David J. Stewart #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot stewart1611.blogspot.com

The New World Order was hidden for thousands of years from mankind, but today is being revealed. That is why we see the All Seeing Eye, The Great Pyramid, and Obelisks, being promoted around the world. Occultists call this the "Externalisation Of The Hierarchy, which I have written about.

That simply means that the Devil decided it was time to reveal his plans to the world. Occultist Alice Bailey wrote much about this. It was in the 1970's that we really started seeing occult symbols highly promoted in the media, but occult symbols go back to the beginning of human civilization. Many occult symbols were displayed in ancient Egypt.

As we see, occultists had diabolical plans for our nation from the very start. Notice that the capstone of the pyramid is detached from the base of the pyramid. I think that represents the unfinished tower of Babel. Satan's sinister plot was foiled by God, put on hold until a future date. I believe that Luciferian plot resumed in the 18th century, and has developed slowly to what it is today, a New World Order, being led by the United States of America. Eventually, the Antichrist will be the fulfillment of all these occult (meaning "hidden") symbols. Lucifer has tried to unite mankind against God since the very beginning, which we see at the tower and city of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9). The picture below is 'The Great Seal,' developed in 1782 by Freemasons to represent the United States.

Look at this picture of occult signs in the media...

They are all displaying the All Seeing Eye, or the classic 666 hand sign (i.e., the okay sign), which forms three 6's. Why are they all doing this? It is because this is what they have been trained to do by Satanists who control the music, entertainment and Hollywood industry. I was shocked when I saw what they paid Taylor Swift to do. This is what Satanists are promoting to our impressionable children.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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