
femmessias, ms-hells-bells #homophobia #sexist ms-hells-bells.tumblr.com


unpopular opinion but many gay men are not perverts because they‘re gay but because they‘re men.

straight men love to single out pedophilic and fetishist and sex offender gay men as if the big majority of pedophiles and fetishists and sex offenders arent straight men.

as if the issue is same-sex attraction and not maleness and masculinity.

on top i think straight male perversion is just more normalised than gay male perversion.

school girls are sexualised where school boys are not. girls‘ bodies are sexualised and even grown women are held to pedophilic standards (examples: shaved pussy, child like face, flat stomach). etc

they only care about gay male sexual violence because the victims are male, not because it‘s more common or worse in any way.

also, i think often sexual violence against men is not even committed by gay men but by other straight men (in prisons, at war, at school, hazing, by fathers, brothers, uncles …).

accusing gay men of being perverts due to homosexuality is just deflecting the real issue: maleness.

it‘s like white men singling out brown and black men when they commit violent acts. it‘s not because they‘re brown or black, it‘s because they‘re male.

just males being male.


“gay men are more promiscuous, they-”

Nah, it’s because it’s men, not because they’re gay. Women want to have sex less than men, so two men means more sex. The end.