
Tartaria Brazil #crackpot #conspiracy tartariabritannica.com

What does the radiation symbol mean?

The design is called a trefoil, the same name given to herbs with clover-shaped leaves. But no one has yet been able to reliably explain its origin. “We know that it was scribbled for the first time in 1946, in the radiation laboratory of the University of California, in Berkeley, United States”, explains the American physicist, Paul Frame from the University of Michigan, who for years studied the origin of the symbol.

This is what the story says and everyone believes, but this symbol was used for free energy stoves – heating without the need for firewood and coal.


The radiation symbol was used for Radium powered stoves.

We can see the golden container on the top of the stove here (see above), which was probably where the Radium was.
The secret removal of Radium (Ra) from modern civilization and its demonization as supposedly dangerous and radioactive was mostly successful. It is now one of the most expensive materials in the world. Who uses it, and why not everyone? According to Systemic Wikipedia, 2.3 kg of radium is found on Earth. In 1954, the total world supply of purified radium was about 5 pounds (2.3 kg) and is still in this range today. And they say that radium was “discovered” by Marie Curie and her husband, Pierre, on December 21, 1898. Lie!! They sold it 100 years ago as sugar and provided FREE ENERGY, whereas today we pay millions for heating.
Cultural planning against nuclear energy and radiation, as well as fear, is so ingrained in human minds that they cannot think. One-time events, such as the Hindenburg zeppelin, Chernobyl, and Fukushima disasters, are carefully constructed and then exploded throughout the media to influence collective psychology and diffuse consciousness. Do you realize what games your mind is playing?

The Old #crackpot #conspiracy tartariabritannica.com

To produce energy to feed the entire world, our Previous Civilization would use the most economical, abundant and clean element in the world.

The water.

The steam of water.

We were the Cyber Steam Civilization.

Our Ancestors would use steam from water as fuel to power all cities, industries, turbines, machines, engines and means of transportation.

For this, they would build canals surrounding all cities and Star Fortresses with water.

For the same reason, they built cities with underground cisterns, floating palaces and water towers in railway stations.

To transport water, they would build aqueducts that False History would call “Roman”.

Today, the false science call the steam from water hydrogen and helium.

This highly advanced civilization was annihilated in the 20th century through biological-chemical warfare, plasma weapons, floods, and scheduled mass exterminations.

Suddenly the Earth was deserted by billions of people.

In order to hide the fact that cities were deserted – since all the inhabitants had been killed, – Parasites would create false images by adding cars on horseback, cheap actors and false electricity wires.

All the architecture and technology would then be stolen and Parasites would settle in the castles of our ancestors.

They would later falsify our past and create the current ignorant civilization.

After conquering the Earth, Parasites would fill some places with a layer of clay and sand to hide our state-of-the-art underground structures, now claiming it was a “mudflood”.
Parasites would also carpet bomb our Earth, creating 800,000 lakes in Siberia, 30,000 islands in Canada, annihilating African cities and covering them with mining waste to turn them into deserts.

You can see African artificial deserts with blackened rock remnants, or gnarled trees. Some craters would turn into lakes, such as lake Victoria.

There are fragments of huge explosions all over the world.

In these lands, nothing else can be born.

The Old #crackpot #magick #conspiracy tartariabritannica.com

The high civilization called Tartary was destroyed in the 20th century through floods, energy weapons, scheduled mass exterminations, and epidemics.

All the architecture and technology was then stolen and passed into the hands of Parasites, who falsified our past and created the current ignorant civilization.

In fact, aether is the element or matter that connects everything electromagnetically.

Aether is the set of all Universe ‘spheres’.

Atmosphere, Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, lonosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere, Plasmasphere.

They all are Aether.

Aether is also the four elements — earth, water, air, fire.

They are the result from aether’s vibrations.
On the fictitious date of April-July 1887, a fictitious investigation led by the fictional scientists, Albert A. Michelson and Edward W. Morley, intended to prove that the aether did not exist.

The fabricated Morley-Michelson experiment concluded that there was no aether.

It is in the shadow of this false experiment that the false theory of relativity by equally false Einstein, and all current science, rest.

They created a false science with ‘electrons’, quantum mechanics, the quantum field theory, and the theory of relativity.
All the scientists, including Mendeleev, whose names would glamorously fill the history books after our defeat, are false. All the fundamentals of modern technology were reared by the Previous Civilization.

Nothing was invented or discovered in the 19th-20th centuries. Everything already existed in the world empire that I call White Federation.
All cities located at strategic points on Earth — along canals, rivers, seas, lakes and oceans — were Star Fortresses and had electromagnetic energy extracted from the Aether.
We had a Highly Advanced Civilization 100% powered by Water-Aether.

Our body is 70% water. There is also plasma in it.

We are connected to aether through water.

Water is liquid crystal.

Water has memory.