Pizzagate conspiracy theorist!”

You’d think the media would want to report on these devastating issues instead of try to cover them up and help the traffickers, but whatever, they expose themselves as evil hacks and give free publicity to the issues at the same time. Poetic.
As always, keep fighting for TRUTH, FREEDOM, and JUSTICE. We must shine a light on this darkness. We’re all in this together.

Jordan Sather #crackpot #conspiracy #racist jordansather.substack.com

Imagine the revolution society would undergo if “free energy”, better described as zero-point energy, and “anti-gravity”, or electro-gravitics, were taken seriously? Or, allowed to enter the public domain? Our lives would change in ways we can barely comprehend if electricity became so cheap, we were able to power our homes off-grid, and propulsion became many times faster, further, and less expensive.

”But this is stuff of science fiction! These ideas break the laws of physics!” - this is assuming we humans know exactly how the supposedly immutable “laws” of our universe operate. Time and time again throughout history scientific discoveries were made, only to later be rethought and reworked. Science is a process, not a thing, and the dogmas that institutions, authorities, and “experts” profess can be argued to have held humanity back more than propelled us forward.
Also notable is the untimely and mysterious demise of some of these names. Powerful interests on our planet have saw to it that their inventions and discoveries not see the light of day. There are numerous ways of maintaining secrecy and suppression that we will also cover in future articles.

If only the Rothschild bloodline was replaced by Nikola Tesla’s. If that were the case, we’d have already left our solar system.

If the reality of zero-point energy and electro-gravitic propulsion technologies were understood and accepted by the public, it would truly transform our society in ways we can barely fathom. The individuals working to bring these technologies to the public have been vehemently suppressed over the last century. In my opinion, this is one of the most important topics of our current day, and proper investigation will break down our understandings of science, history, politics, economics, and more. We must destroy the false illusions we’ve been given and rebuild our understandings and systems if we are to attain true freedom, prosperity, and sustainability on this planet.

Jordan Sather #wingnut #conspiracy jordansather.substack.com

There have always been infiltrators within patriot and truth seeking movements, why would there not be? Truth seeking movements, whether they’re about UFOs, 9/11, satanic cults, medical freedom, or any other topics the Deep State want to keep quiet would be target #1 for the Deep State to infiltrate in order to stifle their growth and marginalize these groups away from the mainstream consciousness. We know the FBI and CIA have had numerous psychological operations spanning back decades doing exactly that, COINTELPRO and PATCON being public ones. Logic would have it that there are more infiltration programs we don’t know about, even up to this current day.
It goes to note that many of these personalities ride the coattails of Q’s popularity in order to rope in their followers, too. We were told that “not all anons are authentic”, weren’t we? Infiltration over invasion, and all assets deployed? Too bad some Q followers out there didn’t take these warnings from Q to heart.
One of the worst things in my mind is that these clickbait narratives that irresponsible and/or deceptive “truthers” and “patriot” push is that it’s weaponized by the mainstream media against the whole movement. How many articles has the mainstream media printed using flat Earth, NESARA, JFK Jr., or tribunal nonsense to bash Q and “conspiracy theories” in general? It’s the poison the well tactics.

The truth movement is the wild west right now, with very little self-policing. That’s how many of these influencers have been able to spread their nonsense unabated and unchallenged. There are many vulnerable people who are scared, looking for hope in the midst of their fear about the world. That’s one reason so many have latched onto the hopium (false hopes) from this network. We must be vigilant, and we must use discernment and critical thinking. Keep your mind open, but not so open that your brains fall out.