Various commenters #wingnut


Wow, that last paragraph is an incredible example of projection. The ones who want to protect life are the “anti-human” ones?

Abortion sympathizers are woefully unable to see their own delusional and misleading logic. So they need freethinkers like us to enlighten their empty, indoctrinated and close minds.

"anti-human premises" you're the ones doing the killing

Also the “foundational premise” for Planned Parenthood was the eugenics movement. I’m not quite sure there’s anything more immoral and/or anti-human than attempting to control who gets to reproduce.

This is gaslighting. No one believe abortion is the murder of babies? I guess all the prolifers on this board are nobodies.

It seems like this person has guilt. He is the one lying to himself. Not us. We’re telling him the truth he does not want to hear.

It seems like he believes that all pro-lifers are somehow rallied together to tell others that fetuses are humans, but actually none of us believe that and we’re all just lying to cover up uhh,, something.

I still have no clue how such a simple thing as “killing a fetus is wrong” got people so riled up to create actual propaganda on their own…

Because if they had to admit their killings are wrong the weight of the guilt will crush them into oblivion so is just a self-protection technique. "I'm not a killer, I didn't kill my baby I got rid of a clump of cells or a parasite" is a terrible cop out mechanism but they need it badly. The truth will destroy them.

It still amazes me that so many people can all be so clearly wrong. It really makes you realize how effective brainwashing is and shines a light on how tragedies like the holocaust were possible.

These people want the right to kill. The other day I was going back and forth with one and kept mentioning ways to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. That person basically stated that they were unwilling to do anything I suggested. The person also kept using words like patriarchy and misogyny, and saying that it's rape to force a woman to have a child. She also kept blaming men when the sex is consensual. They also keep referring to the fetus as a parasite.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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