various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @USCenturion )
Friendly Advice for White people:

Don't sign up to be a cop or the join the military.

( @Integra_truthity99 )
@USCenturion That's not the answer, if We are not represented, we will be wiped out by non whites in these two category's.

( @johngraham365 )
@Integra_truthity99 @USCenturion we will be anyway.....where the hell you been........remember randy weaver

( @WyattPryde )
@USCenturion we need white men with a moral racially driven mindset in these places. Forfeiting them to the enemy is admitted defeat.

( @Tertul )
@WyattPryde @USCenturion Whites should avoid being cops in Democrat-controlled cities. Whites have already lost there. Let the Dems rot in their sewage.

Whites should stop giving money to charities and churches that use the money in Democrat-controlled cities. If Christians weren't such demonic dumbshits, they'd insist all their tithes be used only on their church and its members. As it is, they're buying the rope that is being used to hang them, all in a futile effort to get others to like them.

( @FavoriteCaviar )
@USCenturion Top advice. Don't put your lives at risk for this country White people. Look out for your fellow White people. Marry young, learn a trade,
start a family and have many White children.

( @Titus70 )
@USCenturion Infiltrating law enforcement is still probably worth the risk. You're more likely to die in a car accident on the job than you are to be Chauvined, and cops can still exercise a lot of influence in the lives of citizens, especially if they're crafty.

Joining the America military is a complete waste of time unless your greatest ambition is to work with some of the cool tech.

Cops can quit. Cops get to go home to their families at the end of their shift. War slaves for ZOG can't.

( @EmmeeS )
@USCenturion eh, I don’t know if I agree with the cop thing. Sign up to be a cop in a White area, to protect White people.

I don’t want police at all. But I’d prefer to have White cops if we don’t get rid of them.

( @RightWingNutSquads )
@USCenturion cops suck as is, but I definitely don’t want them all being imported niggers and narcos. It will be a mass execution of White people every day



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