Pierre-Nicolas Nups #racist dailymail.co.uk

A far-Right election candidate in France is facing prosecution for unveiling an election poster reading: 'Let's give white children a future

The slogan is accompanied by an image of a blond-haired, blue-eyed boy, and is in support of Pierre-Nicolas Nups of the Parti de la France (Party of France)

Pascal Schneider, the mayor of Neuves-Maisons near Nancy and one of the biggest towns in the constituency, said: 'This poster is nothing more or less than a rag that sullies the city, the canton, the entire department

Mr Schneider said he had filed a legal complaint with public prosecutors, claiming the poster whips up racist hate

But Mr Nups, who is standing in the 5th constituency of the eastern Meurthe-et-Moselle department, said in retort: 'I approved this poster. It is neither sectarian nor exclusive

'On the contrary, it delivers a positive message, a message of hope for our youth, and nothing else. And if anyone sees anything else in it, it would be a malicious interpretation'[…]
The Parti de la France is an offshoot of the Front National, founded by supporters of Jean Marie Le Pen, but candidates such as Mr Schneider are not being endorsed by the RN

[Below is the poster depicting a blond white boy with the slogan “LEt’s give white whilcren a future”]



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