Handle this demon like any other demon. Cast him OUT, in the name of Jesus. Go to a THESAURUS and look up DEPRESSION. All the names listed are names of demons. Cast them OUT too.
Wait, if they say that depression is a demon, why the fuck are they sitting in the house being all depressed waiting for the 'rapture' to come?
Or does that only apply to the RR fundies?
"Go to a THESAURUS and look up DEPRESSION. All the names listed are names of demons. Cast them OUT too."
Listen to me in Jesus' name, Basin, Concavity, Dip, Hollow, Pit, Sag, Sink, Sinkhole, Recession, and Slump! I cast thee out!
Damn, they're still there. That is some satanic print Roget is using. Just a sec, i'll get a priest to bless this bottle of Tip-ex. The power of Christ compels you! The power of Christ compels you!
It worked! I prayed in Jesus's name and the demons vanished before my very eyes!
Main Entry: depression
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: An area sunk below its surroundings.
Synonyms: basin, concavity, dip, hollow, pit, sag, sink, sinkhole
Source: Roget's II: The New Thesaurus, Third Edition
Main Entry: depression
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: A period of decreased business activity and high unemployment.
Synonyms: recession, slump
Source: Roget's II: The New Thesaurus, Third Edition
I don't get it. Don't fundies even try to look up facts. It took me about 5 seconds to find an online thesaurus. Or are there demons called basin, concavity, dip, hollow, pit, sag, sink, sinkhole, recession and slump? Doesn't sound very biblical to me.
Damn, Septic Sceptic beat me to the punch line
hollow, dip, dent, impression, dimple, indent, slump, recession, decline, downturn, slide, poverty, unhappiness, despair, sadness, downheartedness, misery, hopelessness, melancholy, dejection, gloominess
That's a lot of them there demons isn't it.
Since when is Depression (or, for that matter, blues, dejection, despondence, despondency, doldrums, dolefulness, downheartedness, dumps, dysphoria, funk, glumness, heavy-heartedness, melancholy, mope, mournfulness, sadness, or unhappiness) a demon?
Thank you, intarwebz!
don't forget pedophilia. i knew a man who molested his 12-year-old stepdaughter. when the girl told on him, the mother told the police to let him go, it was just demons tempting and torturing him, and besides, she was pregnant and she could hardly blame him for getting nooky elsewhere.
i sure hope that's not the kind of love you have in your family, stan and elizabeth madrak.
Paler_face: YES it DOES! Just LOOK at THIS VERY POST and you will SEE it WORKS!
Not convinced? Ah. Back to hypnosis then. Look into my eyes. You are feeling very sleepy. In.. *yawn* a few sec *yawn* nyum nyum nyum *snore*
You use CAPSLOCK more than HARRY POTTER in BOOK FIVE and therefore LADY JAFARIA cannot take you SERIOUSLY.
Actually though Harry just screamed whole sentences in caps, he didn't do this random shit. So maybe that's not a good example...
Some of you commentors aren't familiar with the shit theology that is Demonbuster.
They name their Demons after any definition of anything. Addict, killer, greed, animal, depression,cancer, heart-desease, incest etc. They've created a fucked up religion where demons are constant and specifically directed to inflict humans in one way (of course you can be infected by many at the same time)
They call them out, demand their name (which they can't refuse to give under such a holy presence) then wrestle them down (with Angels helping) and dispel said Demon by saying Jesus a lot
Honest, that's their shit. It better be a parody site
"Go to a THESAURUS and look up DEPRESSION. All the names listed are names of demons. Cast them OUT too."
According to you all the words in the dictionary are also names of demons, and foreign language dictionaries, too. Especially those.
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