Chris/Truth Control #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy

The battle for the Earth and the Galaxy Draconian Controled Orion Groups Vs Benevolent Ets the Andromedans Pleadians Tau Cetians

The Draconian Empire originated on Thuban (Alpha Draconis), and consists mainly of various groups of reptilian and dinosaur-like species, but humanoid worlds have joined, too, some forcefully, some willingly. Its most important members are based in Alpha Draconis, Epsilon Bootes, Zeta II Reticuli, Polaris, Rigel (Orion), Bellatrix (Orion), Betelgeuse (Orion) Capella (Alpha Aurigae), Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.It works closely together with the Orion Empire, with whom it shares a common agenda.The Orion Empire is one of two famous (or infmaous) Empires in our part of the Galaxy, the Draconian Empire being the other. The Orion Empire is more recent than the Draconian Empire. It was established soon after the Vegans engaged in space exploration, and encountered reptilian civilizations with whom they shared a common agenda of colonization, imperialism, and service to self. It consists of a mixture of reptilian and humanoid civilisations. \ the majority of these reptilian civilizations are geneticaly manipulated halfbreeds of the Oriongional Draconian race, whereas most of the humanoid civilizations are of Lyran/Vegan descent. Approximately one in every six worlds in the Orion constellation has a reptilian population. Negative ET manipulators/Orion groups: Gray's, reptilians, insectilians, hybrids,are ruled by the Orion reptilian Queens.The Orion Group is a Draconian controlled and manipulated regressive extraterrestrial political body that is specifically made up of eighteen different star systems within the Orion constellation. Prominent members of this consortium are from Beta, Alpha and Gamma Orionis -- as well as groups who are from Ursa Minor and Ursa Major, who are strongly associated with it. The races consist of a mixture of reptilians, humans, hybrids and other species. The Orion Consortium (consisting of 19 different races from the Constellation of Orion along with the Draconians and Sirian B's) is directly involved with the manipulation of Humanity. Living inside our planet 100 to 200 miles under the surface are 1837 reptilians who have been here a very long time, 17 humans from Sirius B, and 18000 Grey clones inside the Earth and on the moon. Most of the 2000 original Greys are on Phobos, one of the moons of Mars, which is an artificial satellite. There are also around 141 Orion beings inside the Earth from 9 different races. There are a lot of "bad boys" here who have technology thousands of years ahead of us. It is estimated that Grey technology is 2,500 years ahead of us. The Orion Group who control the Greys have technology approximately 3,700 years ahead of us. Nobody really knows how far the Draconians are, because they are incredibly elusive.
The atrocities of the Draco-Orion Empire are known throughout the whole galaxy and has earned itself the title, among many of their Federation enemies, of "The Unholy Six". Devastating battles are waged between the Pleiadeans and Orionites. Whole worlds are devastated. The conflict between the Pleiadeans and the Orionites is now focusing on planet earth - which with its strategic location and resources and central role in galactic history is the KEY to the success or failure of either side

The Sirians, many of whom are descended from refugees from Rigel Orion, begin a long history of interstellar conflict with the Orionites over the disputed sector of space, a star cluster in the immediate vicinity of Sol, containing some 21 life-bearing star systems and 287 inhabited worlds. Draco-Orion backed armada, with battleships upwards of 50 miles long, leaves Sirius-B at sub-light speeds in order to maintain third dimensional integrity [it’s easier to phase-in to other-dimensional realities through exceeding light-speed, than it is to phase-back-in to third dimensional reality from an other-dimensional mode].

Their destination is the SOL system, where they intend to help enforce an electronic New World Order dictatorship that human agents of the Draco-Orion-SiriusB alliance - who are members of international banking fraternities - have been implementing on earth from their bases,

near Gizeh, Egypt

Dulce, New Mexico [controlled by ciakars or winged dracos, white dracos, and green dracos]

Pine Gap, Australia

the German Thule Societies’ M.A.L.T.A. base in the Alsace-Lorraine region of Germany

the ’New Berlin’ base in the New Shwabenland region of Antarctica.

Massive abduction, indoctrination, and implantation programs targeting Earth’s citizens have been carried out through previous decades in order to facilitate the take-over of planet earth and its annexation into the Draconian-Orionite collective.

Massive Andromedan, Pleiadean, Tau Cetian, Procyonese, Arcturian, Ummites, Tau Cetian Sirius A Koldasian and other forces loyal to the United Federation and the non-interventionist directives have established a massive ’blockade’ near the orbital sphere of Neptune in order to prevent this sector including planet Earth from being interfered with by incoming Draconian-backed forces.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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